Fun Vizsla Lab Mix Facts For Kids

Tanya Parkhi
Oct 20, 2022 By Tanya Parkhi
Originally Published on Sep 01, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Here are some great Vizsla Lab mix facts which you will love!

Are you unable to choose between the adorable, cuddly Labrador Retriever and the high-energy, loyal Hungarian Vizsla dog as the ideal pet for your family? Well, fear not, as now you can exercise, play and cuddle with the Vizsla Lab mix puppy- an adorable, fluffy dog with the best qualities of both these breeds!

These fun, high-energy dogs are the perfect fit for any family, being gentle, loving, and always willing to fetch a ball, makes them great companions for kids and adults alike.

They are hard-working and loyal, forming strong bonds with their owners. They can be a bit clingy and jealous at times, which can be solved by putting them through obedience training.

This dog started to appear in homes after the arrival of the Vizsla dog in America after World War II and can be found in a variety of colors, ranging from cream, yellow, black, and chocolate to rust. One can obtain a Vizsla black Lab mix, yellow mix, or chocolate mix by breeding parents with the desired color.

This pet dog inherits characteristics from both its parents, having long ears, a shiny coat, and an adorable soft face.

To learn more about this fun-loving Hungarian hunting dog Vizsla and adorable cuddly Labrador mix, read on! For more relatable content, check out these pitbull lab mix facts and pitbull boxer mix facts for kids.

Vizsla Lab Mix Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Vizsla Lab mix?

The Vizsla Lab mix is a type of dog that originated from the cross-breeding of two separate dog breeds, the Hungarian Vizsla and the Labrador Retriever.

What class of animal does a Vizsla Lab mix belong to?

The Vizsla Lab mix belongs to the class of Mammalia.

How many Vizsla Lab mixes are there in the world?

As this dog is a mix of two dog breeds, the Hungarian Vizsla and the Labrador, there are no reports on how many of these dogs are present in the world.

Where does a Vizsla Lab mix live?

This mixed dog is bred as a domestic dog, and they are known for their high energy, social and loving temperament, making them the perfect dog for families all over the world!

What is a Vizsla Lab mix's habitat?

As the Vizsla Lab mix puppy has chances of receiving either the short hair of the Vizsla, or the double coat of the Labrador, it is best to not keep these dogs in overly hot or cold climates, It is advised to have proper air circulation and cooling inside the house, and make sure they keep hydrated and take their vitamins in order to keep healthy.

They are sure to adapt to whichever climate they live in, though extreme temperatures can be hard on them.

Who do Vizsla Lab mixes live with?

This dog thrives best when living with active, social, and affectionate humans and a good family. It requires as many cuddles as it does exercise, and is known to form a strong bond with its owner, following their favorite person all over the house!

This mixed breed seems to have taken the best of both qualities from both breeds, having the high, positive energy of the Labrador Retriever and the laid-back, sincere temperament of the Vizsla dog.

How long does a Vizsla Lab mix live?

Vizsla Lab mix dogs are known to live for a period of 10-14 years. Dogs being from mixed breeds are known to live for longer than purebreds due to the mixing of different genes, which produces a more healthy dog.

How do they reproduce?

These dogs reproduce sexually, like all other mammals. In this case, one parent will be a Labrador and the other parent will belong to the Vizsla breed.

These can be purebred, or both parents can be Vizslador dogs as well. The result is a litter of Vizsla Lab mix puppies, who have the looks and personality of both these amazing breeds making them twice as nice!

What is their conservation status?

There is no known exact number of the population of this type of mixed-breed dog as they are a mixed species. However, they must come under the category of Least Concern, as they are found easily all over the world. Hence, their population status is not one to be worried about.

Vizsla Lab Mix Fun Facts

What does Vizsla Lab mix look like?

*Please note that this is an image of Labrador, one of the parent breeds of the Vizsla Lab mix. If you have an image of a Vizsla Lab mix please let us know at

This dog will inherit characteristics from both Labradors and Vizslas, with its appearance depending from puppy to puppy. Both dog breeds have long, floppy ears and large eyes, which will pass onto the puppy.

Its coat can be black, yellow, white, chocolate, or rust, being the color of the Vizsla or one of the numerous Labrador colors.

It will either be short-haired like the Vizsla or have a double coat similar to the Labrador retriever, meaning the intensity of shedding will differ as well. It can differ in chubbiness as well, due to the Vizsla being slender and the Labrador being rounder and fatter.

Whichever of these features the Vizslador inherits, it is sure to be an adorable, handsome dog that will turn heads wherever it goes!

How cute are they?

They usually inherit the long, floppy ears of both breeds along with the soft roundness and kind eyes of the Labrador, making them very cute indeed! They are adorable high-energy dogs who love to play and cuddle, being very social if introduced to other people and dogs since puppyhood.

They are quite eager to please and are attached to their humans, and love spending quality time just snuggling with their owners after hours of work and play.

How do they communicate?

Both the parent breeds are quite vocal, using a series of grunts, moans, whines, growls, and barks to communicate. They will bark loudly when aggravated, and give low whines and growls when content.

