Billy Sunday, born as William Ashley Sunday, was a professional outfielder in America's National League who later got put down in history as the most popular American evangelist and Presbyterian minister during the beginning of the 20th century.
Bill Sunday spent most of his life growing up as an orphan and was working as an assistant to an undertaker before getting involved with baseball professionally. He entered baseball during 1880s and by the 1890s he had given up the game to be a YMCA worker.
Billy Sunday was given the title of a Presbyterian minister in 1903 with Sunday getting into affirming, and preaching the accuracy of the Bible, the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ and his virgin birth. Billy Sunday has been known to be a Fundamentalist theologically.
Sunday also believed in the literal existence of Hell and Heaven.
By the time the 20th century arrived at our doorsteps, Billy Sunday was one of the most famous and loved religious figures in America. Here is a list of some of the greatest evangelical Billy Sunday quotes as well as life quotes of Billy Sunday.
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Famous Billy Sunday Quotes

Here's a list of some of the greatest Billy Sunday quotes you will ever find.
1. "The fellow that has no money is poor. The fellow that has nothing but money is poorer still."
-Billy Sunday.
2. "Try praising your wife, even if it does frighten her at first."
-Billy Sunday.
3. "The Navy Diver is not a fighting man, he is a salvage expert. If it is lost underwater, he finds it. If it's sunk, he brings it up."
-Masterchief Billy Sunday, 'Men Of Honor'.
4. "Lord save us from off-handed, flabby-cheeked, brittle-boned, weak-kneed, thin-skinned, pliable, plastic, spineless...ossified three-karat Christianity."
-Billy Sunday.
5. "If you don't do your part, don't blame God."
-Billy Sunday.
6. "God likes a little humor, as is evidence by the fact that he made the monkeys, the parrot; and some of you people."
-Billy Sunday
7. "It is not necessary to be in a big place to do big things."
-Billy Sunday.
8. "I don't believe there are devils enough in hell to pull a boy out of the arms of a godly mother."
-Billy Sunday.
9. "Billy Sunday: What the hell did he ever say to make you try so hard?
Carl Brashear: Be the best."
-'Men Of Honor', 2000.
10. "Wealth is not the standard of worth. Some people put cash before character."
-Billy Sunday.
Billy Sunday Quotes About The Bible And Religion and Christ
If you are looking for some Billy Sunday quotes about religion, Jesus Christ, and the Bible, here is a list of Christianity quotes, Christ quotes, and other Billy Sunday quotes for you.
11. "There are two hundred and fifty-six names given in the Bible for the Lord Jesus Christ, and I suppose this was because He was infinitely beyond all that any one name could express."
-Billy Sunday
12. "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile."
-Billy Sunday, 'Billy Sunday, the Man and His Message'.
13. "There are individuals who have never done anything for Jesus Christ, and I have no doubt there are preachers as well, who have never done anything for the God Almighty."
-Billy Sunday.
14. "I believe the Bible is the word of God from cover to cover."
-Billy Sunday.
15. "God Almighty never intended that the devil should triumph over the Church. He never intended that the saloons should walk rough-shod over Christianity."
-Billy Sunday.
16. "The law tells me how crooked I am. Grace comes along and straightens me out."
-Billy Sunday.
17. "The reason you don't like the Bible, you old sinner, is because it knows all about you."
-Billy Sunday.
18. "Christianity means a lot more than church membership."
-Billy Sunday.
19. "The Bible will always be full of things you cannot understand, as long as you will not live according to those you can understand."
-Billy Sunday.
20. "The church is not a dormitory for sleepers, it is an institution for workers; it is not a rest camp, it is a front line trench."
-Billy Sunday.
Life Quotes By Billy Sunday
This is a list of some of the best quotes of Billy Sunday about life.
21. "One reason sin flourishes is that it is treated like a cream puff instead of a rattlesnake."
-Billy Sunday.
22. "I’m against sin; I’ll fight it as long as I live."
-Billy Sunday.
23. "They tell me a revival is only temporary; so is a bath, but it does you good."
-Billy Sunday.
24. "A Chief Petty Officer shall not drink. However, if he should drink he shall not get drunk.
If he should get drunk, he shall not stagger. And if he should stagger, he shall not fall. And if he should fall, he will fall in such a manner as to cover up his rank so that passerbyers will think he is an officer."
-Masterchief Billy Sunday, 'Men Of Honor', 2000.
25. "The only way to keep a broken vessel full is to keep it always under the tap."
-Billy Sunday.
26. "I’m against sin. I’ll kick it as long as I have a foot. I’ll fight it as long as I have a fist.
I’ll butt it as long as I have a head. I’ll bite it as long as I’ve got a tooth. And when I’m old and fistless and footless and toothless, I’ll gum it till I go home to Glory and it goes home to perdition."
-Billy Sunday.
27. "America didn't need repeal, she needed repentance!"
-Billy Sunday.
28. "Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole. Yielding is opening the door and inviting him in."
-Billy Sunday.
29. "Being a king, emperor, or president is mighty small potatoes compared to being a mother."
-Billy Sunday.
30. "You know what the Chinese say, cookie? Beware what you wish for."
-Masterchief Billy Sunday, 'Men Of Honor', 2000.
31. "Your reputation is what people say about you. Your character is what God and your wife know about you."
-Billy Sunday.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Billy Sunday quotes then why not take a look at faith in god quotes, or David Wilkerson quotes.