Fun Callovosaurus Facts For Kids

Sharon Judith
Nov 29, 2022 By Sharon Judith
Originally Published on Sep 24, 2021
Edited by Jacob Fitzbright
Fact-checked by Sakshi Raturi
This dinosaur species was discovered in Middle Jurassic age rocks of England, continue reading to discover more amazing Callovosaurus facts.

Callovosauras, or the Callovosaurus leedsi, is a species of iguanodontian dinosaurs that were mainly herbivores.

Belonging to the Dryosauridae, some scientists and researchers claim that they come from a valid genus of iguanodontian dinosaurs called dryosaurid. However, if you ever do your own research on this dinosaur species, you'd be surprised to learn that that the debate for where these dinosaurs stand continues even today.

Now located in the Nation Museum of London, this specimen was found in the Oxford Clay Formation and was initially described by Richard Lydekker all the way back in 1889 as a species of Camptosaurus leedsi.

This debate went on for quite some time in history. Then in 1909, once again, doubts arose as to whether they were a species of Camptosaurus or not.

Then came Peter M. Galton who studied this species and claimed that they belong to a new genus we call today as Callovosaurus which he went on to place in the Camptosauridae family.

Jose Ignacio Ruiz-Omeñaca and many other associated scientists have further proposed that the Callovosaurus specimen is a valid genus and the oldest known dryosaurid.

Known to have roamed the earth about 145 million years ago in the Middle-Jurassic era, this dinosaur was the earliest known member of the iguanodonts and presumably was similar in structure and appearance to the later Camptosaurus. Sharing their habitat with pterosaurs, marine reptiles, fish, invertebrates, and other dinosaurs such as Lexovisaurus, these dinosaurs are fast and powerful runners.

Living in the middle-Callovian age of Middle Jurassic age, these dinosaurs with a herbivorous diet had bodies that were bulky and big-boned.

If you'd like to discover more amazing facts on similar dinosaurs, explore our Chromogisaurus fun facts or Draconyx interesting facts for kids that you're sure to enjoy!

Callovosaurus Interesting Facts

How do you pronounce 'Callovosaurus'?

The name of this dinosaur from the Middle-Jurassic is pronounced as 'Cal-lo-vo-sore-us'. Jose Ignacio Ruiz-Omeñaca and his team concluded that this extinct animal was the oldest known dryosaurid.

It was previously called Camptosaurus leedsi by Richard Lydekkar in 1889 but was given its new name by Peter Galton in 1980 after he took the femur bone and put it in a new genus.

What type of dinosaur was a Callovosaurus?

Callovosaurus belongs to a new genus of dryosaurid or basal iguanodontian dinosaurs that was believed to have existed in the middle-Callovian period of the Middle Jurassic in present-day England. This extinct animal was the oldest known dryosaurid as concluded by Jose Ignacio Ruiz-Omeñaca and his team.

In which geological period did Callovosaurus roam the earth?

This fast-running dinosaur, which was given its name by Peter Galton, roamed the earth during the middle-Callovian period of the middle-Jurassic era in England around 145 million years ago.

When did the Callovosaurus become extinct?

These herbivorous dinosaurs, which is a genus of iguanodontian ornithopod dinosaurs, became extinct about 65 million years ago.

Where did Callovosaurus live?

The Callovosaurus leedsi, formerly known as Camptosaurus leedsi, was known to make its homes in terrestrial habitats.

What was the Callovosaurus' habitat?

This genus of iguanodontian dinosaurs, whose fossils were located in the Oxford Clay Formation of Cambridgeshire, England, preferred habitats like forests, grasslands, shorelands, and wetlands. Research and findings have suggested that these reptile-like dinosaurs were social and grazed in groups or flocks.

Who did Callovosaurus live with?

These dinosaurs of the Camptosauridae family, which were basal and likely resembled their assumed close relative Dryosaurus, were believed to have lived in groups, often grazing or herding together in plains and forest.

How long did a Callovosaurus live?

Since these dinosaurs lived a long time ago, it is difficult to predict for how many years the Callovosaurus leedsi would have lived. However, these dinosaurs have lived for more than a hundred years. In fact, the Callovosaurus was the oldest known dryosaurid, according to Jose Ignacio Ruiz-Omeñaca.

How did they reproduce?

This small iguanodontian ornithopod dinosaur was an oviparous animal and reproduced by laying eggs. As there is no solid evidence available as yet about their exact breeding patterns, they would have probably reproduced in the same manner as reptiles did as they were closely related in behavior and characteristics.

Callovosaurus Fun Facts

What did Callovosaurus look like?

*We've been unable to source an image of Callovosaurus and have used a sketch of a herbivorous dinosaur instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of Callovosaurus, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at


Callovosaurus, a member of the Camptosauridae family, had some interesting and unique physical features. They have been a topic of speculation throughout history.

