88 Aeschylus Quotes

Isong Godswill
Mar 16, 2023 By Isong Godswill
Originally Published on Feb 27, 2023
Fact-checked by Spandana Kantam
Statue of ancient Greek poet Aeschylus in Athens.

Aeschylus was an ancient Greek playwright and soldier who lived from roughly 525-456 BC.

Interestingly, he is recognized as one of the greatest writers and is credited with pioneering tragedy, which has since become a very popular genre of theater plays. Also, Aeschylus was born into a prominent family.

He began writing plays when he was very young; but, as a young kid, he was also active in the Persian wars, which stopped his writing career. His experiences as a soldier had a major impact on his life and career.

Throughout his life, he competed in numerous dramatic competitions, and most of his works grew in popularity. He believed that the first casualty in any war is truth and that change in one's life requires effort.

Most of the quotes cited here are from some of the works like 'The Seven Against Thebes', 'The Persians', 'The Libation Bearers', 'Agamemnon', and 'The Suppliants'. Read some of his quotes and sayings here.

Inspirational Aeschylus Quotes

Aeschylus intends to inspire people to become wiser and help them live better lives. Also, his works have been a source of inspiration to many writers, poets, and film directors. Most of Aeschylus' inspirational quotes are from his works, which are relevant and helpful to many. Check out some inspirational Aeschylus quotes compiled here.

"God loves to help him who strives to help himself."

"My will is mine...I shall not make it soft for you." -'Agamemnon'

"Who, except the gods, can live time through forever without any pain?"

"It is an easy thing for one whose foot is on the outside of calamity to give advice and to rebuke the sufferer."

"Destiny waits alike for the free man as well as for him enslaved by another's might."

"God always strives together with those who strive."

"Suffering brings experience."

"She looked just like a painting dying to speak." -'Agamemnon'

"In war, truth is the first casualty."

"You have learned the lesson by experience." -'The Seven Against Thebes'

"Tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world."

"When a man's willing and eager the god's join in."

"Obedience is the mother of success, and success the parent of salvation." -'The Seven Against Thebes'

"He who learns must suffer."

"The moving light, rejoicing in its strength, 
Sped from the pyre of pine, and urged its way, 
In golden glory, like some strange new sun..."

"He who goes unenvied shall not be admired."

"I take my cue from deeds, not words." -'Prometheus Bound'

Aeschylus Quotes About Life

Aeschylus' quotes mostly centered on his life experiences and the lessons he learned while living. He emphasizes that humans must keep their watchful place closer to them.

Reading most of his quotes about life will enable you to live a better life, prevent you from committing some mistakes, and teach you how to deal with pain and present grief inflicted by people. Check out these quotes about life.

"I know how men in exile feed on dreams of hope."

"To learn is to be young, however old."

"In visions of the night, like dropping rain, 
Descend the many memories of pain." -'Agamemnon'

"Bethink thee of the adage, 'Call none blest, till peaceful death have crowned a life of weal."

"They sent forth men to battle, but no such men return; and home, to claim their welcome, Come ashes in an urn." -'Agamemnon'

"For it would be better to die once and for all than to suffer pain for all one's life." -'Prometheus Bound'

"Call no man happy till he is dead."

"Every medicine is vain." -'Agamemnon'

"We should know what is true before we break our rage." -'Agamemnon'

"God's most lordly gift to man is decency of mind."

"From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow."

Best Aeschylus Quotes

These are some of Aeschylus' quotes that are relevant even today for both young and old. His best quotes are a combination of some of his inspirational, motivational, life, and self-improvement quotes. Check out some of the best quotes listed here.

"Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times."

"The sleeping brain has eyes that give us light; we can never see our destiny by day." -'Eumenides'

"Alas, poor men, their destiny. When all goes well a shadow will overthrow it. If it be unkind one stroke of a wet sponge wipes all the picture out; and that is far the most unhappy thing of all." -'The Oresteia'

"Athena: You wish to be called righteous rather than act right. [...] I say, wrong must not win by technicalities." -'The Oresteia'

"We spoil ourselves with scruples long as things go well." -'The Oresteia'

"At home there tarries like a lurking snake, Biding its time, a wrath unreconciled, A wily watcher, passionate to slake" -'Agamemnon'

"My heart's a dance of fear." -'Eumenides'

"Zeus, first cause, prime mover; for what thing without Zeus is done among mortals?" -'Agamemnon'

"But a good man discerns true character — he's not fooled by eyes feigning loyalty, favouring him with watered-down respect." -'Agamemnon'

"When the black and mortal blood of man has fallen to the ground… who then can sing spells to call it back again?"

"Only when man's life comes to its end in prosperity can one call that man fortunate." -'The Oresteia'

"The more you kick
against the pricks, the more you suffer." -'Agamemnon'

"Hear the sum of the whole matter in the compass of one brief word — every art possessed by man comes from Prometheus." -'Prometheus Bound'

"Bastions of wealth are no deference for the man who treads the grand altar of Justice down and out of sight." -'Agamemnon'

"In every enterprise is no greater evil than bad companionship." -'The Seven Against Thebes'

"The gods! long since they hold us in contempt, Scornful of gifts thus offered by the lost! Why should we fawn and flinch away from doom?" -'The Seven Against Thebes'

"The man who does ill must suffer ill."

