99 Comfort zone quotes

Kitan Folami
Mar 14, 2023 By Kitan Folami
Originally Published on Feb 24, 2023
Fact-checked by Oluwapelumi Iwayemi
Quote by Adam Braun

People often recommend stepping out of your comfort zone to fully experience what life has to offer.

However, being inside your comfort zone reduces stress and anxiety, while making you feel safe and secure. If you need a dose of extra motivation to step out of your comfort zone and push the boundaries holding you back, then take a look at these brilliant comfort zone quotes.

Stepping Out Of Comfort Zone Quotes

“Step outside of your comfort zone and go beyond the boundaries that you and others have set for yourself.”—Julius Veal

“Coming out of your comfort zone is tough in the beginning, chaotic in the middle, and awesome in the end…because in the end, it shows you a whole new world.” —Manoj Arora

“When you cross your comfort zone, fear zone, learning zone, and growth zone, you will enter into the zone of leadership.” —Amit Ray

“By stepping out of your comfort zone, you begin to feel comfortable with the one thing that was once so unfamiliar it gave you anxiety.” —Brian Cagneey

“On the other side of comfort is optimized potential. If we don’t explore this place, we limit our limitless possibilities.” —Suzanne F. Stevens

“Worry is the fear of living your truth and facing it head-on. Live beyond your comfort zone. It’s really not a comfortable place to stay anyway.” —Christine E. Szymanski

“Each stride you take outside your comfort zone, allows you to handle everyday situations with a greater piece of mind.” —Ron Baratono

“Step outside your comfort zone because that’s the only way that you’re going to grow.”—Madeleine Brewer

“Life always begins with one step outside of your comfort zone.” —Shannon L. Alder

“What I find really interesting is to try to mix it up, to push myself and try different things. I don’t want to stay in my comfort zone. I want to take risks and keep myself scared.”—Michael Fassbender

“If you want to be excellent at something, you must move away from your comfort zone, overcome doubt, setbacks, and failure. Never give up. Keep plugging away and being persistent. One day, success will be yours.” —Mark F. LaMoure

“When you go out of your comfort zone and it works there’s nothing more satisfying.”—Kristen Wiig

“The hardest thing to do is leave your comfort zone. But you have to let go of the life you’re familiar with and take the risk to live the life you dream about.” —T. Arigo

“The comfort zone is the great enemy to creativity; moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fears.”—Dan Stevens

"Leaving your comfort zone is hard. Staying broke is hard. Pick your hard." – Grant Cardone

“Sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zones. We have to break the rules. And we have to discover the sensuality of fear. We need to face it, challenge it, dance with it.”—Kyra Davis

“It’s better to do something bad than to not do it at all.” —Jordan Peterson

“There’s only so much growing you can do in your comfort zone.” —Ranal Currie

A frog that lives in a small pond does not know that there is a big world out there. Don't be like the frog, get out of your pond. —Remez Sasson

“A step outside your comfort zone is a step into your miracle zone.” —Cristie B. Gardner

“Face the fear, even if it’s only a tiptoe outside your comfort zone instead of a leap. Progress is progress.” —Annette White

“I have stepped outside my comfort zone enough to know that, yes, the world does fall apart, but not in the way that you fear.” —Tan Le

“Every time you take a risk or move out of your comfort zone, you have a great opportunity to learn more about yourself and your capacity.” —Jack Canfield

“I want to challenge you today to get out of your comfort zone. You have so much incredible potential on the inside. God has put gifts and talents in you that you probably don’t know anything about.” —Joel Osteen

“Anything you do to stretch yourself out of your comfort zone will ultimately enable you to take larger risks and grow.”—Leslie Evans

“It is better to explore a gainful uncertainty than to sit in a painful certainty.” —Ogwo David Emenike

“Go away from your comfort zone to feel the beauty of life.” —Debasish Mridha

“If you opt for a safe life, you will never know what it’s like to win.” —Richard Branson

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” —Dale Carnegie

“It’s funny, humans tend to hatch our most challenging goals and dreams, the ones that demand our greatest effort yet promise absolutely nothing when we are tucked into our comfort zones.” —David Goggins

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good and go for the great.” —Steve Prefontaine

“Do something uncomfortable today. By stepping out of your box, you don’t have to settle for what you are – you get to create who you want to become.” —Howard Walstein

