61 Best Eric Cartman Quotes That South Park Fans Will Love

Merlyn Mathews
Dec 12, 2023 By Merlyn Mathews
Originally Published on Feb 16, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Man watching tv or streaming movie or series with smart tv at home.

Eric Theodore Cartman is one of the four central characters on the television series titled, 'South Park'.

Eric plays the role of the antagonist in most instances amidst his three friends and they all have an unstable friendship with Eric. Although he is shown to be a poor student and a manipulator at school, he possesses excellent leadership skills.

He is seen mostly in a red jacket, yellow mittens and a blue hat with a yellow puffball on top, brown pants, black shoes, and white socks in the series. However, his apparel changes in different episodes from the series.

He is overweight but constantly lives in denial of this. Cartman is a character who is known to speak other languages like Spanish and German as well as English. He also has various other talents and is a ventriloquist.

He is intolerant towards hippies, which is something he makes comments about. He has a long history of criminal records. Eric is known to have the highest number of fans on social media among all the other characters.

In this article, we will be listing some quotes from the series. If you like this article you can also visit [funny cartoon quotes] and Yosemite Sam quotes.

Funny Cartman Quotes

Throughout the series, Cartman is known to repeat certain dialogues that bring the right amount of comedy and enjoyment in the series. His mispronunciation always annoys his friends because he pronounced their names wrong as well as spoke in a strange accent.

He is in complete denial of his weight trouble throughout the show and loves to snack. Here are quotes that he always says and other funny quotes too.

1."I'm not just sure, Butters. I'm HIV Positive."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

2."Being a sellout is sweet."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

3."Love is like taking a dump, Butters."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

4."Words cannot express how much I hate you guys."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

5."Stan, don't you know the first law of physics? Anything that's fun costs at least eight dollars."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

6."Respect My Authoritah."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

7."I'm not fat, I'm festively plump."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

8."I'm not fat, I'm big-boned."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

9."I'm not fat, I just have a sweet hockey body."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

10."I'm not fat! I'm getting in shape."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

11."Hippies, they're everywhere"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

12."I know enough to exploit it."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

13."I made you eat your parents."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

14."No kitty, This is my Pot Pie!"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

15."Starvin' Marvin, that's my pot pie!"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

16."Ants in the pants?! ANTS IN THE PANTS?!"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

17."Casa Bonita: Was it worth it? Totally..."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

18."Screw you guys, I'm going home"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

19."Don't ask why Kenny wanted to be a chick, it's just how he seems to be rolling right now."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

20."How do I reeeach these Kiids?"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

21."I clocked you at 40MPH back there. Do you know what the speed limit is hey-ah?"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

22."I want to get down on my knees and start pleasing Jesus. I want to feel his salvation all over my face."

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'  

'South Park' Cartman Quotes

Did you know that many of the characters in the series are inspired by real-life characters? Even Cartman's character is based on a real-life character. In the Show, Cartman says 'ku' instead of 'cool' which happens primarily because he speaks from behind his teeth. Here are quotes from the South Park show.

23."If you had the chance to go back right now and stop Hitler, Wouldn't you do it?"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

24."I've learned something too: selling out is sweet because, when you sell it out, you get to make a lot of money, you don't have to hang out with a bunch of poor losers like you guys."

-Cartman, 'South Park'  

25."If dolphins are so smart, why do they live in igloos?... Dolphins, Eskimos who cares?"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

26."Intelligent and friendly on rye bread with some mayonnaise."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

27."In ' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, a bunch of hippies walk around and paint stuff. They eat lunch, and then they find a magical camel, which they have to eat to stay alive. And that's pretty much it. I give it B-minus."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

28."...this sort of penetration will increase the population of the younger generation."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

29."It's an Afganistan goat, so it can't stay here"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

30."The fireman is very magical. If you rub his helmet he spits in your eye."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

31."No dude, independent films are that black-and-white hippie movie."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

