101 Best Country Quotes Filled With Southern Charm

The simplicity, natural beauty, and quaint way of country living are perfectly described by country quotes and sayings.
Whilst some love city life, others prefer country living. The beauty of nature offered in country living is described in these country quotes.
The cheerful tunes country songs, the fresh air, and the chance to experience un-spoilt nature are what have tempted many city folks to try out country living in times gone by.
Check out these amazing country quotes and country living quote ideas from famous minds like Laura Ingalls Wilder, Luther Burbank, Rosamunde Pilcher, Henry James, George Washington, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Southern quotes and sayings like these are a good way for any country girl or guy to discover the joys of country living.
Fans of country quotes can find more inspiring words with these country girl quotes and country love quotes here.
Motivational Quotes About Country Living
These inspirational country quotes will motivate every human creature (women and men) to see the beauty of all things simple.
1. "If country life is healthful to the body, it is no less so to the mind."
– Giovanni Ruffini.
2. “I prefer the country life.”
- Ziggy Marley.
3. “The city reveals the moral ends of being and sets the awful problem of life. The country soothes us, refreshes us...”
– Edwin Hubbel Chapin.
4. “Knowledge and power in the city; peace and decency in the country.”
– Mason Cooley.
5. “I really feel that my body craves to be in the mountains or by the ocean or in the countryside.”
– Miranda Kerr.
6. “Listen patiently, quietly and reverently to the lessons, one by one, which Mother Nature has to teach… so that all who will, may see and know.”
― Luther Burbank.
7. “I suppose the pleasure of country life lies really in the eternally renewed evidences of the determination to live.”
– Vita Sackville-West.
8. "If you violate Nature's laws you are your own prosecuting attorney, judge, jury, and hangman."
– Luther Burbank.
9. “Being in the country is like being in a dream – one doesn’t quite know who one is.”
– Meia Geddes.
10. "The country life is to be preferred, for there we see the works of God."
- William Penn.
11. “We must return to nature and nature's god.”
– Luther Burbank.
12. “It is not easy to walk alone in the country without musing upon something.”
– Charles Dickens.
13. “This pure air braces the listless nerves, and warms the blood. I feel in freedom here”.
– Joanna Baillie.
14. "Two things revolutionized my life: moving to the countryside and falling in love."
- Nick Love.
15. “The country has charms only for those not obliged to stay there.”
- Edouard Manet.
16. "I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world."
- George Washington.
17. “Puttin’ on a cowboy hat & a pair of boots doesn’t make you country; Like puttin’ on a ball gown & glass heels won’t make me Cinderella.”
- Kellie Elmore.
18. “Farmers worry only during the growing season, but town people worry all the time.”
- Edgar Watson Howe.
19. "Take care of all your memories... for you cannot relive them."
- Bob Dylan.
20. “City life is no life for a country man; for such a man that life is a kind of damnation in itself.”
- Stephen King.
21. “I think the jokes would have been a bit broader and a bit more obvious in terms of the day-to-day of country life.”
– Simon Pegg.
22. “The chicken is the country's, but the city eats it.”
- George Herbert.
23. "Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat."
- Laura Ingalls Wilder.
24. “Country life has its advantages… You sit on the veranda drinking tea and your ducklings swim on the pond…”
- Anton Chekhov.
25. “Warm familiar scents drift softly from the oven, and imprint forever upon our hearts that this is home and that we are loved.”
- Arlene Stafford-Wilson.
The Best Country Quotes
Country living has charm. Southerners have their own way of doing things, just like how they often say "howdy!" instead of "hello".
At times, all one needs to do is switch on to the laid-back mood and indulge their soul in the simple things country life offers. Here are some of the best quotes about being country to show what that means. If you love country girl quotes, you need to check out these country quotes!
26. “I consider it the best part of an education to have been born and brought up in the country.”
– Amos Bronson Alcott.
27. "In the end, for congenial sympathy, for poetry, for work, for original feeling and expression, for perfect companionship with one’s friends – give me the country."
– D. H. Lawrence.
28. “The fresh and crisp air of the country reminds us that our blood surges from of the natural world and how tied we are to the sprung rhythms of earth and sky, weather and season.”
– Kilroy J. Oldster.
