Bosnian is the language used by Bosnian people and it is a form of South Slavic language; it is the official language of both Bosnia and Herzegovina.
However, people in Serbian and Croatian also use the same language. It’s the uniform version of the Croatian-Serbian language. The language involves both Cyrillic and Latin letter sets and even has a couple of Persian, Arabic, and Turkish words.
Most Bosnian surnames end in "ic" which, because it's very small, is called a 'diminutive suffix'.
Bosnian people are known for their friendliness, cultures, and how well they interact with others. There is a heavy influence of Turkish, Arabic, and Persian names in Bosnian surnames. So, if you looking for Bosnian last names, then keep on reading.
You can also check our articles on Czech last names and Serbian last names, right here on Kidadl.
Popular Bosnian Last Names

If you are looking for unique Bosnia and Herzegovina last names, then our next list can help you. We have compiled a list of the most popular, common, and most used Bosnian names.
1. Alić (Slavic origin) means "son of Ali". Famous last name bearer: Football defender Ermin Alic.
2. Avdić (Greek origin) means "popularity". It's one of the most popular surnames.
3. Babić (Serbian origin) means "grandmother".
4. Bajrić (Czech origin) means "caring".
5. Bašić (Slavic origin) means "chief". Famous last name bearer: Football midfielder Toma Bašić.
6. Beganović (American origin) means "one who livesin Bosnia". It's one of the most popular surnames.
7. Begić (Slavic origin) means "blossom".
8. Bešić (Slavic origin) means "head". It's one of the most popular surnames in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
9. Blagojević (Slavic origin) means "enthusiasm".
10. Božić (Serbian origin) means "gift from God".
11. Brkić (Native American origin) means "kindness". It's one of the sweetest surnames.
12. Dedić (European origin) means "successor, duke, or tribal leader". This is one of the most fancy surnames.
13. Delić (Turkish origin) means "brave man, soldier".
14. Dizdarević (Slavic origin) means "part of Cazin".
15. Gajić (Slavic origin) means "generous".
16. Hadžić (South Slavic origin) means "pilgrims to Mecca".
17. Halilović (Turkish origin) means "descendants of a man named Halil".
18. Hodžić (Persian origin) means "master/lord".
19. Ilić (South Slavic origin) means "son of Ilija".
20. Imamović (Arabic origin) means "son of Imam".
21. Jovanović (English origin) means "which is comparable to John".
22. Jović (Arabic origin) means "gift of God".
23. Karić (Arabic origin) means "accomplished".
24. Knežević (Serbian origin) means "derived from the title of knez".
25. Kovačević (Slavic origin) means "black smith's son".
26. Lazić (Slavic origin) means "zest".
27. Lukić (Slavic origin) means "the son of Luka".
28. Maksimović (Serbian origin) means "son of Maksim".
29. Marić (Latin origin) means "sea". A very popular European last name.
30. Marjanović (Serbian origin) means "Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks".
31. Marković (Roman origin) means "son of the God of War".
32. Milošević (Yugoslavia origin) means "son of Miloš ". One of the most popular patronymic surnames in Herzegovina.
33. Mitrović (Slavic origin) means "a follower of Demeter".
34. Mujić (Bosnian origin) means "descendant of Mujo".
35. Mujkić (Slavic origin) means "jolly".
36. Muratović (English origin) means "son of Murat".
37. Musić (English origin) means "song, melody".
38. Nikolić (Slavic origin) means "son of Nikola".
39. Pavlović (Yugoslavia origin) means "son of Pavao".
40. Pejić (Slavic origin) means "jubilant".
41. Perić (Greek origin) means "rock".
42. Petrović (Serbian origin) means "name of Peterson".
43. Popović (Russian origin) means "son of a priest".
44. Radić is a common South Slavic surname. Famous last name bearer: Croatian chess player Antonio Radić.
45. Ramić (Slavic origin) means "small farm".
46. Ristić (Greek origin) means "intuitive".
47. Savić (Serbia over Jewish origin) means "old and wise"
48. Šehić is a Bosnian surname. Famous last name bearer: poet, novelist, and short-story writer Faruk Šehić.
49. Simić (Slavic origin) means "descendant of Simo".
50. Stojanović (South Slavic origin) means "Stojan".
51. Tadić (Slavic origin) means "treasure".
52. Todorović (Greek origin) means "son of Theodore'".
53. Tomić (Slavic origin) means "munificent".
54. Vuković (Serbian origin) means "wolf".
Bosnian Last Names From Famous People

These Bosnian surnames are the example of some of the most unique, rare, and new surnames from around the world. We hope that our list can help you find some of the most notable last name used by celebrities from Bosnia.
55. Merlin (Old English origin) means "a dweller on moor-land". Famous Bosnia musician Dino Merlin, who wrote the country’s first national anthem.
