28 Austrian Pine Tree Facts: Lifespan, Uses, Problems And More

Anamika Balouria
Nov 07, 2022 By Anamika Balouria
Originally Published on Feb 09, 2022
Edited by Kelly Quinn
Fact-checked by Amanpreet Kaur
28 Austrian Pine Tree Facts: Lifespan, Uses, Problems And More

The European black pine, Pinus nigra, is a coniferous evergreen tree endemic to Austria that is categorized in the family of Pinaceae. 

The Austrian pine tree, which has dark green needle-like leaves and a moderate growth rate, requires full sun to flourish. It's a highly invasive plant that may quickly spread across hundreds, if not millions, of acres if left unchecked.

Diplodia tip blight and lophodermium needle cast are two fungi that cause harm to Austrian pines. The plant grows in an oval shape, and the pine cones dry out to a dark brown hue.

Austrian pine species can be fertilized once in early spring and again late in the fall. You should only fertilize your pine tree every other year or it will upset the balance if it's applied too often. However, make sure to keep the surrounding soil fertilized.

You should also prune your pine tree regularly, cutting out any dead growth. Over-pruning can damage the tree, so make sure to only prune once every other year.

Facts About The Austrian Pine Tree

The European black pine, Pinus nigra, is a coniferous evergreen tree belonging to the Pinaceae family and native mainly to Austria. Some other interesting facts include:

  • The tree can also be found in other regions in Europe, such as France, Italy, and Romania, but only those found in Austria are used for Christmas trees.
  • The Austrian pine tree was declared the national tree of Austria.
  • It was chosen because it can survive cold winters and hot summers thanks to its thick bark.
  • A peculiarity of the Austrian black pine is that each of its branches grows singly, with no side branches.
  • Its height varies between 66–180 ft (20.1 – 54.9 m), and it can live up to 200 years.
  • Its bark has a greyish color, whereas the green needles, like leaves, of this type of pine, are long and half a millimeter wide.
  • Every year, the tree grows 12–28 in (30.5–71.1 cm) and produces seeds called pine nuts that can be eaten raw or used as a seasoning for soups.
  • The wood of these trees has very high quality and is used to make furniture, kitchen utensils, or panettone molds for traditional Italian Christmas sweets.
  • Their branches are also used to produce firewood, while their resin is an ingredient in incense sticks.

Uses of Austrian Pine Trees

The Austrian pine is resistant to soil and air pollutants, making it ideal for ground and stretching. Let's take a look at some other uses of this tree:

  • Its bark helps heal wounds because it contains an antiseptic.
  • It's used to cure joint and bone problems.
  • It's also used to treat viral infections, common colds, and acne.
  • It's also used as an oral antiseptic.
  • It also heals the cracks in the feet and hands during cold climatic conditions.
  • Some people also use the Austrian pine tree for decoration.
  • Austrian pine wood is very strong and has a high quality, which makes it ideal for manufacturing furniture, panettone molds, and kitchen utensils.
  • The Austrian pine tree is used in the construction of lumber, boxes, and paper or pulpwood.

Austrian Pine Tree Problems

Austrian Pine Tree is a major problem because it's viewed as an invasive species and it can cause problems for the areas where it lives. Some problems include:

  • Austrian pine trees can cause serious damage to our ecosystems, so even if their origin was benevolent, its subsequent spread has taken on sinister proportions.
  • The Austrian pine tree is very invasive, which can cover many thousands, even millions, of acres if not controlled.
  • Several fungi damage the Austrian pine, including diplopia tip blight and lophodermium needle cast.
  • The lophodermium needle cast fungus is a problem because it causes the needles on a pine tree to turn yellow and then brown before falling off of the tree completely.
  • This defoliation can weaken a plant, eventually causing the branches to die back, killing the entire tree.
  • This is obviously a problem if you have an Austrian pine in your yard, but it is also an issue for nearby trees that are being adversely affected by this fungus.
  • The wood of the tree decomposes and deteriorates.
  • The weevils, the Zimmerman pine moth, and the European pine sawfly are all major pests.
  • The use of the Austrian pine tree is discouraged in many places because of these problems.
  • The dense foliage of Austrian pines makes it difficult for sunlight to get through to other plants that are trying to grow.
  • This restricts the growth of the surrounding plants and can kill some of them.
  • Without some type of plant control, you could lose many small trees and bushes around your home because they won't be able to get the sunlight they need to survive.

The Lifespan of Austrian Pine Trees

Pines are drought tolerant but still need regular watering for the first year or two, even if they're planted in a well-drained area. Once the tree becomes established, it doesn't need much supplemental water. Some facts about the lifespan of the trees include:

  • Austrian pine trees can live up to 150 years.
  • However, most Austrian pines live between 70 and 120 years on average. Some Austrian pine trees in the world are over 500 years old.
  • Austrian pine roots can go as deep as 100 ft (30.5 m).
  • Austrian pine trees are not that difficult to take care of. Although they prefer moist soil, they can grow in most soils with the right amount of watering.
  • One of the most important things about taking care of an Austrian pine is regularly watering it throughout its first year or two, even if it's planted in a well-drained area.
  • As the tree matures and becomes more drought-tolerant, you can water it less frequently.
  • During hot weather, you may need to provide an inch of water per week.
  • The growth rate of this native species of western Europe is moderate and it can tolerate the mild alkaline soil.

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Written by Anamika Balouria

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Bachelor of Education specializing in Secondary Education and Teaching, Master of Arts specializing in English

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Anamika BalouriaBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Bachelor of Education specializing in Secondary Education and Teaching, Master of Arts specializing in English

A dedicated and enthusiastic learner, Anamika is committed to the growth and development of her team and organization. She holds undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in English from Daulat Ram University and Indira Gandhi Institute for Open Learning respectively, as well as a Bachelor of Education from Amity University, Noida. Anamika is a skilled writer and editor with a passion for continual learning and development.
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Fact-checked by Amanpreet Kaur

Bachelor of Business Administration, Masters of Business Administration specializing in Accounting and Finance

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Amanpreet KaurBachelor of Business Administration, Masters of Business Administration specializing in Accounting and Finance

Amanpreet has a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree in Business Administration from the Birla Institute of Technology and Xavier Institute of Social Service respectively, coupled with her internships at Decimal Point Analytics and the Royal Bank of Scotland, has equipped her with the necessary skills to analyze complex data and present insights in an easy-to-understand format. Her paper on the impact of COVID-19 on CSR programs has received high commendation.

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