“You have to be uncomfortable in order to be successful, in some ways. If you stay in your comfort zone! You would never do the things that you need to do.”—Lights Poxlietner

Unique Comfort Zone Quotes

“The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness.”—Pope Benedict XVI

“True self-discovery begins where your comfort zone ends.” — Adam Braun

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there.” —John Assaraf

“Each time you try something for the first time you will grow-a little piece of the fear of the unknown is removed and replaced with a sense of empowerment.” —Annette White

"If you want to make more money, you'll have to do things differently. You will have to do things you never even thought of doing in the past. You will have to do things out of your comfort zone." —Dan Pena

“You get diminishing returns when you are restricted to your comfort zone.”—Sunday Adelaja

"Whether we are winning, losing or drawing, we have to be ready to adapt and not sink into a comfort zone." —Tite

“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.”—Max DePree

“I like doing things that make me uncomfortable. I try not to have a comfort zone.” —Jennifer Echols

“Life’s like working out: there’s no pain in the comfort zone but is that really where you want to live?” —Robin Sharma

“If you don’t step out of your comfort zone and face your fears, the number of situations that make you uncomfortable will keep growing.”— Theo Pistorius

“If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.”—John C. Maxwell

“Our comfort zones can be our greatest enemy to our potential.” —David Cottrell

“I’m continually trying to make choices that put me against my own comfort zone. As long as you’re uncomfortable, it means you’re growing.” —Ashton Kutcher

“Even the smallest changes in our daily routine can create incredible ripple effects that expand our vision of what is possible.” —Charles F. Glassman

“The greatest things in life tend to happen outside our comfort zones, and doubting your ability to step outside of your comfort zone will keep you stuck.” —Amy Morin

“Give out everything you came with. Don’t remain in your comfort zone full of potentials only to die with them unused.” —Clement Ogedegbe

“Experts step outside their comfort zone and study themselves failing.” —Joshua Foer

“Don't let your life goals fall victim to the allure of comfortable routines.” —Zero Dean

“Dreams become a nightmare if you remain in your comfort zone.” —Eshaan Thakur

"Fear can only be mastered outside of your comfort zone." —Matshona Dhliwayo

“I think when you get people who are really talented and you take them out of their comfort zone, you get a lot more out of them.” —Gore Verbinski

“If you always do what is easy and choose the path of least resistance, you never step outside your comfort zone. Great things don’t come from comfort zones.”—Roy Bennett

“Outside your comfort zone is the only place worth living.” —Karina Bliss

“You can choose courage or you can choose comfort. You cannot have both. —Brene Brown

“Hitting your comfort zone’s boundaries is simply a sign that you’re about to have the chance to grow.” —Clare Josa

“A ship is always safe at the shore but that is not what it is built for.” —Albert Einstein

“Habits are familiar and comfortable, putting our reactions on autopilot and often leading us, instead, to great discomfort.” —Charles F. Glassman

“The biggest rewards in life are found outside your comfort zone. Live with it. Fear and risk are prerequisites if you want to enjoy a life of success and adventure.” —Jack Canfield

“Are we prepared to leave our comfort zones to reach a better place?” —Carlos A. Godoy

“If your circle doesn’t challenge you to grow beyond your comfort zone, then you are definitely in the wrong circle.” —Edmond Mbiaka

“To the degree, we’re not living our dreams, our comfort zone has more control of us than we have over ourselves.”—Peter McWilliams

“Don’t be afraid to expand yourself, to step out of your comfort zone. That’s where the joy and the adventure lie.”—Herbie Hancock

“The comfort zone is always the most desirable place to be. But in settling for comfort, there is a price to pay and it comes in the death of ambition, of hope, of youth, and the death of self.”— Simon Barnes

“Comfort zones are overrated. When you embrace the unfamiliar and uncomfortable in all areas of life, your progress will start soaring.”—Francis Shenstone

"You need to live a little bit outside your comfort zone because you can be even more than you dream of." —Peggy Whitson

"Nobody ever died of discomfort, yet living in the name of comfort has killed more ideas, more opportunities, more actions, and more growth than everything else combined. Comfort kills!" —T. Harv Eker

“It’s when you begin to think about going to your dream that your dream is always outside of your comfort zone. It’s always beyond what you’ve ever done.” —Bruce Wilkinson

