41 Beetroot Facts: Benefits, Preparation, Side Effects And Much More

Martha Martins
Oct 13, 2023 By Martha Martins
Originally Published on Mar 04, 2022
Learn about the health benefits of this vegetable in beetroot facts.

Among red-colored vegetables, there is the beetroot.

Beetroot or Beta vulgaris is a root vegetable now consumed all over the world. Not only is this vegetable incredibly tasty but healthy as well.

Cut it up for your salad or cook it as a side dish; beets are a versatile food. Low in calories and high on nutrients, beets have become a kitchen staple.

No matter what your age, this root vegetable is beneficial for you. Fitness experts and athletes add beetroot in their smoothies for a boost in energy and muscle relaxation. Some even believe that beet juices can help you get rid of your garlic breath.

Facts About Beetroot

There is often a debate whether beet is a vegetable or fruit. It is a root vegetable that is referred to by several names such as garden beet, beet, table beet, and so on. Here are some fun facts about this edible food.

There are different types of beets available: red beets, golden beets, striped beets, cylindrical beets, mangel-wurzel beets, and the sugar beet variety. These are distinguished based on their color, shape, and type.

87% of the beet is made up of water. The remaining 13% include carbohydrates, fat, and other supplements.

The calorie amount gained from consuming 3.5 oz (100 g) of beets would be around 43 kcal.

Beetroot is rich in nutrients like folic acid, betaine, antioxidants, zinc.

It is also a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin B6.

The health benefits of eating beets make it a traditional food item in many households.

Vegetables with an increased amount of vitamins and minerals are classed as superfoods. Because of the high-nutrient content of beets, it has been deemed as a superfood.

Beets were actually first cultivated in the Mediterranean region in 2000 BC.

Initially, the root was not consumed as food but used as an ingredient in medicines.

There is evidence that beets used to be cultivated in the famous Babylon gardens.

Beetroots can be consumed either in raw, cooked, or baked form.

Beet greens are also used as a popular ingredient in salad.

Raw beets are healthier than cooked beets. Studies show that the nutrients of beets get lost when cooked for a longer duration. The health benefits of raw beetroot are far superior.

It is safe to consume this edible root vegetable every day. However, if you suffer from low blood pressure or kidney issues like kidney stones, it is best to avoid eating this food.

Sugar beets are different from red beets. Sugar beets are conical in shape and white in color. This beet variant is used in the production of sugar.

While beets are loved by many, there are some famous haters of this vegetable like Albert Einstein.

Beets have been used to make a port-like alcoholic beverage.

The color in beets is used as a natural food coloring agent.

Beet juices were used by Victorian women to color their hair.

In the Roman age, beets were deemed as a natural aphrodisiac.

Beetroot's Benefits

Beetroots have many nutritional benefits. These benefits may have a role to play in reducing the risk of serious ailments like heart disease, digestive problems, and more.

The red-pink color of the beetroot comes from a pigment known as betacyanin. This plant pigment has been seen to suppress certain types of cancer, particularly bladder cancer.

The hear-friendly nitrates in beets help improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. A lowered blood pressure is good for heart health.

Beet juices have been proven to improve muscle recovery and aid in an exercise regime. That is why athletes and fitness enthusiasts have added this superfood to their daily food regime.

Beetroot contains fiber which aids in digestion. It may contribute to healthy bowel movement and good bacteria in the gut.

Beets are considered powerful antioxidants. The antioxidants in beetroots act as an anti-inflammatory agent preventing many age-related health conditions and protecting the blood vessels from damage.

Beetroot is also a great food for those who suffer from insomnia. Many people tend to be deficient in magnesium and calcium, which beets are enriched with.

Even the nitrates in beets help in improving sleep quality.

The water used for boiling beetroot has been used to treat hair issues like dandruff.

Beetroot's Side Effects

Yes, beetroot has many health benefits, but it does have some side effects. People with preexisting health conditions like low blood pressure need to avoid beets.

Food allergies are quite common in the United States. People with beet allergies need to avoid consuming beets in any form. This could be beet soup, beet juice, pickled beets, roasted beets, or raw beets.

Consuming beets usually causes a condition called beeturia. This side effect results in your urine turning red or even the stool turning red. So, you may confuse it as blood in your stool and urine.

The presence of oxalic acid in beets, so people on a low oxalate diet need to avoid this vegetable. The presence of oxalates can result in the formation of kidney stones.

People suffering from low blood pressure need to avoid beets. Consuming this root vegetable can result in a further drop in blood pressure.

Beetroot Juice Benefits

Many people enjoy making juice out of this superfood. Beet juice or beetroot juice made from raw beets is packed with nutrients that benefit both mental and physical health.

Beet juice is packed with nutrients such as vitamin C, folate, potassium, nitrates, magnesium, copper, zinc, and antioxidants.

The nitrates in beet juice help to widen and relax the blood vessels.

Researchers showed daily consumption of beet juice results in lowering blood pressure.

A study revealed that the consumption of beetroot juice raised the levels of plasma nitrate resulting in improved stamina.

Another study stated that the muscle power of a heart failure patient improved by 13% after consumption of beet juice.

It also results in the increase of blood flow in the brain of senior citizens. This may slow down the process of dementia.

The nutrient-rich beet juice is low in calories, making it a perfect smoothie for people trying to lose or manage their weight.

The antioxidants in beet juice promote healthy liver and also can help aid in reducing the cholesterol levels in the body.

If you eat a meal heavy on garlic and want to avoid the pungent smell in your mouth, you can drink beet juice.

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Written by Martha Martins

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

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Martha MartinsBachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

Martha is a full-time creative writer, content strategist, and aspiring screenwriter who communicates complex thoughts and ideas effectively. She has completed her Bachelor's in Linguistics from Nasarawa State University. As an enthusiast of public relations and communication, Martha is well-prepared to substantially impact your organization as your next content writer and strategist. Her dedication to her craft and commitment to delivering high-quality work enables her to create compelling content that resonates with audiences.

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