100+ Angelic Names With Meanings And History

Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Feb 16, 2024 By Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Originally Published on Oct 28, 2020
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
An angel newborn baby with wings and halo sleeping

Why angelic names?

One of the best parts of being a parent is choosing a name for your little angel. However, choosing the right baby name for your child can be difficult. The name should fit your child's personality and be appropriate and meaningful.

Not only are angel names unique and beautiful, but they also have a spiritual meaning. There are so many beautiful names meaning 'angel' for your baby. This article provides a long list of angel names derived from various sources.

Children can also adopt these names for their toys or character in stories and games. You will find names of angels from works of fiction.

The lists also include names of angels recognized in different religions and cultures. The origin, meaning, and a brief background for the names are provided. Read the descriptions to find and choose a name relevant to your need.

Baby Names For Girls That Mean Angel Or Angelic

1. Agnola (Greek and Italian origin) - meaning 'chaste' and 'angel'. 

2. Aingeal (Greek origin) - derived from 'ángelos', meaning 'messenger of God' or 'angel'. 

3. Alya (Greek origin) - meaning 'heavenly' and 'beautiful', is a sweet angelic name. 

4. Anahera (Maori origin) - is the Maori term for 'angel' or 'archangel'. 

5. Angela (Greek origin) - meaning 'messenger' or 'angel'.

6. Angelica (Latin or Greek origin) - meaning 'angelic' or 'like an angel'.

7. Angelique (French origin) - is an anglicized French variation of the name Angelica with the same meaning.

8. Angelina (Greek origin) - a diminutive of Angela, with the same meaning. 

9. Apsara (Indian origin) - meaning 'female spirit', is a name for female angel-like beings from Indian religion and mythology. 

10. Ariella (Hebrew origin) - a feminine variant of the name of the angel Ariel.  

11. Evangeline (Greek origin) - meaning 'bringer of good news', where angels are also considered beings that deliver good news to people. 

12. Dina (Hebrew origin) - is an alternative name for the angel Jophiel.

13. Gabriela (Hebrew origin) - is a feminine variant of the name of the guardian angel Gabriel.

14. Gabrielle (Hebrew origin) - a French feminine variant of the angel name Gabriel.  

15. Gelya (Greek origin) - meaning 'messenger of God' or 'angel'.

16. Haniel (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God is my grace', is considered one of the seven archangels in Jewish angelology.  

17. Lailah (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'night', is also regarded as an angel of the night and conception. 

18. Malaika (Arabic origin) - an alternative to Melek, with the same meaning.

19. Melek (Arabic origin) - derived from the term 'malak', meaning 'angel'.

20. Micah (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'who is like God?', is an Enochian angel of unity.

21. Michaela - (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'who is like God?', is a feminine variant of the name of the angel Michael.

22. Michelle (Hebrew origin) - is a feminine French variant of the name Michael, associated with an angel. 

23. Seraphina (Latin origin) - refers to the highest order of God's spiritual beings known as seraphim.

24. Uriela (Hebrew origin) - a feminine variant of the angel named Uriel.

Names Of The Fallen Angels

25. Abaddon (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'destruction', is an angel of the abyss. 

26. Abezethibou (Hebrew origin) - an angel who followed the fallen angel Beelzebub to become a demon. 

27. Arakiel (Greek origin) - the second leader among the 20 fallen angels mentioned in the Book Of Enoch. 

28. Azazel (Arabic and Hebrew origins) - is mentioned as a fallen angel in the Book Of Enoch who exposed humans to forbidden knowledge. 

29. Beelzebub (Hebrew origin) - said to be the 'lord of flies' and one of the fallen angels along with Lucifer. 

30. Belial (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'wicked or worthless', is another fallen angel. 

31. Belphegor (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'lord of the gap'. 

32. Enêpsigos (Hebrew origin) - a fallen angel who can change into three different forms and lives on the moon.

33. Kokabiel (Greek and Aramaic origin) - meaning 'star of God', is a fallen angel known as the angel of stars.  

34. Leviathan (Hebrew origin) - multiple meanings of being associated with a serpent. Leviathan is also mentioned as an angel that fell from Heaven.

