87 Sith Pureblood Names For Your Little Character

Akinwalere Olaleye
Jan 15, 2024 By Akinwalere Olaleye
Originally Published on Jun 14, 2022
Fact-checked by Naman Khanna
suitable name for your red sith

If you are looking for one name that you feel will go well with your character, then pick any of the many new names listed below to bless your little character with a significant and even influential name.

Searched through every nook and corner but couldn't find one suitable name for your red sith? Ease your tension and well, go through the list of possible names given below with a wide range and variety of male, female, and last names.

Sith Purebloods or Red Siths or simply Siths are a species of humanoids that have red skin, yellow eyes, fleshy tendrils, and protrusions of bones on the face. They are from the world of the Korriban.

Even though some players around the world do not want to get a new name, there are many players who look for an impressive name for a random male or female warrior names. Read on for some of the pureblood sith names from the old republic of Korriban.

Sith Pureblood Imperial Agent Names

Starting with the names of imperial agents is a good way to name your little character. The following are the random names of sith pureblood imperial agent names.

Âhûho is a cool and classy name that would compel others to pay respects ultimately.

Chorâ (Greek Origin), meaning 'town', is a name typically for females symbolizing a place of importance or simply a town.

Dromund (Gaelic Origin), meaning 'ridge', is a popular name and one of the imperial agents of the Star Wars.

Duwzash can be one of the many sith pureblood male names suitable for your little character.

Hokwus (Anglo-Saxon Origin), meaning 'wild', is the perfect name describing the character of a warrior.

Hoqtsam is a rare name that can make your little character look influential and significant.

Jadus (English Origin), meaning 'demigod', is simply the perfect name symbolizing a humanoid character from Star Wars.

Javis (Jamaican Origin), meaning 'rich', is a name that will please the ears symbolizing the wealth and power of a warrior.

Jheeg is one of the finest sith names for your little character and an imperial agent name in Star Wars.

Karrels (Old German Origin), meaning 'free man', is a good and significant name to try for a character from Star Wars.

Kasmo (Greek Origin), meaning 'universal', is a unique one signifying time and eternity in the whole universe.

Khaihats is a unique name and may positively influence your character.

Khishai is a name that, even though sounds complex, is very simple to pronounce.

Krujosh is an appealing name symbolizing treachery and cruelty.

Latin (Latin Origin), meaning 'from Latium', is a typical and simple name inspired by the dead language.

Maintstar is a sith-inspired name that also symbolizes the supremacy of your character.

Mozzas is a perfectly unique name for your little character.

Nokûw is typically a simple yet classy name for your little character.

Shajân (Arabic Origin), meaning 'high', is simply a beautiful name aspiring the character to be at zenith.

Shatsûs as a nameis new and peculiar for designating strong characters.

Toisâl is a good name and can be considered suitable for your character.

Ûwarzoz is a different kind of name rich in qualities for your little character.

Zrûrzoit is a new kind of name which suits humanoid characters the most. One of the most impressive names.

Zuko (Japanese Origin), meaning 'glory', is the best possible name for your character, symbolizing win and victory.

Sith Pureblood Legacy Names

Sith purebloods are the progenies of the species of Siths, and they have their life connected with the dark side. The previous Siths were competitive, aggressive, and ambitious. Please go through the names given below and form your opinion.

Darth Arctis (Greek Origin), meaning 'bear', suits characters of huge size and demeanor.

Darth Bane (Germanic Origin), meaning 'poison', is a name that can make others feel petrified of your little character.

Darth Baras (Old French Origin), meaning 'bass', is a perfect name for water thriving characters.

Darth Caba (Spanish Origin), meaning 'early riser', is a cool name if your character is active and a good planner.

Darth Desolous is an absolute name for characters who like to be alone.

Darth Fastus (Latin Origin), meaning 'lucky', may be considered a perfect name to bless your little character with charm and luck.

Darth Hadra (Arabic Origin), meaning 'presence', is a cool name for characters with a strong presence and a sense of responsibility.

Darth Howl (Japanese Origin), meaning 'loud cry', is a horrifying name for loud and scary characters.

Darth Jadus (English Origin), meaning 'demigod', is a typical name for humanoid-like characters.

Darth Krayt, meaning 'nonsense', is typically a funny but sarcastic name for your little character.

Darth Luft (Middle German Origin), meaning 'air', is a classy name if your character has the power to fly around.

Darth Malak (Polish Origin), meaning 'small', is a suitable name for your character if it's small and timid looking.

Darth Maul (Latin Origin), meaning 'hammer', is true in its meaning and satisfies the nature of the Siths, always perceived to be aggressive and competitive.

Darth Mortis (American Origin), meaning 'of death', is a petrifying name for fierce and deadly characters.

Darth Phobos (Greek Origin), meaning 'panic', is a significant name if your character can make others panic and anxious.

Darth Plagueis (Greek Origin), meaning 'lethal disease', is a terrifying name that can raise terror among others.

Darth Sion (Latin Origin), meaning 'compulsion', symbolizes force, power, and rule.

Darth Talon (Latin Origin), meaning 'heel', as a name satisfies the nature of fast-running characters.

Darth Tyranus (Ancient Greek Origin), meaning 'absolute ruler', is a name that shows the supremacy and dominance of your character.