29. “Nor rural sights alone, but rural sounds, exhilarate the spirit, and restore the tone of languid nature.”
– William Cowper.
30. “Country things are the necessary root of our life – and that remains true even of a rootless and tragically urban civilization…”
– Esther Meynell.
31. "Life is either a great adventure or nothing."
- Helen Keller.
32. “The city, no matter how small, is corrupt and unrepentant, while the sun shines brighter in the country, making people more wholesome.”
– Lori Lansens.
33. “I lived in solitude in the country and noticed how the monotony of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.”
– Albert Einstein.
34. “There is a vast deal of make-believe in the carefully nurtured sentiment for country life, and the barefoot boy, and the mountain girl.”
- Agnes Repplier.
35. “The country is laid out in a haphazard, sloppy fashion, offensive to the tidy, organized mind.”
– Alan Brien.
36. “I have thought that a good test of civilization, perhaps one of the best, is country life. Where country life is safe and enjoyable, a high state of civilization prevails.”
– John Burroughs.
37. “One gets, sensitive about losing mornings after getting a little used to them with living in a country.”
- Nathaniel Parker Willis.
38. “Despite the forecast, live like it's spring."
- Lilly Pulitzer.
39. “I long for the countryside. That’s where I get my calm and tranquility...”
– Emilia Clarke.
40. “Now it's the little moments that stop me in my tracks, because that's what life is all about."
- Joanna Gaines.
41. “The whole race of scribblers flies from the town and yearns for country life.”
– Horace.
42. "Those shining stars, he liked to point out, were one of the special treats for people like us who lived out in the wilderness."
- Jeannette Walls, 'The Glass Castle'.
43. “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will.”
- Charlotte Brontë.
44. “[T]here is no practice… which tends to renovate the constitution, than a temporary retirement to the country.”
- John Sinclair.
45. "How lucky country children are in these natural delights that lie ready to their hand! Every season and every plant offers changing joys."
- Miss Read, 'Village Diary'.
46. “When I… moved to the country, I felt as if I could finally exhale that little bit of breath I’d been unconsciously holding in my lungs.”
- Cecily Schmidt.
47. “The country does what the city cannot. It quietens the mind and brings simplicity into one’s life.”
- Donna Goddard.
48. “When I am in the country I wish to vegetate like the country.”
- William Hazlitt.
49. “The country is lyric, the town dramatic. When mingled, they make the most perfect musical drama.”
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
50. "Townsfolk have no conception of the peace that mother nature bestows."
- Halldor Laxness, 'Independent People'.
51. "The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness."
- John Muir.
52. "I am glad I will not be young in a future without wilderness."
- Aldo Leopold.
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Short Country Quotes About The Beauty Of Nature
Short country quotes that state the beauty of nature show how enjoyable it can be to live in the country. Be it a walk in nature, or tending to farm animals, country living is truly one of a kind.
53. "Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees."
- John Muir, 'The Mountains Of California'.
54. "I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?"
― Vincent Willem van Gogh.
55. "I love not man the less, but Nature more."
- Lord Byron.
56. "I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people."
- Sylvia Plath, 'The Bell Jar'.
57. “Knowledge and power in the city; peace and decency in the country.”
- Mason Cooley.
58. “There is virtue in country houses, in gardens and orchards, in fields, streams, and groves, in rustic recreations and plain manners…”
– Amos Bronson Alcott.
59. “Let your watchword be order and your beacon beauty."
- Daniel Burnham.
60. "The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson.
61. "Despite the forecast, live like it's spring."
- Lily Pulitzer.
62. "A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible."
- Welsh proverb.
63. "Home is the nicest word there is."
64. "Earth laughs in flowers."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson.
65. “God made the country, and man made the town.”
- William Cowper.
66. “City people make most of the fuss about the charms of country life.”
- Mason Cooley.
67. “Not by human dwellings – not in crowded cities alone, are the sights and sounds of life. The wildest places of the earth are full of them.”
– Solomon Northup.
68. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
- Leonardo da Vinci
69. “If country life be healthful to the body, it is no less so to the mind.”
- Giovanni Ruffini.
70. “Anybody can be good in the country. There are no temptations there.”
- Oscar Wilde.
