Slender giant moray (Strophidon sathete), also known as Gangetic moray, is known to be the longest species in the family of moray eels. These brownish-gray long moray eels are found in the Indo-Pacific, the Red Sea, and East Africa to the western Pacific.
Slender giant morays, or Gangetic moray, are associated with muddy environments of marine waters, inner bays, and rivers. The slender giant moray eel generally lives in the estuarine areas, as they are the longest member of the family and of their genus Strop of the order, Anguilliformes.
The slender giant moray is often compared with the giant moray.
The major difference between these two is the slender giant moray is the longest member of the Muraenidae family, while the giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus) is the heaviest in total mass in their entire family. The giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus) is the largest moray eel on record.
All the moray eels' 220 species are exclusively confined to saltwater or shallow water lakes, oceans, marine areas, and inner bays. Slender giant moray or Gangetic moray (Strophidon sathete) are introduced as food fish and are predators of various octopuses, squid, and fishes.
The slender giant moray is found at a depth of 49 ft (15 m) and has an elongated eel body that is tapered at the tails. These eels are assumed to be very shy creatures and are not friendly.
Therefore, they are elusive, and the slender giant moray is found in deep coral reefs of the Indo-West Pacific Ocean. That is why a lot of information about their population is unknown.
If you are fascinated by the slender giant moray, then you may want to read the following amazing facts associated with this species family in marine biology. For more relatable content, check out these conger eel facts and African lungfish facts for kids.
Slender Giant Moray Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a slender giant moray?
The slender giant moray eel is a type of fish that is a member of the family Muraenidae, of the order Anguilliformes. They are sometimes confused with the giant moray (Gymnothorax javanicus).
What class of animal does a slender giant moray belong to?
Slender giant moray or Gangetic moray (Strophidon sathete) belongs to the class of Actinopterygii.
How many slender giant morays are there in the world?
These eel species are widespread and are easily seen in deep waters. The slender giant moray is mostly confined to its distribution and habitat. However, their exact population has not been evaluated.
Where does a slender giant moray live?
Slender giant moray (Strophidon sathete) lives in the water, including various estuarine habitats and reefs. Slender giant morays generally live in the Red Sea and East Africa to the western Pacific and North Pacific ocean and the Indo Pacific.
What is a slender giant moray's habitat?
The slender giant moray (Strophidon sathete) of the genus Strophidon prefers muddy environments of marine realms, reefs, and estuarine areas, including inner bays and rivers.
Who do slender giant morays live with?
Slender giant moray (Strophidon sathete) are found at great depths at muddy seabeds, almost 49 ft (15 m) below sea level. Hence, there is very little information on their behavior. However, as these eel species are shy, it is assumed that these species are mostly solitary in nature.
How long does a slender giant moray live?
Moray eels have a decent life expectancy that may range between 10-40 years. However, as slender giant morays are food for sharks and barracudas, these fish species might not complete their complete lifespan.
How do they reproduce?
Slender giant moray (Strophidon sathete) are oviparous eels, and the females lay the eggs, which are further fertilized by the sperm of the male. Thus, spawning takes place, followed by the fertilization that occurs outside the womb of the females.
What is their conservation status?
Slender giant moray (Strophidon sathete) is not yet individually evaluated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and is not mentioned in the International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN list.
Slender Giant Moray Fun Facts
What do slender giant morays look like?

*Please note the main image and this image are of a giant moray that belongs to the same family as the slender giant moray. If you have an image of a slender giant moray please let us know at
The slender giant moray has brownish-gray coloration on its dorsal side and an elongated cylindrical body that gets lighter and narrower towards the tail. They have small eyes and jaws with sharp biserial teeth that are enlarged and distinct. The teeth on the front row are comparatively larger than the inner ones.
They are observed to have a steep profile with a not so distinctive trunk. The slender giant moray (Strophidon sathete) has dorsal fins before the opening of a gill. Moreover, these fish species do not have scales.
How cute are they?
Slender giant morays (Strophidon sathete) are not attractive with their physical characteristics and are considered scary because of their sharp teeth. These eels may be cute to some, but a vast majority will consider them to be a bit terrifying.
How do they communicate?
The slender giant moray is generally observed to be solitary; however, a little communication occurs through chemical channels.
How big is a slender giant moray?
Slender giant moray (Strophidon sathete) is the longest moray eel member in the family. They can grow as long as 157.5 in (4 m) in length. The slender giant moray is around 0.5 times bigger than the giant moray.
How fast can a slender giant moray swim?
The slender giant moray is very swift and rapid in its movement; however, its swimming speed has not been evaluated yet.
How much does a slender giant moray weigh?
Slender giant morays' weight lies somewhere around the range of 30-60 lb (13.6-27.2 kg).
What are the male and female names of the species?
There are no sex-specific names for slender giant morays.
What would you call a baby slender giant moray?
A baby slender giant moray is called an elver.
What do they eat?
Slender giant moray feeds on fish, crustaceans, octopuses, and squid. The slender giant moray is a carnivore and is excellent at preying.
Are they poisonous?
While the giant moray is, by some reports, poisonous, the slender giant moray has not been reported for the same. However, they can be dangerous as well. A slender giant moray's bite is considered to be a danger to humans.
However, they generally bite only when startled or to defend themselves. In addition to that, moray eels are a very vicious species of marine life, and these eels generally live in the ocean and reef. However, there has been no case reported of any fatalities.
Would they make a good pet?
No, these eels of the genus Strophidon would not make a good pet as they are habituated to the marine and coral habitats of the wild. Moreover, they are not friendly; rather, they are shy and solitary, so they prefer isolation.
Did you know...
The slender giant moray is nocturnal, which means they are primarily active during the night.
These species always have their mouths open to breathe. The slender giant moray has gills that are small and spherical, being situated on its flanks which are on the backside of its mouth. This is the major reason why their mouth is always open.
What is unusual about a slender giant moray?
Slender giant moray stands straight up and goes down with their heads being invisible. This is because the heads are below the surface of the water. In a nutshell, they stand and dive with every upcoming rising and falling tide.
How did slender giant morays get their name?
The slender giant moray is called so because of its narrow and thin cylindrical body. Moreover, the slender giant moray (Strophidon sathete) is the longest member of the family. Collectively, these reasons, when summed up, make up the name of these Strophidon genus eels perfectly.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other fish from our moray eel facts and longnose gar facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Slender giant moray coloring pages.