Fun Eurasian Wolf Facts For Kids

Oluwatosin Michael
Oct 20, 2022 By Oluwatosin Michael
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Eurasian Wolf is a pack animal

Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus lupus), also known as the common wolf or European wolf is a subspecies of the widely found grey wolf in the Europe, is one of the most popular animals found in Europe.

Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus lupus), which are the Canidae family members, look a lot like a dog, but they can't be misunderstood as the same. Dogs are friendly to humans, but a wolf is not very fond of humans.

Eurasian wolves are beautiful wolf subspecies full of interesting facts, and that's why it becomes more intriguing to know more about them.

Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus lupus) move around in packs, hunting small and medium sized animals. Eurasian wolf is a grey wolf subspecies much like a Scandinavian wolf.

When you compare a Eurasian wolf vs North American wolf, you will not find a lot of differences between the two. Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus lupus) can be found across the European region but primarily in western Europe. The history of these animals are present in various European and Indo-European languages.

Let’s have a look at these interesting facts about the Eurasian Wolf. After reading the Eurasian Wolf facts for kids, you may also look at Kunming Wolfdog facts and Miniature Husky facts.

Eurasian Wolf Interesting Facts

What type of animal is an Eurasian wolf?

Eurasian wolf (CanisLupusLupus) is a wolf that is wild doglike carnivore. They are non-domestic and dangerous members of the Canidae family.

What class of animal does a Eurasian wolf belong to?

Eurasian wolf (Canislupuslupus) comes under the mammal class. This breed is a gray wolf subspecies of Europe and can be found across various regions of Western Europe.

How many Eurasian wolves are there in the world?

There are approximately more than 1,50,000 Eurasian wolves in the world. The population of Eurasian wolf (Canislupuslupus) is either stable or increasing in most of the regions.

Where does an Eurasian wolf live?

The Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus lupus) lives in the tundra, taiga, plains, scrublands, mountains region of Europe and parts of Asia. The number of wolves in a pack can vary significantly depending on a number of factors.

What is an Eurasian wolf's habitat?

The Eurasian wolf (CanisLupusLupus) populations are concentrated in and around remote areas of forests, tundra, scrublands, and mountains of Western Europe and parts of Asia.

Who do Eurasian wolves live with?

Eurasian wolves live in packs across various regions of Europe. A pack refers to a group of wolves. All the wolves in a pack are like family members and hunt other animals in their region. The packs are very territorial and are aggressive towards the intruders.

How long does an Eurasian wolf live?

A Eurasian wolf's average lifespan is six to eight years, but some wolves can live up to 13-17 years depending on the region they reside in.

How do they reproduce?

Eurasian wolves reproduce by using the sexual mode of reproduction. The wolves live in packs, and the male and female wolves of the packmate produce and give birth to the new offspring. They take care of this offspring through their pack, which helps them as they grow up

What is their conservation status?

The European wolf population has decreased over the years, but the species is not endangered as through relevant efforts, the Eurasian wolf population is now stable. So, the conservation status of Eurasian wolves is not of any concerns as the population of this subspecies is steady.

Eurasian Wolf Fun facts

What do Eurasian wolves look like?

The middle Russian Forest wolf, or a Eurasian wolf, is one of the most prominent wolf subspecies, and also, it is an enormous wolf found outside Northern America. The physical description of this beautiful wolf resembles a similar appearance to its American species, but the lean body makes this wolf look different from the American wolves.

Eurasian wolves are a bit similar than North American Wolves. The Eurasian wolves have denser and shorter hair than the North American ones. The colors of their coat can be white, cream, red, grey, and black.

How cute are they?

A Eurasian wolf is a beautiful species of wolf especially a grey wolf. These wolves have a fascinating appearance almost similar to that of a german shepherd dog. And just like a dog, a Eurasian wolf also looks cute.

How do they communicate?

To communicate, wolves growl, bark, howl, and whimper. It is a well known fact that all the wolves make loud howls when they want to communicate or locate their pack.

How big is a Eurasian wolf?

The Eurasian wolf or a common wolf is about 85 cm tall and 105-160 cm long, which means that a Eurasian wolf is ten times bigger than many small breed dogs. The shoulder height can reach up to 80 cm, making it a formidable beast in Western Europe.

How fast can a Eurasian wolf run?

Wolves are fast-moving creatures and can run at a speed of 36-38 mph.

How much does a Eurasian wolf weigh?

Eurasian wolves' average weight is 71–110 lb (32–50 kg), and the maximum weight is 152–176 lb (69–80 kg).

What are their male and female names of the species?

There are no special names for the male and female wolves, but a male wolf can be referred to as male wolf or he wolf, and a female wolf can be referred to as a female wolf or she wolf. In general language, they are known as the common wolf.

What would you call a baby Eurasian Wolf?

Baby wolves are called pups.

What do they eat?

Eurasian wolves are carnivores, and they eat small and medium animals such as wild boar, red deer, frogs, hares, saiga.

Are they dangerous?

Yes, wolves are dangerous. But if they are living in forests, then they can't pose any threat to humans. Wolves do not like to come in contact with humans, so they generally reside in remote areas.

Would they make a good pet?

Wolves are usually not very fond of human touch. They try to avoid making any contact with humans. Moreover, they can be dangerous as well. So, it can't be said that they will make a good pet, they could pose a threat to humans.  

Did you know...

This might sound strange, but yes, according to Eurasian wolf facts for kids, a number of wolves can sometimes kill their pack members. This is not a very common fact, but if they get aggressive, they might behave violently and kill their fellow pack member.

Wolves are strong animals, and they can defend themselves pretty well against many animals and predators. A single lion and wolf are almost equally capable of defending themselves. But a wolf can’t be as strong as an African lion or similar species. A wolf is strong enough to defend itself but not strong enough to kill a lion.

The largest ever gray wolf found was in Romania, although it was sadly killed.

Wolves In Different Regions

Eurasian wolves and North American wolves look similar to each other, but these two species have some significant differences between them. North American and Eurasian wolves are different in color. Eurasian wolves are generally dark grey, while the North American wolves have different color variations.

North American wolves always avoid humans, but the Eurasian wolves do not have any problem living near people, they just won't go too near them! North American wolves are less hunted by human beings, while the European wolves are more involved in human hunting.

North American wolves have the following species: Arctic wolves, Northwestern wolves, Great Plains wolves, Mexican wolves, Eastern timber wolves, and Red wolves.

Are The Eurasian Wolves Endangered?

The wolf populations are currently not endangered, but these Eurasian wolves used to reside in many other parts of Europe earlier. Now, the parts of Europe in which they can be found have decreased but their population has been saved from becoming endangered.

Currently, there are approximately 150,000 Eurasian wolves in the world. The Eurasian wolf population is stable now and increasing gradually as they avoid dangerous things and stay away from human beings.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including German shepherd Doberman mix, or gray wolf.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our Eurasian Wolf coloring pages.

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Written by Oluwatosin Michael

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

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Oluwatosin MichaelBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology

With a Bachelor's in Microbiology from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Oluwatosin has honed his skills as an SEO content writer, editor, and growth manager. He has written articles, conducted extensive research, and optimized content for search engines. His expertise extends to leading link-building efforts and revising onboarding strategies. 

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