Fun Teratosaurus Facts For Kids

Iram Ashfaq
Oct 20, 2022 By Iram Ashfaq
Originally Published on Oct 01, 2021
Edited by Katherine Cook
Discover the most exciting 17 Teratosaurus facts for your kids.

The Teratosaurus was a bizarre and abnormal crocodile-like creature that lived during the late Triassic period. Teratosaurus silesiacus is a genus of small carnivorous rauisuchians dinosaurs.

The first Teratosaurs were discovered in 1835 by Gideon Mantell, who mistook their teeth for those found on theropods (a family including both carnival predators like T-rexes and Velociraptors).

They lived at least 150 million years ago during the Chalkstones Orogeny era of the Late Triassic period when England was an island off Norway's coast called Britain! They all have an extremely long neck and a small head with peg-like teeth in their upper jaw.

Some people may call them 'reptile dinosaurs', while others might say they're crocodilian due to their distinctive appearance. A recent study estimated how old each fossil is based on chromosomal ages.

And what's interesting about these animals?

Well not only do we still know so little but also there exists only one holotype so far! With their enormous teeth and scaly skin that made them look like they could attack at any moment-it's no wonder, this group has become so terrifying in movies or stories across time!

Teratosaurs silesiacus was larger than most other genera found at this time but they still weren't as big as some descriptions make them out to be. These early descriptions described these creatures being huge but slow-moving like turtles or tortoises.

The Teratosaurus is fascinating for many reasons, one being that it has a very interesting name. There are also other fun facts about this animal including where it lives and what makes up its diet!

The Teratosaurus was not just a regular T-rex, it had longer arms and teeth!

You can find upper jawbones and body remains in history from this species inside its skull along with other bones such as those related to legs or backbone. This carnivore would have hunted down prey much like how modern-day big cats do now!

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Teratosaurus Interesting Facts

Was the Teratosaurus a dinosaur?

The holotype Teratosaurus genus was a unique 3 in (7.62 cm) carnivorous dinosaur genus of the Late Triassic period that resembled both reptiles and mammals.

Paleontologists like Huene were shocked when they found this species because its appearance defied all previous classification systems for a dinosaur, but classifying it as an animal in its own right wasn't too hard once scientists got around to studying the remains!

How do you pronounce 'Teratosaurus'?

It has a very unique name and is pronounced as 'ter-ra-toe-saw-rus'. No that difficult after all?

What type of prehistoric reptile was a Teratosaurus?

This little beastie is so mean, it's not even in the same league as the T. rex! The Teratosaurus was an ancient reptile that terrorized herbivores during the Triassic period (205-199 million years ago).

It had razor-sharp teeth and claws on its feet to slice up plants before eating them, not bad for a small creature weighing less than 15 lb (6.8 kg) at most.

In which geological period did the Teratosaurus live?

This genus including Teratosaurus trossingensis, and Teratosaurus bengalensis are believed to be a part of the Late Triassic period millions of years ago.

When did the Teratosaurus become extinct?

The holotype Teratosaurus of the genus Rauisuchians became extinct around 65 million years ago. The dinosaur of this genus is named for the Greek words 'tera', meaning 'three' and 'sauros' or 'sauron' which means 'lizard' in English vernaculars from Middle Earth legendry that Tolkien uses to represent evil forces.

Where did a Teratosaurus live?

The Teratosaurus was a meat-eater with teeth so sharp it could tear through flesh. It spent most of its time in forests, where there were plenty of logs to gnaw on and pass the hours until dinner arrived!

What was a Teratosaurus' habitat?

This large-bodied dinosaur genus lived in the Late Triassic period in Germany and other close-by countries a million years ago.

Who did a Teratosaurus live with?

There are many different theories as to how the mighty Teratosaurus genus lived in packs. The most popular theory suggests that these large carnivores would form groups and hunt together.

There is still some uncertainty about this idea since few fossils have been found which can provide evidence for it outside of bones from young individuals or newborns who died just after coming into existence. A phenomenon known cryptically among paleontologists like Huene at times referred, 'Teratornithinas'.

