32 Quran Facts: Learn All About The Holy Book Muslims Believe In!

Joan Agie
Oct 12, 2023 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Feb 24, 2022
Quran facts are interesting to read!

The Holy Qurʾān, also spelled as Koran or Quran is the holy scriptures of the Islamic faith.

The word 'Quran' translates to 'recitation' in Arabic and portrays how the scripture is meant to be recited instead of just reading it to yourself. Today, the Quran is widely regarded as of the most important and finest Classical Arabic Literature work.

The Quran's main focus is to teach its followers the message of the existence of only one God, Allah, and how to live a life that strictly follows Allah's teachings. The Quran is divided into 30 parts with 114 surahs or chapters and 6,326 ayahs (a sign) or verses.

The Quran follows no set path and the surahs are organized by length rather than being chronological. Despite this, the second surah, surah Al-Baqarah is the longest surah in the scripture with 286 verses.

The Quran has over the years served as the focal point of the Islamic faith. Muslims globally have followed the teachings of the Quran that were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who clarified the meaning of various sections of the holy book.

Spiritual Factors Involved

The word 'Islam' translates to 'surrender' which carries the notion of how believers surrender to the will of Allah who is the sole creator of the world.

Life after death is mentioned in the Quran and teaches its followers that the soul remains even after death.

The Quran also possesses inner meanings in expressed cosmological and metaphysical truths.

Other spiritual factors mentioned in the Quran are the studies of creations, religious doctrine, social values, history, science, morality, civil and criminal law, Christianity and polytheism, Judaism, and the stories of prophets.

Religious Views Mentioned

The Quran has several religious views mentioned in it and it is often used as a guide for Muslims on how to practice their faith and be faithful to one God (Allah). The major practices are divided into five pillars of Islam.

The concept of Shahada, or the profession of faith, is duly taught to Muslims through the Quran which solidifies the belief of only one God and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) being the only true Messenger of God. It is the first pillar of Islam.

Muslims are also taught to practice Salat, or prayer, five times a day at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and after dark. Prayers are held in mosques or homes and include the recital of the opening Surah of the Quran. Imams lead the prayer congregation during Friday noon prayers. Prayers are the second pillar of Islam.

Zakat, or Alms, is an important aspect of Islamic law within the Quran and is known as the third pillar of Islam. The Quran teaches its followers to set aside and donate a fixed portion of their income to those in need. Many Muslim rulers built drinking fountains, mosques, schools, hospitals, and other establishments as a religious duty.

Sawm, or fasting, is the fourth pillar of Islam and refers to the month of Ramadan during which Muslims fast during the daylight hours of the month. This temporary deprivation is used as a way to renew their gratitude towards God. Food is shared during the month with those in need as it is seen as a religious duty.

Most Important Topics To Read

Surah Fatiha, the first verse of the Quran, is considered to be the easiest surah of the Quran and it includes seven verses that are often used in prayers.

Ayat al-Kursi (surah Al-Baqarah Q2:255), also known as the Throne Verse, is considered the greatest Quranic verse that was ever revealed to the prophet out of all verses. Reciting this section is known to confirm the greatness of Allah and grants the person protection of Allah from the shayatin (demons) and jinns.

Ayat al-kursi is believed to also grant entry to Jannah, or paradise, if recited after every prayer.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) described surah Yaseen as the heart of the Quran and mentions how the recital of this surah in a whole night can relieve the reader of their sins completely. Surah Yaseen is also mentioned to ease the pain of death as Allah makes it easy on the souls that leave their bodies.

Despite its importance, surah Yaseen is seen as one of the easiest surahs to learn.

The night of Layla-tul-Qadar is considered of utmost importance as based on Islamic beliefs, as this night was the first time Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had the first verse of the Quran revealed to him. The other significances that the night carries are described vividly in surah Al-Qadr.

History Of Quran

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the final Prophet, is assumed to have received his first revelation on December 22, 609, at 40 years of age. He went on to receive these revelations until his death in 632, as these revelations were not instantaneous and occurred verse by verse for 23 years.

The revelation of the Quran is divided into two parts that follow Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) life in Makkah for 13 years and his life in Madinah for 10 years.

Abu Bakr, the Prophet's successor, or caliph, after the Prophet's death in 632, collected the written scriptures of the Quran. The third caliph, Uthman, organized a committee to assemble the scripture's authorized edition which is recited and read by Muslims all around the world today.

The Quran is based mainly on oral recitation and is recited in a melodious tone.

Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the greatest and last prophet, and his scripture displaces all the other books that were written by other prominent prophets such as Jesus Christ.

Medival followers of the Islamic faith promoted the translation and collection of Arabic scripture from Chinese, Greek, Persian and Indian religion and philosophy in order to make comparisons of the meaning of the beliefs found in the Quran.

'Tafsir', or the interpretation and commentary of the verse of God, is known to be the earliest activities of Muslims in the academic sector. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is widely considered as the first person to explain the Quranic verse for the early groups of Muslims.

The Quran did not exist in any sort of book form until the first caliph, Abu Bakr, assembled the revelation that the Prophet received in a book form that would eventually be known as the Quran.

Translations of the Quran in other languages are considered inauthentic or incomplete because Muslims consider the original Arabic words as sacred.

When the Quran was first revealed, the Arabs excelled in oral poetry. Marketplaces often held poetry competitions and Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) recitation charmed the listeners for its beautiful Arabic. Various groups would convert to Islam just by listening to the Quranic verses.

Since the Holy Quran was meant to be recited, many Muslims around the world also educate themselves in Tajwid, which refers to pronouncing timing syllables and Arabic word patterns in the correct form. Tajwid helps in the proper recital of the Holy Quran without altering the meanings of its passages.

The 'Hadiths' are the only book besides the Holy Quran that is of importance to Islam. Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) followers were of the belief that everything from the Prophet's revelation was a result of divine inspiration and these words are recorded in the Hadiths.

Did You Know...

Islam lacks a formal priesthood group. Because of this, the Quran is analyzed by scholars who possess the knowledge of the doings, sayings, and wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through successions of humans that go back to the Prophet's time period.

During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims recite one part of the Quran every night, and the Quran is completed by the end of the month.

According to the Quran, milk is the best drink! Allah defines the milk river in Jannah in the Quran. Honey is represented as the best food and is a gift to humans from Allah.

Surah Al-Kausar or Al-Kauthar is the shortest surah with only three verses.

The Quran is one of the most influential sources of Islamic art and architecture that rose through the Islamic Empire.

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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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