67 Fascinating Names Of Amphibians From Around The World

Adekunle Olanrewaju Jason
Jan 15, 2024 By Adekunle Olanrewaju Jason
Originally Published on May 31, 2022
Edited by Shadiya Ahammad
Fact-checked by Nishtha Dixit
Cold-blooded amphibians like frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts are some example names of amphibians who can live on land as well as water.

If you are looking to create a list of amphibians' common names, you must know that these creatures can live in water as well as on land.

These animals have a specific class dedicated to their name in the animal kingdom as they are vertebrates. These cold-blooded animals spend their lives between land and water.

Looking for some popular names for these vertebrates? Here are some of the popular names from animals belonging to this animal class.

Names Of The Most Common Frogs And Toads

Frogs are slimy, and smooth and appear wet even if they are on land, whereas toads are somewhat scaly, wartlike with bumps on their frame. Here is a list of the names of the most common frogs and toads for you.

American Toad is a toad species whose scientific name is Anaxyrus americanus. They have sticky, long tongues like frogs and they munch their skins.

Barking Treefrog just like other treefrogs can rapidly change its colors from green to brown to gray.

Brimley’s Chorus Frog has a gripping black or brown stripe on the sides of its body and has a pale belly. These vertebrates look absolutely incredible in wild.

Fowler’s Toad has their favorite resort in underground burrows and rocks to pass their phase of inactivity.

Gray Treefrog also called common gray treefrog is similar in appearance to Cope’s gray treefrog.

Green Treefrog is a vibrant green-colored frog that sometimes has white freckles on its back, side, and along the upper jaw.

Mountain Chorus Frog is a tiny creature that flaunts a queer white strip on its upper lip and has a contrasted stroke on its back.

Northern And Southern Cricket Frog is a small frog with slender and long legs.  They are spotted in different colors like brownish red, brown, and so forth.

Oak Toad is a toad species that is endemic to North America.

Pine Barrens Treefrog is deemed as the prettiest frog in the United States. It is specifically found in the sandhills and pine forests of North Carolina.

Pine Woods Treefrog can be reddish-brown, brownish, or greenish frog species that breed in cypress ponds or other transient water bodies.

Southern Chorus Frog is a dark brown striped frog especially found in marshy meadows, roadside ditches, wetlands, and so forth.

Southern Toad prefers breeding in springtime. The fun fact about these frogs is that they puff themselves large when danger looms in the face.

Spring Peeper can remain frozen and inactive consistently for three days and are one of the loudest animals recorded in CT.

Squirrel Treefrog is another color-changing frog species with smooth skin which can often show spots.

Upland Chorus Frog is a nocturnal frog found in different habitats, however, it is exclusively terrestrial. Its scientific name is Pseudacris feriarum.

Funny Names Of Amphibians For Kids

The best way to encourage children to learn new things is to incorporate fun into it. Here is a list of funny names of amphibians for kids. 

Bullfrog inhabits lakes, streams, and rivers. This frog’s call sounds like a cow’s moo and this frog has strong legs. Bullfrog is a giant in the group of amphibians with extremely powerful limbs.

Caecilian is another amphibian group in which babies of certain species chomp their mothers’ skin with their hooked teeth.

Carpenter Frog is also called sphagnum frog and is found exclusively in acidic waters.

Edible Frogs are exclusively found on grumpy banks of the river in Europe. Its main nutrition sources are spiders, moths, and other insects.

Fire-bellied Toad is known for its distinctly colored belly and slender, long toes. This amphibian group is found living in land and water in Asia and Europe.

Glass Frog is primarily found in Central America, and the fun part about them is that you can see their organs.

Goliath Frog is widely spotted in Africa and these giant frogs do not have any vocal sacs. They survive on crustaceans, fish, and mollusks.

Horned Frog also called Ceratophrys Ornatafound in tropical swamplands and rainforests of South America.

Leopard Frog belongs to the Ranidae family and these frogs can survive on three limbs, and are unique for their leopard-like blemishes.

Marsh Frog holds the label of largest frogs that are indigenous to Europe.

Mudpuppy is called Necturus maculosusis a queer frog breed that doesn’t grow beyond the larval stage, a phenomenon called neoteny.

Pickerel Frogs love to reside in the marshy water of Coastal plain and cool springs as well.

Poison Dart Frog is another rare frog that is at the cusp of extinction and is one of the most toxic amphibians in the world with a potent poison.

Salamander is another class of amphibians found in wetlands, streams, and rainforests. They are carnivorous creatures that do not breathe through their lungs or gills but through skin, and especially feed on fish species and reptiles.

Spring Peepers have sleek skin that usually occurs in green, gray, or brown shades while their bellies are cream or white colored.

Squirrel Treefrogs are fairly similar to green treefrogs, often spotted in Georgia and South Carolina.

Striped Rocket Frog is found in Oceania and adds to the unique fauna treasury of Australia.

Different Types Of Amphibians Names You Might Not Know

Here is a list of different types of amphibian names you might not know.

A Long-Nosed Horned Frog is specifically found in rainforest areas and has got this name because of its peculiar eyelids and snout.

