A Weight Loss Fact Or Myth: Do You Lose Weight When You Poop?

Joan Agie
Oct 19, 2023 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Oct 28, 2021
A woman fastens a corset for figure correction

It is pretty natural to poop which helps humans and other living creatures excrete toxins from the body.

Ever felt a little bit light after pooping or imagined if you poop after every meal, then you won't gain weight? Well, that is not how the human body works.

Pooping and passing of urine are natural ways to get rid of the toxins that the body creates throughout the day while being on a particular diet, and the body needs to get rid of the waste.

Someone might think that pooping after every meal can help them get rid of the food they ate and therefore they won't gain any pounds. But this isn't true at all.

Pooping gets rid of the waste that is left after the body digests the food that someone has consumed, and no matter how much you poop after eating, you will not lose any fat.

The only weight that they would lose through a bowel movement is water weight. If someone keeps on using the bathroom for more extended periods of time, that is also a sign that they are suffering from stool problems like constipation or diarrhea.

In this case, it is essential to seek medical help as quickly as possible.

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Is losing weight and pooping even related?

Losing weight in some areas is seen as healthy, while losing weight while pooping is quite different.

Losing weight can be necessary for the human body at times, especially if you are overweight, but you should not lose weight from pooping. We sure do feel lighter after we poop, but such bowel movements do nothing to lose maximum weight in the stomach region especially.

To lose weight properly, you should change your diet and consume more healthy high-fiber foods while also being sure to exercise daily.

Pooping does help to lose weight as it just us getting rid of the food that our body didn't digest.

It is common to poop twice to thrice per day as the more a human poops frequently, the more they feel lighter in the bowel region. But this doesn't affect the body fat anyhow.

It is important for people to have a stable diet as otherwise, it can affect their bowel. A diet should consist of suitable fibers like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

If the human bowel isn't relieved, people can suffer from constipation, where their stool can harden and give them a hard time. Bloating and forming of gas are also signs of constipation caused by an irregular bowel movement. It is important to seek medical help if a person faces any health-related issues.

How much weight do you lose when you poop?

The weight of human poop can vary based on their dietary habits to how much the person weighs.

The average human poop can weigh around 0.25-1 lb (0.11-0.45 kg), and it depends on the person's mass, intake amount of food and water, bowel movements, and the person's digestive system.

Now people may wonder why their stomach flattens a little after pooping, and that is because the gas and the bloating reduce from the body, and therefore it is normal for people to feel more comfortable and light.

The longer the poop stays inside the guts, the drier and heavier it becomes and can make people feel bloated and gassy.

Do you poop a lot when you lose weight?

The bowel movement of an average human being depends on the fiber intake per day, and it is quite natural for a person to feel they have lost weight after pooping for a bit.

The bowel movements of a person can also change after they lose weight, as their dietary plan has an effect on their digestive system. The better someone's eating habits get, and as they lose body fat, their bowel movements will be healthier.

The pattern doesn't change much, except an obese person might have to poop more than three times a day, while a healthier person, because of their change in eating habits and increased exercise, will need to go to the bathroom maybe twice a day.

Then again, pooping does not help lose pounds, and the only way to lose proper calories is by exercising and maintaining protein-based food diets. It is necessary to increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and maintain the appropriate fiber intake in your daily diet.

It is also important to drink water as it helps in the digestive process. If proper food isn't consumed every day, there can be long-term health-related issues like diarrhea, which is usually caused by bacteria infections and stress.

Diarrhea can become dangerous if it lasts for a longer time. During this period, weight loss can be seen, but that is mainly water weight and not proper weight loss.

When you poop right after you eat, do you lose weight?

It takes quite some time for the human body to digest the foods that are consumed, and slowly the waste turns in the bowel, which then passes as poop.

When people eat foods throughout the day, they let the body break down the fiber, and depending on the diet; their bowel movements can vary. If the foods consumed are unhealthy, then bloating and forming of gas is normal.

If they eat proper healthy food, then the bowel movements will be more effortless, but these are temporary. Even if someone feels that they have lost pounds after pooping, then it is not true as weight loss is not possible through pooping.

After eating, if someone poops, they will just lose weight of the waste that the body needs to get rid of, and the weight loss won't be substantial. They won't lose any fat even if they poop after every meal.

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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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