29 Psychology Puns That Are Hysterically Funny

Emily Munden
Dec 12, 2023 By Emily Munden
Originally Published on Oct 15, 2020
Fact-checked by Isobel Murphy
Teen boy talking to professional psychologist

Psychology has become one of the most popular subjects studied at school, what could be more interesting than the inner workings of our brains?

For anyone going to therapy, taking classes in psychology or just interested in the topic, these funny psychology puns and psychiatry puns help us to open up conversations, share our feelings and support each other. At the same time, we hope these jokes give you a bit of a giggle.

Puns About Psychologists

Studying psychology sometimes feels like there are a thousand different psychologist names thrown at you, but don't worry - there are loads of funny psychologist puns too.

1. I Kant even.

2. So Milgram - he's a bit shocking, don't you think?

3. Some people think psychologists aren't real scientists. They think they're all Freuds.

4. Does the name Pavlov ring any bells?

5. I want to be forever Jung.

6. Pavlov's hair was so soft because he always conditioned it.

7. I'm a Freud you aren't getting any Junger.

8. Someone asked me how many psychologists it takes to change a light bulb. The question is completely relative - it depends if the light bulb wants to change.

Psychology Therapy Puns

Choosing to get support for our mental health is one of the best things we can do for ourselves, and it can be an emotional ride. These hilarious therapist puns allow us to have a giggle at the same time.

9. I brought my therapist a cake. He thinks I'm having a mental bake down.

10. I've just started a therapy group for procrastinators. We haven't conducted our first session yet.

11. The recessive gene decided to start genetic therapy. It wanted to learn how to express itself.

12. There was a sign up in the hospital that said, "Therapy can help torture victims." Doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

13. I didn't know how to cheer my puppy up after he lost his tail. My psychology teacher suggested retail therapy.

14. I joined a new therapy group for loneliness. Nobody turned up.

15. At first I thought the therapy I was getting for Stockholm syndrome was useless, but I'm starting to like it.

16. My dog's just become a therapy dog, I'm so proud of her. She's got her dogtorate and everything.

17. Waldo decided it was time for him to go to therapy. He wanted to find himself.

18. The Russian doll had to go to therapy. She was far too full of herself.

19. I started going to the Hokey-Pokey clinic. I'm really trying to turn myself around.

20. I went to a therapist because my girlfriend said I had too big an ego. I think it worked, I'm feeling way better than anyone else today.

21. When I was younger, my parents sent me to a child psychologist. I don't get why - that kid taught me nothing.

22. My therapist has worked it out - I'm too aFreud to love.

23. My therapist told me to shut out everyone negative that reminds me of my past. I've not gone back for three weeks, I'm starting to feel a lot better.

24. I asked my therapist to validate my parking. She told me I did a great job.

Psychological Puns

These funny jokes help us to normalise the experiences we share, so we can open up conversations and give and get the support we need.

25. After my clear out my book shelf started feeling very empty. I think it might have developed shelf awareness.

26. The difference between between ignorance and apathy? Don't know, don't care.

27. I have an anxiety disorder. It means I panic when I do something out of order.

28. I take psychiatric medication. It doesn't feel as bad as stealing it.

29. Lots of people believe in me. That scares me, I always knew I was real.

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Written by Emily Munden

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Emily Munden

An experienced Londoner, Emily loves to discover new and exciting places in the city, especially with her two younger brothers. She has a passion for fashion and design and is also involved in art charities that facilitate workshops for children with special needs and difficult home lives. Emily is a trained life coach and enjoys writing about general wellness, mindfulness, and healthy relationships.

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Fact-checked by Isobel Murphy

Bachelor of Arts specializing in History

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Isobel MurphyBachelor of Arts specializing in History

With a love for exploring cities and finding outdoor spaces to enjoy, Isobel has spent her life exploring various cities in the UK, from her hometown of Surrey to Birmingham where she studied history for three years. She is passionate about sports and enjoys watching and playing, as well as baking and spending quality time with her loved ones.

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