Fun Shantungosaurus Facts For Kids

Iram Ashfaq
Nov 29, 2022 By Iram Ashfaq
Originally Published on Oct 01, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
If you are in search of interesting Shantungosaurus facts, you are in the right place.

The Shantungosaurus meaning 'Shandong lizard' was a massive herbivore that lived back in the Late Cretaceous period.

It was the first giant mounted Ornithischia found in China. The Shantungosaurus is one of the weirdest creatures that ever existed.

It has 1,500 tiny chewing teeth adjacent to a loose flap in its mouth like a feather, making this creature look more like an incomplete bird than anything else!

It sported beaklike structures made up of bone and cartilage called rostra which were used to filter feed from river bottoms where they lounged in peace among leaf litter along stream channels throughout southern Asia.

Shantung sauropods also had long necks so large (upwards) its center of gravity was off-set meaning you couldn’t just push them over when hunting prey!

It has many interesting facts that make it one of the more intriguing and unusual creatures out there!

One thing we found really cool about this animal's biology was how much they resembled a crocodile, with a loose flap on their legs for swimming through water like an otter or seal would do so if need be; not bad right?

Another fascinating feature related to its environment were two large spikes coming off each hip which may have helped prevent injury during combat when fighting another similar looking creature. There's a lot to know about Shantungosaurus giganteus, like the fact that it wasn't actually related or descended from any other known group.

It also has three temporal fenestrae (an opening in its skull).

But there are even more really cool facts too! Their fossilized remains created during the Wangshi formation date back 180 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous time period when they roamed what is now Asia and parts of Europe.

Check out the exciting Shantungosaurus 'Jurassic Park' movie and watch it with your kids this weekend!

Find more relatable and exciting facts about the Heterodontosaurus and Orodromeus for kids!

Shantungosaurus Interesting Facts

How do you pronounce 'Shantungosaurus'?

The correct Shantungosaurus pronunciation is 'sha-tunn-goe-saw-rus'. The Shantungosaurus name means a 'Shandong lizard', native to China!

What type of dinosaur was a Shantungosaurus?

It was a type of giant saurolophine hadrosaurid dinosaur just like the Zhuchengosaurus maximus hadrosaur!

In which geological period did the Shantungosaurus roam the Earth?

The Parasaurolophus and Shantungosaurus giganteus both belonged to the Late Cretaceous Period around 180 million years back!

When did the Shantungosaurus become extinct?

As suggested by the restored skeletons from the Wangshi peninsula formation of Zhuchengosaurus maximus, Edmontosaurus, and Shantungosaurus, all these species went extinct no less than 80 million years back!

Where did a Shantungosaurus live?

This genus of dinosaurs was among the largest known species from the Cretaceous era and a mounted skeleton has been restored by researchers from zones like forests, near grasslands, mountains, and meadows, suggesting these dinosaurs loved to see these places!

What was a Shantungosaurus's habitat?

The Shantungosaurus had a wide range of habitats in which to search for food, including trees that were up high. It was also capable of being aquatic and existing on land as well due to its four pedal digit ligaments, foot-like tendons attached at opposite ends from each ankle bone.

Who did a Shantungosaurus live with?

They say that Shantungosaurus dinosaurs lived with a family of Triceratops including other hadrosaurs, which are three-horned dinosaurs. They have an interesting distinct feature to see. In addition to their signature horn on top only found in males and females respectively, these first plant-eaters also possessed two smaller ones just below it.

How long did a Shantungosaurus live?

After an extensive long study on the largest restored skeletons, scientists have been able to propose the average life length of these largest known dinosaurs. It has been estimated to be around 45-50 years! Can you believe that?!

How did they reproduce?

Shantungosaurus reproduction was not so simple after all! The largest Shantungosaurus was one of the first dinosaurs to be found in China. They reproduced by mating and then females laid their eggs on land or an aquatic habitat that they created for themselves, called a nest.

Shantungosaurus Fun Facts

What did a Shantungosaurus look like?

Shantungosaurus characteristics were very peculiar and made this dinosaur stand out from the rest of the members of this genus. Shantungosaurus skin was thick and scaly just like that of the ornithopods including the Hadrosaur!

The Shantungosaurus, meaning 'Shandong lizard' also had 1,500 tiny chewing teeth with which they were able to chop down any vegetation that would come their way!

