Stenopelix, also known as Stenopelix valdensis, was known to inhabit present-day Germany and the fossil was found near Buckeberg, Harrle in a sandstone quarry in the Wealden Formation. No information is available about the types of habitat that these dinosaurs used to inhabit.
The reproduction used to take place through the sexual way, where the males used to deposit sperm inside the female body and the females then used to lay fertilized eggs, that had developing embryos inside them. The
The Stenopelix skeleton that was discovered was in a bad condition and was quite fragmentary, thus, no information is available about the physical appearance and features. The fossil that was discovered also lacked the Stenopelix skull.
Their diet was considered to be herbivorous. Stenopelix size is estimated to be around 59 in (150 cm).
The generic name of this species is derived from two Greek words, 'stenos' meaning 'narrow', and 'pelyx' meaning 'pelvis', and thus, roughly translated to 'narrow pelvis' and the specific name is kept in the reference of the Wealden Formation.
It is known to have been reviewed by Sues and Galton, too. There has been confusion around it belonging to the Pachycephalosaurs or Marginocephalia, while a phylogenetic position and record from the lower cretaceous stated Stenopelix valdensis to be an ornithischia.
It is quite fascinating to discover about the basal ceratopsians from the early cretaceous and if you are interested, read about Chaoyangsaurus and Liaoceratops, too.
Stenopelix Interesting Facts
How do you pronounce 'Stenopelix'?
This dinosaur is pronounced as 'Sten-oh-pel-ix'.
What type of dinosaur was a Stenopelix?
It is believed that this dinosaur probably belonged to the Ceratopia type.
In which geological period did Stenopelix roam the earth?
It belonged to the Early Cretaceous time period.
When did the Stenopelix become Extinct?
The exact time period of the extinction of this ceratopsian dinosaur is unknown.
Where did Stenopelix live?
This ceratopsian was known to have inhabited present-day Germany.
What was the Stenopelix's habitat?
No information is available about the habitat of this species.
Who did Stenopelix live with?
It is not known if this dinosaur species was a solitary animal or lived in groups.
How long did a Stenopelix live?
The exact lifespan of this ceratopsian dinosaur is not known.
How did they reproduce?
Reproduction of all dinosaurs used to take place by laying eggs by the female after the male deposited sperm inside the female's body.
Stenopelix Fun Facts
What did Stenopelix look like?
We've been unable to source an image of Stenopelix and have used an image of Dracorex instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of Stenopelix, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at information is available about the physical appearance, description, and features of this dinosaur as the fossils and specimen that were preserved were found were in very fragmentary condition. It was a partial skeleton and it is known to lack a skull. The femur was known to be around 5.5 in (14 cm) long.
How many bones did a Stenopelix have?
The exact number of bones that this dinosaur had is not known.
How did they communicate?
Communication took place through sounds, postures, and gestures.
How big was the Stenopelix?
The approximate length is known to be around 59 in (150 cm) and it was considered to be a small dinosaur.
How fast could a Stenopelix move?
The exact speed of movement of this extinct species cannot be determined.
How much did a Stenopelix weigh?
There is no information about the weight of this species.
What were the male and female names of the species?
Males and females of this dinosaur species did not have any sex-specific names.
What would you call a baby Stenopelix?
A baby of this dinosaur was referred to as a hatchling.
What did they eat?
Their diet was considered to be herbivorous, and thus, the possible food items that it used to consume included plant materials.
How aggressive were they?
Though dinosaurs were, in general, violent and aggressive, it is hard to determine the exact aggressiveness of this species.
Did you know...
The type species is known as Stenopelix valdensis.
It is known to have lived in the Berriasian Stage, that is, around 140 million years ago.
The fossil specimen has been described based on a fragmentary and almost complete (partial) skeleton preserved that had the skull absent.
It was known to be originally part of the Max Ballerstedt collection, which was, preserved in Bückeburg Gymnasium Adolfinum. It was later, around 1976 moved to Georg-August-Universität Göttingen in the Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum der Universität Göttingen collection.
The classification of the Stenopelix is debatable as there has never been a skull found.
The cladistic analysis by Paul Sereno is known to have stated that this species belonged to Pachycephalosaurs, while Richard Butler and Robert Sullivan considered it to be Marginocephalia and before Butler and Sullivan, it was known to have been reviewed by Sues and Galton.
The phylogenetic position and early fossil record from the Lower Cretaceous stated Stenopelix valdensis to be an Ornithischia from the Wealden of northwestern Germany.
The hollows of the discovered basal ceratopsians served as a natural mold in order to study and analyze this possible small ornithischian dinosaur.
Why are they called Stenopelix?
The generic name Stenopelix means 'narrow pelvis' and it is believed that this dinosaur might have had a narrow pelvis as suggested by the fossil remains.
Who discovered Stenopelix?
It is not known who discovered this dinosaur fossil, but Stenopelix valdensis was named by Christian Erich Hermann von Meyer.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly dinosaur facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other creatures from our Prenoceratops facts, or Cerasinops facts for kids.
You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Stenopelix coloring pages.
Main image by Nobu Tamura.
Second image by Valerie Everett.
*We've been unable to source an image of Stenopelix and have used an image of Dracorex instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of Stenopelix, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at