163 Nicknames For Cousins

Joan Agie
Mar 14, 2025 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Oct 25, 2022
Edited by Lara Simpson
Fact-checked by Abdulqudus Mojeed
Nicknames for cousins can sometimes be funny, cute, or even silly.

People generally give nicknames to make close contact with someone else they like.

Cousins are close relatives that usually share the same age group. They are the closest friends with whom one can freely share their views and feelings.

How does a person find a nickname that suits their cousin or sister? Our cousins have become our closest friends because of their constant sharing, from work problems to updates on the lives of those around us.

We have fun there. Getting a nickname for a cousin can be challenging because they all have their names, and you must select a nickname to suit their personality. Often nicknames express love either in a funny or amusing manner.

Best Nicknames For Your Cousins

Here is a list of nicknames that are best suited for your cousins. Feel free to have a look for the same.

1. Adobe (U) - for the cousin who is into the software.

2. Bambi (U) - for the cousin who loves the animated Disney character Bambi.

3. Bathroom Grunter (U) - for the cousin who always makes an excuse to use the loo to evade a discussion.

4. BFC (U) - the nickname for 'Best Friend Cousin.'

5. Black Sheep (U) - The nickname for the cousin who stands out from the rest of the world.

6. Lockhead (U) - nickname suitable for one who wears dreadlocks.

7. Blood bestie (U)- A nickname for the cousin with whom you are close, even closer than your own brother or sister.

8. Boot Idols (U) - the nickname suitable for those who share the same interests in shoes just like you.

9. Born Besties (U) - nickname most suitable with whom you share the same birthday and who is a close friend.

10. Brothers Gang (M) - nickname most suitable for your cousin brother with whom you share a lot of ideologies.

11. Chubs (U) - for the one who is a little chubby.

12. Comedy Central (U) - for the cousin who is a walking talking comedy personality.

13. Cousin Fox (U) - for the very sly one.

14. Cousin Rants (U) - for the one who always cribs about everything.

15. Cousin Sunshine (U) - for the one who is just a breath of fresh air.

16. Cursing Cousins (U) - for the one who is always angry.

17. Cuz (U) - a cool way to call your cousin.

18. Cuzbo (U) - a cool nickname.

19. Cuzilla (U)- a cool nickname.

20. Cuzster (U) - a cool and silly nickname.

21. Cuzzie (U) - a cute alternative to calling out your cousin.

22. Cuzz (U) - a cool nickname.

23. CZ (U) - a cool nickname.

24. DNA Homie (U) - for the one who is just like you in all aspects of life.

25. Doodle Bug (U) - For the cousin is artistic in nature and loves to draw.

26. Favy (U) - nickname for your favorite cousin

27. Fight Club (U) - name suitable for the cousin who is obsessed with the movie 'Fight Club.'

28. Flanders (U) - a nickname for the cousin who is into medieval stuff.

29. Frodo (U) - for the one who is a fan of the Hobbit franchise.

30. Google Head (U) - nickname for the cousin who is very much into phones and only relies on the internet.

31. Hang Over (U) - nickname for the cousin who always likes to visit your house and never wants to leave.

32. Harry Potter (U) - nickname for the cousin who is very much into the Harry Potter Series.

33. Heart Catcher (U) - The cousin who is just adorable and cute.

34. Hermano (M) - nickname for cousin in Spanish, which means brother.

35. Huggies (U) - nickname for the one who loves to give out free hugs.

36. Jedi (U) - for the cousin obsessed with Star Wars and considers themselves one with force.

37. Kermit (U) - nickname for the cousin who is a fan of Kermit the frog.

38. Laidback Cuz (U) - Nickname for the cousin who is very calm and chill.

39. Little Cousin (U) - the nickname little cousin can be used on your younger cousin.

40. Lone Ranger (U) - a nickname inspired by the Disney film.

41. Monkey Buns (U) - Nickname for the cousin who is very quirky and likes to do things without hesitation.

42. Mr. Meow Meow (M) - Nickname for the cousin who loves cats.

43. Nugget (U) - for the one who loves to eat nuggets.

