Fun Paluxysaurus Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Nov 28, 2022 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Nov 18, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Amazing Paluxysaurus facts to learn more about this incredible dinosaur species that lived in the late jurassic period so let’s dig in.

The Cretaceous era had different stages the first stage was called lower cretaceous or early cretaceous. During this stage many new dinosaur species evolved and so did the Paluxysaurus whose synonym is Sauroposeidon.

A study in 2012 deduced that the Paluxysaurus jonesi is the juvenile of Sauroposeidon proteles. The Paluxysaurus is a sauropod dinosaur that is acknowledged for its long neck and long tail.

The sauropod genera consist of some of the largest dinosaur species that have been discovered yet. It is contemplated that the Paluxysaurus is contemplated as basal titanosauriform but the distinguishing feature of this group is absent amongst the Paluxysaurus.

The specimen of this dinosaur that has been unearthed from Texas, Oklahoma, and Wyoming is not complete.

Sauroposeidon proteles or Paluxysaurus jonesi is currently the Texas state dinosaur. Pleurocoelus was previously a Texas state dinosaur from 1997-2009 but Sauroposeidon proteles replaced it.

Further study and analysis of the fossils of Paluxysaurus jonesi affirmed that these dinosaurs existed near the river delta of the Gulf of Mexico. The Paluxysaurus jonesi is also the last known group of sauropods on the North American continent.

Intrigued already? want to learn more about the Paluxysaurus? then keep reading this article as more interesting facts are stated below.

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Paluxysaurus Interesting Facts

How do you pronounce 'Paluxysaurus'?

The Paluxysaurus jonesi that existed around 112 million years ago is a sauropod species. The dinosaur fossils that have been discovered in North America assert that they inhibited the delta region of the Gulf of Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas particularly near the Paluxy river and thus Paluxysaurus or the Paluxy river lizard.

It is pronounced as ‘Pah-lux-ee-sore-us’.

Four incomplete fossil specimens have been discovered and a study in 2012 confirmed that the Paluxysaurus jonesi are the juveniles of Sauroposeidon proteles. The Sauroposeidon as the name suggests is named after the Greek god Poseidon and is pronounced as ‘SOR-o-po-SY-den’.

What type of dinosaur was a Paluxysaurus?

 The Paluxysaurus upon its discovery made some of the biggest headlines around the world as it was initially thought the largest dinosaur in history but later it was discarded. However, they belong to the group of sauropods that comprises some of the biggest dinosaurs.

It is a herbivore and its long neck enabled them to eat leaves from the high branches of trees. The Paluxysaurus jonesi is also a Texas state dinosaur.

In which geological period did the Paluxysaurus roam the earth?

The Paluxysaurus is supposed to have existed towards the end of the early cretaceous era in North America. It is also speculated that they are the last of the sauropods that prevailed on the North American continent.

They lived approximately 112 million years ago particularly between the Aptian epoch and Albian epoch.

and around the Paluxy river as the discoveries have been made around the territories of Texas, Wyoming, and Oklahoma. On may 1994 a dog trainer in Atoka county discovered the vertebrae of this dinosaur.

However, the bones were so massive that they were discarded as scientists and researchers believed that they are remains of some tree trunks.

Later in 1999, Dr. Richard Cifelli assigned those specimens to his graduate student who confirmed that it was a dinosaur fossil. The excavation that was put to halt in 1987 was revived in 1993 by prominent organizations like the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History after the discovery of fossils in the ranch of Hood county.

When did the Paluxysaurus become extinct?

The exact date for the extinction of these dinosaurs is not specified, but they lived 112 million years ago. Several factors were responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs and it was a mass extinction such as asteroid’s impact and gradual climate change.

Where did Paluxysaurus live?

The discoveries that have been made all through the years give us an idea about the dwelling of these dinosaurs. The fossils have been discovered in North America and it is the last of the sauropods that existed on this continent.

Around the region of Texas, most of the bone beds and trackways have been excavated. Initially, the fossils were thought to be a part of the Pleurocoelus genus specifically the specimen that was collected from the Glen Rose formation.

In the 1980s, the Texas university students uncovered bones in the ranch of Hood county but the excavation was put to a halt.

