Did You Know? 51 Awesome Apple Juice Facts For Kids

Aashita Dhingra
Oct 22, 2024 By Aashita Dhingra
Originally Published on Feb 09, 2022
In the frame ripe red apples on a tree

Many people drink apple juice, and it's not hard to see why.

There are several health advantages to apple juice. This is why it is one of the world's most popular fruit juices.

When apples are juiced, their hydrating properties are at their peak. The juice may enhance cognitive function, metabolism, and respiratory health, among other benefits. Improved cardiovascular and digestive health and a stronger immune system are just a few of the many advantages of consuming it.

This juice includes polyphenols and flavonoids with anti-cancer, anti-allergy, and anti-inflammatory properties. Asthma relief, weight loss, and cancer prevention may all be aided by drinking the juice, as per some studies.

Refrigeration is required for fresh apple juice. Storage in a cool, dark pantry or closet may extend the shelf life of canned juice by keeping it from oxidizing. Over time, the juice's appearance, texture, and flavor may change.

You must refrigerate and reseal juice bottles that have been opened or transported without refrigeration. Due to the high expense of producing clear juice, it is nearly always commercially produced. Apple juice is a year-round favorite and is easily accessible.

Health Benefits Of Apple Juice

Apple juice has several health benefits if consumed on an occasional basis. It is rich in natural sugar and vitamin C, which is good for our bodies. We will take a look at some incredible facts on apple juice now.

  • Making apple juice requires two steps. The steps include macerating and pressing the apples.
  • Apple juice may aid in reducing blood sugar levels and the prevention of diabetes.
  • Plant components, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, are found in apples. The components have been shown to improve cardiovascular health. Polyphenols help prevent harmful cholesterol from oxidizing and accumulating in the arteries.
  • As a result of its antioxidant properties, apple juice decreases coronary heart disease risk.
  • Apple juice contains a lot of potassium. This helps in maintaining a healthy heart and can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Asthma sufferers may find some relief from their symptoms by drinking apple juice. The juice has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic characteristics. Asthma episodes may be prevented by drinking the juice.
  • The polyphenols in the juice have a number of health benefits. It serves an important function in promoting lung health and lowering the risk of pulmonary disorders.
  • According to the most recent studies, people with improved lung function drink apple juice on a daily basis.
  • Sorbitol, which is found in apples, is a potential remedy for the issue of constipation. Apple juice makes the feces softer and easier to pass.
  • There is no fermentation in the process of making apple juice. Enzymatic or centrifugal clarifying is applied to the process of making apple juice to remove impurities.
  • Bottled apple juice is pasteurized before it is sold. Pasteurization extends the shelf life of a product by preventing spoilage.
  • Concentrated apple juice has vast health benefits. It includes antioxidants that may decrease sugar digestion and absorption.
  • In a study of 38,018 women who ate at least one apple per day, there was a 28% decrease in the incidence of type two diabetes.
  • In animal and in vitro studies, apple phytonutrients have been shown to protect against malignancies of the lungs and colon in animals.
  • According to one study, those who ate at least one apple per day had a 20% reduced chance of developing colorectal cancer.
  • There is evidence to suggest that smokers who eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, particularly apples, have lowered their chance of contracting the illnesses that are common to people who smoke.
  • Research over a long period of time may have shown a relationship between apple juice intake and reduced obesity, lower body fat and cholesterol levels, and lower blood pressure. Because of this, drinking apple juice may help you lose weight and keep your heart healthy.
  • Eating apples every day increases your level of health. According to some studies, it lowers your risk of developing breast cancer by 18%.

Nutritional Value Of Apple Juice

The nutrition that apple juice provides us is impressive. Therefore, it is one of the most consumed juices all over the world. Here are some nutrition facts about apple juice.

