173 Cute, Catchy, And Famous Bakery Names In French

Abhijeet Modi
Feb 16, 2024 By Abhijeet Modi
Originally Published on Jan 10, 2023
Edited by Pratiti Nath
Fact-checked by Daisha Capers
Modern bakery with different kinds of bread, cakes and buns

Do you want some ideas for French bakery names?

A French bakery has a unique sound to it that attracts lots of customers. Good bakery names must highlight the baked goods in which you want to specialize in.

Read on for some of the most interesting French bakery name ideas to identify the best bakery names in the world.

Famous Bakery Names In France

Some of the most popular bakery name ideas can be Bake Cake, Sticky Buns, Delicious Pastries, Plentiful Pastries, Delicious Cakes, Goodness Cakes, and Village Bakery Cafe. Here are some of the famous bakery names:

Barre à Tarte (French origin) means ‘pie bar’. It is one of the catchy bakery names.

Boulanger Fou (French origin) means ‘mad baker’. It is a unique name for a bakery.

Boulangerie Glaçage Rose (French origin) means ‘pink frosting bakery’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Boulangerie Pâtisseries (French origin) means ‘bakery pastries’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.

Cuire Mon Jour (French origin) means ‘bake my day’. It is one of the unique cake bakery names.

Gâteau Lac (French origin) means ‘lake cake’. It is a unique name for a cake shop.

Glace Pureté (French origin) means ‘purity ice cream’. It is one of the cool bakery names.

L'équipe des Moules à Muffins (French origin) means ‘the muffin tin team’. It is a good name for a bakery.

L'italien d'Aversa (Corsican origin) means ‘Aversa’s Italian’. It is a very creative name for a bakery.

La Cuisine de Maman (French origin) means ‘mom’s kitchen’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Le Demi Trempé (French origin) means ‘the half dipped’. It is one of the creative bakery names.

Le Gâteau Vintage (French origin) means ‘the vintage cake’. It is one of the modern bakery names.

Maison de la Moisson (French origin) means ‘harvest house’. It is one of the cute bakery names.

Nous Pétrissons la Pâte (French origin) means ‘we knead the dough’. It is one of the memorable bakery names.

Temps de Cuisson (French origin) means ‘cooking time’. It is one of the famous bakery names.

Trou en un (French origin) means ‘hole in one’. It is one of the unique names for pastry shops.

Cake Bakery Names in Paris

Popular bakery names ideas in Paris are Cake Bake, Gingerbread House, Bakery Bread, Sugar Street Sweets, and Cakes Cake. Some more French bakery names are given below.

Angelina (Greek origin) means ‘messenger’. It is a tea house popular for Mont Blanc dessert and hot chocolate.

Au 140 (French origin) means ‘at 140’. It is famous for baguettes.

Au Paradis du Gourmand (French origin) means ‘in the gourmet's paradise’. It is famous for French bread.

Aux Merveilleux de Fred (French origin) means ‘marvelous Fred’. It is popular for Belgian pastries.

Blé Sucré (French origin) means ‘sweet wheat’. It is famous for iced madeleines, millefeuilles, and caramelized pastries.

Boulangerie Bo (French origin) means ‘bo bakery’. It is popular for viennoiseries, pastries, and bread.

Boulangerie Utopie (French origin) means ‘utopia bakery’. A fun name for a bread company.

Café Pouchkine (French origin) means ‘cafe pushkin’. It is famous for its medovic.

Carl Marletti (French origin) refers to the name of the founder. It is popular for lemon tarts.

Chambelland (French origin) means ‘chamberlain’. It is popular for gluten-free chocolate chip cookies.

Des Gâteaux et du Pain est Claire (French origin) means ‘cakes and bread is Claire’. It is famous for green absinthe tart.

Du Pain et des Idées (French origin) means ‘bread and ideas’. It is popular for rustic loaves and pinwheel pastries.

Gilles Marchal (French origin) refers to the name of the founder. It is famous for madeleines.

Gontran Cherrier (French origin) refers to the founder of the bakery. It is famous for baguettes and almond croissants.

Karamel (Turkish origin) means ‘caramel’. It is popular among bakery cake lovers.

L’Éclair de Génie (French origin) means ‘the flash of genius’. It is a popular bakery, and its most famous flavors are passion fruit, strawberry, and salted butter caramel.

La Chocolaterie (French origin) means ‘the chocolate factory’. It is famous for candies, chocolate bars, and caramels.

La Flûte Gana (French origin) refers to the name of the founder. It is popular for sourdough.

La Pâtisserie des Rêves (French origin) means ‘the pastry of dreams’.

Ladurée (French origin) means ‘the duration’. It is famous for macarons.