Their largest mounted skeleton and remains also suggest that it was considered among the largest known genus with a massive skull and long bones like those of ornithopods including Zhuchengosaurus, Edmontosaurus, and Hadrosauridae. Their skull bones and teeth have been compared to those of Hadrosaurs by many researchers due to their calcium content.

How many bones did a Shantungosaurus have?

The largest known skeleton of this species had around 1,500 teeth and 235-240 bones, in a close range of other dinosaurs including Edmontosaurus of the clade Dinosauria!

How did they communicate?

The Shantungosaurus was a herbivore that lived in China during the Late Cretaceous geological time. How did the Shantungosauruses communicate? We don't know for sure, but it's possible they communicated through sound and smell or maybe even gestures!

How big was a Shantungosaurus?

Shantungosaurus size may have made it the largest hadrosaur! Shantungosaurus weight was estimated to be around 18 tons (16329.3 kg) which honestly is quite a lot! This hadrosaur had a length of 49.2 ft (15 m) and a height of 32.8 ft (10 m)!

How fast could a Shantungosaurus move?

Shantungosaurus speed was considered lightning fast when compared to other similar long known dinosaur species with sharp small teeth! Scientists have recorded these prehistoric creatures running at speeds up to 28 mph (45.06 kph)!

How much did a Shantungosaurus weigh?

The weight of this species was unbelievable. Their weight is believed to reach a value of around 18 tons (16329.3 kg) during adulthood! We probably do not have any other hadrosaurid whose weight is that high!

What were the male and female names of the species?

This long species had two sexes associated with it, the males and the females. Neither of them has a scientific term attached to it and both go by the name Shantungosaurus ornithopoda!

What would you call a baby Shantungosaurus?

The offsprings of Shantungosaurus are simply referred to as baby Shantungosaurus hadrosaurs.

What did they eat?

The Shantungosaurus was a herbivore given its typical Shantungosaurus environment. Its fossilized features and remains created during the Wangshi peninsula formation show evidence of plant and tree consumption, as well as its wide mouth, suggests it ate all the vegetation that came into reach of their massive jaws!

How aggressive were they?

Shantungosaurus ornithopoda creatures were so aggressive they could kill prey up to 60 times their size with little effort. Unearthing evidence that Shantungsaurus was not your average herbivore has been an interesting task for researchers over the years, as this hadrosaur was often found attacking anything in sight!

The Shantungosaurus dinosaur is believed to have had a fleshy bag around its nostrils to make sounds to attract females as well as to defend its border.

Did you know...

Shantungosaurus vs Spinosaurus! The Shantungosaurus and Spinosaurus are two of the most interesting creatures with sharp teeth with a huge length that have ever lived when compared. Their features are so different from one another in appearance, size, length, diet but what sets these guys apart is how they died out at such drastically different rates!

Parasaurolophus vs Shantungosaurus! It's hard to believe that there are still discoveries being made in paleontology. The similarities between the two animals might be a case of convergent evolution, where they both independently evolved similar traits!

Shantungosaurus vs Tarbosaurus! It's a battle of the titans! Two giants, one from China and another from North America respectively but they both share many features with each other including their immense sizes.

What hunted the Shantungosaurus?

The Shantungosaurus hadrosaurid Ornithischia was stalked and hunted by many a creature, but none as mean or powerful as the Tyrannosaurus rex. The two titans came face-to-face in what is thought to have been an epic battle for control over Afar Land (and all its inhabitants).

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly dinosaur facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other dinosaurs from our Chungkingosaurus facts and Ostafrikasaurus facts pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Shantungosaurus coloring pages.

Second image by IJReid

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Written by Iram Ashfaq

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

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Iram AshfaqBachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

With a Bachelor's degree in Dental Surgery from Shaney Institute of Health Sciences and a Master's degree in Public Health from Imperial College London, Iram is a highly qualified and accomplished writer from Srinagar, India. Over the course of a year, she has acquired multiple writing certifications, focusing on health sciences and research studies. Prior to joining Kidadl, Iram gained valuable experience working as a content writer for Indian firms and interning at a New York-based company. Her expertise and passion for writing shine through in her ability to create compelling content across a variety of topics.

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