Fun Marsh Warbler Facts For Kids

Nena Singha
Oct 20, 2022 By Nena Singha
Originally Published on Sep 07, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
Learn about the warbler's favorite habitat, distribution, population number, famous song, and identification from our marsh warbler facts page.

The marsh warbler (Acrocephalus palustris) belongs to the Old Warbler species and is currently classified under the family of Acrocephalidae. This species is found in temperate Europe, western Palaearctic regions, and the South African continent during winters.

The bird belongs to some of the most striking species of birds that can imitate a wide variety of songs of other birds. Passeriformes birds vary in length and weight.

They breed mainly on damp habitats but during winters prefer dry vegetated areas. Their range of distribution expands over Britain, the Middle East, and even around Asia for migration.

The bird is insectivorous and is usually confused with its similar relatives due to its rich imitations of calls. It is medium-sized, similar in appearance to the reed warbler, and is monotypic.

The bird's scientific name Acrocephalus comes from the ancient Greek word, 'akros' for 'highest' and 'kephale', for 'ahead'.

The Latin word, 'palustris' stands for 'marshy', giving it an overall scientific summary of a high marshy bird. The breed's conservation status is Least Concern but it is vulnerable because there is a decline in number in some areas which is a cause of concern.

Continue reading to learn facts about the marsh warbler's song, population size, breeding technique, migration patterns, and distribution, If you enjoy learning about new species, then we suggest you go to our blackburnian warbler and willow warbler pages for more similar content on our website. 

Marsh Warbler Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a marsh warbler?

The marsh warbler is a type of bird from the family of Acrocephalidae under the animal kingdom. The scientific name is Acrocephalus palustris.

What class of animal does a marsh warbler belong to?

The marsh warbler (Acrocephalus palustris) belongs to the Aves class of animals with a small build of length and weight.

How many marsh warblers are there in the world?

The global population of marsh warblers is estimated to be near a total range of 10-27 million individuals with a widespread abundance of birds. However, they are near to extinction in Britain. The reasons for the decline in this species are not clear but it could be due to habitat loss and human interference in the late '70s.

Where does a marsh warbler live?

The marsh warbler is a typical breed of reed warbler species in the middle latitudes of Western Asia and Europe, occupying mainly the continental climatic regions. It is also bred in England and northern France but is a typical bird of lowland areas such as Georgia.

These birds are also found in Scandinavia and northwest Russia.

The males have occasionally been heard in Ireland. Other sighting reports have been made from east to South Africa, Zambia, Malawi Arabia, Sudan, the Red Sea coast, the Black Sea coast, Iceland, and Madeira.

What is a marsh warbler's habitat?

A marsh warbler species habitat consists of lowland areas of altitudes of 9842.51 ft (3000 m). They prefer vegetation like meadowsweet, nettles, young osiers, willowherbs, and other low woody plants on the map of the region.

They are usually found in suitable vegetative sites, crops, dry hillsides, shrubs, open woodlands, and damp habitats. The birds are also fond of moist scrubs to dense thickets of woodland edges.

Who does the marsh warbler live with?

The reed warbler bird species is a solitary breed that likes being alone, but may also be found in loose colonies with other birds. 

How long does a marsh warbler live?

A marsh warbler (Acrocephalus palustris) species is expected to live up to one to five years, close to other Passeriformes.

How do they reproduce?

The birds are monogamous species and prefer breeding in the middle latitudinal site of damp vegetation with flooded soils. The breeding pairs also breed in urban brownfield sites with suitable vegetation or dry hillsides with shrubs. They leave their cup-shaped nests soon after the young chicks are independent, leaving after two weeks.

Females lay about three to six eggs. The incubation period lasts for 12-14 days where both members of the pair take turns to incubate. Eggs hatch within 10-11 days.

What is their conservation status?

According to their global population with a steady population trend, the marsh warbler is a species of Least Concern, under the IUCN red list page that includes information regarding this bird.

