71 Cute Tortoise Names For Your Pet That You'll Love

Joan Agie
Jan 15, 2024 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Apr 21, 2022
Fact-checked by Nishtha Dixit
Tortoise walking on sand

Turtles are aquatic animals that come from oceans.

There are approximately 356 species of turtles living on the land, on all continents on Earth except Antarctica, and in both salt water and fresh water. The greatest number of species occurs in southeastern North America and in South Asia.

They are among the oldest and most primitive groups of reptiles, having evolved millions of years ago.

Turtles spend most of their lives in water. They are adapted for aquatic life, with webbed feet, or flippers, and a streamlined body.

Another fact about turtles is that, although turtles can hold their breath for 45 minutes to one hour during routine activity, they normally dive for four to five minutes and resurface to breathe for a few seconds in between dives.

Turtles have a unique feature called the carapace, which is their hard shell. Its role is to protect its vital organs and is made up of chitin. They are known as ectotherms which means that their temperature is regulated by their surroundings. Some species make amazing pets because they are easy to care for.

The most famous names for turtles are Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael from the show 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'. Other popular choices are Shelly or Sheldon after their shell.

Other cute names for pet turtles include Shelby, Trixie, Mishell, Sneaky, and Harry and there are many other good names inspired by the Pokémon series as well, like Squirtle, Raichu, and many more names that are waiting for you on the list given below!

With all of the foods and fictional characters for ideas, you have free rein to come up with the cutest and coolest name in the book. Thankfully, there are plenty of ideas to inspire you.

Funny Tortoise Names

You must be looking for some of the funniest names to name your pet turtle. Here are just a few ways to play around with the words turtle or tortoise:

Bolt (English origin) is inspired by the movie 'Bolt' which is an adventure anime movie.

Donnashello (English origin) is one of the top funniest names used for tortoises.

Dr Seuss (English origin) is one of the topmost names used for tortoise pets.

Finding Nemo (English origin) is one of the top funny names used for turtles.

King George (English origin) is mainly used because of the shell present on the body of the turtle.

King Tut (English origin) is a name apt for a small tortoise baby boy.

Lady Bertha (English origin) is one of the top funniest names used for pets.

Leonardo Raphael (English origin) is a very unique name for a red-eared slider.

Mr Wigglesworth (English origin) is a very cool name.

Peek-a-Boo (English origin) is a very funny as well as a cute name.

Sheldon (English origin) is another common name used for turtles.

Shelly (English origin) is a funny name used mostly for girl tortoises for the beauty of their shell.

Sir Hides-a-Lot (English origin) is a very funny name that is used for a tortoise that hides a lot in its shell.

Sir Lancelot (English origin) is a highly used name in the USA.

Sloth (English origin) is an animal known for its slow movements.

Sneak (English origin) is a good name for turtles.

Speedy Scooter (English origin) is a funny name because it contrasts the natural speed of tortoises. Speedy Scooter is a name that will crush all other name ideas you could think of.

Tic Tac Turtle (English origin) might be inspired by tic tac candy.

Turbo (English origin) is one of the very funny name ideas.

Turtle Recall (English origin) is a name inspired by a movie.

Zippy (English origin) is a very commonly used name.

Cool Tortoise Names

Turtles and tortoises are mild, slow animals. Some are vegetarians. All have shells into which they could put their heads and legs. While land turtles and tortoises have legs (and some snap), aquatic turtles have flippers. Based on all this, here are some favorite turtle and tortoise names that reflect turtle qualities (or the opposite).

Cherry (English origin) is a very cute and short name for a girl turtle.

Duke (English origin) is a very royal name.

Flippy (English origin) is a very cool name.

Goldie (English origin) is a very cute and cool name at the same time.

Ivy (English origin) is a very short and cool name for your best pet.

Jade (English origin) is one of the top cool names used for tortoises.

Melvin (English origin) is also the name of an American biochemist, Melvin Calvin.

Monet (English origin) is a name of a very famous American actress, Monet Mazur.