Darth Zash (Divehi Origin), meaning 'gift', is a lovely and peculiar name to signify the importance of your little character.

Kyle Katarn (Gaelic Origin), meaning 'narrow', is a perfect name for your character if it's sharp and intelligent.

Sith Pureblood Last Names

To name your little character, you can also try the pureblood Sith last names and see if it suits your character. The list of the Sith pureblood last names is as follows.

Acharon (Hebrew Origin), meaning 'last', is best suited as the last name.

Achelon (Latin Origin), meaning 'ladder', is a unique name that can motivate your character always to go higher.

Acina (Latin Origin), meaning 'grape', is a sweet peculiar name that signifies the sweetness of the fruit.

Anathel (Greek Origin), meaning 'wisdom', is a purely satisfactory name that symbolizes intelligence and smartness.

Andeddu is a unique last name for your little character.

Andru (Greek Origin), meaning 'manly', is a typical name for male characters symbolizing bravery and valiance.

Angral is a rare last name for your precious little character.

Azamin (Greek Origin), meaning 'innovation', is a name for your character if it likes to try novel methods and techniques.

Bandon (Latin Origin), meaning 'ensign', is the last name that symbolizes possession of something.

Bane (Germanic Origin), meaning 'poison', is a terrifying name for harsh and cruel characters.

Baras (Old French Origin), meaning 'bass', is the last name for aquatic living characters.

Betton (Scottish Origin) is also a suitable name and may be used by you for your little character.

Caedas is a cool and classy name and can be considered a good name.

Caldoth is a good name for little characters, easy to pronounce, and pleasant to the ears.

Decimus (Latin Origin), meaning 'tenth', is a strong name symbolizing the order of being at the tenth position.

Desolous is a cool name for characters who like to be isolated and alone.

Enraj is the last name for characters with king-like power and might.

Fastus (Latin Origin), meaning 'lucky', is the last name to wish your character tremendous luck and opportunities. One of the best Sith names for species of Sith purebloods.

Gean (Hebrew Origin), meaning 'gracious', is a complete name to symbolize the grace and charm of your character.

Gorgos (Greek Origin), meaning 'grim', is the perfect name for aloof and stern characters.

Gravid (Latin Origin), meaning 'heavy', is a cool last name for dominating purebloods.

Hendrix (Germanic Origin), meaning 'ruler', is a suitable name for characters having a kingly attitude and dominance.

Ikoral is a unique last name typically for a female warrior species.

Iratus (Italian Origin), meaning 'commander', is the perfect name for leaders and rulers who command well.

Jaga (Germanic Origin), meaning 'pure', is a divine character name that symbolizes the virtuous, pure, and pious nature of the Sith purebloods.

Kalous (Czech Origin), meaning 'horned owl', is a typical name for humanoid-like little Sih purebloods.

Jedi Sith Pureblood Female Names

Don't think twice if your little character is a female because below is the treasure of female Sith pureblood names to help you out.

Ametza (Basque Origin), meaning 'oak', is a pure name for female characters, symbolizing an oak tree’s determination.

Ayûmi (Japanese Origin), meaning 'sweet', is a sith-inspired name for female characters symbolizing calmness and peace.

Devora (Hebrew Origin), meaning 'bee', is a female name that symbolizes sharp lethal attacks against enemies.

Kova (American Origin), meaning 'tough', signifies determination, dedication, and resolve.

Lumia (Italian Origin), meaning 'lemon', is a dark female warrior name that symbolizes sweet and sour character.

Olaria (English Origin), meaning 'divinely intelligent', is the most suitable name for smart and clever characters.

Pleva (Czech Origin), meaning 'husk', is a dark name symbolizing deception from the old republic of Korriban.

Qiu (Chinese Origin), meaning 'autumn', is a sober and simple name for shy or less expressive females.

Quinn (Scottish Origin), meaning 'descendant of Conn', is a suitable female name for the progenies of Siths from the old republic of Korriban

Rhea (Greek Origin), meaning 'flowing stream', is a lovely name describing the ability to adapt or characters thriving in water bodies.

Tahiri (Arabic Origin), meaning 'purity', is a sweet name for female characters signifying purity and virtue.

Tuhut (Romanian Origin), meaning 'black paint', is a random name for female characters.

Uropiu (Greek Origin), meaning 'wide', is a random name for characters knowing various aspects.

Veila (Italian Origin), meaning 'hidden', is a typical name for covert and secretive females.

Vestara (Sanskrit Origin), meaning 'expanse', is a dark name for female characters with great scope and expanded knowledge.

Yetu (Australian Origin), meaning 'hope', is a female character name symbolizing aim and aspiration.

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Written by Akinwalere Olaleye

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Akinwalere OlaleyeBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

As a highly motivated, detail-oriented, and energetic individual, Olaleye's expertise lies in administrative and management operations. With extensive knowledge as an Editor and Communications Analyst, Olaleye excels in editing, writing, and media relations. Her commitment to upholding professional ethics and driving organizational growth sets her apart. She has a bachelor's degree in English Literature from the University of Benin, Edo State. 

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Fact-checked by Naman Khanna

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Naman KhannaBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

An English literature graduate from Delhi University, Naman's broad interests include mathematics, science, and social science. With his knowledge and expertise in multiple subjects, he is an asset to our fact-checking team. Naman is set to pursue his postgraduate degree in English literature soon.

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