“Each one of us has a comfort zone. The problem comes when we are unwilling to leave it.”— Bill Courtney

“The place between your comfort zone and your dream is where life takes place.” —Helen Keller

“You are confined only by the walls that you build yourself.” —Andrew Murphy

“Comfort zones are plush lined coffins. When you stay in your plush lined coffins, you die.” —Stan Dale

Comfort Zone Quotes On Facing Challenges

“The further you get away from yourself, the more challenging it is. Not to be in your comfort zone is great fun.” —Benedict Cumberbatch

“I’ve learned in my life that it is important to be able to step outside your comfort zone and be challenged with something you’re not familiar with or accustomed to. That challenge will allow you to see what you can do.” —J.R. Martinez

“Sometimes it is good to be in uncomfortable situations because it is in finding our way out of such difficulties that we learn valuable lessons.” —Idowu Koyenikan

“Your self-imposed prison. That thing is called your comfort zone. Challenge it, stretch it. You will thank yourself.” —Tony Curl

“Pushing yourself through your comfort zone can pay you handsomely.” —Douglas McGehee

“You have to get outside your comfort zone if you’re going to make significant changes, and since few things scare people like the unknown, feeling fear is an excellent sign you’re on the right track.” —Jen Sincero

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” —Martin Luther King Jr.

“Your comfort zone is not a place that you want to remain in. Dare, discover, be all that you can be.”—Catherine Pulsifer

“Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start getting excited about what could go right.” —Tony Robbins

“In the absence of a challenge, there is comfort. In the presence of comfort, there is no change.” —Matt LeMond

“Comfort is your biggest trap and coming out of your comfort zone is your biggest challenge.”
—Manoj Arora

“Whenever you feel uncomfortable, instead of retreating back into your old comfort zone, pat yourself on the back and say, “I must be growing,” and continue moving forward.” —T. Harv Eker

"If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness." —Les Brown

Comfort Zone Quotes On Change

“Do not be afraid of change. Change is beautiful and there’s no stopping it from happening. Break your routine and try new things. Being able to do something outside of your comfort zone will give you a feeling of fulfillment and confidence.” —Ashley Rosebloom

"Acknowledging the unproductive thoughts and ineffective behavior that you've tried to ignore can be uncomfortable. But, stepping out of your comfort zone and choosing to proactively address bad habits will skyrocket your ability to create long-lasting change." —Amy Morin

“Real change is difficult at the beginning, but gorgeous at the end. Change begins the moment you get the courage and step outside your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” —Roy T. Bennett

“We often forget that as human beings, it is in our nature to give and create, so step out of your comfort zone and change your mindset, do what we do best, and connect.” —Dee Waldeck

“Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.” —Billy Cox

“Change happens when you extend your reach. Your comfort zone is your enemy. As long as you play it safe, you will never become all that you are destined to be.” —Germany Kent

“I think anyone taken out of their comfort zone and put somewhere else will change.”—Samuel Larsen

“We tend to be held back from our goals by the simplicity of our comfort zones, but just how comfortable are we? Wouldn’t we be more content living in our dreams?” —Michelle C. Ustaszeski.

“The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure. You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” —Roy T. Bennett

“Resistance to change is very much governed by your comfort zone. Just because something is comfortable does not for a moment mean it’s what you want, or even good for you for that matter.” —Robin H. C.

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. So if you're feeling uncomfortable right now, know that the change taking place in your life is a beginning, not an ending.” —Neale Donald Walsch

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Written by Kitan Folami

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Geography

Kitan Folami picture

Kitan FolamiBachelor of Arts specializing in Geography

With three years of experience in creative writing across sectors including finance, education, and gaming, Kitan is a highly skilled and passionate writer. As she pursues a degree in Geography at the University of Lagos, Kitan remains committed to broadening her knowledge and skills in order to deliver high-quality content that captivates and educates readers.

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Fact-checked by Oluwapelumi Iwayemi

Bachelor of Science specializing in Systems Engineering

Oluwapelumi Iwayemi picture

Oluwapelumi IwayemiBachelor of Science specializing in Systems Engineering

Iwayemi is a creative content writer and editor studying for a Bachelor of Science specializing in Systems Engineering from the University of Lagos. He is skilled in research and has experience writing and editing content for different organizations.

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