Sinosaurus, also known as Sinosaurus triassicus, is known to have inhabited present-day China and the fossil remains were found in Lufeng Formation. It belongs to the Dinosauria, Theropoda, and Neotheropoda clade. It existed in the Early Jurassic period. No information is available about the habitat of this theropod.
Not a lot is known about the appearance of this dinosaur but whatever is known about this animal is based on the fossils that consisted of two upper jaws (maxillary) fragments, a lower fragment that consisted of three teeth, and four maxillary teeth.
The teeth of this dinosaur were known to be compressed laterally and have serrations at their anterior and posterior edges and are curved towards the back.
The braincase of this specimen is known to be almost complete and lacked only a few bones. It is related to a similar specimen named Dilophosaurus sinensis and both of them were known to have crests.
Dilophosaurus sinesis and Sinosaurus triassicus can be differentiated on the basis of the vertical groove that was there on the lateral premaxilla adjacent to the maxilla. Based on the jaws and teeth structure and reconstructed skeleton, it has been recorded that the diet of this animal was carnivorous or it was a scavenger.
The name and description of this dinosaur were done by Dong Zhinming who is considered to be the father of Chinese vertebrate paleontology. The fossil material found in the red beds that were initially named Sinosaurus was later reassigned as Jingshanosaurus.
Sinosaurus means 'Chinese lizard'. The skeleton of this specimen is known to be the only dilophosaurid that is known from the entire braincase.
It is quite fascinating to discover more about this theropod and if you are interested, read about Atrociraptor and Ludodactylus, too.
Sinosaurus Interesting Facts
How do you pronounce 'Sinosaurus'?
The pronunciation of Sinosaurus goes 'Sy-noe-sore-us'.
What type of dinosaur was a Sinosaurus?
Sinosaurus was known to be a theropod dinosaur.
In which geological period did the Sinosaurus roam the earth?
This dinosaur was known to have existed in the Early Jurassic period.
When did the Sinosaurus become Extinct?
The exact time period of the extinction of this species is not known, but the dinosaurs, in general, became extinct about 65 million years ago.
Where did a Sinosaurus live?
This dinosaur was known to inhabit present-day China. The fossils of this dinosaur species were found in the Lufeng Formation of China.
What was a Sinosaurus' habitat?
No information is available about the habitat of the Sinosaurus.
Who did a Sinosaurus live with?
It is unknown if the Sinosaurus was solitary or lived in a group.
How long did a Sinosaurus live?
The lifespan of this dinosaur is unknown.
How did they reproduce?
Reproduction of this genus from the Early Jurassic took place through sexual reproduction, just like all other dinosaurs.
Sinosaurus Fun Facts
What did a Sinosaurus look like?

Whatever is known about the appearance of the Sinosaurus is known from the fossils that consisted of two upper jaw fragments, a lower jaw fragment that consisted of three teeth, and four maxillary teeth.
The teeth of this dinosaur were known to be compressed laterally and have serrations at their anterior and posterior edges and are curved towards the back.
How many bones did a Sinosaurus have?
The exact number of bones that this dinosaur had is not known.
How did they communicate?
Communication of these dinosaurs used to take place just like other dinosaurs, that is, through different types of sounds, postures, and gestures.
How big was a Sinosaurus?
Based on the fossils, it has been estimated that the Sinosaurus size is around 220 in (560 cm) in length.
How fast could a Sinosaurus move?
The moving speed of this dinosaur is not available.
How much did a Sinosaurus weigh?
The weight of Sinosaurus is not known.
What were the male and female names of the species?
This species did not have any sex-specific names.
What would you call a baby Sinosaurus?
A baby Sinosaurus just like other baby dinosaurs was known as a hatchling.
What did they eat?
Research studies and analysis of the dental structure states that there is a high possibility of this dinosaur being a carnivore or scavenger, but their exact diet is not known.
How aggressive were they?
It is quite difficult to determine the aggressiveness of this dinosaur, but in general, these animals were considered to be violent and aggressive.
Did you know...
Sinosaurus means 'Chinese lizard'.
Sinosaurus is derived from a Latin word for 'Chinese', 'Sinae', and the Greek word 'Sauros' that means 'lizard'.
Triassicus, the species name, is known to be based on the Triassic time period, as it was initially thought that this species existed in this time.
The holotype of Sinosaurus triassicus was named IVPP V34.
Dilophosaurus sinesis and Sinosaurus triassicus can be differentiated on the basis of the vertical groove that was on the lateral premaxilla adjacent to the maxilla.
The Sinosaurus skeleton is known to be the only dilophosaurid that is known from the entire braincase.
A new specimen was found in 2012 and was considered to be a new species also known as the new Sinosaurus.
A species that was discovered and named in 2017, that is, Shuangbaisaurus anlongbaoensis, is considered a synonym of Sinosaurus Triassicus (T. sinosaurus).
Oliver Rauhut considered this dinosaur an advanced theropod and related to Cryolophosaurus.
Dilophosaurus sinesis was displayed in Dinofest, Philadelphia in 1998.
In 2007, Lufeng Dinosaurian Museum came across a new specimen of Sinosaurus and the fossils consisted of a fragmentary skull and some postcranial elements.
Sinosaurus and Dilophosaurus were both recorded to have crests, but these crests could not be used for combat.
This genus from the Early Jurassic is known to be the first dinosaur in which the remodeling of the jaw was recorded.
The Lufeng Formation, where this dinosaur was discovered, is known to have shared the paleoenvironment with therapsids, archosaurs like Oligokyphus, Bienotherium, Pachysuchus, and Strigosuchus.
Not much is known about the defense and protection techniques of these theropods.
It is also unknown if these animals used to hunt in packs or alone, but it has been recorded that they might have engaged in hunting based on the dental structure and features.
The classification of this theropod was initially thought to be coelophysoid.
Who discovered the Sinosaurus and when?
Sinosaurus was discovered in the Lower Lufeng Formation in the Yunnan province of China. It is unknown who discovered it but it has been recorded that it was named and described by the father of Chinese vertebrate paleontology, Chung Chien Yung, in 1940.
Did the Sinosaurus walk on four legs?
Sinosaurus is a bipedal species, meaning that it walked on two legs.
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Main image by Ghedoghedo.
Second image by Slate Weasel.