Everybody needs a name, something that you can call your own.
If you are searching for memorable names, whether for a fictional character or yourself, you have come to the right place. Choose the best surnames from the list of last names that start with a G.
Surnames can make or break a name, which is why choosing a last name is an important task. The best surnames are ones that stick in your memory, roll off the tongue easily, and are generally well-known.
However, a rare, unique name sets itself apart from other names.
From famous last names to the most popular names, you can find the names you are looking for from the wide selection of surnames beginning with G. This article also provides the last name meanings for you. Thus, you can choose the best names with a rich history and significance.
For more last names inspiration, take a look at Last Names That Start With C and Last Names Starting With S.
Popular Last Names That Start With G
These names are among the most popular and common surnames starting with G around the globe. Most of these surnames have a long lineage and history which makes them apt choices to pair with a variety of first names.
1.Gaines (Norman Origin) means a 'crafty person'.
2.Garcia (Pre Roman Origin) among the well-known last names which mean 'bear', 'young warrior' or 'graceful prince.'
3.Garrett (Nordic Origin), a popular surname that means brave and strong.
4.Garry (French origin), one of the popular last names that start with G and it means 'watchful'.
5.Geller (German Origin), name which means 'town crier' or to 'yell'.
6.Gemma (Latin Origin) means 'precious gemstone' and also has a Hebrew variant of surnames that means 'dove'.
7.George (Multiple Origins) among the last names associated with 'saints' and holy persons.
8.Germano (Latin Origin) derived from a line of noble surnames beginning with G and it means 'brotherly'.
9.Gerrard (German Origin) among well-known surnames beginning with G and means a 'bold spear'.
10.Gianni (Italian Origin) among popular last names meaning 'God is gracious'.
11.Gibson (English Origin) meaning 'Gilbert's son' and popularly used as a boy's name.
12.Godfrey (German Origin) among the noble surnames beginning with G which means 'God's peace'.
13.Gilbert (Norman origin) is among very common names which means 'noble youth', 'bright and famous'.
14.Gordon (Multiple Origins), one of the last names that translate to 'beloved'.
15.Graham (Scottish Origin), one of the common last names. It means 'great home'.
16.Grant (Norman Origin), among the popular names. It refers to someone who is of 'great size'.
17.Green (English Origin), the most popular of English surnames beginning with G and refers to the color green.
18.Grey (English Origin), among the common surnames that means 'welcoming' or 'pleasing'.
19.Griffin (Assyrian Origin) meaning a mythical creature with a lion's body, an eagle's head, and large wings.
20.Gunn (Nordic Origin), one of the typical last names. It means 'war'.
Famous Last Names That Start With G
These surnames beginning with G are associated with famous persons, places, or historic tales and would make perfect surnames for important characters or individuals.
21.Gabriel (Hebrew Origin), one of the last names derived from Christianity and means 'crusader'.
22.Gagarin (Russian Origin), among the well-known last names that mean 'waterbird' and is the surname of a notable Russian cosmonaut 'Yuri Gagarin,'
23.Galileo (Latin Origin), one of the famous names that start with G, is known as the home of 'Jesus' in the Bible and also means 'Italian astronomer'.
24.Gandhi (Indian Origin) is India's 'Father of the Nation'. This last name means 'perfume seller or 'pharmacist'.
25.Garfield (English Origin), among the well-known surnames that means 'field of spears'.
26.Garland (English Origin), popular last name that means 'a wreath of flowers'.
27.Garner (Anglo-Norman Origin), common last name which means 'grain'.
28.Garrison (French Origin), last name that means 'to defend' and 'to protect'.
29.Gates (English Origin), last name associated with 'Bill Gates' and refers to 'a walled town'.
30.Gatsby (German Origin), one of the famous names from a popular novel. It means 'left-handed' or 'God-like'.
31.Gilgamesh (Sumerian Origin), from the 'Epic of Gilgamesh'. This name means 'ancestor' and 'hero'.
32.Gill (Multiple Origins), last name that means 'gladness' or'joy'
33.Godard (German Origin), last name of a French movie critic and means 'brave like God'
34.Goldman (Jewish Origin), among the famous surnames in Hollywood and translates to 'gold'.
35.Grimaldi (German Origin), a royal line of surnames from Genoa meaning 'helmet' or 'mask'.
36.Guinness (Scottish Origin), one of the surnames beginning with G and means 'the chosen one'.
37.Gupta (Indian Origin), common last name meaning 'protector' or 'governor'.
38.Gutenberg (German Origin), last name that means 'free man of noble birth.'
39.Guzman (Spanish Origin), among popular Mexican last names that start with G. The name means 'a good man'.
40.Gyatso (Tibetan Origin), among the surnames associated with the Dalai Lama meaning 'ocean'.
Short Last Names That Start With G

The next set of last names are short and sweet surnames beginning with the letter G. These last names have very few letters and syllables and go well with big first names.
41.Gach (German Origin), last name that means 'fast and rash'.
42.Gad (Danish origin), last name that means 'sting' or 'point'.
43.Gah (SanskritOrigin), last name that means 'to seize' or 'to take'.
44.Gao (Chinese Origin), among the surnames associated with an area in the Zhou dynasty. It means 'royalty'.
45.Gehm (German Origin), last name meaning 'play' or 'fun'.
46.Geil (German Origin) surname beginning with G meaning 'boisterous' or 'mischievous'.
