100+ Best Nahuatl Names For Boys And Girls With Meanings

Georgia Stone
Dec 12, 2023 By Georgia Stone
Originally Published on Nov 16, 2020
Little boy having good time in a dry grass field

The Nahuas are El Salvador’s second-largest indigenous group and Mexico’s largest.

People from the historic Aztec and Toltec cultures were Nahuas as well. The group of languages spoken by the Nahuas is collectively known as Nahuatl.

In this blog, we’re going to check out over 100 of the most interesting Nahuatl names. You can choose these baby names so that your baby boy or baby girl grows up with a unique name and a special name meaning as well.

So sit back and read on as we go through our list of Nahuatl boy names, Nahuatl girl names, and unisex Nahuatl names. Check out more great name articles such as aztec names and ancient names right here on Kidadl.

Nahuatl Names For Boys

We’ll kick things off with some of the best names Nahuatl for boys. Nahuatl names for boys have far more variety than you’ll find when it comes to names for girls. Read on for every Nahuatl boy name and name meaning. Included in this list are some Aztec boy names as well.

1. Acamapichtli, one of the Aztec names meaning “the one with a leader’s spirit”.

2. Ahuiliztli, a Nahuatl name meaning “happiness”, “joy”, and “the bringer of happiness and joy”.

3. Chicahua, a Nahuatl name meaning “powerful and strong man”.

4. Chimalli, a Nahuatl name that means “shield”.

5. Chimalpopoca, a Nahuatl name meaning “a smoking shield”.

6. Cipac, a Nahuatl name meaning “crocodile”.

7. Cipactli, another Nahuatl name meaning “crocodile”.

8. Coatl, a Nahuatl name meaning “serpent”.

9. Cozahtli, a Nahuatl name meaning “weasel”.

10. Coyotl, a Nahuatl name meaning “coyote”.

11. Cuauhtl, a Nahuatl name meaning “eagle”.

12. Cuauhtemoc, a Nahuatl name that means “falling eagle”.

13. Cuetlachtli, a Nahuatl name meaning “wolf”.

14. Cuetzpalli, a Nahuatl name meaning “lizard”.

15. Cuixtli, a Nahuatl name meaning “kite”.

16. Ehecatl, a Nahuatl name meaning “the wind serpent”.

17. Huitzilihuitl, a Nahuatl name meaning “hummingbird”, “a hummingbird’s feather”, and “a hummingbird’s pen”.

18. Huitztecol, a Nahuatl name meaning “dark brown”.

19. Huitzili, a Nahuatl name meaning “hummingbird”.

20. Iccauhtli, a Nahuatl name meaning “the younger brother”.

21. Ilhikamina, which was the name of an iconic Mexican king, also means “the one who shoots arrows towards the sky”.

22. Itzcuin, a Nahuatl name meaning “one who runs like a dog”.

23. Itzcuintli, a Nahuatl name meaning “dog”.

24. Itztli, a Nahuatl name that means “obsidian”.

25. Matlaihhuitl, a Nahuatl name meaning “purple feather”.

26. Matlal, a Nahuatl name meaning “net” and “dark green”.

27. Matlalhuitl, a Nahuatl name meaning “blue-green feather”.

28. Mazatl, a Nahuatl name meaning “deer”.

29. Meztli, a Nahuatl name meaning “the one whose beauty compares to that of the moon”.

30. Miztli, a Nahuatl name meaning “mountain lion”.

31. Milintica, a Nahuatl name meaning “fire” or “he is waving”.

32. Mictlantecuthli, a Nahuatl name meaning “lord of Mictian”, referring to the Nahuatl God of the underworld.

33. Moctezuma, a Nahuatl name meaning “someone lovable and kind”.

34. Namacuix, a Nahuatl name meaning “king”.

35. Necalli, a Nahuatl name meaning “contest”, “competition”, “fight”, and “place of war”.

36. Necuametl, a Nahuatl name meaning “king”.

37. Nezahualcoyotl, which was the name of a famous Texcoco king, means “the fasting coyote”.

38. Nezahualpilli, a Nahuatl name meaning “a prince who fasts”.

39. Nochehuatl, a Nahuatl name that means “consistent”.

40. Nopaltzin, a Nahuatl name meaning “cactus”.

41. Ocelotl, a Nahuatl name meaning “jaguar”.

42. Ocuil, a Nahuatl name meaning “worm”.

43. Olli, a Nahuatl name “rubber”.

44. Ollin, a Nahuatl name meaning “changing something’s location”.

45. Omacatl, a Nahuatl name meaning “creator God” or “the double-gendered deity”.

46. Ozomatli, a Nahuatl name meaning “monkey”.

47. Quauhtli, a Nahuatl name meaning “eagle”.

48. Quetzalcoatl, a Nahuatl name meaning “feathered serpent”.

49. Tapayaxi, a Nahuatl name meaning “toad”.

