29 Cardiologist Facts: Know The People Who Understand Your Heart

Ritwik Bhuyan
Mar 02, 2023 By Ritwik Bhuyan
Originally Published on Mar 02, 2023
Fact-checked by Shadiya Ahammad
Cardiologist holding heart against chest

Cardiologists are doctors who specialize in finding and treating illnesses of the heart and blood vessels, known as the cardiovascular system.

You can also visit these doctors to find out about the risk factors for heart disease. Get to know the measures to follow for better heart health from these specialized doctors.

It is essential to see a cardiologist if you are dealing with problems with your heart health. Learn more about this in the coming topics.

Study Of Cardiology

  • Cardiology is the study and correction of disorders of the heart and blood vessels.
  • A person suffering from cardiovascular or heart disease can be sent to a cardiologist.
  • Cardiology is known to be a branch of internal medicine.
  • A cardiologist cannot be compared to a cardiac surgeon. A cardiac surgeon performs heart surgery by opening the chest.
  • A cardiologist is known to diagnose and treat diseases pertaining to the cardiovascular system. The cardiologist will perform tests and can carry out some procedures like angioplasty, heart catheterizations, or putting in a pacemaker.
  • A cardiologist has to know the various methods of practice and procedures in cardiovascular medicine. They are specialized in this particular field.
  • Cardiovascular disease affects the blood vessels, the heart, or both. Heart disease is related directly to the heart.
  • To become a cardiologist in the US, one must complete four years of medical school. Three years of training in internal medicine is needed after school. Alternatively, one can get three years of specialization in cardiology.

Work Responsibilities Of A Cardiologist

  • If someone has symptoms related to the heart, their doctor can refer them to a cardiologist.
  • Symptoms of a heart problem can be shortness of breath, chest pains, dizziness, high blood pressure, and changes in heart rate (abnormal rhythms).
  • A cardiologist will carry out an Echocardiogram to check for heart murmurs or abnormal heart rhythms.
  • Cardiologists treat patients with heart failure, a heart attack, or other heart problems.
  • They will make decisions about heart catheterization, heart surgery, angioplasty, and stenting.
  • A cardiologist can help with heart diseases like atrial fibrillation, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, congenital heart disease, congestive heart disease, hypertension, high blood cholesterol and triglycerides, pericarditis, high blood pressure, and ventricular tachycardia.
  • Even if someone has no symptoms, they might have to see a cardiologist if they have a history in the family of heart problems or high cholesterol.
  • A person might also have to see a cardiologist if they smoke or have diabetes.
  • The cardiologist will perform a physical examination after checking the patient's medical history. The cardiologist will also check the patient's heart, lungs, weight, blood pressure, and other vital organ health.
  • ECG or EKG, also called Electrocardiogram, will be carried out to check the heart's electrical activity.
  • An ambulatory ECG is carried out to check the heart rhythms while exercising. Tiny metal electrodes are pasted on the chest and connected to a Holter monitor.
  • A stress test or exercise test shows the change in heart rhythm, both in the resting state and exercising state.
  • A cardiologist carries out an echocardiogram to get an ultrasound picture and check the heart chambers and the surrounding areas. Echocardiography can check how well the heart is pumping blood. It can also show inflammation around the heart. It can detect infections of the heart valves too.
  • Nuclear cardiology is a nuclear imaging technique to check cardiovascular disorders and diseases. This process is non-invasive.

Surgeries Performed By A Cardiologist

  • Heart surgeons are known to perform routine and highly complex surgeries to improve the quality of life.
  • The heart surgery field is divided into different categories. There are pediatric heart surgeons, heart transplant surgeons, aortic aneurysm surgeons, and many others. Heart surgery has come a long way when it comes to progression. Diseases that were difficult or impossible to cure can now be fixed easily.
  • Most of the operations are not that invasive. The surgeon doesn't have to cut through the breastbone to reach the heart. Also, not all patients have to get a heart-lung machine connected as a replacement for the heart while the surgeon operates.
  • Robotic surgeries help in better precision for operations, including mitral valve repair. Robotic surgeries can do many other procedures by making tiny cuts using catheters.
  • Nowadays, most cases lead to quicker recoveries, better outcomes, little or no scarring, and improved quality of life.

Types Of Cardiologists

  • The heart is a complex organ, and the field of cardiology is equally complicated. Cardiologists need to specialize in different areas to excel in specific fields. Here we will learn about the different cardiologists caring for us and our hearts.
  • General cardiologists treat patients with heart disease symptoms like chest pain, chest fluttering, fainting, or breathlessness. You can also consult these cardiologists if you are concerned about high cholesterol, risk of smoking, or a family history of heart ailments.
  • Cardiac imaging specialists are cardiologists that want to monitor an issue that has already been found. Imaging is the best way to check the anatomy and function of the heart.
  • Electrophysiologists are cardiologists that treat patients with heart rhythm abnormalities.
  • Adult congenital heart specialists are the doctors that assist in transiting from pediatric to adult health care.
  • Interventional cardiologists check patients with chest pain that can mean an artery blockage and needs immediate attention.
  • Cardiac rehabilitation specialists help patients with cardiovascular problems like a heart attack or have done heart surgery.
  • Heart failure specialists help patients who have been diagnosed with heart failure. This is a disease where the heart cannot send enough blood to the rest of the body.
  • Heart surgeons treat patients with heart problems where medications, lifestyle changes, and different non-invasive treatments don't work. Surgery can help cure a rare disease the patient was born with or a problem that developed in time. Surgery can help with a faulty heart valve, a blocked artery, or heart failure.
  • Advanced heart failure and transplant specialists treat patients when their heart is damaged or failing. They are sought when other methods have failed and the usual methods cannot heal the heart.
  • Cardio-oncologists help patients who are beginning cancer treatment and already have some kind of cardiac disease. They are present when the patient is undergoing cancer treatment has can have cardiac side effects. It can be anything from cancer chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation, or something that might cause cardiac issues. Cardio-oncologists also can help a cancer survivor who underwent cancer treatments previously.

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Written by Ritwik Bhuyan

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English

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Ritwik BhuyanBachelor of Arts specializing in English

A skilled content writer, Ritwik holds a Bachelor's degree in English from Delhi University. He has refined his writing abilities through his past experience at PenVelope and his current role at Kidadl. In addition to his proficiency in writing, Ritwik has pursued his passion for flying by achieving CPL training and becoming a licensed commercial pilot. This diverse skill set highlights his commitment to exploring multiple fields. Ritwik's experience in the aviation industry has provided him with a unique perspective and attention to detail, which he brings to his writing.

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Fact-checked by Shadiya Ahammad

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Language and Literature, Master of Arts specializing in India and World Literature

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Shadiya AhammadBachelor of Arts specializing in English Language and Literature, Master of Arts specializing in India and World Literature

A skilled writer and content creator with a postgraduate degree in English literature from the University of Calicut, Shadiya has also completed a Master of Arts in World Literature from Widya Dharma University and studied English Language and Literature at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. With her educational background and four years of experience in content writing, Shadiya has developed excellent research, communication, and writing skills, which she brings to her work every day. Her passion for language extends beyond her professional work, as she enjoys studying Arabic and Spanish in her free time.

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