100+ Names From The 1700s With Real Charm

Georgia Stone
Dec 12, 2023 By Georgia Stone
Originally Published on Dec 15, 2020
The baby in the hat smiling looking at camera.

Baby names for boys and girls can be inspired by multiple different factors.

Popular names today can be derived from the names of grandparents and other loved ones, characters from books, movies and pop culture, or even colors and natural elements. There's inspiration everywhere you look.

Choosing a name isn't an easy task. You want to maintain the right balance between unique, but still relevant. Picking baby names from history are the perfect way to do this. These 18th century names and names from the Georgian era are unique historical names that are still beautiful and relevant today.

Including lots of classic names such as William, John and Robert for boys and Dorothy, Eleanor and Jemima for girls, this list of Old English names and popular names in the 1700s might include the perfect name for your new baby.

For more inspiration on male or female names for your baby, check out our articles about the best names from the 1800s as well as the most timeless '50s names for your baby

1700s Girl Names

Interested in some 18th century female names for your daughter? Pick a name you like from this list.

1. Ada (German origin), the name means “nobility”.

2. Agnes (Greek origin), the name means “pure” or "holy".

3. Alice (French origin), the name means “noble”.

4. Amy (French origin), the name means “friend”.

5. Ann (Latin origin), the name means “the favored one”.

6. Barbara (Greek origin), the name means "strange".

7. Betty (Hebrew origin), the name means “oath of God”.

8. Bridget (Gaelic origin), the name means “power, strength, and virtue”.

9. Caroline (French origin), the name means “free man”.

10. Catherine (Greek origin), the name means “pure”.

11. Charlotte (French origin), the name means “petite”.

12. Deborah (Hebrew origin), the name means “bee”.

13. Dinah (Hebrew origin), the name means “vindicated”.

14. Dorothy (Greek origin), the name means “gift of God”.

15. Eleanor (Hebrew origin), the name means “God is my light”. A popular choice among the girl names from the 1700s.

16. Elizabeth (Hebrew origin), the name means “God is abundance”.

17. Ellen (Greek origin), the name means “shining light”.

18. Eliza (Hebrew origin), the name means “joyful”.

19. Emma (German origin), the name means “universal” or "whole".

20. Esther (Hebrew origin), the name means "star”.

21. Faith (English origin), the name means “belief”.

22. Felicity (Latin origin), the name means “good fortune”.

23. Frances (Latin origin), the name means “free one”.

24. Hannah (Hebrew origin), the name means "grace".

25. Harriet (English origin), the name means “home ruler”.

26. Isabel (Hebrew origin), the name means “pledged to God”.

27. Jane (Hebrew, Latin, Greek, French origin), the name means “God is merciful”. One of the olden female names that remains a lovely choice today.