32."I'm not walking around all day like Pippi Longstocking."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

33."I would never kill somebody."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

34."Too bad drinking scotch isn't a paying job, or else Kenny's dad would be a millionaire."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

35."Kenny's family is so poor that yesterday they had to put their cardboard box up for a second mortgage."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

36."Aw, it smells like Kenny's house in here!"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

37."Speak to me, Helen. Let me be your voice...channel your spirit through me!"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

38."Mom, tell them how everyone in your family was big-boned. Tell them how they were fat, but grew into their bodies when they got older."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

39.“They're not people! They're hippies!”

-Cartman, 'South Park'

40."Mr. Garrison, why do poor people smell like sour milk?

-Cartman, 'South Park'

41."Alright y'all, keep your eyes peeled and your guns ready. There are a heap of Mexicans out there who want nothing more than sneak past our border, and we've got to stop them!"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

42."Do British people count as an ethnicity for hate crimes?"

-Cartman, 'South Park'

43."Thank you Rumpertumskin. And what do you think about me, Clyde frog."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

44."I'm the deadly Mexican staring frog... of Southern Sri Lanka. I'm very scary."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

45."She's really smart and funny."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

46."Sorry, I'm not interested in being friends with midgets."

-Cartman, 'South Park'

47."I've had to ride my bike here, my behind is killing me."

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'

48."Your tears are so yummy and sweet. Ohhh, the tears immeasurable sadness! Yummy, You Guys."

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'

49."Statistically speaking, the most bacteria-ridden place on the planet is the mouth of an American woman."

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'  

50."What are you supposed to be, Stan, Howdy Doody?"

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'

Best Cartman Quotes

The best episodes in the 'South Park' series include, 'Imaginationland' season 11; episodes 10-12, 'Scott Tenorman must die' season 5; episode 4 and 'Make Love, Not Warcraft' season 10; episode 8 among others. Cartman's character is so popular that he is considered to be a pop-culture icon. Here are some of the best Cartman quotes.

51."The only way to fight hate is even more hate."

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'  

52."Yeah, Hippie! Go back to Woodstock if you don't want to shoot anything!"

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'

53."Follow your dreams, you can reach your goals, I'm living proof. Beefcake!"

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'

54." You guys, I had a dream of how I can make ten million dollars. You ready?... Boy Band."

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'

55."I hate you! I want you to die!"

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'

56."I am nothing like a family guy! When I make jokes, they are inherent to a story- deep, situational, and emotional jokes based on what is relevant and has a point! Not just one random, interchangeable joke after another."

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'

57."All I think about is the problems our generation is inheriting. Climate change, over fishing, Kyle...I mean, how are we supposed to get happy about anything?

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'

58."Do you know what love is Scott? I'll tell you one thing, it's not the happy ending that Disney movies promised us. There's no 'happily ever after'. There's just work and anger and pain and more work, and then, every once in a while, a little bit of fun."

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'

59."I never heard the words 'only' and 'candy' in the same sentence before."

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'

60."Somebody's gotta eat all that bacon, Kyle...might as well be us. Welcome to the firm."

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'

61."Sorry, I don't make up the rules, I just think them up and write them down."

-Eric Cartman, 'South Park'

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotesfor everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Cartman quotes then why not take a look at Homer Simpson quotes, or Statler and Waldorf quotes.  

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Written by Merlyn Mathews

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Masters of English Literature

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Merlyn MathewsBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Masters of English Literature

As a multilingual content writer, Merlyn's command over multiple languages and her strong academic background in English enhance her writing capabilities. She holds a Bachelor's degree in English from Christ University and a Master's degree in English from the University of Leeds.Her professional journey includes internships at The Lagoon School and The Guardian Newspaper, both in Nigeria, enriching her experience and lending depth to her understanding of diverse work environments. Additionally, her volunteer work with Oxfam and Handout Foundation reflects her dedication to social causes.

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