Fun Shuvuuia Facts For Kids

Iram Ashfaq
Mar 10, 2023 By Iram Ashfaq
Originally Published on Oct 04, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
These amazing Shuvuuia facts will thrill you to the core.

The Shuvuuia velociraptor dinosaur was a type of theropod that lived 150 million years ago in what is now Asia Minor and India. They had long horizontal necks with their heads poking out from behind them (just like an elephant's trunk!).

One interesting fact that we found out through our specialized research was the way this animal’s preserved fossilized bones were discovered; scientists had excavated them from rocks near Bawul Mandi village located on Mount Royal!

Fossil discoveries never get old.

They're still a big deal and it's always exciting when new fossils are found. Shuvuuia is one such extinct species that was once thought to be just an urban legend but has now been confirmed by scientists as existing in reality.

The last report by Jonah of its existence came from the People's Republic Of China, where authorities discovered two specimens in 2010 - one at the Zigong Lake quarry and another much later on during construction works for televisions near Sichuan province 'Shuvy Tushiya,' meaning 'Revived Dinosaur.'

Find out how these incredible animals with brilliant features lived their lives below!

It was the first-ever quadrupedal insectivore from China to have been discovered as well!

This fascinating creature had horns on its head to protect them from injury when fighting other dinosaurs during mating season or if they were angry about something else - who knows?

What we do know for sure though, are some interesting facts about this extinct species; such as how much bigger than average humans they must have seemed back then.

It has large eyes and long eyelashes for its size which are unique qualities among the animals that inhabited forests, and grasslands at this time period in Earth's history.

The tiny Shuvuuia feather was believed to be super soft and smooth. Keep reading these super exciting facts on Shuvuuia.

Find more relatable exciting content about the Tupuxuara and Metriorhynchus for kids!

Shuvuuia Interesting Facts

How do you pronounce 'Shuvuuia'?

The correct Shuvuuia pronunciation is 'Shoe-voo-ee-aa'.

What type of dinosaur was a Shuvuuia?

The Shuvuuia deserti was a non-avian theropod that lived during the Late Cretaceous. It is believed to have had feathers on its body length just like every other related bird-like creature today that have numerous feathers on forelimbs!

In which geological period did the Shuvuuia roam the Earth?

This dinosaur lived in the Late Cretaceous period, an age which is considered by many to be one of Earth's most colorful periods with diverse features. At this time several important events shaped much about how we live today!

When did the Shuvuuia become extinct?

These lightly-built non-avian nocturnal theropod dinosaurs with long legs went extinct around 75 million years ago. These theropods also had great night vision. They could see easily even in complete darkness.

Where did a Shuvuuia live?

These theropods were found in Mongolia and Africa million years ago! Its fossil was an exciting discovery that has forever changed how we thought about dinosaurs.

What was a Shuvuuia's habitat?

These theropod dinosaurs discovered by Chiappe Norell, Clark, and Jonah were a group that lived in current grass plains, forests near trees, and water resources. Not only did they need these features to survive but also because it was their natural habitat.

Who did a Shuvuuia live with?

They lived in herds and also some other similar related species as well. From what we have heard, these bird-like mammals were seen living together on the African savanna.

How long did a Shuvuuia live?

This Mongolian theropod had a lifespan of about 40 years. These theropods had the ability to be agile and heavyweights in comparison with other similar species.

How did they reproduce?

The male and female mated in their native fashion. The females then laid eggs for reproduction, which would hatch into a dinosaur baby that resembled its father or mother.

Shuvuuia Fun Facts

What did a Shuvuuia look like?

It had four long legs and two small arms with spikes on them for protection against prey such as insects; its head was narrow like an anteater or crocodile's but shorter. The Shuvuuia arms were slender and long just like its long legs.

It used its forelimbs mostly during hunting, or also while on the move. The Shuvuuia skull was roundish and had feather-like adaptations attached to its forelimbs.