44. Nutella (U) - Nickname for the cousin who just loves to take the scoop of Nutella chocolate.

45. Old Man (M) - A funny cousin who acts like an older man.

46. Organized Cuz (U) - for the one who keeps everything tidy and clean.

47. Partner in Crime (U) - for the one who is always up for any mischievous prank.

48. Rib Cracker (U) - for the one who always makes you laugh.

49. Teddy Bear (U) - a cute nickname.

50. The Cuz Buzz - the nickname for the cousin who is very popular in the family

51. Tootsie Roll (U) - for the one who loves chocolate.

52. Understudy (U)- because in your mind, you are the family star

53. Vader (U) - for the one who is a fan of Star Wars.

Funny And Cute Nicknames For Your Cousin Brothers

Here is a list of nicknames you can use for your cousin brother. The names can be quirky, silly, funny, and cute suitable to fit the qualities of your cousin brother.

54. Baby Angel - for the cousin who is just cute as an angel

55. Baby Bat - for the cousin brother who looks like the kid version of Batman.

56. Baby Blue - for the brother who loves the color blue.

57. Blinky - for the one who cannot sleep with their favorite blanket.

58. Blue Berry - suitable for one who just loves to eat blueberries.

59. Bro Ball - for those who love to play ball-related sports such as basketball or football.

60. Bro Truck - for the one in love with trucks.

61. Brozart - for the one who is very fond of art.

62. Bruth - for the one who always tells the truth.

63. Bruz - a cool name.

64. Butter Bruv - for the one who always butters up others.

65. Candy - for the one in love with sweets and candies.

66. Captain Crunch - for the one who always does stuff in the nick of time.

67. Captain Hub - for the one who is an internet champion.

68. Charming - for the cousin who is very smart and handsome.

69. Cheeseball - for the very cheesy cousin.

70. Chipmunk - for the one who acts like a monkey.

71. Chunkie Wunkie - for the one on the chubby side.

72. Emperor - for the cousin who deserves the world.

73. Flock Together - for the one with whom you spend most of your time.

74. Forever Ties - for the one with whom you cannot break ties.

75. Frogger - for the cousin who always jumps a lot.

76. Game Over - for the one who always loses the game.

77. Goonie - for the one who always acts foolish, silly, or awkward.

78. Gramps - for the one who always acts like an older person.

79. Gummy Bear - suitable for the one who likes candy.

80. Hobbit - for the one who is in love with the franchise 'Hobbit.'

81. Hot Shot - for the one who thinks he is the best.

82. Inky - for the one who has an interest in calligraphy.

83. Little Bee - a cute nickname for the younger cousin.

84. Master Chef - for the one who loves to cook.

85. Mickey - for the one who loves the animated character Mickey Mouse.

86. Monkey - for the cousin who is always free like a monkey.

87. Monkey Buns - for the one who is cheeky like a monkey.

88. Mr. Clean - for the cousin who always keeps a sharp and clean look.

89. Mustache - for the one who loves a mustache.

90. My Boy - a cool way to call the cousin brother.

91. Nacho - for the nacho lover.

92. Pablo - for the one who is very much into art, just like Pablo Picasso.

93. Popeye - for the one whose favorite cartoon character is Popeye.

94. Pup - for the one who loves puppies.

95. Seinfeld - for the cousin who loves the sitcom 'Seinfeld.'

96. Sir Squirtalot - for the one who loves to play games in the swimming pool.

97. Starbucks - for the one who just loves coffee.

98. Sunshine - This nickname is most suitable for your favorite cousin who just makes your day with just their presence.

99. Swagger - for the one with lots of pizzazz and style.

100. The Hulk - nickname is suitable for the one who easily loses his temper.

101. Vanilla - for the cousin who is a big fan of the vanilla flavor.

102. Walking Dictionary - one who just knows all the words in the world.

Funny And Cute Nicknames For Your Cousin Sisters

Here is a list of nicknames that you can use for your cousin sister. The names can be quirky, silly, funny, and cute suitable to fit the qualities of your cousin sister.

