37 Literary Facts That Will Make You Want To Pick Up A Book

Joan Agie
Oct 12, 2023 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Mar 21, 2022
Literature Facts talk about novels like 'Little Women' and 'Charlie And The Chocolate Factory.'

Literature has always fascinated the readers with its melange of genres and diverse plots.

It has the potential to control the instincts of the readers and provide them with different perspectives to look at the little things in life. The stories not only amuse the readers but also help them to expand their minds and think out of the box.

There are different types of literature. The most popular ones are poetry, nonfiction, prose, drama, and media. Each one comes with its own unique flavor and sets a distinct tone with creativity and wisdom.

The simplest definition of literature is the collection of written work with artistic merit or creativity. The stories allow us to travel back in time and learn about those who walked before us. The origin of literature dates back to 3400 BC when the ancient Sumerians first started to write.

Keep reading to learn more about the fascinating literary facts.

History of Literature

Deep and interesting history is associated with literature. Famous writers like Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, J K Rowling, and others have showered some of the best literary works that the whole world cherishes.

Literature has its roots in ancient times when writings were done by the early people, which were later discovered and translated by researchers. From these early works, we come to know about the life of the people in the ancient days.

The earliest example of literature is the 'Epic of Gilgamesh,' which was written in the Sumerian language in 2000 BCE.

The 'Egyptian Book of the Dead' was actually written in the Papyrus of Ani during 1250 BC.

The beginning of the Classic Antiquity stage was with the 'Iliad' and 'Odyssey of Homer', which dates back to the eighth century BC.

The oldest Chinese poetry collection includes about 305 poems by anonymous poets. It is called the 'Shijing' or 'Collection of Poetry.'

The first writer of the Chinese language was Qu Yuan, who is regarded as the best romantic writer in Chinese classical literature.

Indian mythologies, the 'Ramayana' and the 'Mahabharata,' influenced countless writers from all over the world to pen down their work.

The longest word literature is 'Assemblywomen,' a play by Aristophanes, which contains about 171 Greek letters.

'The Histories of Virginia' by John Smith is the oldest American literature, published in the year 1608.

'The Book of One Thousand and One Nights' is the earliest Islamic compilation of ancient folk tales.

The Scope Of Literature

The primary scope of literature is binding us within humanitarian lines.

Literature has the power to touch the readers' souls and lead them to an unexplored pathway in life.

By going through a novel, readers achieve a moral up-gradation, which can completely change their way of dealing with life.

From the abundant wisdom of the novel, the minds become free of lust and greed.

More focus develops from reading the wise words of literature.

Literature always helps us to cope with our distress and misery and helps us to build a new path.

The wise words of literature prepare the human mind unconsciously to practice the positive codes of life, which have been set by humans since the dawn of civilization.

The dreams of humans are heightened by the artistic degree of literature, which makes us aware of the perfect life filled with prosperity. This, in turn, urges us to take the right steps in life.

Literary Composition

Literature is diverse. It includes poems, novels, plays, theater, journalism, memoirs, librettos, biographies, diaries, reviews, an article, and more. Some of the popular literary works and the fun facts associated with them are given below.

The best-selling novel of all time is the Spanish novel 'Don Quixote,' with more than 500 million copies sold worldwide.

'Tom Sawyer' was the first novel written on a typewriter.

'Alice in Wonderland' by Lewis Carroll was banned in China since the book highlights talking animals and birds, which was disastrous, according to the Chinese Governor.

The longest book that was ever written was by Marcel Proust, which includes 9,609,000 characters. The name of the book is 'A la recherche du temps perdu'.

Charles Dickens believed in 'The Ghost Club' and explored the supernatural world.

The name Wyoming comes from a poem named 'Gertrude of Wyoming' of the year 1809, which was written by Thomas Campbell.

Cadbury's chocolates were actually tasted by Roald Dahl, who wrote 'Charlie and the Chocolate factory.'

The author of Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes, lived for 91 years and explained human life to be 'nasty, brutish and short.'

The first solution to the cosmological problem named, Olbers' paradox was put forth by Edgar Allan Poe.

The '90s children's TV show named 'Clarissa Explains It All' included the famous writer Suzanne Collins of the 'Hunger Games.'

The manuscript of the first novel of Stephen King was thrown away by him and was later retrieved by his wife.

Types Of Literature

There are hundreds of literature types with their own unique flavors. Let's dive into some of the fascinating literary facts in the following sections and understand the different types.

Dramas are stories composed in prose or verse and most often presented in a theatrical performance, where all the emotions are blatantly expressed.

Fantasy stories are published with the intent of delivering the tales of otherworldly characters and settings.

Authors write fiction with the hope of delivering their imagination through their work.

The horror genre evokes a feeling of terror or dread in the readers through the mysterious plots or the characters they talk about.

Novels, plays, and poetries are the most common types of literature.

The various literature types can also be classified into different groups based on their language, period, genre, origin, and subject.

Fairy tales narrate the magical creatures that attract children.

Apart from poetry, mythology, and others, literature types include biography, autobiography, essay, and even a speech.

Romance novels are the most popular genre of literature.


Q. What is the simple definition of literature?

A. Literature is defined as written works with artistic merit or creativity.

Q. When was literature invented?

A. The origin of literature dates back to 3400 BC when the ancient Sumerians first started to write.

Q. What makes literature interesting?

A. Literature allows us to travel back in time and learn about those who walked before us.

Q. How many types of literature are there?

A. Although there are countless genres available right now, there are five most common literature types: poetry, nonfiction, prose, drama, and media.

Q. What is the oldest writing in the world?

A. The oldest in the world are cuneiform scripts, which were used in 3400 BC.

Q. What was the first piece of literature?

A. The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is thought to be the first piece of literature.

Q. What are the seven genres of literature?

A. The seven genres of literature are fable, drama, fantasy, fairy tale, fiction, folklore, and poetry.

Q. What is the main point of literature?

A. The main point of literature is the entertainment of the readers.

Q. Who is the father of literature?

A. Geoffrey Chaucer is the Father of Literature, and is famous for 'The Canterbury Tales.'

Q. What is the oldest book written in English?

A. The oldest book written in English is 'The Recuyell of the Histories of Troye.'

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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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