35. Lucifer (Latin origin) - meaning 'bringer of light', was the first angel to defy God and be cast out of Heaven.

36. Mammon (Aramaic or Hebrew origin) - meaning 'wealth' or 'profit'.

37. Ramiel (Aramaic and Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God has thundered', is a fallen angel. 

38. Samyaza (multiple origins) - a fallen angel considered a leader of all Watchers. 

39. Sathariel (Hebrew and Greek origin) - the 17th angel of the 20 leaders to fall from Heaven, mentioned in the Book Of Enoch.

40. Tamiel (Hebrew origin) - the fifth fallen angel mentioned in the Book Of Enoch. 

41. Turiel (Greek and Aramaic origin) - meaning 'rock of God', is the 18th fallen angel mentioned in the Book Of Enoch. 

42. Yomiel (Greek and Aramaic origin) - meaning 'day of God', is mentioned in the Book Of Enoch as the 19th of the 20 fallen angel leaders.

43. Zaquiel (Greek and Aramaic origin) - meaning 'favored by God', another fallen angel mentioned in the Book Of Enoch. 

Baby Names For Boys That Mean Angel

44. Abatur (Mandaic origin) - an angel in the religion of Mandaeism who weighs people's souls.  

45. Angelo (Greek origin) - is a masculine variant of the name Angela, meaning 'divine messenger of God'.

46. Ariel (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'lion of God', is an angle mentioned in Jewish and Christian myths and epics. 

47. Asriel - can be a unique name for a boy based on the name of the angel Azrael. 

48. Azrael (Hebrew and Arabic origin) - meaning 'God helps', is the angel of death.

49. Barachiel (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God has blessed', is the archangel of blessings and the chief of all guardian angels. 

50. Cassiel (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God is my leap' or 'God is my wrath', is an archangel from Jewish, Christian, and Islamic mysticism.  

51. Chamuel (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God has warmed', is one of the Kabbalah angels associated with courage and compassion. 

52. Engel (German origin) - meaning 'angel', can be a unique name for a boy. 

53. Evangelos (Greek origin) - a masculine variant of the name Evangeline having the same meaning.

54. Gabriel (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God is my strength', is a guardian angel of Israel. 

55. Gadreel (Hebrew origin) - meaning' wall of God', is an angel mentioned in the Book Of Enoch. 

56. Israfil (Arabic origin) - one of the archangels in Islamic tradition. 

57. Jophiel (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God is my beauty', is the Great Angel Chief and a guardian of the Torah. 

58. Kemuel (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God has warmed', is a variant of the name of the angel Camael or Chamuel. 

59. Malach (Hebrew origin) - is the anglicized version of the Hebrew term meaning 'messenger' or 'angel'. 

60. Michael (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'who is like God?', is another guardian angel of Israel. 

61. Michelangelo (Italian origin) - meaning 'Michael the Archangel'. 

62. Nuriel (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God is my fire', is an angel associated with hailstorms mentioned in Jewish myths. 

63. Raguel (multiple origins) - meaning 'God shall pasture', is the name of an Archangel considered the angel of justice.

64. Raphael (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God has healed', is an archangel also known as the Angel of Tobit or Angel of the Trumpet. 

65. Raziel (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God is my mystery', refers to an angel regarded as an angel of secret and mysteries.  

66. Samael (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'poison of God', is an archangel mentioned in Jewish lore from the Talmud.  

67. Selaphiel (Hebrew and Tiberia origin) - meaning 'I have asked God', is an archangel prayed to in Easter Orthodox cultures and by Byzantine Catholics. 

68. Uriel (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God is my flame', is regarded as an archangel of wisdom. 

69. Zadkiel (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God is my righteousness', is the name of an archangel and the leader of Dominions.

70. Zachariel (Hebrew and Tiberian origins) - meaning 'God has remembered', is an archangel who guides souls to their place of judgment.

71. Zihrun (Mandaic origin) - meaning 'he warned me', is the equivalent of an angel in Mandaeism.  

Names Of Angels From Fiction

72. Abner (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'father of light', is a fallen angel in the show 'Supernatural'.

73. Adina (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'gentle', appearing as a low-level angel in the 'Supernatural' series.

74. Alexiel (Greek origin) - is an organic angel from the Japanese franchise Angel Sanctuary.

75. Amelia (Germanic origin) - meaning 'striving', from the 1995 movie 'Casper'.

76. Asmodel (Greek origin) - a DC Comics character portrayed as a king of the angels of the Bull-Host. 

77. Balthazar (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'may Bel protect the King', is an angel from Heaven appearing in the series 'Supernatural'.

