85 White Bird Names For Your Feathered Friends

Aashita Dhingra
Jan 15, 2024 By Aashita Dhingra
Originally Published on Jun 13, 2022
Edited by Ashima Jain
Fact-checked by Pratiti Nath
beautiful bird look way prettier in a pond with a sunlight

Social media posts on white bird names are becoming quite popular.

White bird names can draw inspiration from various aspects of culture and history. If you have recently adopted a pet bird, then do check the name meaning before selecting a name for your little friend.

Read on for some of the best white bird names.

Blue And White Bird Names

The beautiful birds look way prettier in blue and white colors. It is very important to give them sweet names that suit their charm. Check out the following list of names for blue and white birds and explore more about them.

Alcor is one of the most unique names for a white bird known for its beauty.

Beaky Buzzard is another cool name for blue birds, which became famous after a character in the animated cartoon series 'Looney Tunes: Back in Action'.

Blu is a wonderful blue bird name and is the name of a domesticated bird from the 'Rio' franchise.

Booker (Middle English origin), meaning, 'someone concerned with books', is a famous white bird name.

Camilla (Roman origin), meaning, 'young ceremonial attendant', is a cute white bird name.

Carly (American origin), meaning, 'free man', is a wonderful white bird name.

Clara Cluck is a wonderful white bird name for a pet birdie.

Dab is a white bird name which you will surely like.

Diablo is a famous white bird name that enjoys great popularity.

Diablo is the name of maleficent’s pet raven in Sleeping Beauty.

Dodo is a cute name for blue birds, which was popularized by a fictional character in Lewis Carroll’s 'Alice in Wonderland'.

Donald  (English, Scottish and Gaelic origin), meaning, 'world ruler', is a fantastic name for blue birds, which became popular after Harry’s snowy owl in the 'Harry Potter' series.

Flit is a cute name for blue birds and is the name of an eccentric hummingbird in 'Pocahontas' which was a Disney production in 1995.

Gill (Hebrew origin), meaning, 'joy or gladness', is a fantastic white bird name.

Gogo Dodo is a famous white bird name that showcases your love for your pet bird.

Harvey can be a trendy name for white birds.

Heckle is another suitable blue bird name that was made famous by a black-feathered magpie from 'Heckle and Jeckle'.

Hedwig (German origin), meaning, 'battle or combat', is a suitable name for blue and white birds.

Henry is another wonderful blue bird baby name that is very interesting and unique.

Iago is a name from the animated 'Aladdin' series. Iago is a popular name for a white-red parrot.

Jeckle could be an extremely interesting white bird name.

Kevin is a famous blue bird name which is named after a gigantic South American waterfowl from the movie 'Up'.

Lago is a beautiful name for blue birds and parrots and is the name of a scarlet macaw as Aladdin’s secondary antagonist.

Louie (French origin), meaning, 'warrior or knight', is a famous white bird name.

Louie is a fantastic blue bird name and the name was popularized by the nephew of Donald Duck.

Louis is a fantastic blue bird name that became famous as the protagonist in 'The Trumpet of the Swan' by E. B. White.

McQuack is another beautiful name for blue birds which was made famous by a duck pilot in 'Duck Tales'.

Paulie (Latin origin), meaning, 'small', is a cute name for white birds.

Peep is a suitable name for a curious white parrot.

Pingu is a cute blue bird name and is the name of a clumsy baby penguin in a children’s television series 'Pingu'.

Plucky is an amazing blue bird name that was made famous by the series 'Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Vacation'.

Polly is the name of the coprotagonist in 'Powerbirds'.

Rio (Spanish or Portuguese origin), meaning, 'river', is a good name for blue and white birds, which became popular after the animated film 'Rio'.

Rosita (Mexican origin), meaning, 'rose', is a fabulous white bird name.

Scuttle  (Old English origin), meaning, 'dish or platter', is a wonderful name for blue and white birds which became popular after 'The Little Mermaid'.

Sheldon is a cool blue bird name that was made famous by a chick egg in 'Garfield and Friends'.

Sonny (Anglo Saxon origin), meaning, 'young boy or son', is a wonderful white bird name.

Thundra is a suitable name for blue birds which was made famous after a phoenix in 'Aladdin'.

Tweety is a sweet blue bird name and is one of the iconic bird characters named Tweety by Warner Bros.

Willy is a popular name for white pet birds.

Yoyo (Chinese origin), meaning, 'friendly and kind', is a white bird name that is very famous.

Zazu (Hebrew origin), meaning, 'movement', is a wonderful name for blue birds which gained popularity after 'The Lion King' as the movie showcased a red-billed hornbill named Zazu.

