23 Wonderful WaterAid Facts

Joan Agie
Oct 10, 2023 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Mar 03, 2022
WaterAid facts state that clean water is hard to find, and we need all the help we could get to save the situation.

Water is the sole necessity for humans to stay alive.

Water carries out all the essential functions in the body. Water is life, and that, we could consider being true literally.

WaterAid is an international not-for-profit organization that mainly focuses on making clean water, toilets, and good hygiene for everyone within a generation. It started in 1981 when there was a water crisis, and billions of people had to face without water, toilets, and hygiene. Then many water companies gather to find the solution to this crisis.

As per the surveys, there is an average return of $4 in increased productivity if every $1 is invested in water and toilets returns. The most effective health prevention is by promoting good hygiene. If there had been a clean water facility everywhere, the rate of deaths due to diarrhea would have decreased.

The Founder Of WaterAid

The founder of WaterAid is David Kinnersley.

It was established on 21 July 1981 in the office of London as a charitable trust. And the first project of WaterAid is in Sri Lanka and Zambia.

It has more than 1000 employees, and it serves 34 countries. The revenue comes from donations and grants. And it focuses on providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Statistics Related To WaterAid

There are several essential things for human life for a healthy life: clean water, good hygiene, and toilets facilities. WaterAid strives to provide millions of people with clean water, access to clean toilets and bathroom facilities to ensure proper hygiene in some of the toughest places to live in the world.

As per the survey, in every one people out of five doesn’t have toilet facilities. And one out of ten people does not get clean water or facilities of water.

WaterAid is trying its best to support the challenging places all over the earth. It is an NGO that transforms many places to get better and helps the people.

WaterAid is working and transforming the idea of hygiene and safety for good. The statistical figure confirms that about 771 million people don’t have a water connection or clean water close to their homes.

1.7 billion people on earth don’t have toilet facilities on their own, and they lack basic facilities. And due to lack of clean water and environmental causes, a newborn baby dies every minute due to infection.

About 31% of schools don’t have clean water facilities and lack hygiene. Every two minutes, one child dies before the age of five due to dirty water and unhygienic toilets that lead to diarrhea. And due to water-related illness, the students lost about 443 million school days all over the world.

International Support Of WaterAid

WaterAid is associated with the Glastonbury festival in 1994.

The founder of the festival is Michael Eavis, and his daughter, Emily, visited Mozambique in WorkAid work in 2006.

In 2007, 130 WaterAid volunteers helped in the festival, and by 2011, there was 200 WaterAid volunteers present. In 2016, there were more than 500 WaterAid volunteers at Glastonbury.

The charity speaks about toilets and hygiene through celebrities. And they conduct many fundraising events as Coast Along for WaterAid, and the records state the highest between 2005-2012.

In 2012, WaterAid partnered with Waterlogic for the raising of funds. It provides clean water for the backward communities. And Waterlogic has purified the water and destroyed the bacteria. It supported $225,009 to WaterAid in more than three years.

History Of The WaterAid Organization

In 1981, it was founded by the United Kingdom water industry’s member. It was mainly established on 21 July 1981 as a charity.

WaterAid began his work on the 1000th project in 1993 and agreed to fund the scheme known as Hitosa Gravity Scheme.

As per the scheme, it was the most significant water supply scheme in a single time, and it reached towards 50000 people.

In 2003, it was named for the U.K. charity. Hence, the NGO has proved to be quite valuable, which has solved the water worries of many people.

Did you know?

WaterAid has focused on the essential perspectives of water issues and good hygiene that can save millions more lives.

As per the human development report, there is a continuous emphasis on clean water, decent toilets, and good hygiene to transform millions of lives.

As stated earlier, the facts look stark as the statistics state that 1.7 billion people have no decent toilet and good access to water. This sanitation issue is prevalent in several countries, making it an international health priority. We acknowledge the need for help, and WaterAid is one such help.

The team believes in cost-effective health interventions apart from having clean water decent toilets. With their incredible support, the facts and statistics state that more than a million people have gained decent toilets and good hygiene since 2000.

Some toilets in Liberia do not even have running water or electricity. The latrines send the human waste directly to the seawater, and many people use the water for bathing near the sea.

Even in a country like India, around 120000 toilets have no water supply and even the built toilets with public access in the country have collapsing roofs, poor water pipes, and broken doors, all of which are vital. Sanitary usage has again declined in India due to the Covid situation, causing a water volume shortage.

An essential and decent toilet needs to be established in the most challenging places where disease control priorities need to be changed.

Decent toilets and good access to a safe place seem like a dream in some places in the world compared to a million people with clean toilets in developed countries as per the facts and statistics.

The reserved WaterAid logo seems to be a blessing in such cases that can change lives on the planet.

The world bank global director states that water has been undervalued and under-priced. WaterAid has collaborated with the World Bank to help millions of people get clean water, decent toilets, access to common water toilets, and hygiene. This collaboration improves access and can change lives.

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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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