Le Grenier à Pain (French origin) means ‘the bread loft’. It is famous for pie, baguette, and eclairs.

Les Fées Pâtissières (French origin) means ‘The pastry fairies’. It is famous for its classic pastries with riffs.

Maison Landemaine (French origin) means ‘house landemaine’. It is popular for croissants.

Odette (French origin) means ‘wealth’. It is famous for its cream puffs.

Pierre Hermé (French origin) refers to the founder of the bakery. It is famous for croissants, tartes, cakes, and macarons.

Poilâne (French origin) means ‘Poilane’. It is famous for miche.

Popelini (French origin) means ‘cake’. It is famous for its different cream puff flavors.

Sadaharu Aoki (Japanese origin) refers to the chef who founded the bakery. It is popular for its Japanese ingredients and flavors.

Sébastien Gaudard (French origin) refers to the founder of the bakery. It is popular for its mussipontain.

Senoble Famille Gourmande (French origin) means ‘Senoble Gourmet Family’. It is famous for ice creams.

Stohrer (French origin) refers to the founder of the bakery. It is the birthplace of babà au rhum.

Yann Couvreur (French origin) means ‘Yann Roofer’. It is popular for its pastries with riffs.

Catchy Bakery Names In French

Catchy bakery names across France in English are City Bakery, Creamy Creations, Art Cake, Sweet Shop, Cookie Jar, Baked Goods, Modern Bakery Cake Room, Bread Box, Muffin Man, Cake Corner, Bread Company, Just Cakes, Bundt Cakes, Cup Shop, Eat Cake, and more. Below are some catchy bakery names for you to choose from.

Asperge (French origin) means ‘asparagus’.

Assez Cuit (French origin) means ‘fairly cooked’.

Belle Gateau (French origin) means ‘beautiful cake’. It is a good name for a cake shop.

Bonbons Chics (French origin) means ‘classy candies’. It is a very creative name for a bakery.

Boulangerie de Grand-Mère (French origin) means ‘grandma’s bakery’.

Boulangerie Farine (French origin) means ‘flour bakery’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Boulangerie Wake and Bake (French origin) means ‘wake and bake bakery’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.

Cake My Day Boulangerie (French origin) means ‘cake my day bakery’. It is a unique name for a bakery.

Cannelle (French origin) means ‘cinnamon’. It is a very creative name for a bakery.

Cerise (French origin) means ‘cherry’. It is a very unique name for a bakery.

Connais-Tu l'Homme Muffin? (French origin) means ‘do you know the muffin man?’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Couches (French origin) means ‘layers’. It is a good name for a cake shop.

Crème Fraîche (French origin) means ‘fresh cream’.

De Bon Goût (French origin) means ‘tasteful’. It is a good name for a cake shop.

Délicieux (French origin) means ‘delicious’.

Délicieux Chic (French origin) means ‘delicious classy’. It is a unique name for a cake shop.

Douce Grâce (French origin) means ‘sweet grace’. It is a very creative name for a cake shop.

Doux Art (French origin) means ‘sweet art’. It is a unique name for a bakery.

Éclair de Génie (French origin) means ‘flash of genius’. It is a very good name for a bakery.

Facile Comme un Gâteau (French origin) means ‘easy as a cake’. It is an interesting name for a cake shop.

Fait Maison (French origin) means ‘homemade’. It is a very unique name for a bakery.

Farine Boulangerie (French origin) means ‘flour bakery’. It is a creative name for a cake shop.

Framboise (French origin) means ‘raspberry’. It is a unique name for a cake shop.

Gâteaux aux Joues Sucrées (French origin) means ‘sweet cheek cakes’. It is a unique name for a bakery.

Gâteries Tendance (French origin) means ‘trendy treats’.

Gourmandise Pastry Shoppe (French origin) means ‘gourmet pastry shop’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Haut du Muffin (French origin) means ‘top of muffin'. It is a creative name for a cake shop.

La Boulangere (French origin) means ‘the baker’.

La Crème de la Crème (French origin) means ‘the best’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.

Le Bagel (French origin) means ‘the bagel’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.

Le Gâteau d’Amour (French origin) means ‘the love cake’. It is a very good name for a bakery.

Le Grande Boulangerie (French origin) means ‘the big bakery’.

Le Meilleur Cake Shop (French origin) means ‘the best cake shop’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.

Les Délices d'Aujourd'hui (French origin) means ‘today’s delights’. It is a unique one among other cake shop names.

Liberte Patisserie (French origin) means ‘liberty pastry’.

Mon Petit Chou (French origin) means ‘my little cabbage’. It is a very creative name for a bakery.

Noisette (French origin) means ‘hazelnut’. It is a very creative name for a bakery.

