73 Pumpkin Jokes For Kids

Sarah Nyamekye
May 31, 2024 By Sarah Nyamekye
Originally Published on Aug 11, 2020
Young girl dressed for Halloween holding a pumpkin smiling.

Oh my gourdness, the kids are going to love these pumpkin jokes!

Autumn will soon be upon us which means one thing for the kids- Halloween! And no Halloween is complete without pumpkins! Whether you carve them, make them into a pie, or indulge in a pumpkin spiced drink, pumpkins will be popping up everywhere.

We’ve harvested a crop of pumpkin jokes, so if you’re looking for pumpkin fun you’re in the right place.

Question & Answer Pumpkin Jokes

Get the kids pumped up with these funny pumpkin jokes!

1) Why was Cinderella not very good at tennis? Because her coach was a pumpkin!

2) What did the pumpkin say when he was asked how he was feeling? I’m vine, thanks for asking!

3) What do you call an autumnal pop star? Pumpkin Spice!

4) Who did the pumpkin run away from? Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother!

5) What day of the week do pumpkins dread the most? Squash-urday!

6) What vegetable does a pumpkin become when an elephant stands on it? Squash!

7) Why were two pumpkins so close together? They had deep roots!

8) What did the pumpkin pie say after a big meal? That was filling!

9) What are jack-o-lanterns afraid of? Things that go pumpkin in the night!

10) What’s orange and faster than a speeding train? Super pumpkin!

11) How do gourds get so strong? By pumpkin iron!

12) What kind of gourd grows on trees? Plumkins!

13) What is black, white, orange and waddles? A penguin carrying a pumpkin!

14) What did the orange pumpkin say to the green pumpkin? Why orange you orange?

15) What did the pumpkin say at the end of Halloween? Good-pie everyone!

16) What do you call a pretty pumpkin? Gourgeous!

17) What did the gardener say when all of his squash went missing? Something pumpkin is going on here!

18) Why did the pumpkin turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

19) Who is the leader of all pumpkins? The pumpking!

20) What did the orange pumpkin say to the green pumpkin? You’re looking a bit sick!

21) What do you get when you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? Pumpkin pi!

22) When is an orange not an orange? When it’s a pumpkin!

23) What do you say when you meet a big pumpkin with sharp teeth? See you later!

24) How are pumpkins like cats? You’ll find them by the door when you get home!

25) Why did the Jack-o-lantern keep forgetting things? Because he was empty-headed!

26) What is a pumpkin’s favourite sport? Squash!

27) Why did the witch paint her toenails orange? So she could hide in the pumpkin patch!

28) What kind of animal loves pumpkins? Orange-atans!

29) How did the winter squash pay for things? With pumpkin bread!

30) Why do pumpkins sit by people’s doorsteps? Because they have no hands to knock on the door!

31) What is orange and goes choo choo? A pumpkin train-ing!

32) What do you get if you drop a pumpkin? Squash!

33) How do you fix a broken jack-o-lantern? With a pumpkin patch!

34) What do pumpkins eat at the cinema? Pulp corn!

35) Why did the pumpkin cross the road? Because it fell off the wagon!

36) Who helped the baby pumpkins to cross the road? The crossing gourd!

37) What do you call a pumpkin who works at the beach? A life-gourd!

38) What did one pumpkin say to the other? Cut it out!

39) What do you call a pumpkin that plays a lot of sport? A jock-o-lantern!

40) What does a pirate jack-o-lantern wear? A pumpkin patch!

41) What's the best thing to put in your pumpkin pie? Your teeth!

42) Why are pumpkins so bad at tests? Because they’ve had their brains scooped out!

Did You Know? Pumpkins are actually a fruit and not a vegetable! Pumpkins belong to the gourd family which includes watermelons, honeydew melons, cucumbers, and cantaloupe.

Pumpkin Puns

Be the pun-king (or queen!) with these clever puns all about pumpkins.

43) Pumpkin spice and everything nice.

44) Let’s give them pumpkin to talk about!

45) I only have pies for you!

46) I’m a country pumpkin.

47) Pumpkin spice up your life!

48) Happy Hollow-ween!

49) Let’s get glowing!

50) Your smile lights up a room.

51) You’ve got to be pumpkin-ding me!

52) Pumpkin spice season is finally here, better latte than never.

53) You’re the pick of the pumpkin patch!

54) Hit the road Jack-o-lantern!

55) Beauty is in the pie of the beholder.

56) I’m ahead of the carve!

57) I’m feeling empty inside.

58) Pumpkin Pi.

59) I have to spill my guts, I love Halloween!

60) A pumpkin a day keeps the witches away!

Pumpkin Riddles

Oh my gourd-ness, the kids will love these pumpkin riddles.

61) You might pick up one of these

When you go out to a patch

Carve it, put in a candle

And then light it with a match

From October to November

You’ll see me about

I’m in lattes and pies, a treat for your mouth!

What am I?

A pumpkin!


62) If you do this well

And carve it right

You’re sure to give

Someone a fright.

What am I?

A pumpkin!


63) Remove the seeds

And carve a face

Your front doorstep

Is where it’s placed.

What am I?

A pumpkin!


64) If you buy a big one of these

You surely will not starve

As what’s inside can feed many

And they’re also good to carve.

What am I?

A pumpkin!


65) The bigger it is

The more it feeds

This orange squash

Has lots of seeds.

What am I?

A pumpkin!


66) I have seeds but I’m not a watermelon

I can be made into a pie but I’m not an apple

I can be carved but I’m not roast beef

I’m orange but I’m not an orange

I’m associated with a patch but I’m not an eye

What am I?

A pumpkin!


67) I’m made of pumpkin and spice but not everything nice

I prefer ghosts and ghouls and anything cruel

I can cool you down after the hottest time ever

You can figure me out without having to be clever.

What am I?

The month of October!


68) I’m tall when I’m young, I’m short when I’m old, and every Halloween I stand inside pumpkins. What am I?

A Candle!

Knock Knock Pumpkin Jokes

A classic knock-knock joke never fails to raise a smile, and these pumpkin-themed jokes won’t disappoint!

69) Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Pumpkin who?

Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Pumpkin who?

Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Orange who?

Orange you glad I didn’t say pumpkin again?!


70) Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Aida who?

Aida the whole pumpkin pie!


71) Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Wanda who?

Wanda piece of pumpkin pie?


72) Knock Knock

Who’s there?

Ice cream

Ice cream who?

Ice cream, you scream, we all scream for Halloween!


73) Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Butter who?

Butter open the door quick, I’ve got to show you my pumpkin!

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Written by Sarah Nyamekye

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Sarah Nyamekye

An avid explorer of the great outdoors and an enthusiast of creative hobbies, Sarah is a resident of Surrey who enjoys spending her free time discovering new places with her two young daughters. With a degree in her arsenal, she maintains her physical fitness by engaging in activities such as baking, crafting, gardening, and exercise. Her well-rounded personality, diverse interests, and adventurous nature make her an excellent addition to any team.

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