28. Jemima (Hebrew origin), the name means “dove”. Among the traditional girls names from the 18th century.

29. Joanna (Hebrew origin), the name means “God is gracious”.

30. Joy (French, Latin origin), the name means “happiness”.

40. Judith (Hebrew origin), the name means “woman of Judea”.

41. Kitty (English origin), the name means “pure”.

42. Leah (Gaelic origin), the name means “light of the sun”.

43. Lucia (Latin origin), the name means “light”.

44. Lucy (Latin origin), the name means “born at dawn”.

45. Lydia (Greek origin), the name means “beautiful or noble one”.

46. Mary (Aramaic, Hebrew origin), the name means “the wished for child”.

47. Margaret (French, Latin origin), the name means “pearl”.

48. Maria (Latin, Greek origin), the name means “rebellious”.

49. Marjorie (Hebrew and Latin origin), the name means “child of light”.

50. Martha (Latin, Greek origin), the name means “mistress”.

51. Mary Ann (English origin), the name means “drop of the sea”.

52. Mercy (English origin), the name means “compassion”.

53. Nancy (Hebrew origin), the name means “grace”.

54. Orinda (Hebrew origin), the name means “pine trees”.

55. Patience (English origin), the name means “enduring”.

56. Peggy (Greek, English origin), the name means “pearl”.

57. Phoebe (Greek origin), the name means “bright”. Phoebe was associated with the moon in Greek mythology.

58. Rachel (Hebrew origin), the name means “ewe”.

59. Rebecca (Greek origin), the name means “captivating moderator”.

60. Ruth (Hebrew origin), the name means “friend”.

61. Sally (English origin), the name means “princess”. She is, after all, your little princess.

62. Sarah (Arabic origin), the name means “joy or delight”.

63. Sophia (Greek origin), the name means “wisdom”.

64. Susan (Persian origin), the name means “lily flower”.

65. Temperance (English origin), the name means “moderation”.

66. Veronica (Latin, Greek origin), the name means “victory”.

Boy Names From The 1700s

Do you want to choose a name for your son from a list of traditional boys' names? From John and Adam, to Robert and William, here's a list of popular historical boy names for you.

67. Aaron (Hebrew origin), the name means “mountain of strength” or “high mountain”.

68. Abraham (Hebrew origin), the name means “exalted father”.

69. Adam (Hebrew origin), the name means “earth”. A popular name for boys throughout history.

70. Alexander (Latin origin), the name means “defender of mankind”.

71. Andrew (Greek origin), the name means “manly and strong”.

72. Anthony (Greek origin), the name means “the priceless one”. Apt for your baby who is so precious to you.

73. Benjamin (Hebrew origin), the name means “son of my right hand”.

74. Briar (English origin), the name means “thorny bush of wild roses”.

75. Charles (German, French origin), the name means “free man”.

76. Christopher (English origin), the name means “Christ bearer”.

77. Daniel (Hebrew origin), the name means “God is my judge”.

78. David (Hebrew origin), the name means “beloved”.

79. Edmund (English origin), the name means “prosperity”.

80. Edward (English origin), the name means “protector or guardian”.

81. George (Greek origin), the name means “farmer”.

82. Harry (German origin), the name means “home ruler”. A strong male name from the 1700s.

83. Hugh (English origin), the name means “spirit or mind”.

84. Isaac (Hebrew origin), the name means “one who laughs”.

85. Jacob (Biblical origin), the name means “to follow”.

86. James (English, Scottish origin), the name means “supplanter”. Another common name for boys from the 1700s.

87. Jeremy (Hebrew origin), the name means “God will uplift”.

88. John (Hebrew origin), the name John means “God has been gracious”. John remains a popular name choice today.

89. Jonathan (Hebrew origin), the name means “God has given”.

90. Joseph (Hebrew origin), the name means “he will add”.

91. Joshua (Hebrew origin), the name means “God is salvation”.

92. Josiah (Hebrew origin), the name means “God has healed”.

93. Laurence (English, French origin), the name means “shining one” or  “man from Laurentum”.

94. Luke (Latin origin), the name means “the bright one”.

95. Mark (Latin, Swedish origin), the name can mean "warring" or "polite".

96. Martin (Latin origin), the name means “warlike”. It is a reference to the Roman God of War, Mars.  

97. Matthew (Hebrew origin), the name means “God's gift”.

98. Michael (Hebrew origin), the name means “who is like God”.

99. Moses (Hebrew origin), the name means “conceived by God”.

100. Nicholas (Greek origin), the name means “victory of the people”.  

101. Owen (Welsh origin), the name means “born of nobility”.

102. Peter (Greek origin), the name means “stone or rock”.

103. Philip (Greek origin), the name means “one who is fond of horses”.

104. Ralph (German, Irish, Scottish origin), the name means “renowned wolf”.

105. Richard (German origin), the name means “brave leader”.

106. Robert (German origin), the name Robert means “shining with glory”.

107. Roger (French origin), the name means “famous spear”.

108. Samuel (Hebrew origin), the name means “God heard”.  

109. Simon (Hebrew origin), the name means “listening”.

110. Stephen (Greek origin), the name means “reward or honor”.

111. Tace (English origin), the name means “silent”.

112. Timothy (Greek origin), the name means “honored by God”.

113. Thomas (Aramaic origin), the name means “twin”.

114. Walter (German origin), the name means “powerful army”.

115. William (German origin), the name William means “warrior with a strong will”. William is a powerful male name from the 1700s.

