Fun Labrador Retriever Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Oct 20, 2022 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Fact-checked by Yashvee Patel
Labrador retriever facts are exciting

First recognized as a distinct dog breed by the English Kennel Club, the Labrador retriever with its unique characteristics steadily made its place in the hearts of people. The American Kennel Club followed suit and identified the Labradors as a separate breed in 1903.

According to the breed standard laid down by the American Kennel Club, a Labrador retriever (or just 'lab' for short) belongs to the medium-sized sporting dog breed. Labradors come in several colors like black, yellow, and chocolate with a double fur coat.

The upper coat acts as a protection against weather changes while the inner coat helps to maintain the body temperature.

However, the fur coat is not long enough to get entangled every time. As history would have it, these dogs were initially bred as helpers for the fishermen who used them in retrieving escaped fish.

The dogs were often bred with other water dogs of the locality from where they inherited their nature. Some of these dogs were shipped to England owing to their usefulness.

If you are a dog lover and can't hold your curiosity to know about the most popular dog breed, then read through these labrador retriever facts. You might also want to check out the pocket pitbull and the chow lab mix.

Labrador Retriever Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Labrador Retriever?

A labrador retriever is a kind of dog.

What class of animal does a Labrador Retriever belong to?

Labrador retrievers belong to the class of Mammalia.

How many Labrador Retrievers are there in the world?

It is believed that the dog breed was almost on the verge of extinction and the Malmesbury was credited with their survival. Nevertheless, the breed has retained its topmost position as the most highly demanded and popular dog breed across Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

As per the American Kennel Club, the Labrador retriever is the most popular dog breed in the entire world.

The breed can be easily traced to warm and cozy indoor spaces or even military camps. Hence, the accurate number currently in existence cannot be ascertained due to a lack of documentation.

Where does a Labrador Retriever live?

The origin of the labs dates back to the 19th century when they were initially termed Saint John's dog.

The breed can be traced back to the northeastern part of the Atlantic coast in Canada where they were bred and reared as working dogs to aid their masters, especially in their hunting, fishing, and retrieval jobs.

Information about their habitat is limited due to the fact that these dogs lived with the local fishermen and stayed with their families as companions.

These dog breeds are believed to have originated on the island of Newfoundland.

What is a Labrador Retriever's habitat?

A Labrador retriever has created a comfortable home with human beings. Nevertheless, they have the capability to adapt to the wilderness if required.

Oftentimes, a Labrador retriever can be located on military bases as dogs trained to rescue in times of adversity or help military personnel detect unwarranted objects (like bombs). It can be summed up that these dogs generally live in habitable indoor spaces.

Who do Labrador Retrievers live with?

Although a labrador retriever can adapt and adjust to an environment outside a brick-and-mortar house, it craves the company of human beings. Since they were originally bred to aid humans, these dogs are mostly dependent on their masters or owners. They cannot fend for themselves or handle isolation as they are highly emotional and tend to form attachments easily.

How long does a Labrador Retriever live?

A Labrador retriever normally lives for 10-12 years. Nevertheless, with a healthy diet, daily exercise, and proper care Labradors, can outlive this generalization.

How do they reproduce?

The reproduction process in the labs initiates when both the males and females of the breed attain the stage of puberty. The females acquire maturity as well as their heat cycles at a very early age of just six months.

Sometimes they might even get it at a later stage but once the females get into their heat cycles, the pattern continues and reiterates every six to eight months.

It is essential to study and know about the heat cycle of the females to ensure a healthy breeding process. It must be noted that the females are at the helm of fertility from the very first heat cycle but that does not necessarily indicate that the breeding process has to be initiated immediately.

The breeding process must ideally be started during the second or third heat cycle.

On the other hand, the males must be at least one year of age. This minimizes the chance of health-related complications and issues, especially for the females or their puppies.

Once the breeding process has been completed (a professional breeder would be the best to ensure proper breeding), the gestation period spans from 62-63 days after the female dog conceives.

