There are a total of 350 species of parrots in the world. The red-rump parakeet is one among the same family. They have relatively harsh sounds as compared to other species of parrots. They are entertaining and amazing pet species and best kept in pairs per cage more than that can cause these species to fight among themselves.
Red-rump parrots (Psephotus haematonotus) don't really imitate human speech but are interactive beings. They don't like being kept in extreme climates and best survive in regions away from the sunlight.
Red-rump parrots (Psephotus haematonotus) are herbivores and love to feed on seeds and millets and also enjoy bathing in the sand as well as water. Red-rump parakeets are a popular choice for pet owners who own birds as pets and bird lovers.
They don't cause any destruction as such and communicate via soft calls. For more relatable content, check out these toco-toucan facts and hyacinth macaw facts as well.
Red-Rumped Parrot Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a red-rumped parrot?
Red-rump parakeets are a type of parrot species that belongs to the kingdom Animalia and the order Psittaciformes.
What class of animal does a red-rumped parrot belong to?
Red-rump parakeets are a type of bird that belongs to the Aves class, family Psittaculidae, and genus Psephotus.
How many red-rumped parrots are there in the world?
Red-rump parakeet's exact number is not evaluated they are classified as a species of Least Concern and endemic to south-eastern Australia, particularly in the Murray-Darling Basin.
Where does a red-rumped parrot live?
Red-rump parakeets, Psephotus haematonotus, live in woods, farmlands, in a house as a pet in a cage or aviary, and in suburban parks. The red-rump is a species endemic to southeastern Australia, particularly in the Murray-Darling Basin. They are also seen in parts of New South Wales.
What is a red-rumped parrot's habitat?
The red-rump parakeet's habitat constitutes open grasslands, woodlands, and open farmlands. They can also be found in suburban parks, and in a nest box placed for birds with seeds in southeastern Australia. In most instances, males are adopted owing to their bright colors and patterns.
Who do red-rumped parrots live with?
Red-rumped parrots live on their own but it's best to keep them with one mate in a pair. More than one too can cause a ruckus. Hence nothing more, nothing less.
How long does a red-rumped parrot live?
The red-rump parakeet's average lifespan is 12 years in captivity. In the wild, they might live longer or shorter lives depending on various factors. They are healthy beings mostly however, they are prone to develop various infections like respiratory problems, plucking feathers, eye infections as well as Pacheco's disease. Some species have been recorded to live for 15-32 years.
How do they reproduce?
Red-rump parakeet breeding pairs mate for life. Males and females are different in coloration. Red-rumped parrot's breeding season begins in August to January.
The females decide on the nesting sites and prepare the same through the breeding season. After mating, the female red rumps lay four to six eggs in the nest. All the care is provided by females and not males. Male red rumps are mostly don't take care of the young ones.
In the wild, the young too are prone to attack. If a pair is kept together as pets and they lay eggs you could keep them in a nest box. Building nest boxes is simple as long as you consult a professional.
What is their conservation status?
Red-rump parakeet's conservation status is classified as of Least Concern by the International Union For Conservation Of Nature (IUCN).
Red-Rumped Parrot Fun Facts
What do red-rumped Parrots look like?

Red-rumped parrots are colorful species of birds that are popular species of pet birds. Males are bright green i.e.
emerald green on their upper back and females are olive-green to light green in color with faint yellow or light green scales. The green is prominent in and is the green is also a means to identify the gender of the bird.
They have red rumps which are mostly brick red and green plumage. The facial features are similar to other species of parrots and have a dark-colored beak and eyes. These red rumps have dark-colored feet as fell which they use to get from one place to another.
They have beautiful wide wings which have blue highlights on the upper back. The red patch on them is a unique distinguishing feature.
How cute are they?
Red-rumps are extremely beautiful and cute to look at. They don't imitate human speech but are loud enough and observant of most things. They are playful beings and enjoy toys as well.
How do they communicate?
They have soft calls which are in most instances considered songs. They also produce whistling and trilling sounds when perched. They also chatter shrilly sounds while defending their region or territory. One such sound is the 'chillip chee'.
How big is a red-rumped parrot?
A red-rumped parrot is 10.5 in (27 cm) in length which is two times bigger than the Senegal parrot which is 9 in (23 cm). The red-backed parrot and the Senegal parrot are popular bird species.
How fast can a red-rumped parrot fly?
A red-rumped parrot has a relatively good speed at flying. They will usually be seen traveling together in flocks.
How much does a red-rumped parrot weigh?
Red-rumped parrots weigh 1.9-3 oz (55-85 g). The heaviest species of parrots is the fawn kakapo also referred to as an owl parrot.
What are the male and female names of the species?
Male parrots are called cocks and females are called hens. In the case of these species, the male is more brightly colored as compared to the female, similar to the case of the peacock.
What would you call a baby red-rumped parrot?
A baby red-rumped parrot is called a chick once they hatch from their eggs. When born the young birds are born without feathers and are solely dependant on their mother.
What do they eat?
They consume a herbivorous diet. The red-rumped parrot's diet consists of green beans, mixed canary seeds, sunflower seeds fruits, and veggies. They also need proper access to water at all times apart from regular food. Feeding them by hand is not such a good choice it's best to just keep food in containers or small bowls near them.
Are they poisonous?
No, these species of birds are not poisonous, however, wild species of these birds are known to be quick to attack if approached hence it best to maintain a safe distance. Species in the wild in most instances would just fly away if they sense any predator or danger.
Pet birds, however, need to be trained to be sociable around people.
Would they make a good pet?
The red-rumped parrot pet is a constant and wonderful companion and can be noisy however, they don't cause destruction of any kind. These pets need a proper place to feed as well as constant access to water at all times.
Red-rumped parrot raising is easy as long as they are taken care of properly. Timely health checkups with the vet are advised for optimum care for a red-rumped parrot to keep it healthy and happy.
Please check your local laws and regulations about owning any animal as a pet.
Did you know...
The whopper is the biggest parrot species and the buff-faced pygmy parrot is the smallest in size. Not all species of parrots can fly, only some species can.
Very few species are capable of eating with their feet and parrots are one such species. Their feet enable them to pick food easily primarily due to the way it's structured to facilitate grip and ease of movement.
The Pesquets-parrot is one species that can be found only in New Guinea. Species like the Carolina parakeet and others have been declared extinct, and others like the thick-billed parrot have been declared endangered.
Are red-rumped parrots endangered?
Red-rumped parrots are not endangered but these species are seldom seen in regions not native to the species. They are common bird species. They are are victims of multiple sicknesses as discussed in the earlier sections hence regular red-rumped parrot care needs to be provided if they are kept as pets.
Why are they also called red-backed and grass parrots?
Red-backed parrots are known as grass parrot primarily due to their appearance which resembles the light green grass which naturally helps them blend in well with nature and stay protect themselves from attack by possible predators. They are also herbivores and feed on lots of greens.
Not just greens they can also feed on certain kinds of grass as well hence the name grass parrot. If you ever come across these species don't forget to spot the red patch and bright green color. Did you know that the only surviving parrot species native to North America is the thick-billed parrot?
How many kinds of parrots have you come across? Do share your experience with your friends and family.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds including palm-warbler facts and Amazon parrot facts.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable red-rumped parrot coloring pages.