Nous Faisons du Gâteau (French origin) means ‘we make cake’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Nouveaux Goûts (French origin) means ‘new tastes’. It is a creative name and it is a unique name for a bakery.

Pâtisserie Fraîche (French origin) means ‘fresh pastry’.

Patisserie Possibilities (French origin) means ‘bakery possibilities’.

Petits Pains de Boulangerie en Acier (French origin) means ‘steel bakery rolls’.

Pour Les Gâteaux de Bonté (French origin) means ‘for goodness cakes’. It is a unique name for a cake shop.

Salon Glace (French origin) means ‘ice cream lounge’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.

Style Doux (French origin) means ‘sweet styling’. It is a unique name for a bakery.

Sur Les Tartes aux Pointes (French origin) means ‘on pie with spikes’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Tarte Chic (French origin) means ‘classy pie’.

Tarte Réforme (French origin) means ‘reform pie’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.

Tartes élégantes (French origin) means ‘elegant pies’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.

Tout de Sweet (French origin) means ‘all from sweet’. This name is perfect for a cake shop.

Un Petit Pain au Four Boulangerie (French origin) means ‘a bun baked in a bakery’. It is a very creative name for a cake shop.

Vanille (French origin) means ‘vanilla’. It is a very creative name for a bakery.

Funny Bakery Names In French

Below are some funny names for bakery shops for you.

Ache Pour le Gâteau (French origin) means ‘buy for the cake’.

Beurre et Pain (French origin) means ‘butter and bread’.

Bonne Humeur Alimentaire (French origin) means ‘good mood food’. It is a creative name for a bakery shop.

Cuire les Morts (French origin) means ‘cook the dead’. It is a unique and funny name for a cake shop.

Cuisiner Tôt (French origin) means ‘cook early’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.

Cuisson (French origin) means ‘cooking’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Cuisson de l'Amour (French origin) means ‘cooking love’.

Doux Salut (French origin) means ‘sweet hello’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.

Doux Sourires (French origin) means ‘sweet smiles’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.

Frein Pour Gâteau (French origin) means ‘cake brake’. It is an interesting name for a cake shop.

Gâteau de Chagrin d'Amour (French origin) means ‘heartache cake’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Gâteau ma Journée (French origin) means ‘cake my day’.

Gâteau Moi Fier (French origin) means ‘my proud cake’.

Gâteau-Moi (French origin) means ‘cake me’. It is a good name for a cake shop.

Mauvaise Cuisson (French origin) means ‘bad cooking’.

Quartier des Gâteaux (French origin) means ‘cake district’. It is a very creative name for a bakery.

Tarte Entière (French origin) means ‘whole pie’.

Tarte ou Mourir (French origin) means ‘pie or die’. It is a unique name for a bakery.

Vivre Libre ou Tarte (French origin) means ‘live free or pie’. It is a unique and funny name for a bakery shop.

Cute Bakery Name Ideas For Your French Baking Business

Below are some cute bakery name ideas.

À Moitié Durci (French origin) means ‘half hardened’.

Amusement de Glaçage (French origin) means ‘icing fun’.

Bagels de Manhattan (French origin) means ‘Manhattan bagels’.

Barre de Beignets (French origin) means ‘donut bar’. It is one of the unique bakery name ideas.

Battre Jusqu'à (French origin) means ‘beat until’. It is a good name for a cake shop.

Beurre Croyez-le (French origin) means ‘butter believe it’.

Biscuits Douillets (French origin) means ‘cozy cookies’. It is a good name for a cake shop.

Bon pain (French origin) means ‘good bread’. It is a creative name for a cake shop.

Bonne Journée les Boulangers (French origin) means ‘good day bakers’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Bonne Récolte (French origin) means ‘good harvest’.

Bouchées Délicieuses (French origin) means ‘delicious bites’.

Boulangerie Alexine (French origin) means ‘alexine bakery’.

Boulangerie de Carlo (French origin) means ‘Carlo’s bakery’. It is a unique name for a cake shop.

Boulangerie Levain (French origin) means ‘sourdough bakery’.

Boulangerie-Boutique (French origin) means ‘bakery boutique’.

Boulangeries Gardénia (French origin) means ‘gardenia bakeries’. One of the fun French bakery names ideas.

Brûlé au Four (French origin) means ‘burnt in the oven’.

Confiseries du Soleil (French origin) means ‘sweets from the sun’.

Crème au Chocolat (French origin) means ‘chocolate cream’. It is a good name for a cake shop.

Croquants Croustillants (French origin) means ‘crispy crunchies’.

Cuit au Miel (French origin) means ‘cooked in honey’. It is a unique name for a bakery.