103. Amazon - for the cousin who is as strong as an Amazon.

104. Baby doll - a nickname for a younger cousin who is cute.

105. Bessie - nickname for the cousin who characterizes the personality, Bessie Smith.

106. Bloodline Sis - for the cousin who is very close to you.

107. Boss Babe - for the one who always acts bossy.

108. Bubble Ray - for the cousin who loves bubblegum.

109. Bubblegum - for the cousin who loves bubblegum.

110. Built-In-Bestie - for the one who is your best friend.

111. Busted Mind - for the one who gets fed up easily.

112. Button - for the who is cute as a button.

113. Claws - for the cousin sister who always keeps long nails

114. Clever Cat - for the one who is always sneaky.

115. Cookie Dough - who is as sweet as the cookie.

116. Cookie Mix - for the one who is as sweet as the cookie.

117. Copycat - the one who always copies what you do.

118. Cousin Love - nickname for your lovely sister.

119. Cousins Forever - for the cousin sister with whom you share an unbreakable bond.

120. Cuddle Bug - for the one with whom you are close.

121. Cuzzo - a cool way to call your cousin sister.

122. Drama Queen - for the one who always makes a scene.

123. Driver - for the one with cars and bikes.

124. Fifi - a silly nickname.

125. Flower Child - a nickname for your sister who loves flowers.

126. For-Life - for the sister who is your life.

127. Happiness All-Around - for the one who always spreads joy.

128. Little Angel - a cute nickname for the younger sibling.

129. Little Sister - sweet nickname for your younger sibling.

130. Miss Siss - for the one who is a perfect sis.

131. Miss World - for the one who is special to you.

132. Mountain Mover - for the one who is a hard worker.

133. Muffin - a sweet nickname.

134. Old Lady - to tease someone who always acts older than her age.

135. Power Puff Girl - for the one who is a big fan of the cartoon show.

136. Queen Bee - nickname suitable for your elder cousin sister.

137. The Back Bencher - for the one who always prefers to sit behind.

138. Twinkie - is a cute nickname for a younger sibling.

139. Twinnie - for the sibling who always likes to match the dress.

140. Waffles - a sweet nickname for the one who loves waffles.

141. Wilma - for the one who is always into books.

Cool Nicknames For A Group of Cousins

Here is a list of nicknames that can be used for your gang of cousins. These names represent the nature of your relationship with your cousins. We hope you find the nickname that best suits your gang!

142. Bad Apples (U) - for the cousin, sisters and brothers who are known to make a ruckus.

143. Bad Seed Gang (U) - the nickname is most suitable for those who made a lot of commotion back in the day.

144. Best Buddies In Life (U) - for the cousins who are our best friends.

145. Bingo Bikers -  nickname for the group of cousins who are very into the game of Bingo.

146. Birds Of A Feather (U) - nickname for the group of cousins who take after each other.

147. Bloodline Bros (M) - for the cousin brothers who are very close to each just like their actual brothers.

148. Boiled Boxers (M) - a funny group name for the cousins who share their boxers.

149. Bro Code Forever (U) - inspired by the series 'How I Met Your Mother' for the cousins who always are there for each other.

150. Brotherly Harmony (M) - for the cousin brothers in good company.

151. Buddies for Life (U) - for your cousins with whom you feel just great.

152. Built-4-Besties (U) - nickname for the group of four cousins.

153. Childhood Cherishers (U) - for the cousins with whom you have spent your entire childhood.

154. Cousin Crew (U) - for the cousins with whom you plan all the trips.

155. Different Timezone (U) - for cousin brothers and sisters who are living in different countries.

156. Favorite Squad (U) - for the cousins who always prefer each other's company over any other person.

157. Framily - you are family, but also friends.

158. Same Tree (U) - for cousins who share the same aspects in their life.

159. Soul Sistas (F) - for the cousin sisters who are very close to each other and are best friends.

160. The Originals (U) - based on the TV show called 'The Originals'

161. The Real Brat Pack (U) - for the cousins who always are about to break havoc in the world.

162. The Throwbacks (U) - for the cousins who always share stuff from the past.

163. Weird Clicks (U) - for the group of cousins who always click weird pictures when together.

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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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Fact-checked by Abdulqudus Mojeed

Bachelor of Law

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Abdulqudus MojeedBachelor of Law

A versatile professional with a passion for creative writing and technology. Abdulqudus is currently pursuing his Bachelor of Law from the University of Lagos and has experience as a tutor, intern assistant, and volunteer. He possesses strong organizational skills and is a detail-oriented person.

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