56. Ljubijankic (Bosnia origin) means "wisdom". Famous last name bearer Irfan Ljubijankic world-class surgeon.
57. Osmanagic (Slavic origin) means "knowledgeable". Famous last name bearer: Bosnian businessman Dr. Semir Osmanagic
58. Husrev-beg (Arabic origin) means "commander". Famous last name bearer: Gazi Husrev-beg, Sarajevo’s governor.
59. Izetbegovic (Bosnian origin) means"Izet, the chieftain".Famous last name bearer: politician, author, activist, and philosopher Alija Izetbegovic.
60. Vesna (Slavic origin) means"spring". Famous last name bearer: first female architect in Bosnia Vesna Bugarski.
61. Zlata (Slavic origin) means "golden". Famous last name bearer: Bosnian-Irish diarist Filipovic Zlata.
Rare Bosnian Surnames
Just like language, some surnames become extinct or are hardly used anymore. We have compiled a list of names from Croatian, Bosnia, and Herzegovina descent in a list of unusual Bosnian surnames.
62. Bosnić (Slavic origin) means "some from Bosna". Famous last name bearer: writer Jelena Bosnic.
63. Bučan (Slavic origin) is a rare surname. Famous last name bearer: rugby player Ion Bucan.
64. Buljubašić (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: songwriter Faruk Buljubašić.
65. Burić (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: Croatian professional football manager Damir Burić.
66. Camović (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: TV editor, host, and journalist Vanja Camović.
67. Čandić is a common surname of Slavic origin. Famous name bearer: singer Edvin Čandić.
68. Canović (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: former Serbian professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper Aleksandar Čanović.
69. Demirdžić (Slavic origin) means "unique".
70. Demirović (Bosnian origin) means "son of Demir".
71. Deović (Persian origin) means "flower" or "rose". This surname is often borne by Georgians and Armenians.
72. Duro (Slavic and Latin origin) means "hard or tough".
73. Dervišević (Slavic origin) means "son of the Dervish".
74. Dervišhalidović (Slavic origin) means "happiness" It is also the municipality in Montenegro.
75. Gadžo (Slavic origin) means "modern".
76. Galijašević (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: political analyst and self-professed counter-terrorism expert Dževad Galijašević.
77. Garović (Slavic origin) the meaning of this name is unknown.
78. Gluhačević (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: professional footballer Midhat Gluhačević.
79. Granov (Slavic and Russian origin) means "grain".
80. Gujić (Slavic origin) means"son of a snake".
81. Guli (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: environmentalist Thirst Mina Guli. This name can also be used as a first name.
82. Gudelj is a South Slavic surname. Famous last name bearer: Croatian footballer Ivan Gudelj.
83. Gušo (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: retired professional football goalkeeper Adnan Gušo.
84. Guta (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: singer Nicolae Guță.
85. Hadžić (Slavic and Bosnian origin) means"hajj, pilgrimage". In Arabic, the name means "a person who had completed the hajj".
86. Hodžić (Slavic and Persian origin) means"master, teacher, imam".
87. Ibrahimović (Slavic origin) means"son of Ibrahim". In the Indian context, it means "domestic" "farmer, villager, head of the house or husband".
88. Jusić (Slavic origin) means "son of Josip".
89. Kovačević (Slavic and Slovenian origin) means"blacksmith".
90. Kovačić (Slavic and Slovenian origin) means"blacksmith".
91. Kovač (Slavic and Slovenian origin) means "blacksmith". The name is derived from a word of Slavic meaning "to forge".
92. Mehmedović (Slavic origin) means"son of Mehmed".
93. Muratović (Slavic origin) means"son of Murat".
94. Salihović (Slavic origin) means "son of Salih".
95. Tahirović (Slavic origin) means "son of Tahir".
96. Terzić (Persian origin) means "tailor".
97. Nišić is a South Slavic surname bore by people of Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks ethnicity. Famous name bearer: Bosnian-American swimmer Nedim Nišić.
97. Nurković (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: Serbian football striker Samir Nurković.
99. Obuća (Slavic origin) means ''footwear''. It is derived from the obuća word denoting someone who made or sold footwear.
100. Pjanić is a name of Slavic origin. Famous last name bearer: Bosnian-Herzegovinian professional footballer Miralem Pjanić.
101. Tutić (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: Bosnian former football player Nedim Tutić.
102. Ugljanin (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: Serbian politician, representative of the Bosniak minority Sulejman Ugljanin.
103. Ulak (Turkish origin) means "a messenger". This name can also be used as a first name.
104. Uščuplić (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: professional football manager and former player Dženan Uščuplić.
105. Varešanović (Slavic origin) means "eye of the day".
106. Varupa (Slavic origin) another unusual surname that is common among Bosnians. Famous last name bearer: professional footballer Elvedin Varupa.
107. Velagić is a Slavic surname. Famous last name bearer: Bosnia and Herzegovina footballer Admir Velagić.
108. Zahirović is a Bosnian surname. Famous last name bearer: Bosnia-born American footballer Emsad Zahirovic.
Kidadl has lots of great name articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for Bosnian last names then why not take a look at Serbian last names, or Slavic surnames.
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