However, neither breed is overly vocal, and will not react loudly to anything unless they feel threatened or are not trained properly. The Vizslador will follow the same trends when it comes to communicating with its owners.

How big is a Vizsla Lab mix?

The Vizslador is a medium-sized dog and can grow up to 21-25 in (53.3-63.5 cm) at the shoulder.

How fast can a Vizsla Lab mix run?

With both Labradors and Vizslas originally being hunting dogs, it is safe to assume that the Vizlador is quite fast as well, as it loves to run around and requires plenty of exercise.

Though we do not know the exact speed of this dog, the Labrador has an average speed of 14-18 mph (22.5-29 kph), and Vizslas can run up to speeds of 40 mph (64.4 kph), so we do know that the Vizslador puppy will inherit great speed from both the parent breeds.

How much does a Vizsla Lab mix weigh?

This family dog is medium-sized and weighs between 55-75 lb (25-34 kg).

What are the male and female names of the species?

Male and female Vizslador dogs can be called dogs and bitches respectively.

What would you call a baby Vizsla Lab mix?

Lab Vizsla mix babies are known as puppies.

What do they eat?

Giving these dogs a nutritious, protein-rich diet of three to four meals a day is essential to keep them in top shape and make their coat shiny.

As it is a high-energy, active dog that requires a lot of exercise, it must be fed good portions of protein-rich dog food containing fish, chicken, eggs, and beef.

It can also be fed home-cooked meals, which are better for its coat and health due to the absence of preservatives and potentially artificial flavoring. Their diet will change according to their age and size, and they must be fed proper portions to ensure they do not gain or lose weight too quickly.

The ideal diet changes from dog to dog, hence it is best to be advised by a vet.

Are they slobbery?

Though Labradors are not very slobbery, Vizslas tend to drool quite a lot. How slobbery the resulting Vizslador will be will depend on its genes, though excessive drooling for any dog is a sign of concern and requires an immediate check-up.

Would they make a good pet?

This mixed dog breed makes great pets and can be amazing additions to your family, being great for beginners as well due to their good-naturedness.

With Vizslas and Labradors both being high energy dogs who were originally bred to live and work with humans, these dogs are very fond of running around, accompanying their owners on walks, hikes, and runs, and will often try to lend a paw or two when they see their owners working hard!

They are good with children and babies due to their gentle, loving demeanor, though they require a bit of patience to train properly.

They must be given obedience training as puppies to ensure that they develop good social and listening skills.

They must also be fed a good diet and must be brushed and bathed weekly regardless of how thick their fur coat is, to prevent the buildup of unsavory materials which can cause skin infections.

These dogs do not like to be left alone and do not cope well with isolation, wanting to be with their family and receive love and attention from them. They are loyal and protective, and will follow their nose everywhere, being highly active and curious dogs!

There are no concerns for a mixed puppy to turn out too much like either one parent breed in this case, as both breeds are equally amiable and loving.

Did you know...

These dogs are also called Vizsladors or Lablas!

Though the Labrador and Vizsla breeds are both hunting dogs, their functions were quite different. Labradors used to retrieve shot prey for their owners, while Vizslas were pointers and helped to sniff out potential prey, 'pointing' towards them for their owners to hunt down. The resulting puppy may or may not receive this pointing ability.

The name Vizsla means 'tracker' or 'searcher' in Hungarian, which is apt as they were originally hunting dogs.

The Vizsla dog came to America around the end of World War II, and interest in the breed began to increase due to its great hunting abilities.

It was used to develop other breeds and mixes, including the German wirehaired pointer, wirehaired Vizsla, Weimaraner, as well as a number of Vizsla mixes with other domesticated breeds, the Vizsla Lab mix being one of them.

Do Vizsla Lab mixes bark a lot?

No, though the Vizsla and Lab mix is quite vocal, it is not overly loud, and will only bark in excess if it senses any threats, is in a dangerous situation or is not properly trained.

Characteristics and health issues

There are certain health problems that the Lab Vizsla mix can suffer from. They are prone to suffering from the same health conditions which both parent breeds suffer from, and hence must be taken for regular checkups to the vet.

Both breeds are genetically disposed to conditions such as hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia, which can affect and weaken the joints, causing mobility issues as they age.

They are also prone to skin allergies. While looking for a Vizslador, always make sure to buy from a breeder who employs genetic health testing on their dogs, making sure their genes work well together and the resulting puppies are healthy.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals from our cheagle interesting facts and border collie lab mix fun facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable wirehaired Vizsla coloring pages.

*We've been unable to source an image of a Vizsla Lab mix and have used an image of Hungarian Vizsla instead as the main image. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of a Vizsla Lab mix, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at

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Written by Tanya Parkhi

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

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Tanya ParkhiBachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

Tanya is a skilled content creator with a passion for writing and a love for exploring new cultures. With a degree in Economics from Fergusson College, Pune, India, Tanya worked on her writing skills by contributing to various editorials and publications. She has experience writing blogs, articles, and essays, covering a range of topics. Tanya's writing reflects her interest in travel and exploring local traditions. Her articles showcase her ability to engage readers and keep them interested.

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