1700s Names That Are Gender Neutral

Thinking of some historical baby names that will be good for both girls and boys? Take your pick from this list of popular names.

116. Alexis (Biblical origin), the name means “protector of mankind”.  

117. Ellis (English, Welsh origin), the name means “benevolent or kind”.  

118. Frankie (Latin, English origin), the name means “truthful”.

119. Kelly (Gaelic origin), the name means “warrior”.

120. Kennedy (Irish Gaelic origin), the name means “helmeted chief”.

121. Melatiah (Biblical origin), the name means “deliverance of the Lord”.

122. Morgan (Welsh origin), the name means “chief of the sea”.

123. Noel (French origin), the name means “Christmas”.

124. Regan (Irish origin), the name means “the sovereign”.  

125. Renata (Latin origin), the name means “born again”.

126. Schuyler (Dutch origin), the name means “scholar”.

Old English Names

There's no denying that old English first names have a lot of charm. Pick a name from this list of some of the oldest English names for your baby. Old English names are all names that are taken from the language spoken by Anglo Saxons who lived in England in ancient times.

127. Addison (Old English origin), this boys name means “son of Adam”.

128. Bailey (Old English origin), this girls name means “city fortification”.

129. Blythe (Old English origin), this boys name means “a pleasant person”. Among the good Old English first names.

130. Edel (Old English origin), this boys name means “noble or splendid”.

131. Godiva (Old English origin), this girls name means “gift of God”. Among the Old English female names for your daughter.

132. Holace (Old English origin), this girls name means “close to the holly”.

Traditional Names From The 1600s

Want to check out some names from an earlier century? Pick one of these names from the 17th century. These names were all common in the 1600s.

133. Amelia (German origin), the name for girls means “industrious”.

134. Archibald (German origin), the name means “genuine or precious”. A popular name for boys.

135. Beatrice (French origin), this female name means “one who makes others happy”.

136. Constance (Latin origin), this girls name means “constant”. A popular name for girls even today.

137. Enoch (Hebrew origin), this male name means “dedicated or experienced”.

138. Gertrude (German origin), this female name means “the strongest spear”. A powerful name for your strong little girl.

139. Hester (German origin), this girls name means “star”. Because your daughter is definitely a star.

140. Ida (German origin), this girls name means “to work or labor”.

141. Lazarus (Hebrew origin), this boys name means “God will help”.

142. Maud (German origin), this girls name means “powerful fighter”.

143. Penelope (German origin), this girls name means “weaver”.

144. Silas (Hebrew origin), this boys name means “the youngest”. The perfect choice for your youngest child.

Historic Names From The 1300s

Want to find a name with old world charm from the 14th century? Check out these popular 14th century names for boys and girls. The names on this list were all common names in the 1300s.

145. Avice (English origin), this female name means “refuge in battle”.

146. Geoffrey (German origin), this male name means “peaceful pledge”.

147. Gilbert (German origin), among the historic boy names meaning “bright pledge”.

148. Isolde (Welsh origin), this female name means “fair lady”. A unique name for a beautiful baby girl.

149. Marge (Greek origin), this female name means “pearl”. A good name for your precious little baby.

150. Matilda (German origin), this female name means “strength in battle”. A popular name from the 14th century.

151. Reginald (Latin origin), this male name means “King”. A royal name for the king of your heart. You could even call him Reggie for short.

152. Sybil (Greek origin), this girl name means “oracle”. This is a unique name for girls from the 1300s.

Kidadl has lots of great baby names articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for names from the 1700s with real charm, then why not take a look at something different like these totally groovy 1960s names for your flower child, or these funky 1970s names for your disco baby?

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Written by Georgia Stone

Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

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Georgia StoneBachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.

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