  • Eating apples may provide essential nutrients that our bodies need. One cup 0.5 lb (0.2 kg) of apple juice has 114 calories and 0.3 lb (0.1 kg) of protein. Apple juice is made up of 88% water and 11% carbs. It contains less than 1% protein and fat.
  • A lot of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are available in a single serving of apple juice. Apples are one of the healthiest fruits since they contain no cholesterol, saturated fats, and contain vitamin C.
  • Malic acid, which is found in small amounts in apples, has been linked to a faster metabolism and improved liver health in humans.
  • Apple juice is far more popular than the fruit itself for many people. This juice's high water content makes it an excellent means of replenishing lost fluids.
  • If the apple juice is extracted from fresh apples, it has the same nutritional value as a raw apple.
  • Preservatives often found in commercially marketed apple juices diminish the juice's nutritional value. That is why juicing apples in your own kitchen provides you with the most nutrients and health advantages.
  • This juice may have a greater quantity of potassium in terms of heart health. As a vasodilator, potassium has the ability to reduce artery and blood vessel tension. There is a possibility that it might alleviate stress and strain on the heart.
  • Apple juice is the most acceptable weight-loss beverage out there. Flavonoids, found in the juice, aid in the process.
  • The accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries is a common cause of heart attacks and other cardiovascular illnesses. This may be reduced or perhaps prevented by drinking apple juice.
  • The juice is generally regarded as safe to consume. However, overconsumption may lead to weight gain, renal damage, and tooth decay.
  • Apple juice may help with constipation, cramping, bloating, and diarrhea. This is because the juice contains fiber and other stimulating minerals that are included in the juice.
  • Pennsylvania State University researchers discovered that whole fruit is more satisfying in terms of satiation than fruit juice. Consuming apples as a whole is more filling than just drinking the juice.
  • Apple juice should be consumed by older adults, particularly those with arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. This is because apples are a good source of potassium.
  • Antioxidants and vitamin C are found in apple juice, which is good for the skin. These vitamins and nutrients help eliminate itchiness and wrinkles by reducing inflammation and itching. In addition, these vitamins can help inhibit premature aging of the skin.

Sugar Content In Apple Juice

The daily intake of apple juice is not recommended as it is high in sugar. In this section, we will take a look at some more nutritional facts related to apple juice.

  • The natural sugars included in a single cup of apple juice offers roughly 10% of daily necessary carbohydrates. The most significant element in this juice is potassium. This accounts for around 7% of your body's daily requirements in a single serving.
  • Apple juice should be kept to a minimum in a diet due to its high sugar content.
  • Children under the age of 12 who drank sugary drinks like fruit juices were shown to be more likely to gain weight.
  • The sugars found in apple juice are consumed by the bacteria in the mouth. If you drink apple juice daily, it may cause tooth decay.
  • Apple juice is acidic. Packaged apple juice may cause dental enamel to wear away.
  • Compared to eating an apple, apple juice has less fiber. Blood sugar levels may rise as a result of this.
  • According to one study, consuming apple juice in combination with protein-rich meals may be more effective in lowering blood glucose levels than consuming apple juice alone.

Apple Juice Facts For Kids

Kids love to drink apple juice. The benefits of the juice make it an interesting topic for both you and your kid to learn more about. Here are some facts about apple juice that both of you can enjoy.

  • Apple juice comes in two flavors: sweet and sour.
  • The clear apple juice and the hazy apple juice are the two options. Clear apple juice is produced by removing pectin and starch from the juice. Because of the equally dispersed tiny pulp suspensions in the juice concentrate, cloudy apple juice is murky.
  • Apple juice is produced in vast quantities since it takes two medium-sized fruits to generate one cup of juice.
  • Gala, Red Delicious, Fuji, Pacific Rose, and Pink Lady are among the many apple varieties. Apples are one of the world's most popular fruits because of their sweet flavor and nutritional benefits.
  • Apples are one of the world's oldest fruits still produced. They were first cultivated in Central Asia.
  • According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the juice should not be given to children. This is because it has no nutritional value for kids at that age.
  • Tooth decay and a preference for sweeter tastes over plain water may both be brought on by juice.
  • According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), fruit juice should not be given to children at night or to treat dehydration or diarrhea. Constipation may be alleviated, though, by administering a tiny quantity of liquid.
  • Apples are a good source of vitamin A, which may improve eyesight and benefit the eye.
  • Compounds in apple vinegar may stimulate hair growth and improve the appearance of hair.
  • According to studies, a modest quantity of 100% juice does not seem to alter a child's weight.
  • Too much juice, like any other calorically dense meal or beverage, may lead to weight gain.
  • If you're going to give your youngster juice, stick to unsweetened or unmixed fruit juice. While the calorie counts of 100% juice and sweetened fruit beverages may be identical, your kid will get more nutrients and fewer additives.
  • In order to maximize the amount of dietary fiber you consume, you may add water to 100% fruit juice in order to increase its potency.
  • The amount of fruit in one cup of 100% juice is the same as in one cup of whole fruit. The juice, on the other hand, is devoid of fiber and drunk more rapidly than eating whole fruit.
  • For most youngsters, whole fruits are a better alternative to juice.

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Written by Aashita Dhingra

Bachelors in Business Administration

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Aashita DhingraBachelors in Business Administration

Based in Lucknow, India, Aashita is a skilled content creator with experience crafting study guides for high school-aged kids. Her education includes a degree in Business Administration from St. Mary's Convent Inter College, which she leverages to bring a unique perspective to her work. Aashita's passion for writing and education is evident in her ability to craft engaging content.

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