47.Glod (Polish Origin), one of the surnames derived from 'hunger'. The name means 'one who is very 'thin'.
48.Goy (French Origin), among well-known surnames that mean 'hook' or 'knife'.
49.Goya (Japanese Origin), one of the names originated from the Ryukyu Islands. It means 'barbarian'.
50.Goza (Spanish Origin) is included in prestigious surnames beginning with G. The name means 'battle'.
51.Grad (Multiple Origins), one of the surnames beginning with 'g' meaning 'skillful', 'swift', or 'greedy'.
52.Greco (Italian Origin), a set of surnames derived from a term used to denote ' the Greeks'
53.Gren (Old Norse Origin), among the popular names. means 'branches' or 'family tree'.
54.Grim (Dutch Origin), among ancient surnames that mean 'severe'.
55.Grob (German Origin), among old surnames that mean ' a strong or heavy man'.
56.Gru (Multiple Origins), among the popular, short surnames starting with 'g' and translates to 'crane'.
57.Guan (Chinese Origin), one of the well-known Chinese names meaning 'mountain pass' or 'guarded passage'.
58.Gue (French Origin) refers to surnames that originated with one living near a ford. The name means 'crossing place.'
59.Guth (German Origin), a variant of surnames which means 'good' or 'capable'.
60.Guy (French Origin), a variant of last names that start with G and means 'to guide'.
Long Last Names That Start With G
These surnames starting with G are lengthy names with many syllables. These names are complex and interesting choices to pair with smaller first names. The names may be last names but can even be used as middle names if required.
61.Gambardella (Italian Origin), among the pet names used to express affection.
62.Gangopadhyay (Sanskrit Origin), one of the names associated with the Ganges River and means 'teacher'.
63.Gantenbein (German Origin), a name that means 'wild goose'
64.Garabedian (Armenian Origin), among the long last names. The name means 'leader'.
65.Gatzemeyer (German Origin), variant of surnames which means' owner of a cat farm'.
66.Gaucheneur (German Origin) has different variants of surnames starting with G. It means 'cuckoo' or 'fool'.
67.Gebremariam (Ethiopian Origin), an ancient line of surnames which means 'servant of Mary'.
68.Gegenheimer (German Origin), among the long surnames starting with G. It means 'across' or 'against'
69.Gerasimenko (Russian Origin), one of the longer last names. The name means 'ambition' and 'independence'.
70.Gerasimova (Greek Origin), among the surnames derived from titles like 'Honorary'.
71.Giambatista (Italian Origin), a long lineage of surnames which means 'John the Baptist'.
72.Giannopoulos (Greek Origin), one of the longer last names. The name means 'nestling'.
73.Gindlesperger (German Origin), a German variant of surnames that means 'someone who lives on a mountain'.
74.Ginocchio (Italian Origin), derived from pet names like 'Gino' which means 'distinctive knees'.
75.Gissendanner (Swiss Origin) means 'waterfall' or 'torrent' and also has a similar German variant of surnames beginning with G.
76.Goicoechea (Basque Origin), last name that means 'higher' or 'upper'.
77.Grabenstein (German Origin), derived from ancient surnames which means 'ditch' or 'rock'.
78.Grandmaison (French Origin), derived from noble surnames meaning 'from a grand house'.
79.Guadarrama (Arabic Origin), an ancient line of surnames that means 'river with many branches'.
80.Gunasekaran (Indian Origin), among the 'Hindu' surnames beginning with G and it means 'virtuous'.
Rare Last Names That Start With G
Finally, this set of names are unique surnames that are hard to come by. If you are looking for stand-out names beginning with G, go through these names.
81.Gago (Spanish Origin, among rare names and means 'to stammer'.
82.Gappe (Norman Origin), one of the rare last names that start with G. It means 'cliff' or 'hedge'.
83.Garrigues (French Origin) stems from surnames that mean 'grove of oaks'.
84.Gensheimer (German Origin), one of the rare last names that mean ' wild goose'.
85.Gerhart (French Origin), among unique names and means 'spear warrior'.
86.Gesch (German Origin), among the last names that start with G meaning 'spear'.
87.Ghazarian (Armenian Origin), among old-age surnames and means 'a poor or unpleasant person'.
88.Gillaspie (Scottish Origin), related to surnames of a Scottish clan and means 'bishop's servant'.
89.Gisi (Swiss Origin), from a variant of surnames beginning with G and means 'noble offspring'.
90.Glatz (Jewish Origin), among surnames beginning with G and means 'a bald man'.
91.Glaze (English Origin), among rare names and means 'glass'.
92.Goette (German Origin), one of the unique names and means 'godfather'.
93.Gorr (German Origin), among old-age surnames and means 'bad horse'.
94.Granelli (Italian Origin), among the forgotten names beginning with G and means 'a small granule'.
95.Griswold (English Origin), from old English last names that start with G. It means 'to shine'.
96.Grunberg (Jewish Origin), among ancient surnames beginning with G and means 'green hill'
97.Gump (Swiss Origin), a variant of surnames that start with G and means 'to clown' or 'war'.
98.Guza (Polish Origin), among old-age names and means 'knob' or 'lump'.
99.Gwin (Irish Origin), a variant of old surnames beginning with G and means 'white wave'.
100.Gyles (French Origin), one of the old last names meaning 'youth'.
Kidadl has lots of great names articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for Surnames Beginning With G then why not take a look at Haitian Last Names, or for something different take a look at Names Meaning Rainbow.