78. Baruch (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'blessed', is an angel mentioned in the 'His Dark Materials' trilogy.

79. Benjamin (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'son of the right' or 'son of days', an angel from 'Supernatural'.

80. Castiel (unknown origin) - is an angel first appearing in Season Four of the 'Supernatural' series.

81. Clara (Latin origin) - meaning 'clear' and 'bright'. Clara Oldboy was the character of a guardian angel appearing in the 1977 comedy-drama 'It Happened One Christmas'.

82. Constantine (Latin origin) - meaning 'steadfast', is an angel appearing in the 'Supernatural' series.

83. Conrad (Germanic origin) - meaning 'brave counsel', is an angel appearing in Season 13 of 'Supernatural'. 

84. Daniel (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'God is my judge' one of the fallen angels from 'Supernatural'.

85. Duma (Germanic origin) - meaning 'to think', is a female angel appearing in Seasons 13 and 14 of 'Supernatural'.

86. Elijah (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'my God is Yahweh ', is one of the penitent angels appearing in 'Supernatural'.

87. Esper (German origin) - meaning 'pasture', is an angel from 'Supernatural' who is a member of the intelligence department of Heaven. 

88. Felicia (Latin origin) - meaning 'happy' or 'lucky'. Felicia Aldreen is an angel appearing in the TV series, 'Dominion'.

89. Godsend (American origin) - is the name of an angel appearing in the superhero comic 'Spawn'. 

90. Hael (Proto Indo-European origin) - meaning 'victorious' or 'to overpower', a low-level angel from 'Supernatural'.

91. Imogen (Celtic and Germanic origin) - meaning 'maiden' or 'beloved child', from the TV series 'Constantine'.

92. Ingrid (Scandinavian origin) - meaning 'fair, beautiful', an angel and a follower of the character Metatron from 'Supernatural'.

93. Ion (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'Yahweh is gracious', a member of the intelligence department of Heaven from 'Supernatural'.

94. Jonah (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'dove', is the character name of an angel in the show 'Supernatural'.

95. Louis (English origin) - meaning 'famous warrior', a high-ranking angel in the TV series 'Dominion'.

96. Manny (multiple origins) - is an angel who watches over the main character John in the TV series 'Constantine'.

97. Mirabel (Latin origin) - meaning 'wonderous', is an angel and follower of Ishim in the TV series 'Supernatural'. 

98. Metatron (Hebrew origin) - is the name of an angel recognized in Judaism and Jewish history, and also the character name of an angel in 'Supernatural'. 

99. Muriel (Celtic origin) - meaning 'bright sea', is an angel from 'Supernatural'.

100. Orion (Greek origin) - meaning 'hunter', is a zealot angel in the TV series 'Sleepy Hollow'.

101. Remiel (Aramaic and Hebrew origin) - is a variant of the name Ramiel, meaning 'God has thundered', is an angel appearing in Neil Gaiman's graphic novel and the adapted TV series 'The Sandman'. 

102. Simon (Hebrew origin) - meaning 'listen' or 'hearing', is an angel in the 1995 film 'The Prophecy'.

103. Sophia (Greek origin) - meaning 'wisdom', is the name of a medic angel in the TV series 'Supernatural'.

104. Tiffany (Greek origin) - meaning 'manifestation of God', is an angel and Amazon warrior in the comics 'Spawn'.

105. Theo (Greek or Germanic origin) - meaning 'God' or 'people', and is the name of an angel in 'Supernatural'.

106. Xaphania (unknown origin) - meaning of the name is unclear. Xaphania was the leader of the rebel angels in the TV series' His Dark Materials'.

107. Zera (expected Polish origin) - is related to food and is the name of an angel in the comics, 'Spawn'.

108. Zauriel (unknown origin) - the meaning of the name needs to be clarified. Zauriel is the name of the character of an angel in DC Comics who joins the Justice League.  


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Written by Rajnandini Roychoudhury

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

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Rajnandini RoychoudhuryBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

With a Master of Arts in English, Rajnandini has pursued her passion for the arts and has become an experienced content writer. She has worked with companies such as Writer's Zone and has had her writing skills recognized by publications such as The Telegraph. Rajnandini is also trilingual and enjoys various hobbies such as music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading classic British literature. 

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