Déesse du Givre (French origin) means ‘frost goddess’. It is a very creative name for a bakery cafe.

Délice Chaleureux (French origin) means ‘warm delight’. It is a decent name for a bakery.

Délices à la Crème au Beurre (French origin) means ‘buttercream delights’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Démon du Glaçage (French origin) means ‘frosting demon’. It is an interesting bakery name.

Deux Fois Desséché (French origin) means ‘twice dried’.

Douze Triangles (French origin) means ‘twelve triangles’. It is a fun name for a bakery shop that sells just cakes.

Du Pain et des Idees (French origin) means ‘bread and ideas’. It is a good idea for a bakery name.

Four Brûlé (French origin) means ‘burnt oven’. It is a creative name for a cake shop.

Frais Sec (French origin) means ‘fresh dry’. It is a creative name for a bakery cafe.

Frères Prager (French origin) means ‘Prager brothers’.

Gâteaux Dorés au Four (French origin) means ‘baked golden cakes’.

Gâteaux Fantaisie (French origin) means ‘fancy cakes’.

Gâteaux Mignons et Café (French origin) means ‘cute cakes and coffee’.

Gâteaux Riches (French origin) means ‘rich cakes’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Gâteries Soignées (French origin) means ‘neat treats’.

La Cuisson du Gâteau (French origin) means ‘baking the cake’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.

La fée Des Gâteaux (French origin) means ‘the cake fairy’.

La Moitié Brûlée (French origin) means ‘half burnt’.

La Plaque Chauffante Brûlée (French origin) means ‘the burned hot plate’. It is a unique name for a bakery.

La Tranche (French origin) means ‘the slice’. It is a good name for a bakery cafe.

Le Grenier a Pain (French origin) means ‘the bread loft’.

Le Gril Brûlé (French origin) means ‘the burnt grill’.

Le Gril Sec (French origin) means ‘the dry grill’. It is an interesting name for a bakery cafe.

Le Grill Sunbaked (French origin) means ‘the sunbaked grill’.

Le Groupe de Noix (French origin) means ‘the nut group’.

Le Miel Brûlé (French origin) means ‘burnt honey’. It is a very creative name for a cake shop.

Le Pain Reconnaissant (French origin) means ‘the grateful bread’.

Le Rouleau Beurré (French origin) means ‘the buttered roll’.

Londres Arc-en-Ciel (French origin) means ‘rainbow London’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.

Maison de Gâteau (French origin) means ‘cake house’. It is a unique name for a bakery.

Mange Soigné (French origin) means ‘eat well’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Nouveau Colonial (French origin) means ‘new colonial’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Pain et Beurre (French origin) means ‘bread and butter’. It is a good name for a bakery.

Panique de Beignet (French origin) means ‘donut panic’. It is a unique name for a bakery cafe.

Pâtisserie Vanille (French origin) means ‘vanilla pastry’. It is a good name for a cake shop.

Pâtisseries Copieuses (French origin) means ‘hearty pastries’.

Petite Waitrose (French origin) means ‘little waitrose’. It is a creative name for a bakery.

Point Sec de la Plaque Chauffante (French origin) means ‘heating plate dry point’. It is a unique name for a bakery.

Reine des Petits Gâteaux (French origin) means ‘cupcake queen’. It is an interesting name for a bakery cafe.

Shake et Boulangers (French origin) means ‘shake and bakers’. It is an interesting name for a bakery business.

Temps de Beignet (French origin) means ‘donut time’.

Tout Votre Gâteau (French origin) means ‘all your cake’. It is a creative name for a bakery.

Vanille Rêve (French origin) means ‘vanilla dream’. It is a creative name for a bakery.

Vert Bois Hellénique (French origin) means ‘Greek green woodland’. It is an interesting name for a bakery.


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Written by Abhijeet Modi

Master of Computer Science

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Abhijeet ModiMaster of Computer Science

An experienced and innovative entrepreneur and creative writer, Abhijeet holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Application from Birla Institute of Technology, Jaipur. He co-founded an e-commerce website while developing his skills in content writing, making him an expert in creating blog posts, website content, product descriptions, landing pages, and editing articles. Passionate about pushing his limits, Abhijeet brings both technical expertise and creative flair to his work.

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Fact-checked by Daisha Capers

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Education and Psychology

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Daisha CapersBachelor of Arts specializing in Education and Psychology

An experienced English teacher with a passion for motivating and inspiring children, this candidate brings a wealth of knowledge to the Kidadl team. Graduating from Delaware State University with a degree in education and psychology, Daisha has worked as a tutor and teacher for the past eight years. Her students describe her as patient, compassionate, and dedicated to helping them succeed.

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