109 Best Number Jokes You Can Count On

Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Apr 26, 2024 By Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Originally Published on Jan 06, 2021
Fact-checked by Christian Mba
A group of adults and children holding number-shaped balloons in a sunny park with greenery and a small lake.

Math can be a serious subject sometimes, but it can also be really funny! Get ready for a bunch of funny math jokes that might make you groan, but will also make you smile. These jokes are perfect for anyone who likes a good laugh, whether you're a math guru or just learning.

After all, numbers can do more than just solve equations, they can make you laugh too! Who doesn't love a goofy math pun? Share them with your classmates, math teacher, or friends.

Counting Jokes

A family game night with people of various ages enjoying number-themed games.

Looking for some number jokes that you can count on? Here is a list of the best counting-based jokes you will love.

1. What is odd? Every alternate number!

2. Why was six afraid of seven? Because 7 8 (ate) 9!

3. There are 36 sheep. Why did the shepherd count 40? He rounded them up.

4. An odd man was to do eight jobs, why did he only do 4? He only did jobs 1, 3, 5, and 7.

5. What are the ten things that can always be counted on? Our fingers.

6. Why did the quarter not roll down the hill along with the nickel? Because the quarter had more cents!

7. What was the spelling book saying to the mathematics book? It said, "I know that I can count on you."

8. Why do teens travel in groups of three, five, or seven? Well, because they can't even!

9. What happens when you cross a calculator and a dog? You get a friend that you can always count on.

10. Why were the two fours skipping lunch? They already eight!

11. How can you make 7 into an even number? Just remove the S.

Funny Number Jokes For Kids

Diverse group of kids laughing in a classroom, one holding a calculator.

Numbers may look intimidating to some, but math jokes are universal and are for everyone to laugh at. Here is a list of the funniest number jokes that add a laugh.

12. Did you hear about the mathematician who is afraid of negative numbers? He will stop at nothing to avoid them.

13. What is the solution to any equation? Multiply both sides by zero.

14. What are the two kinds of people in the world? The one who understands binary, the other who doesn't!

15. Did you hear about the mathematician who was depressed and gave up on math? Yes. He was afraid of negative numbers.

16. Which tool is best suited for mathematics? Multi-pliers.

17. What did zero say to eight as a compliment? Nice belt!

18. Why was the girl wearing glasses during the math class? Because it improved her di-vision.

19. Why was the student sad when he returned home from school? Because he did not like long division, and he felt bad for the remainders.

20. What seems odd? The numbers that cannot be divided by two.

Fraction Jokes

A classroom scene with a teacher dressed as a magician, explaining humorous fractions.

Fractions got you feeling divided? Well, don't worry, these jokes are a whole lot of fun too.

21. Which historical king loved fractions? Henry the 1/8.

22. How are the moon and a dollar similar? Both of them have 4 quarters!

23. Why did 1/5 go to the massage therapist? Due to it being two-tenths!

24. How can we know that the fractions, m/c, n/c, and p/c, are all in Australia? All of them are over c's!

Math Puns And Jokes About Numbers

A math joke is bound to solve a number of problems, like making someone smile! Here is a list of math jokes and puns about numbers.

25. Why is it always a good idea to bring a mathematician while camping? They come prepared with a pair of axes.

26. What did the book of mathematics say to the other? I have got my own problems to solve.

27. What type of snake is very good at mathematics? Adders.

28. Why do noses fail to be 12 inches long? They would then become a foot.

29. Why do mathematicians love parks? Because of all the natural logs!

30. What happens when you keep missing math class? It really starts to add up.

31. Why do people say that math is codependent? It makes others solve its problems.

32. How does a mathematician plow fields? With a pro-tractor.

33. Which number cannot sit still in one place? The roamin' numeral.

34. Which is the favorite season of a math number? Sum-mer.

35. Why was the math student frustrated when he failed to solve the equation? Because it was derive-ing him insane.

36. Why was the math book crying? Because it had so many problems.

37. What do you call a group of men who love math? Algebros.

38. What does a math teacher do during a snowstorm? Make snow angles!

39. Why was the equal sign so happy? Because he wasn't greater than or less than anyone else.

Pi Jokes For Pi Lovers

A bakery displaying pies with the pi symbol, attracting a math-loving customer.

Mathematicians love Pi because it is a unique and unending number. If you are one of them seeking a pi joke, this list of pi jokes and jokes about numbers will make your day.

40. Why should you never fight with pi? When a pi starts hitting you, it never stops hitting you.

41. Why should you try solving math problems? Because they are easy as pi.

42. How many chefs would you need to make an infinite pie? 3.14.

43. What medicine should you give a sick number? Anti-pi-otics.

44. What is a pi's favorite day of the year? 14 March.

45. What is the name of the soccer player who likes to solve math problems? Memphis Day-Pi!

46. What is a math nerd's favorite type of dessert? A Pi.

47. Why was the driver's license of a Pi revoked? He did not know when to stop.

48. Why should you never start talking to a Pi? It will never stop.

49. What will you get if a jack-o-lantern's circumference is divided by its diameter? A Pumpkin Pi.

50. Which knight was the most round at King Arthur's table? Sir Cumference.

51. Which animal loves to solve problems? The Pi-thon.

52. Why did Pi fail its driving test? It just didn't know when to stop!

Algebra Jokes

A classroom with students laughing at a blackboard filled with humorous algebra equations.

Here is a list of algebra-related jokes about numbers for nerds who are crazy about algebra.

