25 Scientific Facts About Genes And Genetics For Biology Lovers

Adekunle Olanrewaju Jason
Oct 10, 2023 By Adekunle Olanrewaju Jason
Originally Published on Feb 09, 2022
Scientific facts about genes and genetics decide the characteristics of living beings.

Genes are small pieces of DNA that decide the genetic characteristics. 

More than 200 diverse kinds of cells in the human body do diverse tasks and give unique features to each individual. Geneticists study these genes and how they pass the traits from generations to their offspring. 

Genes are at the core of heredity. The minute pieces of DNA, containing amino acids or proteins, have the code that replicates with each cell division. The genes provide information to the offspring and instruct them to carry out certain functions. Here, you can learn interesting facts about genes genetics that contain proteins like DNA, RNA, and chromosomes. 

Discovery Of The Gene

The human genome and chromosomes make children look like their parents. DNA is replicated and passed from a parent to their offspring during reproduction. This inheritance of specific proteins controls the appearance and behavior patterns of the next generation, even though the environment also plays a role.

  • Scientists worked for decades on different theories to understand the phenomenon of human genome inheritance of traits or genetics as we know it now.
  • Mendel and Darwin spoke about genetics and evolution, and Julian Huxley called this together modern synthesis. William Bateson coined the term 'genetics' in 1906, while Eduard Strasburger used the term 'pangene' to explain heredity.
  • In 1909 Wilhelm Johannsen coined the term 'gene' to describe the reason for the inheritance of traits.
  • Experiments continued through the 20th century, and scientists could prove that these particles were responsible for an enzyme or a protein molecule chain.
  • These convey the coded message to the next generation of cells while multiplying all the time and molecular or evolutionary genes.
  • In the early 20th century Hardy-Weinberg model also described the alleles in the gene pool and how they contribute to passing down the traits.
  • Francis Crick and James Watson are credited with discovering the structure of DNA molecules.

Importance Of Genes

Human body cells use instructions contained in the genes to carry out their functions. Muscle cells, skin and hair cells, and nerve cells are different types of cells in the human body.

  • There are more than 200 varieties of cells in the human body; they contain the same set of instructions coded in the genes.
  • The place of these cells in the body organs decides the instructions they will follow or use, which is why they are essential.
  • Human organisms have thousands of genes in their body, they are small segments of DNA, and each holds the information for a specific function or task.
  • Some alleles could remain recessive, and others may become dominant. These decide the features and characteristics of each individual.
  • The gene expression is regulated at many levels and depends on transcription factors. The significance of genes is also seen in inherited diseases in people.
  • For example, the color of the eyes, hairline, and some inherited diseases are all results of dominant genes manifesting their instructions.
  • Gene therapy is a new process that is still in the experimental stage that may allow medical professionals to replace the damaged or bad gene with a good one. This way, they can cure diseases caused by a gene using genetic engineering.

Characteristics Of Genes

Genes are small DNA sections; their purpose is to store information. Humans have a genome made up of more than 20,000 coding genes. The characteristics of different genes are similar. 

  • Most genes are the same in all people, but less than one percent of genes are responsible for all the differences between people.
  • Genes have different forms called alleles, and in humans, some genes come in pairs of alleles, one on each pair of chromosomes. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
  • Genes are made of DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid, except in some microorganisms that contain only RNA, Ribonucleic acid. DNA molecules, in turn, contain nucleotides in the form of a helix.
  • The two borders contain sugar and phosphates. The rung-shaped structures are nitrogen bases in bonded pairs. Adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) are the four bases.
  • The process of translation and protein synthesis for genes occurs in ribosomes. Transfer RNA matches the nucleotides and amino acids while the translation takes place.
  • Three nucleotides make one set and code for one amino acid, and their series forms a polypeptide chain. This chemical composition is the foundation of genes and their manifestations.

Difference Between Genes And Chromosomes

Genes are found on chromosomes; they are present within each cell of your body. It is a long string of DNA molecules. The strands of chromosomes contain hundreds of genes all connected. Thus genes are way smaller than chromosomes. 

  • Each cell contains 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs. On the other hand, a human may have more than 20,000 genes. Every individual gets two copies of every gene, creating a pair based upon each parent.
  • A person can have two of the same allele or two different alleles from their parents. The combination of genes is responsible for an individual's physical traits and other characteristics.
  • Chromosomes are long strands of tightly packed DNA and histones. Each strand is known as chromatid and is wound around the histones.
  • Human chromosomes can easily be seen under the microscope within the nucleus of cells. Chromosomal abnormalities may cause disabilities and inheritable diseases.
  • A gene is a specific segment of a DNA molecule that holds the information for one specific protein. Some organisms can have more than 100,000 different genes to have 100,000 unique sequences of DNA 'code'.

These interesting gene facts are important to know. Moreover, they are inherited and may cause disease when changes and mutations occur. 


What does a gene do?

Genes decide and instruct the cells to function and perform in specific ways. Their presence is essential for human existence, as these genes determine their looks to behavior. 

What are genes?

A gene is a very small section of DNA and is made of proteins. These are present on the chromosomes inside the cells of the body and store information passed down to the next generation of cells. The genes contain the instructions and information for the building block of life. 

When was the gene discovered?

Gregor Mendel first suggested the existence of inheritable traits in the nineteenth century. Finally, after many decades of research and studies, Wilhelm Johannsen introduced the 'gene' in 1909.

What are genes made up of?

A gene is a tiny segment of DNA made of proteins.

What is the difference between RNA and DNA?

DNA contains sugar deoxyribose, and RNA contains sugar ribose.

DNA molecules are double-stranded, and RNA is single-stranded.

DNA stores/transfers genetic information, and the RNA codes amino acids and is a messenger

DNA contains adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine, and the RNA contains adenine, uracil, cytosine, and guanine.

What is an allele?

The human genome contains genes. Genes are of many forms; a few examples are alleles; these come in certain genes and in pairs; on an individual chromosome, you will find the individual kind.  

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Written by Adekunle Olanrewaju Jason

Bachelor of Science specializing in Mass Communication.

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Adekunle Olanrewaju JasonBachelor of Science specializing in Mass Communication.

With over 3+ years of professional experience, Olanrewaju is a certified SEO Specialist and Content Writer. He holds a BSc in Mass Communication from the University of Lagos. Throughout his dynamic career, Olanrewaju has successfully taken on various roles with startups and established organizations. He has served as a Technical Writer, Blogger, SEO Specialist, Social Media Manager, and Digital Marketing Manager. Known for his hardworking nature and insightful approach, Olanrewaju is dedicated to continuous learning and improvement.
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