Originally the golden trout was originally classified as a subspecies of the salmon, with the name Salmo mykiss aguabonita, although now its classification has changed. This trout belongs to a subspecies known as the red band trouts.
In 1892 the California golden trout was first classified by David Starr Jordan, the first President of Stanford University, as Salmo mykiss aguabonita.
The fish was named after the Agua Bonita Waterfalls, in which the first specimens were first sighted. The falls are around the mouth of Volcano Creek, at the Creek's confluence with the Kern River. A century later, they were indexed as Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita.
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Golden Trout Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a golden trout?
The golden trout, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, is a native species of trout from North California.
What class of animal does a golden trout belong to?
The golden trout (Oncorhynchus aguabonita) belongs to the Actinopterygii class of animals.
How many golden trout are there in the world?
An estimated 40,000 native California golden trout live in Golden Trout Creek and the South Fork Kern River. At present, just 400-2,600 California golden trout live in their native habitat. Their population is very low, and their populations continue to decline.
Where does a golden trout live?
This game fish is found living in the Sierra Nevada, Kern River, Golden Trout Creek, and its tributaries. It has also been found in masses in lakes and streams out of the native range, even though a maximum of those populations now no longer remain or have hybridized with cutthroat trout and different subspecies of rainbow trout.
What is a golden trout habitat?
These lovely game fish species are found in their habitat in rivers, lakes, and streams at a high altitude of approximately 7000-12000 ft (2-3.6 km). The water is clear, cold, and carries little weed growth, which is most beneficial for golden trout populations. Little Kern River and Golden Trout Creek provide this type of water and high altitude.
Who does golden trout live with?
The golden trout can be found cruising in the shallow depths of rivers, streams, and lakes in search of food. They are commonly found traveling in groups, even though larger fish may also travel alone and in water that is quite deep.
How long does a golden trout live?
Native California golden trout adults can reach up to nine years of age in streams and lakes. They reach the age of maturity after about two or three years. This species of fish lives for more years if they are kept in a steady environment rather than a stream or lake and this may also increase their population.
How do they reproduce?
The native California golden trout spawns in the spring or early summer, and after a long search for an appropriate site in a stream, the female digs numerous nests and lays eggs in them. The eggs generally hatch in a few weeks.
These fish prefer to lay spawns in the Kern River rather than others because it is at a high altitude and above sea level, which is its required habitat.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of the native California golden trout is categorized as Critically Endangered by the IUCN.
Golden Trout Fun Facts
What do golden trout look like?

The golden trout was first sighted in 1955 when a DNR Fisheries biologist observed a bright yellow fish swimming with rainbow trout in the Petersburg Hatchery. Golden trouts have golden flanks with red tints, horizontal bands alongside the lateral lines on every side, and approximately ten dark, vertical, oval marks, known as parr marks.
Their dorsal fins have white main edges. The golden trout is exceptionally different from other species like that the named golden rainbow trout.
Additionally, the golden trout is sometimes referred to as the Palomino trout.
The golden rainbow is a color variation of the rainbow trout. Pectoral, anal and pelvic fins are of orange color with white tips on the end of black traces.
Their dorsal fin has a white to orange tip. The golden trout became determined in 1955 when a DNR fisheries biologist observed a yellow-colored fish swimming with the rainbow trout in the Petersburg Hatchery.
How cute are they?
Wherever individual fish, mammals, and insects present with their own beautiful and unique expression, these particular fish, the golden trout, are more mesmerizing than most! With their tri-tone scales, each color being more beautiful than the next, they are truly the sight to behold!
They are quite cute, and the bright golden color makes them appear mesmerizing. These fish are also definitely much more a sight to behold than their stream-dwelling relatives of the species like the rainbow trout.
How do they communicate?
These bright fish communicate with each other using gestures and motions. These fish make a gesture in the clear stream, and other fish understand it.
How big is a golden trout?
The California golden trout, from the family Salmonidae, is a small fish. They can have a growth of up to 6-15 in (15.24-38.1 cm) in length dwelling in freshwater. The biggest golden trout caught by anglers while fishing was 24 in (60.96) long. Thus, they are 10 times bigger than the Ember Tetra in length.
How fast can a golden trout swim?
There is no specific estimate on how fast they can swim.
How much does a golden trout weigh?
The California golden trout weight can reach up to 0.5-1.25 lb (0.22-0.56 kg). The biggest golden trout caught by anglers while fishing was 11 lb (4.98 kg).
What are the male and female names of the species?
There are no different male and female names of this species.
What would you call a baby golden trout?
There is no specific name given to the baby golden trout.
What do they eat?
The diet of this fish includes aquatic insects, small crustaceans, and other related insects that they can find in the wild.
Are they dangerous?
These fish pose no threat to humans at all.
Would they make a good pet?
No, these fish are not allowed to be kept as pets as they are critically endangered and rare to catch. Also, it will be a punishable offense. Fishing is also not allowed for these fish.
Did you know...
If you're seeking out a fish you can eat, go hook a few Brook trout instead. Brook trout are normally located within the identical waters as golden trout. However, they aren't nearly as rare. Most agree they have a stronger flavor too.
The golden trout is great for eating and tastes delicious! It is important because it plays a great role in ensuring the balance in biodiversity.
They had been designated as the official national fish of California in 1947, in popularity with their amazing beauty and due to the fact they're native only to California
The Paiute cutthroat is believed to be the rarest trout in the world and had almost become extinct as early as it was discovered.
Which is better, trout or salmon?
Trout helps to strengthen the bones, while salmon contributes to a good immune system and good vision. Both of them are equally valuable.
Is trout a freshwater fish?
Trouts are small size species of freshwater fish that belong to the genera Oncorhynchus, Salvelinus, and Salmo, all the subfamily Salmoninae of the family Salmonidae.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other fishes from our bowmouth guitarfish facts and red snapper facts pages.
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