Woodpeckers are quite famous birds and their name suggests their peculiarity. They are beautiful, intelligent animals and are found in a variety of habitats.
One such woodpecker bird is a greater yellownape (Chrysophlegma flavinucha), which is a woodpecker bird species and is scientifically known as Chrysophlegma flavinucha. The greater yellownape (Chrysophlegma flavinucha) was first described by John Gould, an English ornithologist, in 1834.
The greater yellownape (Chrysophlegma flavinucha) is endemic to East Asia, and it is found in a variety of areas across India and China. The greater yellownape (Chrysophlegma flavinucha) is a woodpecker species that belongs to the family Picidae, the family of woodpecker birds.
?The greater yellownape (Chrysophlegma flavinucha) has a characteristic olive-green plumage and the neck and throat have crested yellow patterns. They also have a whitish bill and brownish crown. This bird species prefers subtropical and tropical forests and moist habitats for survival.
After reading these interesting facts about the Greater yellownape (Chrysophlegma flavinucha), do have a look at our other articles on the house finch and yellow-crowned Amazon.
Yellownape Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a yellownape?
The greater yellownape (Chrysophlegma flavinucha) is a type of bird species. It is a woodpecker in the animal kingdom Animalia.
This bird species has a characteristic long beak which is white in color and a colorful plumage from head to toe. This species is a variety of woodpecker birds, but the two peculiarly known types are the lesser yellownape and greater yellownape.
What class of animal does a yellownape belong to?
The greater yellownape (Chrysophlegma flavinucha) is a bird species belonging to the class ave of kingdom Animalia in phylum Chordata. They belong to the family Picidae, the family of the woodpecker birds species and order Piciformes. The scientific name of the greater yellownape species is Chrysophlegma flavinucha.
How many yellownapes are there in the world?
The survival of this birds species has become very difficult due to a variety of reasons, but their population is stable for now. The greater yellownape bird species is exclusive to the Asian continent. The population size of these yellownape birds is not quantified yet, but this species is found in good numbers in the region where they breed.
Where does a yellownape live?
These yellow-naped birds (binomial name Chrysophlegma flavinucha gould) are found in northeast India, southeast China, and Indochina. A yellow nape bird prefers moist habitats of tropical and subtropical montane forest regions. In this region, this yellownape bird is found dwelling on trees.
What is a yellownape's habitat?
A yellow-naped woodpecker bird prefers living in the dead parts of large trees. These yellow-naped birds are seen making their nests in tree trunk cavities and prefer foraging in regions surrounded by thick vegetation and water bodies.
Who do yellow napes live with?
A greater yellownape woodpecker mainly prefers to live a solitary life. During mating season, one may find the Amazons in pairs. During foraging, these yellow-naped birds may be found in small groups, but they also show aggressive behavior towards birds of other species.
How long does a yellownape live?
The average lifespan of this yellow-naped bird is around 12 years in the wild, but these birds with a yellow nape and greenback live longer if the conditions in their habitat areas are ideal.
Their survival rate in captivity with conditions similar to their natural habitat areas is around 20-30 years which demonstrates that these yellow-naped birds are vulnerable to possible predators in the wild.
How do they reproduce?
The geater yellownape (Chrysophlegma flavinucha), just like any other woodpecker, prefers dead parts of trees to nest in. These tree cavities are surrounded by sound timber and a few termites to feed on.
After courtship display by the males and females, the mating process commences, and after completion of the gestation period, the females lay around three to five eggs in cavity holes.
The young birds stay there and do not leave until they are old enough to fledge on their own after a few weeks. Until that time, the females take care of the young yellownape Amazon birds.
What is their conservation status?
The greater yellownape (Chrysophlegma flavinucha) falls in the Least Concern category of birds as per IUCN Red List. Their population is stable for now across their habitat range which is shared with the lesser yellownape. However, frequent deforestation and increasing urbanization along their natural habitat may impose a threat to them in the future.
Yellownape Fun Facts
What do yellownapes look like?
The greater yellownape is larger in size than a lesser yellownape besides, its bill is also considerably longer and has a tinge of white color. The entire plumage is olive green, and their throat and neck region have yellow-crested patterns, giving them their name.
They also have a brownish crown, and the flight feathers are barred with black and chestnut patterns.
How cute are they?
These birds are really cute and colorful. Woodpecker birds are well depicted in children's books, and this is one reason that many would know about them from the beginning. These Amazons are certainly considered cute by birdwatchers.
How do they communicate?
A greater yellownape, just like any other woodpecker, has a unique form of communication. These yellow-naped birds will rapidly knock or peck on objects with their long bill and create sounds that will have a pattern in them. They do this especially during the mating season.
How big is a yellownape?
The greater yellownape woodpecker is bigger in size than a lesser yellownape. The average range of length for these Amazons with a yellow nape is 11.8-13.8 in (30-35 cm).
How fast can a yellownape fly?
The range of flying speed of this yellow-naped bird is not really known, but its specialty is pecking with its bill. According to the reports by certain ornithologists, these Amazons can move their heads to peck around 20 times in a second.
How much does a yellownape weigh?
A greater yellownape woodpecker weight range is 3.5-5.3 oz (100-150 g). These birds weigh less because of their dynamic anatomy and plumage for the exoskeleton.
What are the male and female names of the species?
Male and female yellow-naped birds do not really have separate names and are referred to as males and females, respectively.
What would you call a baby yellownape?
A baby yellownape is referred to as a chick or a nestling. A nestling or a chick stays with mother birds in the tree cavities until they are grown enough to forage on their own.
What do they eat?
The yellownape, like an ivory-billed woodpecker, is known for having a long bill that assists them in a variety of tasks. The most important one is breaking nuts and shells for food. They feed on a variety of fruits, nuts, and berries.
Are they poisonous?
They are not at all poisonous. They may come out as dangerous with the ability to use their pointy bill when they are threatened.
Would they make a good pet?
They may not make good pets as they use their sharp bills to create cavities. They might damage your furniture and other stuff if they are left to fly around freely.
Did you know...
The greater yellownape bird has the ability to hibernate for months.
Greater yellownapes are more intelligent than other Amazons.
How high can they fly?
These birds have a unique way of flying, unlike any other bird. They flip their wings in such a way that it appears as if they are flying in an up and down pattern. The exact height to which they can fly is not yet known.
Can yellownapes talk?
A yellownape woodpecker may not be able to talk just like us humans. However, yellownapes have a unique way of communicating whereby they peck on the trunk or the object in a continuous manner which produces a drumming-like sound or sounds with patterns.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds from our great green macaw facts and secretary bird facts pages.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable yellownape coloring pages.