Fun Swamp Rabbit Facts For Kids

Christian Mba
Mar 28, 2025 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Joan Agie
Fact-checked by Anusuya Mukherjee
A swamp rabbit (Sylvilagus aquaticus) sitting on a leaf-littered forest floor with green vegetation around, appearing alert and cautious.

Swamp rabbits are amazing creatures that live in the wetlands of the Southeastern United States and are known for their love for water. These rabbits have a rusty or dark brown coat that helps them blend into their habitat, like tall grass and tree bark, while they bite on their preferred foods.

During the breeding season, swamp rabbits can produce two to three litters, with a gestation period that's short and sweet! They are known for their big hind feet and even bigger leaps, which makes them the largest member of their rabbit family. If you're lucky, you might spot them in the swamps of Southeast Missouri or near the Gulf Coast.

Did you also know that these rabbits are quite the night adventurers? When the moon is up, they go out to feed on grasses, roots, and twigs. It's time to explore the world of these interesting mammals and learn some fun facts about swamp rabbits!

Swamp Rabbit Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a swamp rabbit?

Swamp rabbits are a kind of cottontail rabbit. Cottontails are bunnies with small, white tails that look like soft cotton balls. These special rabbits enjoy living in wet and muddy places, so they choose wetland habitats to call home.

What class of animal does it belong to?

Swamp rabbits belong to the Mammalia class, which is a fancy way of saying they're mammals, just like humans, dogs, and cats. They have warm blood flowing through them and wear a coat of fur all year round.

How many swamp rabbits are there in the world?

Counting every single swamp rabbit would be a huge task, but there's no need to worry; they’re doing just fine! There are lots of these bunnies bouncing around in nature.

Where do they live?

Swamp rabbits have made their homes in many warm spots across the south-central United States and along the Gulf Coast. These fluffy, water-loving creatures are happiest and most commonly found in places like Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

They're also found in South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas, as well as in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Missouri. Even more, they hop around in North Carolina, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, and Georgia. That's quite a list of states where these adorable swamp dwellers can be found!

What is their habitat?

A Swamp rabbit in a lush wetland, surrounded by tall grasses and natural vegetation, under midday light.

Swamp rabbits make their cozy homes in the lushest places, full of long, tall grass, where they can play hide and seek.

They love snuggling up near trees that stand in water, like cypress trees, which make their homes even cooler. They also choose spots where there’s plenty of water for them to splash and paddle around.

Who do they live with?

Swamp rabbits often enjoy their own company, hopping around solo. But when the warmer seasons roll in, and it's time for little bunnies to be born, that's when these rabbits team up.

During this time, you might catch a glimpse of a group of them socializing and preparing for the arrival of their fuzzy babies.

How long does a swamp rabbit live?

If a swamp rabbit has lots of food and stays safe, it can live up to 10 years in the wild. That's a long time to have loads of adventures!

How do they reproduce?

A Swamp rabbit with its young amidst dense wetland vegetation.

Adult female swamp rabbits can give birth to two or three groups of baby rabbits each year. They wait for about 36-40 days before their little ones are born.

What is their conservation status?

Swamp rabbits are hopping along just fine these days, with a conservation status of 'Least Concern.' That means they're not in a lot of danger, but it's still up to humans to look after their homes to make sure they stay happy and healthy.

Swamp Rabbit Fun Facts

What do they look like?

Swamp rabbits have a coat that's the color of rust or deep chocolate, making them look quite dashing. Plus, they have these adorable short, puffy tails and ears that are rounder than their rabbit relatives.

They also sport a cinnamon-colored ring around their eyes. This feature helps make them special and easy to pick out from other bunny types.

How cute are they?

Picture a little brown ball of fluff hopping around; that's a swamp rabbit! They are so cute, especially when they wiggle their noses or clean their ears with their paws. It's like watching a tiny, live teddy bear in action!

How do they communicate?

When swamp rabbits are worried, they thump the ground with their back feet. It's their way of saying, "Watch out!" They also make gentle sounds to talk to each other, almost like humming quietly.

How big is a swamp rabbit?

Imagine two rulers lined up end to end; that's about how long these rabbits can grow, making them the biggest in their rabbit family. They're not small bunnies; they're the big bosses of the swamps!

How fast can a swamp rabbit run?