Marsh Warbler Fun Facts

What does the marsh warbler look like?

The small-sized marsh warbler is quite similar in appearance to the reed warbler that also occurs in the same map distribution and breeding range. The male has a distinct song for identification.

They are a monotypic species with both breeding sexes looking similar. They have a plain plumage larger than a sedge warbler with a large pair of wings, broad tail, and tail base. The rump is less contrasting than its back and its flanks have a yellow tinge.

The bill is short and less pointed while their lower mandible and legs are pale yellow. Juveniles are very hard to identify because of their plain plumage and can be misidentified with other warbler species.

How cute are they?

The birds are very cute with their fluffy texture, adorable size, yellowish feathers, and appearance that is similar to a sparrow and a reed.

How do they communicate?

These birds have a variety of mimicry calls in both the African and European species, unlike the reed warbler species.

They can imitate calls of up to 75 species of birds and often repeat them two or four times with different phrases overlapping each other unlike the reed. They are not too loud except during breeding season, but have a soft tempo that lacks a nasal-pitch call, different from an Icterine warbler.

They lack a whistling call and typically have a hoarse 'ti-chaa' call with a short 'chepp' in the end.

How big is a marsh warbler?

A marsh warbler is a small-sized reed bird species, typically about 5.11-5.90 in (13-15 cm) in length.

How fast can a marsh warbler fly?

These birds have a wingspan of (18-21 cm) whose speed of flight is unknown but can be estimated within an average speed of 23.1 mph (37.17 kph). 

How much does a marsh warbler weigh?

These small song birds have a weight of 0.02-0.03 lb (10-15 g), similar to the reed warbler.

What are the male and female names of the species?

As per data, there are no specific names given to the breed's population depending on their sex.

What would you call a baby marsh warbler?

Baby birds are usually referred to as chicks, and the same can be used for a marsh warbler. 

What do they eat?

The diet of a warbler usually consists of jumping spiders, snails, insects, berries, fruits, worms, and other small animals. As per data, they usually catch them on the ground and eat them in mid-air. 

Are they dangerous?

No, these songbirds are not at all dangerous. They are as harmless as sheep

Would they make a good pet?

No as they are wild animals and do best in their natural habitat.

Did you know...

These warblers were once a widespread species in Britain but disappeared completely around the '30s and by the '70s, warblers were bred in significant numbers with a distribution of 40-70 pairs. The population was close to extinction by the end of the '90s, after which only a small population remains in southeast England.

This is why the once abundant species in Britain is now a rare sight.

Do marsh warblers migrate?

Yes, marsh warblers are migratory birds that migrate to the African continent or the Middle East, all the way from the European range. They cross Arabia and arrive in Africa and Sudan's Red Sea coast where they spend their winters and bask in the summer.

How to spot a marsh warbler?

The easiest way to spot a marsh warbler is to look at its lower body part identification features and its distinct song. This bird is similar to the reed warbler but has whiter portions in its lower body.

It is olive in color, pale legs, and small in size. It is a highly active summer bird and must be searched around its European map of natural habitats, abundant with dense vegetation and shrubs.

It is important that these European birds be protected and put under awareness due to their declining number which may alter their conservation status.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other birds including blue-winged teal facts and green lacewing facts for kids

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable marsh warbler coloring pages.

Second image by Bene Riobó

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Written by Nena Singha

Bachelor of Science specializing in Geology/Earth Science

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Nena SinghaBachelor of Science specializing in Geology/Earth Science

Nena is a content writer adept at crafting creative, commercial, and technical content for a wide range of projects. Her ability to generate innovative ideas, coupled with her meticulous research and adherence to SEO guidelines, ensures that her work leaves a lasting impact. She takes pleasure in sharing her knowledge and experience to help others enhance their writing skills. While not immersed in her projects, Nena finds joy in exploring the captivating world of manga and anime. With a Bachelor's degree in Geography/Earth Sciences from Gurucharan College, Nena brings a unique interdisciplinary approach to her writing.

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