In ‘87 and later it was resumed in 1993 and three major organizations including the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History took part in this excavation. Thus Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, and the Gulf of Mexico were the primary region.

What was the Paluxysaurus' habitat?

The Paluxysarurus were primarily herbivores therefore they lived in places with abundant vegetation. Their habitat that was almost 112 million years ago is was predominantly sub-tropical or tropical with swamps, lagoons, deltas.

Who did Paluxysaurus live with?

The Paluxysaurus is believed to share their living space with other dinosaur species such as Pleurocoelus, Tenontosaurus, and other vertebrates.

How long did a Paluxysaurus live?

The lifespan of Paluxysaurus that lived on earth 112 million years ago in the early cretaceous era is not listed.

How did they reproduce?

The exact method of reproduction of the Paluxysaurus is not documented. Nevertheless, they reproduced sexually like the current day's reptiles but their sexual behavior or method of reproduction, clutch size, or gestation period has not been documented.

Paluxysaurus Fun Facts

What did Paluxysaurus look like?

Once contemplated as the largest dinosaur in history that has walked on Earth the Paluxysaurus is particularly identified for its incredibly long neck and tail.

The sauropod bones and fossil remains that have been collected from the excavation site in which the Forst Worth Museum of Science and history was a participant too it is deduced that this Sauropod species was 89-112 ft (27-34 m) with pillar-like legs like other sauropod species.

The fossils that have been discovered are not complete but it is believed that they probably had an air sac system.

We've been unable to source an image of Paluxysaurus and have used an image of Triceratops instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of Paluxysaurus, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at

How many bones did a Paluxysaurus have?

The skeleton is not complete as discoveries are mostly made of partial bones. Therefore the exact number of bones present in the Paluxysarus is not listed.

How did they communicate?

These dinosaurs lived with other vertebrates and dinosaurs but the social behavior is not stated.

How big was the Paluxysaurus?

The species of sauropod are some of the largest dinosaurs and initially when the fossil was discovered it was discarded because of its massive size. However, once confirmed that it was a dinosaur fossil it was a breakthrough moment in the history of dinosaur research as it was labeled as the largest dinosaur but it was excluded later.

The Paluxysaurus size is almost 89-112 ft (27-34 m) in length. It was bigger than the Apatosaurus that was 69–75 ft (21–22.8 m) in length.

How fast could a Paluxysaurus move?

The speed of this dinosaur is listed.

How much did a Paluxysaurus weigh?

The weight of this dinosaur is assumed to be approximately 110231-132277.3 lb (50,000-60,000 kg), but scientists also believe that the sauropod species had air sacs that could decrease their weight by 20%.

What were the male and female names of the species?

The name for the male and female species is not listed.

What would you call a baby Paluxysaurus?

The offspring hatched from Paluxysaurus egg and was probably called hatchling initially and later juvenile.

What did they eat?

The Paluxysarus was vegetarian and ate plants.

How aggressive were they?

The temperament of this dinosaur is not listed.

Did you know...

The term ‘proteles’ in ‘Sauroposeidon proteles’ is derived from a Greek word that refers to ‘perfect before the end’ as it was the last known North American sauropod species.

Why are they called Paluxysaurus?

These dinosaurs inhabited near the Paluxy river of Texas and most of the bones were collected from this region thus it was named Paluxysaurus.

Who discovered Paluxysaurus?

In 1980 a bone bed was discovered in Hood county by the students of Texas university and the excavation began.

However, in 1987 the excavation was ceased but later in 1993, it was resumed by the parties of Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, State University of Tarleton, and SMU.

In 1994 the dinosaur vertebrae were discovered by Bobby Cross a dog trainer and then Dr Richard Cifelli and his dinosaur research team secures the specimen.

The bones were dismissed as they were too massive to be a part of an animal but in 1999 when Dr Richard Cifelli handed over this fossil to one of his graduate students named Matt Wedel for a project worked he confirmed that it belonged to a dinosaur species.

 Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly dinosaur facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these Abrosaurus facts, or Huaxiaosaurus facts for kids.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable family of four dinosaurs coloring pages.

Main image by Danny Cicchetti

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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