When it's time to run, swamp rabbits are like tiny race cars! They can sprint really quickly with their powerful legs. It helps them escape any predators that might be after them.

How much does a swamp rabbit weigh?

These bunnies can weigh anywhere between 3.6-5.9 lbs (1.6-2.6 kg). If you can picture a few apples put together, that's about how heavy these rabbits are.

What are the male and female names of the species?

The male swamp rabbits are called bucks, while the female rabbits are known as does. They are just like deer, but a lot smaller and jumpier!

What would you call a baby swamp rabbit?

A Swamp rabbit with its young amidst dense wetland vegetation, highlighting their natural interactions.

A baby swamp rabbit is called a kitten, but not the meowing kind, a fluffy hopping kind! Sometimes, they're also called kits for short.

What do they eat?

A close-up view of the common foods of a Swamp rabbit, including clover, grasses, and aquatic plants in a natural wetland setting.

Swamp rabbits are all about the vegetarian life. They feast on plants they find in the swamp, like crunchy twigs, sedges, and soft tree bark, and they're pretty tidy eaters, too!

Are they poisonous/venomous?

No, these furballs are just fluffy and friendly. They're not poisonous at all, so there's nothing to worry about if you see one.

Would they make a good pet?

Swamp rabbits are wild animals and are happiest in their natural habitat, not as pets. Even though they're as cute as a button, swamp rabbits belong in the wild. They need lots of space to hop around, swim, and find their food. So, it's best to let them be free and wild in their swampy homes.

Did you know...

These rabbits are also known to be able to swim, which is a rare trait for their kind. They'll paddle away if they feel the need to escape a predator or just want to cool off!

They are mainly active at dusk and dawn, which are the best times to spot them. Keep your eyes peeled and you might just see one!

There's a path in South Carolina called the Swamp Rabbit Trail, and it's named after the fluffy swamp rabbit buddies that live nearby. The trail is super close to where these bunnies live. It's a fun trail where people go walking, bike riding, and even rollerblading.


What makes swamp rabbits different from other cottontails?

Swamp rabbits stand out from their cottontail cousins because they adore the water. Unlike other cottontails, these bunnies are not only fine getting their paws wet, but they're also strong swimmers.

Plus, they're easy to spot with their rounder ears, which make them look unique and cute. So when you see a rabbit with a love for the water and round ears, you know it's a swamp rabbit!

Are swamp rabbits the same as marsh rabbits?

No, they're different! Swamp rabbits are usually larger and fluffier, and you can tell them apart from marsh rabbits by looking at their rounder ears and the cinnamon circle around their eyes. Marsh rabbits are a close cousin, but they are slightly smaller and prefer slightly different habitats.

Can swamp rabbits climb trees?

While they are not known for climbing trees like squirrels, swamp rabbits can use their strong back legs to push themselves up into low branches or bushes when they want to explore a bit higher.

What are the predators of swamp rabbits?

Swamp rabbits need to be on the lookout for snakes, dogs, and sometimes, humans. They're always on their toes, ensuring they stay one hop ahead to keep safe and sound in their wild homes.

How do swamp rabbits escape from predators?

Swamp rabbits can hop far and fast with their strong back legs. They can make a big splash and swim away or find a cozy spot in the tall grass to hide from predators during the day.

How do swamp rabbits react to people?

Swamp rabbits are pretty shy around humans and would rather play it safe by hiding or running away. But if you're quiet and patient, you might just catch a glimpse of one from a distance. It's best to admire them from afar and let them do their natural things.

Swamp rabbits are truly some of the coolest animals in the wetlands. They leap, they swim, and they have the cutest round ears. If you remember to respect their space and conserve their habitat, everyone can continue to enjoy these hoppy friends for years to come.

If you're ever near a wetland habitat, keep an eye out for these special rabbits; you might be lucky enough to spot one hopping by or even taking a swim!

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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Fact-checked by Anusuya Mukherjee

Bachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

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Anusuya MukherjeeBachelor of Arts and Law specializing in Political Science and Intellectual Property Rights

With a wealth of international experience spanning Europe, Africa, North America, and the Middle East, Anusuya brings a unique perspective to her work as a Content Assistant and Content Updating Coordinator. She holds a law degree from India and has practiced law in India and Kuwait. Anusuya is a fan of rap music and enjoys a good cup of coffee in her free time. Currently, she is working on her novel, "Mr. Ivory Merchant".

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