Formerly known as Camptosaurus leedsi, Peter Galton reviewed this specimen from the middle-Jurassic era and then proceeded to put this species in a new separate genus called Callovosaurus in 1980. This dinosaur species that was perhaps a dryosaurid was believed to have had a long face, a slender long body as well as a long tail.

Their posture was quite hunched. Even though this animal had four limbs, it walked on two.

This is because the front two limbs were quite small and short in length. Although it was previously seen as a camptosaurid, the almost complete femur portrays a combination of features that describes it as a dryosaurid.

How many bones did a Callovosaurus have?

The only bone found for this former Camptosaurus leedsi specimen originally was an almost complete thigh bone or femur. Recently, a partial shinbone has also been added to this small dryosaurid ornithopod.

The complete skeleton is yet to be discovered. These species of dinosaurs, that was initially discovered and described by Richard Lydekker in 1889 but later reviewed by Peter Galton, must have definitely had more than 150 bones approximately.

How did they communicate?

Being dinosaurs and given their loud nature, this dinosaur which is a genus of the iguanodontian dinosaur and previously known as Camptosaurus leedsi, must have communicated with other dinosaurs both through verbal and visual displays.

How big was the Callovosaurus?

The Callovosaurus size was average. This dryosaurid ornithopod was 108-156 in (274.3-391.1 cm) lengthwise, and was about 36 in (91.4 cm) tall, like a Barbery ape!

How fast could a Callovosaurus move?

Paleontologists through research have stated that this dinosaur from the Middle-Callovian age is quite fast. The exact speed at which these reptile-like species ran is not known but they were excellent and quick runners like crocodiles and alligators.

How much did a Callovosaurus weigh?

This dinosaur, which was first discovered by Richard Lydekker in 1889 in the Oxford clay formation in England, weighs about 100-200 lb (45.3-90.7 kg), three times more than a seal!

What were the male and female names of the species?

There are no specific male or female names for this species. They go by their common name which is Callovosaurus leedsi or simply, Callovosaurus. These species have been identified from a single femur that was located in Cambridgeshire, England.

What would you call a baby Callovosaurus?

The babies of this dinosaur species were called nestlings or hatchlings, just like the young ones of other dinosaurs as well.

What did they eat?

These animals, which were known as Camptosaurus leedsi previously, were herbivores and so, fed largely on plant matter and vegetation. Their herbivorous diet is shared by modern-day animals like sheep, deers, antelopes, and cows.

How aggressive were they?

As they come from the dinosaur family, this dryosaurid ornithopod from the Middle-Jurassic of England known from a femur fossil would have certainly shown aggression to a certain extent when faced with any threat or danger. However, these dinosaurs of average length were not really violent animals and were mostly found by themselves.

Did you know...

Scientists and researchers who have studied these dinosaurs with interesting features for a long period of time have come up with a newfound theory. They stated that these dinosaurs must have had camouflaged skin patterns that allowed them to blend in well with their surroundings and natural environments.

Why are they called Callovosaurus?

Since the Callovosaurus is a reptile-like dinosaur that displayed similar characteristics to a reptile, it has been given its name, meaning 'Callovian lizard'. They lived in the Middle-Jurassic era in present-day Britain.

Who discovered the Callovosaurus?

The fossils of this ornithopod dinosaur from the Middle-Callovian age of the Jurassic era were first discovered and described by Richard Lydekker in 1889 as Camptosauras leedsi. Peter Galton then reviewed it in 1980 by studying the almost complete femur bone and placed this species under a new genus named Callovosaurus or Callovosaurus leedsi.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly dinosaur facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other creatures from our Uteodon facts for kids, or Mantellisaurus surprising facts for kids.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Callovosaurus coloring pages.

Main image by Danny Cicchetti.

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Written by Sharon Judith

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Psychology, Economics, and Sociology

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Sharon JudithBachelor of Arts specializing in Psychology, Economics, and Sociology

A humanities and Science student, Sharon holds a Bachelor of Arts degree with a specialization in Psychology, Economics, and Sociology from Mount Carmel College and is currently pursuing her Master's in Science from Bournemouth University. She is passionate about research, content writing, and development, and has a keen interest in international finance and economics. With her strong analytical skills and inquisitive mind, she is always striving to deepen her knowledge and understanding of these subjects.

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Fact-checked by Sakshi Raturi

Postgraduate Diploma in Management

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Sakshi RaturiPostgraduate Diploma in Management

Sakshi has experience in marketing strategy, social media planning, and recruiting industry experts for capstone projects, she has displayed a commitment to enhancing their skills and knowledge. She has won multiple awards, including a Certificate of Appreciation for Creative Writing and a Certificate of Merit for Immaculate Turut, and is always seeking new opportunities to grow and develop.

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