Ms. Turt (English origin) is an abbreviation name for turtles.

Oscar (English origin) is one of the top cool names for famous turtles.

Popeye (English origin) is inspired by the fictional character, Popeye.

Ruby (English origin) is a name taken from ruby diamond.

Skittles (English origin) is inspired by the skittles candy.

Slow-Poke (English origin) is a name highly used for turtles because of their slow movements.

Snappy (English origin) is a very short and cool name for a baby boy turtle.

Terra (English origin) is also the name of the sci-fi movie, Terra Formars.

Cute Tortoise Name

Are you looking for some cute tortoise names for your pet turtle? Each pet deserves to have a cute and attractive name, however, it is tough for pet owners to decide on a name. Here are some favorite cute turtle names for you to consider:

Bonnie (English origin) is a very cute girlish name.

Boxer (English origin) is a very thrilling and short name, especially for male turtles.

Chica (English origin) is a very endearing name for female turtles.

Coco (English origin) is an abbreviation of chocolate and a common pet name.

Doodle (English origin) is a very famous and cute name for male turtle pets.

Doris (English origin) is also the name of a famous American actress, Doris Day.

Mishell (English origin) is a very good name for female turtles formed by Ms and shell.

Niblet (English origin) meaning ‘a small piece of food’, is a very good name for baby turtles.

Nugget (English origin) is a very cute turtle's name.

Pebble (English origin) is a very adorable name.

Penny (English origin) meaning ‘a small sum of money’, is a very cute name.

Sadie (English origin) is a very cute name.

Tommy (English origin) is a very commonly used fun name for pets.

Trixie (English origin) is a very appealing turtle's name for a girl turtle.

Famous Tortoise Names

There are a number of famous names that you could use for inspiration for your turtle. A lot of these inspiration names come from fictional characters, but a few are inspired by real life.

Abra (English origin) is one of the pet turtle names inspired by the 'Pokémon' Abra who is very lazy.

Chip and Dale (English origin), do you remember these adorable chipmunks from your childhood? Then you could want to name your tortoises after them!

Donatello (English origin) is also inspired by the above. Donatello is a character who is a genius.

Donnashello (English origin) is one of the most famous names for turtles.

Eddie (English origin) is a very adoring turtle name.

George Shelly (English origin) is a highly used fun name for turtles.

Golem (English origin) is inspired by a rock and ground type of 'Pokémon'.

Harry (English origin) is for anyone who is a fan of 'Harry Potter' and would love this male turtle name.

Kooper (English origin) might be inspired by the car, Mini Cooper.

Kung Fu Panda (English origin) is a turtle name inspired by the movie.

Leonardo (English origin) is inspired by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle’s brave leader who is named after Leonardo Da Vinci.

Michelangelo (English origin) is inspired by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' character who is goofy.

Pokey (English origin) is one of the pet turtle names which is the abbreviation of 'Pokémon'.

Raichu (English origin) is one of the funny turtle names inspired by a very famous character that evolves from Pikachu.

Raphael (English origin) is a fun name for a pet turtle who is very tough.

Squirtle (English origin) is one of the funny turtle names inspired by 'Pokémon'.

Toby (English origin) is a very short and fun name for your pet red-eared slider.

Tom and Jerry (English origin) are inspired by the very famous cartoon show, 'Tom and Jerry'.

Wartotle (English origin) is inspired by the 'Pokémon' series and is a very cute name.

Yertle (English origin) is inspired by a book by Dr. Sues, ‘Yertle The Turtle And The Other Stories’.

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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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Fact-checked by Nishtha Dixit

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Nishtha DixitBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

Nishtha is an experienced SEO writer and editor, with a passion for writing and self-expression. She is currently pursuing an undergraduate major in Literature and Communication and a minor in Political Science from the University of Delhi. Nishtha has completed a certificate master course in English from the British Council and has been appointed as the editor for the bi-monthly magazine of the University of Delhi.

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