Generally, a healthy female lab gives birth to a litter of 5-10 puppies. However, a pregnant lab must be kept under intensive care so that the babies are born healthy.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of a labrador retriever has not been listed under the International Union of Conservation Nature Red List. This is perhaps because of the fact that these dogs are available in abundance and therefore, their conservation is presently not a matter of much seriousness.

Labrador Retriever Fun facts

What do Labrador Retrievers look like?

Labrador retrievers are extremely adorable. They come with a medium but sturdy build with strong hind and forelegs.

They have drooping ears and sharp, affectionate, and intelligent eyes that add up to the cuteness quotient. These dog breeds are available in a few variations - you might find a black Labrador retriever attractive and bold as compared to a yellow one.

They come with a short, smooth, and dense double coat that is highly resistant to weather changes.

They possess a powerful muzzle, and what is generally called an 'otter tail' that helps to balance their overall body structure evenly. Their bodies are well-suited for the purpose of hunting and retrieving.

How cute are they?

To put it in simple terms, they are just irresistible! You can never dismiss the affectionate look that they throw at you, forget about the soft and fluffy fur coat and their super cute appearance.

Have you ever seen a Labrador retriever all beautifully dressed up? It would surely melt your heart. Needless to mention, a Labrador retriever puppy is just a miniature soft fur-ball that you would love to cuddle with and sleep with at night.

Nothing can get cuter and the experience of having a puppy run all over the home space is something to cherish for a lifetime, a sight to behold. Moreover, they love to be adored and you just cannot get enough of them.

How do they communicate?

Like any other dog, the Labrador retriever communicates in several ways. Once it forms a strong rapport with its family members or owner, it finds ways to convey its feelings and emotions through the language of gestures.

For instance, they express immense happiness by wiggling and shaking their lower backs, and rapidly beating their tails when their owner returns home. Sometimes they bow and lower their heads to ask for cuddles.

They also vocalize by barking, growling, or even snarling (when they feel provoked or sense danger in near proximity).

When in pain, they might whine or whimper loudly to draw the attention of the owner or other members. Every dog has its unique way of communicating happiness, love, angst, and other emotions by forming a close bond with the members.

How big is a Labrador Retriever?

A Labrador retriever falls under the medium-sized breed where their height (when measured from shoulder length) ranges from 21-23.6 in (53-60 cm). The height slightly differs between the males and the females of the breed where the males are generally 22.5 -24.5 in (57-62 cm) tall, the height of the females fall between 21.7-23.6 in (55-60 cm).

However, labs are comparatively larger than a beagle but shorter than some other dog breeds like the German shepherd, Saint Bernard, or French mastiffs.

Labs are almost of the same height as rottweilers but the latter is bulkier. Labrador retrievers have a very balanced body structure in all with a sturdy and energetic body to suit the requirements of a working dog.

How fast can a Labrador Retriever run?

Also known as a lab, these dogs are highly athletic, playful, agile, and very active. They serve as great running or jogging partners.

Labs are filled with energy and enthusiasm alike and although they might not want to run miles after miles for hours, they are highly spirited and are competent enough to accompany you for running a great distance (about five miles without a single pause).

These dogs are capable of sprinting at 35 mph (56.3 kph). They might not be the fastest runners but they can always pace up with you for jogging in the mornings.

How much does a Labrador Retriever weigh?

The average weight of a Labrador retriever ranges from 55-80 lb (25-36 kg). However, the male labs are a bit heavier when compared to the females.

Normally, a healthy full-grown male lab weighs between 55-80 lb (25-36 kg) while a female lab weighs around 55-70 lb (25-32 kg).

Ideally, the weight must fall within the aforementioned range according to the gender of the dog because the weight of labs determines their health. An underweight lab signifies that the dog is lacking proper nutrition while an overweight lab means the dog is showing a tendency toward obesity.

What are the male and female names of the species?

The male and female names of the breed are a dog and bitch respectively.

What would you call a baby Labrador Retriever?

A baby labrador retriever is normally called a puppy. Sometimes they are also called a pup to keep it short and sweet.

What do they eat?

A Labrador retriever is generally an omnivore so they can have a diet that includes both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food options. While fruits and green vegetables can be fed to these dogs, the diet must also be enriching and packed with nutrition.

