70 Primeape Nicknames

Pratiti Nath
Feb 16, 2024 By Pratiti Nath
Originally Published on Mar 23, 2023
Edited by Archita Chaplot
Primeape Pokemon card

All Pokémon players actively look for nicknames that would make them proud.

One of the most popular Pokémon type is Primeape. Many Pokémon players actively look for Primeape nicknames to stand out from their competitors.

Read on for a list of some of the best Primeape nicknames.

Cool Primeape Nicknames

Read on for some of the coolest Primeape nicknames.

  • Abe - means father of many, is short for Abraham.
  • Ape - means monkey or water, is a simple nickname.
  • Apeshit - means very excited or angry, is a good nickname for Primeape.
  • Apex - means the highest point of something, is of Latin origin.
  • Aslo - means God of amusement, which is a fun nickname.
  • Bakugo - means prideful explosion, is of Japanese origin.
  • Bam - means the noise of a hard slam, is a cool nickname for Primeape.
  • Bash - means commander, is a variant of Bach.
  • Berserker - means raging warrior, is a fun nickname for Primeape.
  • Boo - means beautiful Boo Radley is a character in the book 'To Kill a Mockingbird'.
  • Boxer - which means box tree, is a cool nickname.
  • Caesar - means emperor Julius Caesar who is a popular Shakespearian character.
  • Cairo - means the conqueror, is of Arabic origin.
  • Chimpar - meaning is not known, is a unique nickname for Primeape.
  • Chuck - means free man, is derived from Ceorl, an old English word.
  • Coconut - means head or skull, is one of the best nicknames.
  • Congo - means gather, is of African origin.
  • Creed - means guiding principle, is a fun nickname for Primeape.

Unique Primeape Nicknames

Here are some unique Primeape nicknames for your perusal.

  • Darwin - means dear friend, is derived from Deorwine, an Old English word.
  • Furiosa - means full of rage, is a good nickname for Primeape.
  • George - means farmer or earth-worker, is derived from Georgos, a Greek word.
  • Gloves - mean hand shoe, is derived from the German name Handschuh.
  • Goku - means aware of emptiness, is the main character from the anime 'Dragon Ball'.
  • Gonzo - means strife or war, is a great nickname option.
  • Jackie - means the holder of the heel, is a fun nickname for Primeape.
  • Kenny - means the handsome one, is short for Kenneth.
  • Kenya - which means animal horn, is a unique nickname for Primeape.
  • Kwame - means combat ready.
  • Laszlo - means glorious ruler and is a cool nickname for Primeape.
  • Loki - means airy; he is the Norse god of mischief.
  • Louis - means famous warrior, is a version of the name Ludwig.
  • Lucy - means born at dawn, is a great nickname option.
  • Macoco - means monkey, is a good nickname for Primeape.
  • Malawi - which means respect, is a great nickname for Primeape.
  • Manuki - means something unknown and is a unique nickname for Primeape.
  • Marcel - means young warrior and is derived from the ancient Roman names Marcus and Marcellus.
  • Mico - means 'who is like God'. It also means leader.
  • Mike - means who is like God, is a cool nickname.

Creative Primeape Nicknames

Here are some creative Primeape nicknames for you.

  • Monkeyfist - means a large, heavy knot, is a cool nickname for Primeape.
  • Monk-Fu - means solitary, is derived from the middle English word Munk.
  • Niles - means son of Neil, is a variant of Nyles.
  • Nutsy - meaning is not known, is a creative nickname for Primeape.
  • Obo - stands for stone in African culture, is a unique nickname for Primeape.
  • Pacquiao - means to buy, is a good nickname for Primeape.
  • Parin - means Lord Ganesha, is of Indian origin.
  • Peanut - means groundnut legume, is a cute nickname for Primeape.
  • Perin - means beautiful angel, is a variant of Perino, a French name.
  • Perrion - means rock, is derived from Pierre, a French name.
  • Perryn - means rock or stone, is a fun nickname.
  • Pharyn - means singer, is a cool nickname for Primeape.
  • Pierina - means made of stone, is a variant of the name Petra.
  • Piglatin - means in code, is a unique nickname for Primeape.
  • Prayaan - means supreme intelligence and is of Sanskrit origin.
  • Prim - means first or demure, is short for Primrose.
  • Prime - means early morning, is derived from the prim, an old English word.
  • Primetime - means early morning, is derived from prima, a Latin word.

Popular Primeape Nicknames

Here are some of the most popular Primeape nicknames.

  • Primo - means first, is derived from the Latin word Primus.
  • Priyan - means beloved and loving, is of Bengali origin.
  • Puffball - means a type of fungi, is a cute nickname for Primeape.
  • Punch - means doubtless, is an interesting nickname.
  • Rafiki - means friend, is a form of the name Rafiq.
  • Simi - means limit, is derived from the Latin word Simus.
  • Singe - means burn slightly, is a fun nickname for Primeape.
  • Tantrum - means a devilish trick, is derived from the name of the devil Tantrabobus.
  • Tarzan - means white-skinned, is a popular character from the book 'Tarzan'.
  • Thrasher - means to thresh, is a cool nickname for Primeape.
  • Una - means one lamb, is a great nickname.
  • Unga - means to mill, is a unique nickname for Primeape.
  • Wilder - means untamed, is a good nickname for Primeape.
  • Winkie - means beautiful and charming and is a good nickname for Primeape.
  • Yoko - means child, is of Japanese origin.

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Written by Pratiti Nath

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology, Masters of Science specializing in Biotechnology

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Pratiti NathBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology, Masters of Science specializing in Biotechnology

A Master's in Biotechnology from Presidency University and a Bachelor's in Microbiology from Calcutta University. Pratiti holds expertise in writing science and healthcare articles, and their inputs and feedback help writers create insightful content. They have interests in heritage, history, and climate change issues and have written articles for various websites across multiple subjects. Their experience also includes working with eco-friendly startups and climate-related NGOs.

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