Fun Redwing Facts For Kids

Sonali Rawat
May 09, 2023 By Sonali Rawat
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
Fact-checked by Shray Sharma
Discover interesting redwing facts.

The redwing bird is a species of thrush with a varied distribution and is mainly found throughout Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East, Iceland, Scotland, Russia, and northern Asia.

These birds are smaller than their relative, the song thrush, and have a wingspan of about 12.9-13.5 in (33–34.5 cm). Redwings travel in flocks of 10 to 200 birds and can also feed together with other birds like common blackbirds, starlings, song thrushes, and mistle thrushes.

During the breeding season, they build nests in shrubs or on the ground and lay four to six eggs.

Redwings have brown plumage on their upper side and cream feathers on the underside with brown spotting. The underside of the wing is red and is even visible on the edges when these birds are not in flight.

Redwings eat insects, worms, and snails for food. In autumn or winter, they can also feed on berries and other small fruits. Redwings live in forests, orchards, gardens, meadows, and tundra regions.

If you enjoyed reading about this bird, try checking out our articles on bee-eater and sociable weaver.

Redwing Interesting Facts

What type of animal is redwing?

The redwing is a species of thrush located throughout the United Kingdom in winter, in parts of northern Africa, America, and Asia.

What class of animal does a redwing belong to?

The redwing belongs to the class of birds from the Turdidae family. Their scientific name is Turdus iliacus and they are related to the song thrush.

How many redwings are there in the world?

There are about 26 to 40 million redwing birds all around Europe. The population of this bird in the whole world is estimated to be 98 to 151 million breeding individuals.

Unfortunately in the past decade, the population has fallen by 30% and has put this bird in a Near Threatened zone. Most birds can die before they reach breeding age, or in some cases, the process of breeding can be unsuccessful due to weather conditions.

Where does Redwing live?

The distribution of redwings is a little varied because they are found in different places depending upon the time of the year. They are found throughout Europe, including the Middle East, parts of Africa Iceland, Russia, Scotland, and Asia. They can live in urban gardens, wild forests, or woodlands. They migrate in the winter in search of more food.

What is a redwing's habitat?

Redwing birds have a varied habitat and are most commonly seen in woodlands, forests, grasslands, meadows, tundra, and, north taiga regions. They are very versatile and can also adapt to urban settings like cities or gardens. Redwings can also be found in farms, woodlands, pine forests, orchards, and birch forests.

Who do Redwings live with?

Redwings are social birds and are often spotted in flocks of 10 to 200 other thrushes of their species. They can be seen nesting together in the breeding season.

How long does Redwing live?

The average lifespan of redwing (Turdus iliacus) is about one and a half to two years.

How do they reproduce?

Redwing bird behavior during reproduction is quite similar to most birds. They are known to build their nests in the comfort of shrubs or bushes.

Nests are built out of grasses, twigs, and feathers. After mating, females give birth to about four to six eggs and incubate them. While males do not incubate, they are seen close by and often hunt food for the young ones.

Eggs of this bird will hatch in 11 to 16 days and chicks become fledglings in 10 to 15  days. The redwing bird family will migrate only after the babies can fly.

What is their conservation status?

The population of redwing birds has dropped by 30% in recent years and they have been registered as a Near Threatened species by IUCN Red List. The major reason for their decline is severe winter seasons, which make it difficult for the chicks to survive, and wet summer seasons, which decrease the chances of successful breeding.

Redwing Fun Facts

What do redwings look like?

Redwing birds are often said to be similar to the song thrush. The main difference between them is the red undersides of the wings of Redwing.

They have brown plumage on the upper side and cream-shaded undersides with brown spotting. When their wings are closed, a slight red coloring is visible on the edges. This bird also has a distinct feature used for identification which is a broad white strip on the top of its eye.

How cute are they?

Redwings are very small and have an interesting color pattern, especially the dazzling red on the underside of their wings. They look very cute and can be spotted in various parts of the world.

How do they communicate?

Redwings can communicate using a call or song in a high-pitched voice, especially when flying in flocks. They can also use visual and body language to communicate. The redwing bird song is often used while migration.

How big is Redwing?

The average height of a redwing is 7.8-9.4 in (20–24 cm) and the wingspan can measure up to 12.9-13.5 in (33–34.5 cm). They can be twice the size of an average hummingbird.

How fast can a redwing move?

Like most thrushes, redwing can fly at about 15-27 mph (24-43.4 kph).

How much does a redwing weigh?

The average weight of redwing is about 1.7-2.6 oz (50–75 g).

What are the male and female names of the species?

There are no specific names for the different genders of this bird.

What would you call a baby redwing?

A baby redwing is called a chick or a fledgling.

What do they eat?

Redwings are omnivores and can eat both animals and plants. They are known to hunt insects like earthworms, slugs, and snails. In autumn and winter, they feed on berries and other small fruits. The main predators of these birds are chipmunks, raccoons, black rat snakes, white-footed mice, and sharp-shinned hawks.

Are they poisonous?

Redwing is not a poisonous bird and is mostly harmless to humans. On the other hand, the population of this bird has been affected due to human activities that have caused global warming and climate change.

Would they make a good pet?

The redwing is a free bird and should not be taken in as a pet. It belongs to the sky and in some places, it may even be illegal to own it as the population of this bird is threatened. They are also known to migrate during winter and it may not be a good idea to cage them.

Did you know...

Redwings are migratory birds and will move mostly during autumn, early winter, and spring. This bird will visit Europe, northwest Africa, and southwest Asia during the winter season. Their migration is mainly due to food scarcity and is not that regular. Redwings that visit Britain often come from Iceland or Scandinavia.

How far can they fly?

Redwings can fly a distance of 4038-4349 miles (6,500–7,000 km) in flight during migration.

Are they predators?

Redwing birds are known to eat insects like earthworms, snails, slugs, and spiders.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds including the toco toucan and umbrellabird.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Redwing bird coloring pages.

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Written by Sonali Rawat

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature, Masters of Art specializing in English and Communication Skills

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Sonali RawatBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature, Masters of Art specializing in English and Communication Skills

Sonali has a Bachelor's degree in English literature from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University and is currently pursuing a Master's in English and Communication from Christ University. With considerable experience in writing about lifestyle topics, including travel and health, she has a passion for Japanese culture, especially fashion, and anime, and has written on the subject before. Sonali has event managed a creative-writing festival and coordinated a student magazine at her university. Her favorite authors are Toni Morrison and Anita Desai.

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Fact-checked by Shray Sharma

Bachelor of Technology specializing in Computer Science Engineering

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Shray SharmaBachelor of Technology specializing in Computer Science Engineering

As an aspiring web and app developer, Shray has a passion for working with promising startups. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Maharaja Surajmal Institute Of Technology while gaining experience in digital marketing. Shray has already earned a Google Analytics Certification and is well-equipped to handle analytics and data management tasks. He has also served as a marketing manager at Parallax Virtual Arts, where he oversaw the company's social media, content, and SEO strategies. Shray's goal is to create engaging content that resonates with audiences and offers valuable insights.

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