Preferably, a balanced and nutritious diet would comprise of food that is rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, and unsaturated fats.

It is necessary to incorporate food rich in omega 3, calcium, and iron. Hence, protein-rich foods like raw meat, fish, soft bones, and dry food is important to ensure a healthy life for your dog.

Are they slobbery?

A certain amount of drooling is common with all dog breeds. A labrador retriever does not naturally slobber too much but if, in any case, it slobbers unnaturally or excessively at the mouth then it must be taken seriously and the dog must urgently be taken to the nearby vet for a cure.

Would they make a good pet?

A Labrador retriever is the most popular breed for a reason and the main reason is that they are incomparable pets. They possess a magnificent personality, that is, they are extremely friendly, lovable, non-aggressive, playful, active, intelligent, understanding, highly sociable, adjusting, protective, easy to train or manage, and always eager to please.

The dog's obedience is one of its best traits. However, they are attention-seeking and might poke their noses and want cuddles while you are busy with work.

When trained right from the beginning, they become pally with children and other household pets as well. In short, they make the perfect family dogs.

When it comes to exploring the traits and characteristics of the dogs it can be said that the dog is exceptionally well-bred among all dog breeds. The breed is primarily famous for its hunting and retrieving skills.

Their adeptness at retrieving is the reason why their name has 'retriever' in it.

Nowadays, these dogs not only live in houses as pets, but they are also used for search and rescue, detecting unwarranted or suspicious objects like bombs and drugs, helping at military bases, assisting people with disabilities, and acting as trained therapy dogs. Although Labradors were bred to assist hunters in retrieving, they are rather non-aggressive in nature.

They are extremely lovable, gentle, huggable, and have a friendly disposition.

They are also known for their fun-loving nature. Labs are so popular in the modern world that you might even commonly find a black or chocolate-colored Labrador in your nearby vicinity today!

Did you know...

Here is a fun fact! You might goof up upon hearing that labrador retrievers snore sometimes!

You might want to grab some chew toys for your dog as these breeds show great mouthiness at their initial stages.

These breeds are tolerant towards absolute strangers. This proves to be helpful in parties and occasions where innumerable unknown people drop in - the dog would happily embrace all newcomers. Sometimes this can also prove to be dangerous as the dog might fail to detect a stranger with malicious intent and end up getting hurt.

Labs are highly receptive to all types of training due to their obedience and eagerness at learning.

They are often enrolled in field training organized by several clubs and end up in national championships or dog shows. Field training and regular exercise is an indispensable parts of bringing up these dogs to serve national purposes such as assisting the military officials in rescue operations or detecting bombs.

Dogs bred as working dogs must be trained according to the requirements of their job roles as they need to channel and optimize their skills which is not possible if kept just as a pet.

Health and hygiene is a determining factor that decides the longevity of any dog breed. Therefore, adequate information is necessary to deal with the grooming requirements and medical needs of your dog.

One of the distinguishing physical characteristics of a lab is that it has a short but dense double coat that provides the breed an advantage to adapt to changes in weather. Nevertheless, a double coat also means lots and lots of shedding.

Labs require regular grooming where the fur coat needs to be brushed daily. Along with frequent brushing, they also need to be given a bath at least twice a month accompanied by cleaning of the eyes, nails, ears, and teeth.

Dental care is very important to maintain good gum health and prevent the formation of tartar and foul smell. Their nails must be trimmed occasionally to prevent them from slipping on smooth surfaces.

The dog breed is known to suffer from several ailments and diseases.

Some of the health problems common to the breed are cataracts, hip dysplasia, osteochondrosis dissecans, progressive retinal atrophy, epilepsy, myopathy, elbow dysplasia, gastric dilatation-volvulus, tricuspid valve dysplasia, cold tail, acute moist dermatitis, and ear infections. These diseases can prove to be threatening to your dog's overall health if not given proper attention in time.

All dog breeds contract diseases after a particular age but constant monitoring coupled with adequate care can help to fight these problems off.