53. Why did seven eight nine? Because you should be eating three squared meals every day.

54. Why is it hard to drink water that has eight ice cubes? It is two cubed.

55. What did the student say when he was asked what is 2n plus 2n? It sounds 4n to me.

56. Why do plants hate math? Because it gives them square roots!

57. Why are algebra teachers great dancers? Because they know their algo-rhythm!

58. How do you stay warm in an algebra class? Just huddle in the corner, where it's always 90 degrees.

Phone Numbers Jokes

Apart from math, numbers are also integral for communicating. If you are looking for a great phone number joke, you will love this list.

59. What did the little kid say when he dialed the wrong number? He said, "Sorry, I didn't mean two."

60. How can you make your bank account look like your phone number? Put $9.11 in it.

61. What is the phone number of Shakespeare? Fie fie fie, et tu et tu.

62. As an American, why should you ignore contacts under the name 'Freedom?' Because you should let Freedom Ring.

63. What number would you get if you ask a German for their number and they reject? 999-9999.

64. When do people delete all German numbers from their phones? When they want it Hans free.

65. What is the result of crossing an iron with a telephone? A smooth operator.

66. Why can you never call a bee with a phone? The signal is always buzzy.

67. What is a telephone number's favorite TV series? Game of Phones.

68. Where do phones go for traveling? The Great Call of China.

69. What should you say at the beginning of a phone race? On your marks, handset, go!

70. When do cell phones stop wearing glasses? When they lose their contacts.

71. What happens when a skunk is crossed with a cell phone? The service is stinky.

72. Why do people still use landline numbers? To locate their missing cell phones.

73. Why do birds never make phone calls? Because it might wing the wrong number!

Calculus Jokes

Calculus is a serious subject, but this list of calculus jokes will lighten your mood.

74. Why is it sometimes difficult to talk to your calculus teacher? Because the conversation can go off to a weird tangent.

75. What do teachers have to say about the steep learning curve in calculus? Exactly how steep the learning curve is known to them at least.

76. What was the calculus teacher arrested for? Deriving under the influence.

77. What do you call a wizard who is good at calculus? A mathemagician.

78. Why should you never sit beside identical twins during a calculus exam? It is hard to differentiate between them.

79. What type of humor is a recycled calculus pun called? Derivative humor.

80. Why can pirates solve calculus problems so easily? They never really forget the C.

81. When should you stop solving life-threatening calculus problems? When you start seeing the warning sines.

82. What did the calculus teacher say to the student who told him he disliked calculus? That their opinions might change over time.

83. How do you know that God loved calculus? Because when he integrated the Earth, he did not forget the C.

84. What did the calculus student say when he found it difficult to solve the problems? I should never have sine-d up for this.

85. What do wizards of math tell their lazy calculus student? "You! Shall! Not! Pass!"

86. Why should you never marry a calculus teacher? Because they will replace u.

87. Why was the calculus book holding all the other books up? Because it knew all about integral support.

88. Why do calculus teachers and students avoid going into the woods? There are countless natural logs.

89. Why do calculus lovers not like playing 'Final Fantasy' games? The characters always break their limits.

Geometry Jokes

Jokes about geometry are hardly pointless. Here is a list of math jokes about geometry you will love.

90. Why did the geometry student reach his school late? Because he took the rhombus.

91. Why did the student not take up geometry as a subject in high school? He thought it was for squares.

92. What is a farmer who loves solving geometry problems called? A pro-tractor.

93. When do students usually find it tough to learn geometry? When it becomes an all-round problem.

94. Why are squares better debaters than circles? At least, they have a point and their arguments don't go off at weird angles.

95. Why don't you ever argue with a 90-degree angle? Because it's always right!

96. Why is Karl Marx so fond of geometry? Because of Engels.

97. What happened after the geometry student left his parrot cage open? Polygon.

98. What do geometry lovers love to drink? Ovaltine.

99. Why did the circle go to school? To get a well-rounded education!

100. What would life be without the subject of geometry? Life would be pointless.

101. What would a number that spent all summer under the sun? A tangent.

102. What did the acorn say after growing up? Geometry!

103. What do numbers do when it rains? They coincide.

104. Why is it sad that parallel lines have so much in common? Because they'll never meet.

105. Who's the king of the pencil case? The ruler!

106. What do you call an adorable angle? Acute angle!

107. What did the triangle say to the circle? "You're pointless!"

108. What's a mathematician's favorite type of tree? A geometry.

109. What do you call an angle that's gone through a 360-degree turn? A revolution in geometry!


Do funny math jokes make learning easier? 

Yes! Jokes make learning more fun and help you remember important math ideas. A silly math joke can make you feel less stressed and make the whole experience more enjoyable.

Can corny math jokes help students connect with their math teacher? 

Definitely! Sharing a silly joke can help break the ice and make both students and teachers feel more at ease. It shows that math can be a fun subject that everyone can enjoy.

Why are wrong number jokes a funny part of this list? 

Wrong number jokes are funny because they're relatable; you dial a number and get someone totally unexpected! With math, you expect numbers to be precise, but these jokes funnily turn that idea upside down.

Who knew numbers could be such fun? With every joke here, it's easy to see that math isn't just about rules and figures; it's something that brings everyone together in a circle of laughter and smiles. If you were looking for a dose of giggles, hopefully, these jokes did the trick and added a sparkle to your day.

Share these jokes at home, in school, or with friends, and let the happiness they bring tag along in all your math adventures. Remember, every day with a laugh is a day well spent and math can be a lot of fun, not just hard work.

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Written by Rajnandini Roychoudhury

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

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Rajnandini RoychoudhuryBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

With a Master of Arts in English, Rajnandini has pursued her passion for the arts and has become an experienced content writer. She has worked with companies such as Writer's Zone and has had her writing skills recognized by publications such as The Telegraph. Rajnandini is also trilingual and enjoys various hobbies such as music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading classic British literature. 

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Fact-checked by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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