Beddome’s Caecilian is particularly found in Western Ghats, India, in states like Kerela, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.

Demonic Poison Frog is also called Yapacana’s Little Red Frog, is a species known for the highly toxic nature of its poison.

Golden Mantella Frog usually occurs in hues of yellow, red, and orange. They are poisonous frog species like blue dart frogs.

Hellbender is one of the largest salamanders found in North America. These animals also do not have any gills and breathe through their skin. The short limbs allow these animals to move around quickly where they prey on a number of reptiles.

Hula Painted Frog has been declared as a critically endangered frog species by IUCN.

Karpathos Frog is another amphibian that is bearing the brunt of cruel human activities and going into extinction.

Kihansi Spray Toad is another endangered frog species found in the locales of Kihansi falls, easter Tanzania.

Kurdistan Newt is another critically endangered amphibian species known for its peculiar mating behavior.

Laotian Newt is found in dry shrublands, and stream margins.

Luristan Newts is another amphibian getting lost due to habitat loss, dam building, and droughts. Newts is one of the popular amphibian species.

Sardinian Cave Salamander live in caves, cavern areas in forests, and rocky and humid outcrops and breathe through skin as they do not have any gills.

Spike-Thumb Frog is found along river banks, stream margins, and bromeliads.

Spiny Giant Frog is disappearing at a considerably fast pace owing to the destruction of their habitats for agriculture, and charcoal manufacturing. This animal species is facing threats of extinction.

Sri Lankan Kandyan Dwarf Toad is an amphibian with a body wreathed in tiny tubercules and has a pale belly.

Sunset Frog is another vulnerable frog species that grows to a maximum size of 35 mm.

Titicaca Water Frog is the biggest water frog found in lake Titicaca in Bolivia and Peru. The frog has been announced critically endangered by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Rare Names Of Reptiles And Amphibians

Tree frogs and toads are so common. However, countless rare amphibian species are hard to find. Here is a list of rare names of reptiles and amphibians that you might not have heard before.

Black-Breasted Leaf Turtle is endemic to Vietnam and China, are distinguished for their intensely textured outer shell, and their eyes.

Chinese Alligators can grow to a size of around five feet. This species of the Alligatoridae family is now critically endangered.

Chinese Crocodile Lizard is also called lizard of great sleepiness by locals as it remains inactive for a long time in a stretch.

Desperate Leaf Chameleon loves to swing and rest on drooping branches of rainforest trees at night. They are oviparous organisms that produce two hefty eggs during their reproductive phase.

Gharial Crocodiles are endangered amphibians known for their powerful teeth and monstrously large eggs.

Leatherback Turtle is the sole turtle species that lacks scales and shells and is the largest turtle in the world.

Madagascar Blind Snake has a slimy, translucent pinkish skin, which uses its head to drill its burrow in the sandy soil.

Mary River Turtle is another uniquely pretty turtle that can survive for up to 100 years, however, it starts procreation at the age of 20 years.

Minute Leaf Chameleon is specifically found in northwestern Madagascar and is the second smallest chameleon species in the world ever discovered.

Mount Inago Pygmy Chameleon is about 5-6 cm long and has a long tail. The creature was named after Darren Bruessow and Carl Bruessow to acknowledge their protection.

Newman’s Knob-Scaled Lizard, also called knob-scaled lizard is a diurnal lizard species, that is it remains active throughout the day.

Pig-nosed Turtle is freshwater turtles that paddle through the water with their flippers instead of swimming.

Pronk’s Day Gecko is another species that is getting rare with each passing day.

Roti Island Snake-Necked Turtle resides in swamps and marshy lakes. Females of this species are bigger compared to males.

Spider Tortoise is indigenous to Madagascar, and there are only 665,000 sider tortoises remaining in the world.

William’s Dwarf Gecko are quite active creatures that surprisingly do not show any shy behavior around humans. These are diurnal amphibians.

Zong’s Odd-Scaled Snake belongs to a family of snakes that lived about 8 million years before the event of dinosaurs' extinction.

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Written by Adekunle Olanrewaju Jason

Bachelor of Science specializing in Mass Communication.

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Adekunle Olanrewaju JasonBachelor of Science specializing in Mass Communication.

With over 3+ years of professional experience, Olanrewaju is a certified SEO Specialist and Content Writer. He holds a BSc in Mass Communication from the University of Lagos. Throughout his dynamic career, Olanrewaju has successfully taken on various roles with startups and established organizations. He has served as a Technical Writer, Blogger, SEO Specialist, Social Media Manager, and Digital Marketing Manager. Known for his hardworking nature and insightful approach, Olanrewaju is dedicated to continuous learning and improvement.
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Fact-checked by Nishtha Dixit

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Nishtha DixitBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

Nishtha is an experienced SEO writer and editor, with a passion for writing and self-expression. She is currently pursuing an undergraduate major in Literature and Communication and a minor in Political Science from the University of Delhi. Nishtha has completed a certificate master course in English from the British Council and has been appointed as the editor for the bi-monthly magazine of the University of Delhi.

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