In case a dog develops the symptoms of the aforementioned ailments, it must be rushed to the nearby veterinarian urgently so that the health issue can be nipped in the bud or prevented from growing further. After a certain span, when dogs get old, just like any other aging living being, they need intensive care.

With regular exercise, grooming, proper training, and a nutritious diet, your dog will surely enjoy greater longevity.

Did you know that, unlike some other dog breeds that are generally scared of water and dislike baths, labs are known to love swimming and splashing in puddles? There is a reason why they are aptly called water dogs.

They enjoy playing water games too and might even accompany you to swimming clubs for fun! However, although this might sound exhilarating, there is a disadvantage associated with getting too wet in the water.

There is always a higher chance of contracting allergies and ear infections with the formation of scabs or developing soreness. It is essential to check the ears of your dog for any signs of infections or allergies especially if there is too much indulgence in splashy water games.

Also, Labrador retrievers have greater grooming needs simply because they shed. And they shed a lot!

What color is the smartest lab?

It can be said that smartness depends on perception.

When hunting or field trials are taken into consideration, it is popularly believed that a black Labrador ranks highest in intelligence owing to its survival and retrieving skills but another set of beliefs runs that considers the yellow Labradors the smartest as they prove to be exceptional therapy and service dogs.

None of these beliefs can be rejected as both require a high level of smartness coupled with a quotient of intelligence but it can be understood that both portray great potentialities when it comes to the application of smartness in handling and facing crucial situations.

Why Labrador retrievers are the best dogs?

A Labrador retriever is the best dog breed to take back home, especially when you already have children or other pets around. The characteristics of a lab make them perfect for families.

There are innumerable reasons to adopt a lab of your own. First and foremost, they are always eager to please you and know how to show love with the wagging of the tail, or cuddling like a soft teddy bear.

Since they were originally used for search and rescue, they have internalized protective instincts which makes them excellent companions in charge of little kids.

They are also pally with other pets. They are exceptionally gifted at intelligence.

You can go for adopting Labradors with the faith that they will prove to be splendid family dogs but before heading for adoption, some important pointers must be given an adequate amount of thought.

It must be understood that dogs need personal attention and time. They form deep attachments with their master along with the other family members and pets so it is necessary to ensure that they do not feel left out.

Labradors might end up feeling extremely depressed when left alone at home for around eight hours or more as they are highly emotional.

More importantly, once you adopt a dog, the decision is made. You cannot leave the dog or isolate it as it might fall into severe depression and ultimately die (sometimes by refusing to eat).

Go for an adoption undoubtedly only if you can spend time with your dog and nurture it like your own child.

While the dog breed is known for its adaptability and sociable nature, its obedience makes the training process easy.

However, it is highly recommended to adopt Labrador retriever puppies as it is comparatively simpler to teach a pup different accepted standards of living as compared to training a full-grown dog.

A puppy can internalize and get used to the training processes with greater ease and comfort. Labs are known to have a friendly and jolly nature due to which they can form bonds and gel with different sets of people - the elderly and children alike.

However, Labrador retrievers might end up getting jealous in the presence of other household pets so providing them with proper social training is a must so they know how to adjust to the other pets and children.

Where some dog breeds are known to be aggressive in the presence of strangers, these dogs are not likely to get perturbed given that they undergo proper social training.

They can accompany you for exercise or even enjoy being around children at birthday parties. A dog's company is the best thing in the entire world and it cannot get better than having a Labrador retriever as a pet.

There is absolutely nothing that these dogs lack when we are up for adopting the best dog breed.

Any positive characteristics that a dog can possess, you name it, and voila, it is right there in the Labrador retriever staring back at you!

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including the pitbull chihuahua mix and the cheagle.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our Labrador Retriever coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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Fact-checked by Yashvee Patel

Bachelor of Business Management

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Yashvee PatelBachelor of Business Management

Yashvee has won awards for both her writing and badminton skills. She holds a business administration honors degree and has previously interned with social media clients and worked on content for an international student festival. Yashvee has excelled in academic competitions, ranking in the top 100 in the Unified International English Olympiad and placing second in an essay-writing competition. Additionally, she has won the inter-school singles badminton title for two consecutive years.

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