The Shuvuuia skeletal system discovered by scientists like Jonah, Chiappe Norell, Clark, and Shu had specialized tiny claw-like structures at the end of the fingers adjacent to which could presumably be used for digging. The Shuvuuia hand used for digging had three fingers with a moderate length.

It had sharp teeth in its hollow jaw used for hunting down insects. These bird-like mammals had a commendable hearing sense and complete darkness vision.

How many bones did a Shuvuuia have?

These Mongolian birds or bird-like mammals are believed to have around 360 bones. Along with these, they also had a strong set of teeth in the jaw to increase their hunting ability.

How did they communicate?

Scientists have made a surprising discovery about how many theropod dinosaurs, such as Shuvuuia communicate. It is believed that these ancient creatures used crests and hollow dens to make sounds which were picked up by hearing organs in their neck and skull bones then sent through an organ below it called air sacs.

How big was a Shuvuuia?

The Shuvuuia size was moderate. It had a fascinating length of about 2 ft (61 cm) and a height of 0.7 ft (21.3 cm).

How fast could a Shuvuuia move?

The nocturnal Shuvuuia dinosaurs are known for being able to move at speeds of up 25 mph (40.2 kph) in just a few seconds.

How much did a Shuvuuia weigh?

The bird-like Shuvuuia deserti with great night vision was a magnificent creature with an amazing weight. It weighed in at 5.5 lb (2.5 kg).

What were the male and female names of the species?

The males and females of this dinosaur species are popularly referred to as Shuvuuia dinosaurs. When it comes to theropod sex, these animals are very similar.

There is little difference between males and females in terms of size or appearance. These theropod males and females were almost identical. The only noticeable difference was their size, with larger female models having chins forked at the end instead of spikes or broader shoulders in general due to a lack thereof on smaller counterparts.

A study done by paleontologists from Britain's University College London (UCL) has finally revealed just what they have been wondering: why do some species look distinctly different when it comes down to exogamous features like body structure? It turns out these differences can range anywhere between minor variations.

What would you call a baby Shuvuuia?

These lightly-built nocturnal dinosaur groups of babies did not have any scientific terms and are simply known as dinosaur babies or Shuvuu babies. These theropod babies were tiny and adorable. They looked like little night crawlers that scurried around on their stubby legs.

What did they eat?

The Shuvuuia prehistoric wildlife was rich and its Shuvuuia diet was mostly insect-based. This therapod that lived in China and became extinct over 65 million years ago had typical soft Shuvuuia feathers on forelimbs.

How aggressive were they?

The Shuvuuia wildlife included a bunch of rambunctious theropods. Their nasty fight for territory had made them aggressive and weedy animals that would thrive in hot deserts like the Sahara.

Did you know...

With their large nocturnal efficient eyes, these dinosaurs were also able to have a great vision in the complete darkness. Their hearing sense is considered to be one of the best among most of the relative species.

Why is it called desert bird?

The Shuvuuia deserti has a special place in the bird world. It lives in areas that are dry, sandy, and hot- that is why it is called a 'desert bird' for good reason!.

What adaptations did Shuvuuia have?

The group of Shuvuuia deserti had an interesting adaptation that made its survival in the wild more likely. Its skull bone was thicker than those of other modern relative species, which gave it greater protection against potential injury when hunting prey or fighting off attackers.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly dinosaur facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other relative creatures from our Caviramus facts and Yinlong facts pages.

You could even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Shuvuuia coloring pages.


Main Image credit : FunkMonk (Michael B. H.) / GNU Free Documentation License

Second image credit : Jaime A. Headden (Qilong) / Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

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Written by Iram Ashfaq

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

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Iram AshfaqBachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

With a Bachelor's degree in Dental Surgery from Shaney Institute of Health Sciences and a Master's degree in Public Health from Imperial College London, Iram is a highly qualified and accomplished writer from Srinagar, India. Over the course of a year, she has acquired multiple writing certifications, focusing on health sciences and research studies. Prior to joining Kidadl, Iram gained valuable experience working as a content writer for Indian firms and interning at a New York-based company. Her expertise and passion for writing shine through in her ability to create compelling content across a variety of topics.

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