"God's mouth knows not how to speak falsehood, but he brings to pass every word."

"Time, as it grows old, teaches all things." -'Prometheus Bound'

"For many among men are they who set high the show of honor, yet break justice." -'Agamemnon'

"A tyrant's trust dishonors those who earn it." -'Prometheus Bound'

"To you, the clever and crafty, bitter beyond all bitterness, who has sinned against the gods in bestowing honors upon creatures of a day--to you, thief of fire, I speak." -'Prometheus Bound'

"There is no avoidance in delay." -'Agamemnon'

"Horror gives place to wonder at your true account; The rest outstrips our comprehension; we give up." -'The Oresteia'

"Who acts, shall endure. So speaks the voice of the age-old wisdom." -'The Libation Bearers'

"Furies: Over the beast doomed to the fire this is the chant, scatter of wits, frenzy and fear, hurting the heart, song of the Furies binding brain and blighting blood in its stringless melody." -'The Oresteia'

"There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief."

"His resolve is not to seem, but to be, the best." -'The Seven Against Thebes'

"It is easy when we are in prosperity to give advice to the afflicted."

"I have not need to promise what I cannot do."

"Memory is the mother of all wisdom."

"I gave them hope, and so turned away their eyes from death." -'Prometheus Bound'

"When evil come on those we dearly love, never shall we betray them." -'The Persians'

"Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God."

"For somehow this is tyranny's disease, to trust no friends." -'Prometheus Bound'

"Strike the balance all in all and god will give you power." -'The Oresteia'

"I say, wrong must not win by technicalities." -'Eumenides'

"Let there be less suffering . . .
give us the sense to live on what we need." -'Agamemnon'

"Old men are always young enough to learn, with profit." -'Agamemnon'

"A great ox stands on my tongue." -'The Libation Bearers'

"There is no sickness worse for me than words that to be kind must lie."

"Give me an answer which is plain to understand." -'Eumenides'

"It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered."

"But the lust for power never dies - men cannot have enough. No one will lift a hand to send it from his door, to give it warning, 'Power, never come again!"

"Words are doctors for the diseased temper."

"A world of wealth is trash if men are wanting; men who have no wealth never find fortune smiling as their strength deserves." -'The Persians'

"Words are the physicians of a mind diseased."

"Now hear, you blissful powers underground --
answer the call, send help.
Bless the children, give them triumph now."

Aeschylus Quotes About Wisdom

Most of Aeschylus' quotes about wisdom are drawn from his life experiences and most of his surviving works like 'The Seven Against Thebes', 'The Persians', 'The Libation Bearers', 'Agamemnon', and 'The Suppliants'. Also, he believed there was no sickness worse than not having wisdom.

He said that every man should be knowledgeable and wise to survive. His quotes about wisdom open your eyes to his wisdom vault. Check out Aeschylus' quotes about wisdom that are listed below.

"There are times when fear is good. It must keep its watchful place at the heart's controls." -'The Libation Bearers'

"Search well and be wise, nor believe that self-willed pride will ever be better than good counsel."

"But there is a cure in the house, and not outside it, no, not from others but from them, their bloody strife. We sing to you, dark gods beneath the earth." -'The Oresteia'

"The truth
has to be melted out of our stubborn lives
By suffering.
Nothing speaks the truth,
Nothing tells us how things really are,
Nothing forces us to know
What we do not what to know
Except pain.
And this is how the gods declare their love.
Truth comes with pain." -'Agamemnon'

"It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish."

"There is advantage in the wisdom won from pain."

"Man must suffer to be wise.
Head-winds heavy with past iol
Stray his course and cooud his heart;
Sorrow takes the blind soul's part--
Man grows wise against his will." -'Agamemnon'

"And there they ring the walls, the young, the lithe. The handsome hold the graves they won in Troy; the enemy earth rides over those who conquered." -'Agamemnon'

"It's not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the oath." -'Agamemnon'

"Let me attain no envied wealth, let me not plunder cities, neither be taken in turn, and face life in the power of another." -'Agamemnon'

"And one who is just of his own free will shall not lack for happiness; and he will never come to utter ruin."

"Wisdom comes through suffering. 
Trouble, with its memories of pain, 
Drips in our hearts as we try to sleep, 
So men against their will 
Learn to practice moderation.
Favours come to us from gods." -'Agamemnon'

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Written by Isong Godswill

Bachelor of Sciences specializing in Human Resource Management

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Isong GodswillBachelor of Sciences specializing in Human Resource Management

A dedicated content creator, Isong brings a solid educational background in Political Science and Public Administration to his work. Having completed his Bachelor's degree in Human Resource Management from the University of Uyo, he transitioned into the field of content writing and has since honed his skills in crafting informative and engaging articles.

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Fact-checked by Spandana Kantam

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Political Science and Sociology

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Spandana KantamBachelor of Arts specializing in Political Science and Sociology

Spandana holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science from Acharya Nagarjuna University. She has a passion for writing and enjoys reading crime and thriller novels while listening to RnB music in her free time.

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