41 Mummy Jokes, Puns, And Riddles That Will Have You In Stitches

Martha Martins
Dec 12, 2023 By Martha Martins
Originally Published on Jan 06, 2021
Edited by Isobel Murphy
Egyptian Fayum Mummy

Far from being old relics in the ancient Egyptian pyramids, mummies have become an integral part of history, ingrained in the collective human mind. Making appearances in books, video games, and, of course, movies, they've made their way out of the pyramid and into pop culture. Nowadays, they can also inspire some really funny jokes.

Here are some hilarious mummy jokes, including King Tut jokes, mummy puns, ancient Egypt jokes, puns, and riddles, sure to tickle your funny bone. These jokes are great if you're a fan of ancient history or just love a good laugh.

They're a perfect collection for when you're hosting a party or just want to lighten up a family gathering.

Funny Mummy Jokes

Mummies might be known as a part of ancient Egyptian history, but who knew they could be so funny? These mummy jokes are the perfect blend of silly and clever; use them if you're looking to lighten up a playdate or bring a smile to the family dinner table.

Toddlers, grandparents, and everyone alike will enjoy these puns; they just may have you in stitches.

1. What do you call a mummy covered in chocolate and nuts? A Pharaoh Roche.

2. What do you call Ryan Gosling in a mummy costume? Ryan Gauzeling.

3. Did you hear about the mummy who goes to university? His favorite subject is Cryptography.

4. Have you heard about Pharaoh's new chef? His name is Gordon Ramesses.

5. What is a mummy's favorite kind of music? Wrap music.

6. Why didn't the mummy have any friends? Because he was too wrapped up in himself.

7. How did the mummy defeat Superman? He had Cryptonite.

8. Who does the mummy go to for moral support? To his mummy.

9. What did the mummy order to eat when he went to a restaurant? A wrap.

10. Why do Pharaohs never tell dad jokes? Because they are all mummies.

11. What would Doctor Strange's arch-enemy be called if he were an Ancient Egyptian? Dormummy.

12. What is a mummy’s favorite flower? Chrysanthamummies.

13. Did you hear about the scary couple at prom this year? It was a mummy and his ghoul friend.

14. What does a mummy use when he needs to hide? Masking tape.

15. Why do mummies never go on vacations? Because they're afraid to unwind.

16. Why were the ancient Egyptian children confused? They realized their daddies were mummies.

17. Where do mummies go for a swim? To the Dead Sea.

18. What did one pyramid say to the other? "Hey! Where's your mummy?"

19. Where did the mummy drink her espresso? In her Sar-coffee-gus.

20. What day is the most important in Egypt? Mummy’s Day.

21. Why does a mummy enjoy celebrating Christmas? As it involves a lot of gifts and wrappings.

The Funniest Puns About Mummies

Who said history couldn't be hilarious? Mummies may hail from ancient times, but their comedic appeal is timeless. Whether it's a family game night or just a moment to brighten up the day, these puns about mummies are just the right mix of cleverness and quirkiness that will have every age group chuckling.

22. A lot of people don't like movies about mummies. I think they get a bad wrap.

23. Archeologists say that mummies are very hard to find. Because they're all kept under wraps.

24. The mummy caught a really bad cold. He cannot stop coffin.

25. Unlike fairy tales, the stories of Egyptian mummies always go from riches to rags.

26. I saw this new movie about a mummy's new bandages. It was called 'The Emperor's New Clothes'.

27. The mummy was very sore from lying down for years. So he called a Cairo-practor.

28. The mummy couldn't finish his Halloween candies. Because he was stuffed.

29. The photographer mummy was done with his shoot. So he told his crew to wrap it up.

30. My mummy friend has been tense lately. He always looks so wound up.

Funniest Jokes and Puns about Ancient Egypt

Looking for more mummy jokes that tickle the funny bone? Ancient Egypt's timeless humor is ready to make your sides split. These hilarious mummy jokes not only bring laughter but also sneakily kindle your kids' curiosity about this remarkable civilization. Be it pyramid punchlines, mummy mirth, or Pharaoh funnies, these jests stand the test of time. 

31. Did you hear about the Pharaoh who died in the river because he did not believe he was drowning? He was in de-Nile.

32. What do you call a Pharaoh who plays the trumpet? Tootin'khamun.

33. Why did the ancient Egyptians use to bury their Pharaohs in several layers of coffins? It was called multicasking.

34. What did the Pharaoh tell the man who tried to sell him a pyramid? "Well, that's the last thing I need."

35. Did you hear about the Pharaoh who was lying in the wrong coffin? He made a grave mistake.

36. What script did the bravest Egyptian Pharaoh write in? Hero-glyphics.

Funny Ancient Egyptian Mummy Riddles For The Brave Of Heart

Do you dare to delve into the enigmatic world of the Egyptian mummy without getting wrapped up in fear? This collection of funny mummy riddles is sure to challenge your wits and tickle your funny bones!

From the sands of Egypt to your living room, these riddles are perfect for curious minds eager for a playful challenge. Perfect for young adventurers and seasoned archeologists alike, these riddles offer a delightful blend of humor and history.

37. Wrapped in a casket, entombed in time, you wake up a creature with lives more than nine, it had better stay tied, it better stay wound up, but you know it will get you now that the Nile's dried up. Who is it? An Egyptian mummy.

38. Home to the dead, house the undead, the palatial tomb is both a tomb and a bed. Words of wisdom, words to the vice, never visit me in the dead of the night. What am I? A pyramid.

39. I stand presiding over the graves of the dead, a God I am to whom fate has dealt, all-knowing almighty, awesomely wise, I guide all souls into the night. Who am I? Anubis.

40. To a man who has built it, I am money, for one who bought me still has time free, the man who needs me need only be in me. What am I? Coffin.

41. The eldest of the Gods that ruled the golden sands, the sun was me and rose by my hand, a penny for your thoughts for I reside, in heaven, hell, and in between and all is light. Who am I? Ra.

There you have it: a pyramid treasure of mummy jokes, puns, and riddles to keep you laughing all the way to the Sphinx! While some might have you unraveling in thought, others will simply have you wrapped in laughter.

Unearth the humor in history, share these nuggets of Nile-side humor with friends, and watch as their faces light up. History isn't all facts and dates; there's plenty of room for fun. Who knows what other gems you might uncover?

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Written by Martha Martins

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

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Martha MartinsBachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

Martha is a full-time creative writer, content strategist, and aspiring screenwriter who communicates complex thoughts and ideas effectively. She has completed her Bachelor's in Linguistics from Nasarawa State University. As an enthusiast of public relations and communication, Martha is well-prepared to substantially impact your organization as your next content writer and strategist. Her dedication to her craft and commitment to delivering high-quality work enables her to create compelling content that resonates with audiences.

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