Good Country Quotes And Sayings To Keep Your Spirit Up
Beautiful country quotes are pictures drawn with words that best describe country life as a quaint way of life. Read these quotes to get inspired to live with simplicity and enjoy the joys that a rustic life offers as a true country girl or boy.
71. “In the country, without any interference from the law, the agricultural life favors the permanence of families.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson.
72. "Summer nights in the country are a hurly-burly of sounds."
- Ana Gerhard, 'Little Creatures: An Introduction To Classical Music'.
73. “The country habit has me by the heart.”
- Vita Sackville West.
74. “This pure air braces the listless nerves, and warms the blood: I feel in freedom here.”
- Joanna Baillie.
75. “I roamed the countryside searching for answers to things I did not understand.”
– Leonardo da Vinci.
76. "Men are taught virtue and a love of independence by living in the country."
– Menander.
77. “In cities no one is quiet but many are lonely; in the country, people are quiet but few are lonely.”
- Geoffrey F. Fisher.
78. “Once wealth and beauty are gone, there is always rural life.”
- Mason Cooley.
79. “Happiness is making the most of what you have, and riches is making the most of what you've got.”
- Rosamunde Pilcher.
80. “I loved making Pure Country. It was a great learning experience for me, seeing another part of the entertainment industry.”
- George Strait.
81. “People have a tendency to see country life through rose-colored glasses.”
- PJ Harvey.
82. "In the north I have eaten my lunch in pastures rank with ferns and junipers, all under fair skies with a wind blowing."
- E.B. White, 'Stuart Little'.
83. “I want to reach the point where people hear my name and immediately think of real country music.”
- George Strait.
84. "In the country, especially, there are such a lot of entertaining things."
- Jean Webster.
85. "... all the magic of the countryside which is ordained for the healing of the soul."
- Monica Baldwin.
86. “Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”
― Henry James.
87. "The countryman, on the other hand walks out into the verdant meadows, into an atmosphere clear and pure..."
- Halldor Laxness, 'Independent People'.
88. "The countryside was bathed in light, pale and cold and silvery. Everything could be seen quite plainly..."
- Enid Blyton, 'Mr. Galliano's Circus'.
89. "She grew up in the ordinary paradise of the English countryside."
- A.S. Byatt, 'Ragnarok'.
Country Music Quotes
Ballads, dance tunes, and great lyrics are what country music quotes offer. Enjoy this list of words from country songs and country music quotes about melodious music! Which country music quotes are your favorite?
90. “Always stay humble and kind.”
- Tim McGraw.
91. “Tumble outta bed and stumble to the kitchen... pour myself a cup of ambition.”
- Dolly Parton, ‘9 To 5’.
92. “True country music is honesty, sincerity, and real life to the hilt.”
- Garth Brooks.
93. “Blame it all on my roots, I showed up in boots.”
- Garth Brooks, ‘Friends In Low Places’.
94. “Just stay on track and never look back.”
- Dolly Parton, ‘Blue Smoke’.
95. "Life is good today."
— Zac Brown Band.
96. "I believe this world ain't half as bad as it looks. I believe most people are good."
- Luke Bryan, 'Most People Are Good'.
97. "Country music is different because we [musicians] are all actually happy for each other."
- Miranda Lambert.
98. “There's no such thing as standing still and just singing a song. I love jumping into the crowd. I love to dance.”
- Thomas Rhett.
99. "There's been a shift: Country music is popular music now. Every other genre wants to come over to our land."
-Miranda Lambert.
100. “Music is the universal language of mankind.”
― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
101. “I'm a country singer. I love all kinds of music, but country is where my loyalty lies. That's just me and what I do, and I'm not going to change it.”
At Kidadl, we have created interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for the best country quotes, you need to check out these [cow girl quotes] or Texas quotes for more country quotes you will love!
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Bachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics
Martha MartinsBachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics
Martha is a full-time creative writer, content strategist, and aspiring screenwriter who communicates complex thoughts and ideas effectively. She has completed her Bachelor's in Linguistics from Nasarawa State University. As an enthusiast of public relations and communication, Martha is well-prepared to substantially impact your organization as your next content writer and strategist. Her dedication to her craft and commitment to delivering high-quality work enables her to create compelling content that resonates with audiences.
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