How long did a Teratosaurus live?

These genera were estimated to have a life of about 45 years, as suggested and described by the fossil and the remains material found by paleontologists like Huene across the globe!

How did they reproduce?

The Teratosaurus reproduced like most other similar species. The male and female partners would unite to form a union where the two parties could reproduce, but it wasn't until after this process that the females were able to lay eggs!

Teratosaurus Fun Facts

What did a Teratosaurus look like?

This dinosaur genus of the Late Triassic period was very interesting looking! What did a Teratosaurus look like?

To put it simply, these genera of history were as scary-looking and awe-inspiring to us humans in our ancient past.

The name itself means 'terrifying lizard'.

Not only are their size and length great but also so are other features such as spikes on its tail or teeth that stuck out at sharp angles through gaps between two rows (or rings) inside each encasing jaw bone!

A lot can be learned from these animals too such as how hard work pays off when getting enough food and knowing your place among other species by being able to keep track of which ones eat what kind during times without predators around.

How many bones did a Teratosaurus have?

These creatures from the Late Triassic period had 230 bones. It could also extend up to 240 scientists believe!

How did they communicate?

It is a mystery how these ancient creatures communicated. They could have used long, narrow squeaks or roars to get messages across and scare off competitors in their herds.

How big was a Teratosaurus?

The Teratosaurus size was moderate with a length of 10-20 ft (3-6 m) and a height of 8-15 ft (2.43-4.57 m)!

How fast could a Teratosaurus move?

Its agile and powerful legs allowed this creature to reach speeds of up over 25 mph (40 kph)!

How much did a Teratosaurus weigh?

It weighed around 4.5 tons (4082.33 kg)!

What were the male and female names of the species?

Both females and males go by the name Teratosaurus!

What would you call a baby Teratosaurus?

Their offspring are known as a baby Teratosaurus.

What did they eat?

The Teratosaurus was a meat-eater of the Late Triassic period. It is thought that large dinosaurs like the Terotosarus preferred their diet to include plants as well as smaller dinosaur species. They did consume fish on occasion if there was no other choice for prey for survival purposes in addition to some smaller mammals such as birds!

How aggressive were they?

The Teratosaurus was not just a gentle carnivore. This ancient meat-eater would have been quick to charge and vicious when protecting their young or territory from intruders. That is why it's so surprising they've survived until modern times!

Did you know...

People often get confused about whether the Teratosaurus is a reptile or a dinosaur due to its appearance that resembles both creatures to a great extent.

What does the name 'Teratosaurus' mean?

What does the name 'Teratosaurus' mean? It's a mouthful, isn't it? Well actually 'terat' means 'monster' in Greek so they were probably thinking about all those monsters when they came up with this one!

What are Teratosaurus ancestors to?

Teratosaurus dinosaurs are ancestors to carnosaurs, which were theropod dinosaurs with three toes on their hind feet and two claws on each forefoot.

They existed in what is now England before eventually becoming extinct at least 70 million years ago due to competition from other animal species such as Iguanodon reptiles that had shorter legs but longer toothless jaws than them!

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly prehistoric animal facts for everyone to discover! For more relatable content, check out these Germanodactylus interesting facts and Caviramus facts for kids.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Teratosaurus coloring pages.

Main image by Nobu Tamura

Second image by Szymon Górnicki

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Written by Iram Ashfaq

Bachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

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Iram AshfaqBachelor of Dental Surgery, Master of Public Health

With a Bachelor's degree in Dental Surgery from Shaney Institute of Health Sciences and a Master's degree in Public Health from Imperial College London, Iram is a highly qualified and accomplished writer from Srinagar, India. Over the course of a year, she has acquired multiple writing certifications, focusing on health sciences and research studies. Prior to joining Kidadl, Iram gained valuable experience working as a content writer for Indian firms and interning at a New York-based company. Her expertise and passion for writing shine through in her ability to create compelling content across a variety of topics.

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