Clarinet Facts: Learn About This Amazing Musical Instrument

Sridevi Tolety
Feb 01, 2023 By Sridevi Tolety
Originally Published on Feb 08, 2022
Edited by Luca Demetriou
close view of clarinet players

Clarinet has a very rich and mellow sound, which explains its versatility.

The clarinet has many unique features, one of which is that it has a different name for each register of its range, which is altissimo (high), clarion (middle), and chalumeau (low). It allows the player to play in different registers.

Do you know how to enjoy playing the clarinet on android with the 'real clarinet' application? The clarinet is a famous instrument, and there are many ensembles like clarinet quintet, clarinet concerto, and clarinet choirs, including the clarinet.

A clarinet quintet consists of a clarinet, one viola, two violins, and one cello; In contrast, a clarinet concerto consists of solo clarinetists on a large scale, and a clarinet choir consists of only clarinet family instruments.

Types Of Clarinets

The clarinet family consists of over ten clarinets, and each clarinet also has its variants. The b-flat clarinet is the most popular of all the other clarinets. Different types of clarinets are mentioned below.

B flat clarinet: This clarinet is also known as the soprano clarinet. It is the most popular clarinet that can be used in all types of music and as the name suggests, it is a Bb instrument.

Alto clarinet: This clarinet is mostly used in bands, chamber music, and rarely in an orchestra. Alto clarinet is an Eb clarinet.

Bass clarinet: It is the second most popular clarinet. The bass clarinet is also a Bb instrument, and it is used in many types of music.

E-flat clarinet: It is also known as sopranino clarinet; it has a high pitch and is used in orchestra and some bands. It is an Eb transposing instrument.

Basset clarinet: It is a clarinet similar to the soprano clarinet. Basset clarinet also has an additional key that helps play lower musical notes.

Contrabass clarinet: It is a clarinet that has the lowest pitch of all the commonly used clarinets. It can be used to play even one octave lower than the bass clarinet, and the contrabass clarinet is also a bb clarinet.

Piccolo clarinet: It has a very high pitch, even higher than the E flat clarinet. The piccolo clarinet is very short in size, and it is just a few inches over one foot.

Most Famous Clarinet Players

The clarinet is very famous among wind instruments, it has a very melodic sound, and it is easier to learn than other instruments. Now let's look at some famous clarinet players.

Benjamin David Goodman was a very famous clarinet player who lived from 1909-1986. He was a clarinetist in a band and was the bandleader, and he used to play American jazz.

Sabine Meyer: She is a soloist who started playing clarinet at a young age with her father, a clarinetist. Along with her brother Wolfgang Meyer, also clarinetist she learned at Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover under teacher Hans Deinzer. Her husband, Reiner Wehle, was also a clarinetist. Her career started with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra.

Sidney Joseph Bechet: He was a composer who was also a clarinetist and saxophonist who played American jazz music. He was an important soloist who played jazz.

Anat Cohen: She is a saxophonist and a clarinetist who plays New York-based jazz. She is a bandleader and was also nominated for Grammy multiple times.

Mentioned above are some famous clarinet players.

Clarinet Vs. Other Instruments

The clarinet is an instrument that is a part of the woodwind family, and when compared to other instruments, the clarinet has many benefits. Here are some clarinet facts that make it stand out amongst other instruments.

The clarinet is a very affordable instrument. A beginner's clarinet can cost about $400, intermediate clarinet costs about $700, and professional clarinet costs about $1000; when compared to the price of a viola or violin, a viola can cost between $700-$10000. In contrast, a violin starts from $1000 and can go up to $1 million.

The clarinet is easy to learn compared to other woodwind instruments like the oboe, which is rather hard to learn.

Clarinets are versatile and flexible regarding where and what kind of music it goes with. A clarinet is one of the few instruments that can be played with all styles of music, be it jazz, classical music, or chamber music. The clarinet is used in concert bands, modern music, orchestras, and jazz bands.

Maintenance & Cleaning Of Clarinets

You should clean your clarinet after playing it and before storing it in the case, As moisture from your mouth can affect its mechanism.

To clean a clarinet, you should first dismantle it. Clarinet has five parts: barrel, mouthpiece, top joint, middle joint, and bell.

After dismantling your clarinet, put some cork grease on the corks and then use a pull-through cloth to clean and remove moisture from each part of the clarinet except the mouthpiece. To clean the mouthpiece, use a brush and take out the reed from the mouthpiece before storing it, as it is very fragile.


How long is a clarinet?

The most commonly used clarinet is a B-flat clarinet, and its length is about 24 in (61 cm).

Who is the most famous clarinet player?

The most famous clarinet player would be Benny Goodman, also known as 'King of Swing.' He was a jazz player.

What are five facts about the clarinet?

Five important clarinet facts are:

Nowadays, clarinets are made from grenadilla, but they were made from boxwood and ebony earlier.

Clarinets have inspired many composers to make great pieces.

Adolphe Sax designed the modern bass clarinet.

The clarinet is a modified version of the chalumeau.

Amongst all the woodwind instruments, the clarinet is one of the cheapest.

Is a clarinet a horn?

No, a clarinet is not a horn. But both horn and clarinet are from the woodwind family and are similar to an oboe.

A horn is longer than a clarinet and has a warmer and fuller sound. On the other hand, a clarinet is shorter and has a rich dark sound when played on the lower notes and a bright and resonant sound when played on the upper notes.

What is unique about the clarinet?

Among other modern orchestral woodwind instruments, the clarinet is a cylindrical bore instrument, which means that the diameter of the clarinet remains constant throughout its length.

What is the clarinet best known for?

A clarinet has a harmonious and beautiful sound, and it is also affordable compared to other instruments and is easy to learn.

Who made the first clarinet?

Johann Christoph Denner made the first clarinet. He lived in Nuremberg and belonged to the Baroque era. He was a woodwind instrument maker and invented a new instrument by modifying a chalumeau.

How many keys are on a clarinet?

A clarinet consists of 17 keys. Some of its keys have more than one function, and it also has an octave key which helps the player change octaves and play higher notes.

How old is the clarinet?

The modern clarinet was invented in 1690. Therefore, the clarinet is more than three centuries old.

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Written by Sridevi Tolety

Bachelor of Science specializing in Botany, Master of Science specializing in Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs

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Sridevi ToletyBachelor of Science specializing in Botany, Master of Science specializing in Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs

With a Master's degree in clinical research from Manipal University and a PG Diploma in journalism from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Sridevi has cultivated her passion for writing across various domains. She has authored a wide range of articles, blogs, travelogues, creative content, and short stories that have been published in leading magazines, newspapers, and websites. Sridevi is fluent in four languages and enjoys spending her spare time with loved ones. Her hobbies include reading, traveling, cooking, painting, and listening to music.

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