Gender Neutral White Bird Names

There are so many people who love birds irrespective of their gender. Gender-neutral names help you pick the best name for male and female birds. Go through the following list of gender-neutral white bird names and understand more about them.

Amber is a suitable white bird name that is gender-neutral. It is one of the funny names for pets.

Ava is a beautiful gender-neutral white bird name.

Captain is a perfect white bird name that is gender-neutral and suitable for pets.

Coconut is a trendy white bird name. One of the funny names for pet bird species

Crystal is a good name for white birds. One of the popular bird names for white birds.

Honey is a sweet white bird name. One of the good white bird names canary.

Hope is a beautiful white bird name, showing that birds are the sunshine in our life.

King is an amazing white bird name that is gender-neutral.

Lucky is a trendy white bird name that is gender-neutral.

Mango is a cool and unique white bird name. Mango is a great choice for naming a pet bird.

Marshmallow is a cute white bird name for a snowy white pet bird.

Peaches is a positive gender-neutral white bird name for snowy white pets.

Pearl is a unique and interesting white bird name. One of the fun bird names for your feathered angel.

Pepper is a name that is gender-neutral and is perfect for white birds.

Rainbow is a gender-neutral white bird name for adorable pets.

Shadow is a wonderful and unique white bird name that is gender-neutral.

Skittles is a beautiful white bird name. One of the funny names for pet bird species.

Snowflake is a sweet and amazing name for white birds.

Sugar is a cute gender-neutral white bird name for a white-red bird.

Teal is a cute gender-neutral white bird name for pets.

Yellow And White Bird Names

There are so many light-colored birds like yellow and white. They look so beautiful. The names chosen for them should also be as beautiful. Check out the following list of yellow and white bird names and understand more about them.

Angel is a suitable name for yellow and white birds, which suggests that they are like angels in our life.

Cleo is a trendy name for yellow and white birds. A suitable choice for your buddy.

Ghost is a trendy name for yellow and white birds. A great name matching the personality of your friend.

Harley is a beautiful name for yellow and white birds. A great name choice matching the personality of your buddy.

Jack is a wonderful name for yellow and white birds. Jack is a popular name.

Jasper is a pretty and precious name for yellow and white birds. Jasper is surely a good choice.

Kiwi is another sweet name for light-colored, yellow, and white birds that look like kiwi.

Misty is a beautiful name for a yellow and white bird. Misty is a great choice.

Oliver is a sweet name for male yellow and white birds.

Pearl is a beautiful name for yellow and white birds, which suggests that they are as precious as pearls in our life.

Romeo is a romantic name for yellow and white birds and the name became popular because if the protagonist in Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’.

Sam is another cute name for yellow and white birds which suggests the feeling of a friend like Sam.

Sammy is a unique and interesting yellow and white bird name. Sammy is a good choice.

Tofu is a cool and unique name for yellow and white birds.

Pink And White Bird Names

Pink and white colored birds look cute and people love having them over other colored birds. Go through the following list of pink and white bird names and understand more about them.

Bailey is a wonderful name for pink and white birds.

Birdie is a beautiful name for a pink and white bird.

Dandelion is a wonderful name for pink and white birds.

Hootie is a trendy name for pink and white birds. Hootie sounds fun.

Jasmine is another cute name for pink and white birds which suggests a fragrant flower.

Luna is a trendy name for the pink and white bird.

Mia is a short and sweet name for pink and white birds.

Oscar is a suitable name for pink and white birds.

Ruby is a beautiful name for pink and white birds, which suggests the name of a precious stone.

Tiki is a perfect name for pink and white birds.

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Written by Aashita Dhingra

Bachelors in Business Administration

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Aashita DhingraBachelors in Business Administration

Based in Lucknow, India, Aashita is a skilled content creator with experience crafting study guides for high school-aged kids. Her education includes a degree in Business Administration from St. Mary's Convent Inter College, which she leverages to bring a unique perspective to her work. Aashita's passion for writing and education is evident in her ability to craft engaging content.

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Fact-checked by Pratiti Nath

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology, Masters of Science specializing in Biotechnology

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Pratiti NathBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology, Masters of Science specializing in Biotechnology

A Master's in Biotechnology from Presidency University and a Bachelor's in Microbiology from Calcutta University. Pratiti holds expertise in writing science and healthcare articles, and their inputs and feedback help writers create insightful content. They have interests in heritage, history, and climate change issues and have written articles for various websites across multiple subjects. Their experience also includes working with eco-friendly startups and climate-related NGOs.

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