42 Augustus Caesar Facts You Should Know About The Roman Emperor

Christian Mba
Oct 13, 2023 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Jan 18, 2022
Augustus Caesar facts will tell you more about his tenure as a ruler.

Augustus Caesar or Octavian was one of the finest emperors seen in the history of Rome.

Following the path made by the great-uncle Julius Caesar for Augustus Caesar, he became the first Roman emperor bringing out peace and prosperity to the land of Rome. Augustus Caesar had the whole empire of Rome under him for 41 years.

Augustus Caesar was born to Atia, the niece of Julius Caesar and the daughter of Julia Caesaris and Gaius Octavius, the governor of Macedonia who was also a senator of the Roman empire. At the age of four, Augustus had lost his father and had to live with his grandmother.

His mother Atia later married Lucius Marcius Philippus who was a former governor of the country Syria. At the age of 12, Augustus lost his grandmother to death too.

He spent all of his childhood and youth times with Julius Caesar becoming more and more interested to be like him, being part of battles and wars.

Due to Octavian's determination and efforts, Julius Caesar allowed Augustus to go along with him. His perseverance highly influenced Julius Caesar to make Augustus Ceasar his next heir after his demise as he had no children of his own.

Augustus Caesar fought his war along with social groups of political alliance to defeat Mark Antony and Cleopatra and took parts of other regions as an extension to his Roman Empire.

After the death of this great Roman emperor Augustus Caesar in the 14th AD, his stepson Tiberius took his position and became the second emperor to the new Roman Empire built by his father. After reading these Augustus Caesar facts, also check Julius Caesar childhood facts and Ancient Rome Gladiators facts.

Fun Facts About Augustus Caesar

Did you know that Augustus Caesar's father was a senator and his mother was Julius Caesar’s niece, Atia?

  • Even though the Augustan family and their rival Egyptian family were connected, they eventually led into a fight causing the last war in the Roman Republic.
  • Augustus Caesar introduced and implemented various social and political reforms in his newly built Roman Empire.
  • Julius Caesar had a dictatorship over his republican Rome city.
  • Under the Octavius successor of the great uncle Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar's ruling, the empire of Rome was able to extend into many lands over Egypt, parts of Spain, Judea, and central Europe.
  • The Roman ruler and emperor Augustus Caesar, also known as Octavian, was known to be the first emperor of ancient Rome.
  • Octavian was known for his peaceful and prosperous way of leading back the life of Roman citizens by bringing in reforms and beneficiary transformations to make the Republic of Rome into an empire.
  • Julius Caesar of the Roman Empire was actually Augustus Caesar’s great uncle.
  • It was according to his will that Augustus Caesar was named after Julius Caesar as the next emperor of Rome after he was assassinated in 44 BC.

Augustus Caesar's Achievements

The Roman Empire leader Augustus Caesar had the whole empire of Rome under him for 41 years from 27 BC to 14 AD till his death.

  • Augustus Caesar was known to be the founder of the Roman Empire and he himself became the first emperor of Rome.
  • Augustus Caesar was the one who brought prosperity and stability to his empire by ending the long-lasting civil wars.
  • This initiated a peaceful and minimal expansion period in Rome known as Pax Romana or the Roman Peace.
  • Augustus Caesar brought back many old and popular festivals and religious beliefs of his people in tradition and gods.
  • As the first emperor of Rome, Augustus Caesar was effective in making a financial system in his Roman Empire.
  • During Augustus' reign, he abolished the practice of private tax farming and replaced the practice with salaried civil service tax collectors.
  • With his Roman law of monetary reforms and new practices as the first Roman emperor, he was able to expand trade from the Roman Republic and Empire.
  • The Roman Empire and the Roman Republic were enhanced with massive building projects that Augustus Caesar got into during his reign.
  • Augustus Caesar secured his Roman Republic and Roman citizens by instituting more police force and fire-fighting forces in his empire.
  • In order for the effective administration of Rome, Augustus Caesar divided Italy into 11 regions and Rome into 14 administrative regions and converted the perfect city into a permanent office.
  • A five Roman senator commission was made known as Curatores Locorum Publicorum Iudicandorum as the supervisors of the public property of Rome.
  • This Roman senate and a public way transport service and state-run courier systems were bought into the place by Augustus Caesar.

Facts About Augustus Caesar's Rome

By assassinating Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar came into power in 44 BCE.

  • By retaining the power of Priceps or as the first citizen or person, Augustus Caesar restored the Republican Rome from Julius Caesar.
  • Augustus Caesar held onto his first person of Roman Empire title until his death in 14 AD.
  • By winning the war or the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, Augustus Caesar was able to expand his Roman Empire by defeating Mark Antony and his Egyptian fleet rivals and annex the parts of Spain, Egypt and central Europe, and even some lands in Judea and the middle east in 6 AD.
  • Augustus Caesar created a foundation for Rome and its Roman citizens by implementing systems of taxation, courier and transport networks and systems, and police and firefighters as a standing army.
  • The main reason why historians believed for the success of Augustus Caesar was by the strategic alliances that he used to defeat his political rivals and to win over the civil wars.
  • Being a religious believer, Augustus Caesar in his first years as the emperor of Rome repaired or rebuilt about 82 temples which were destroyed in the Civil War in Rome including the Temple of Jupiter situated on the Capitoline Hill, the Temple of Apollo of the Palatine Hill, and the Temple of Mars.
  • Later the Roman Empire of ancient Rome was rebuilt from the ashes of the destruction of the civil war with many new monuments, developments, and projects demonstrated by the emperor of Rome, Augustus Caesar.
  • The emperor Augustus Caesar was able to bring peace and security into the trade as well as politics in his newly built Roman Empire. For this, the Roman senate granted the emperor Augustus Caesar ultimate power to reform the provinces as well as the cities of his new Roman Empire.
  • A more peaceful life was given to the citizens of Augustus Caesar's newly built and transformed Rome from the harsh Civil War and difficult times.

Facts About Augustus Caesar's Childhood

Augustus Caesar or Octavian was born in the city of Rome on September 23 in 63 BC.

  • The first birth name was given to Augustus while he was born as Gaius Octavius Thurinus.
  • A funny fact was his father’s name was also Gaius Octavius.
  • And due to that fact, Augustus was called Octavian during most of his childhood times.
  • Octavian’s mother was actually the niece of the great Roman emperor Julius caesar.
  • Augustus Ceaser lived in a village named Velletri till he was four years old when his father died.
  • After the death of his father, his mother was remarried to someone else.
  • This led to Augustus Caesar being left with his grandmother, Julia Caesaris, the sister of Julius Caesar. His grandmother raised Augustus Ceasar until she passed away when he was 12 years old.
  • Growing old, Augustus Caesar found his interest in politics and accompanied his great-uncle Julius Caesar to wars and battles.
  • Julius Caesar slowly got impressed with his grand nephew’s performance and efforts.
  • This made Julius Caesar make Augustus Caesar his own heir as he had no children of his own.
  • The great uncle of Augustus Caesar, Julius Caesar was assassinated on March 15 of 44 BC.
  • Upon hearing this news and the news of next being made as his heir, Augustus Caesar gathered the support and force through which he could take back his empire from the clutches of his rivals.
  • Then the second triumvirate of three powerful Romans, Augustus Caesar, Mark Antony, and Lepidus was formed which shared supreme power over Rome.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 55 Augustus Caesar facts you should know about the Roman emperor then why not take a look at Colosseum in Rome facts, or ancient Troy facts.

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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