50. Tecolotl, a Nahuatl name meaning “horned owl”.

51. Tecuetlaza, a Nahuatl name meaning “the male who can throw similar to a Mexican beaded lizard”.

52. Tenoch, a Nahuatl name that means “prickly pear cactus”.

53. Tepiltzin, a Nahuatl name meaning “the privileged son”.

54. Teuhcatl, a Nahuatl name meaning “dust person”.

55. Tezcacoatl, a Nahuatl name meaning “king” and “reflecting serpent”.

56. Tizoc, who was an ancient ruler of the Aztecs.

57. Tizocicatzin, who was an ancient Aztec king.

58. Tlacaelel, a Nahuatl name meaning “diligent man”.

59. Tlacelel, a Nahuatl name meaning “the greatest among all male heroes”.

60. Tlalli, a Nahuatl name meaning “earth”.

61. Tlaloc, an Aztec Nahuatl name that means “of the earth” and refers to the God of rain in Aztec mythology.

62. Tlanextic, a Nahuatl name that means “dawn’s light”.

63. Tlazohtlaloni, a Nahuatl name that means “loved one”.

64. Tlazopilli, a Nahuatl name that means “precious noble”.

65. Tlilpotonqui, a Nahuatl name that means “black-feathered”.

66. Tochtli, a Nahuatl name meaning “rabbit”.

67. Tonauac, a Nahuatl name that means “the one who has light”.

68. Tototl, a Nahuatl name meaning “bird”.

69. Ueman, a Nahuatl name that means “venerable time”.

70. Uetzcayotl, a Nahuatl name that means “light’s essence”.

71. Xicohtencatl, a Nahuatl name that means “angry bumblebee”.

72. Xipilli, a Nahuatl name that means “jeweled prince”.

73. Xochipepe, a Nahuatl name meaning “flower gatherer”.

74. Xochipilli, an Aztec Nahuatl name that means “flower prince” and refers to the God of flowers, music, and love in Aztec myth.

75. Xochiquen, a Nahuatl name meaning “flower garment”.

76. Yaquica, a Nahuatl name meaning “the one who goes to war”.

77. Zipactonal, a Nahuatl name that means “harmonic light”.

78. Zolin, a Nahuatl name meaning “quail”.

Nahuatl Names For Girls

It’s time now to look at some more awesome names baby names for Nahuatl girls. Pick from this section if you’re on the lookout for a Nahuatl name for your precious little girl. There are also some Aztec girl names in this list.

79. Anci, a Nahuatl name meaning “graceful woman”.

80. Centehua, a Nahuatl name meaning “unique” and “the only one”.

81. Chalchiuitl, a Nahuatl word meaning “precious emerald”.

82. Chalchiuhticue, the name of a Nahuatl Goddess of rivers and water.

83. Cihuaton, a Nahuatl name that means “little woman”.

84. Citlalmina, a Nahuatl name that means “meteorite” and “arrow star”.

85. Coaxoch, a Nahuatl name that means “serpent flower”.

86. Coszcatl, a Nahuatl word meaning “jewel”.

87. Cozamalotl, a Nahuatl name that means “rainbow”.

88. Cuicatl, a Nahuatl name that means “song”.

89. Eloxochitl, a Nahuatl word meaning “the magnolia flower”.

90. Ihuicatl, a Nahuatl name meaning “sky”.

91. Icnoyotl, a Nahuatl word meaning “friendship.”

92. Ichtaca, a Nahuatl name meaning “secret”.

93. Ilhuitl, a Nahuatl name meaning “day”.

94. Itotia, a Nahuatl name meaning “dance”.

95. Izel, a Nahuatl name meaning “one of a kind” and “unique”.

96. Itzel, a Nahuatl name that means “rainbow lady”.

97. Iuitl, a Nahuatl word meaning “feather”.

98. Ixcatzin, a Nahuatl name that means “like cotton”.

99. Ixchel, the name of a Nahuatl Goddess of medicine, moon, and earth.

100. Mahuizoh, a Nahuatl name meaning “a glorious person”.

101. Malinalxochitl, a Nahuatl name meaning “the grass flower”.

102. Mecati, a Nahuatl name meaning “lineage”.

103. Miyaoaxochitl, a Nahuatl word meaning “maize tassel flower”.

104. Mizquixahual, a Nahuatl name meaning “face paint”.

105. Momoztli, a Nahuatl name meaning “the altar”.

106. Moyolehuani, a Nahuatl name meaning “the one who’s enamored”.

107. Necahual, a Nahuatl name that means “survivor” and “left behind”.

108. Nenetl, a Nahuatl name that means “doll”.

109. Noxochicoztli, a Nahuatl word that means “my necklace of flowers”.

110. Papan, a Nahuatl name meaning “flag”.

111. Quetzalxochitl, a Nahuatl name meaning “precious flower”.

112. Sacnite, a Nahuatl name that means “white flower”.

113. Teichuih, a Nahuatl name meaning “younger sister”.

114. Tepin, a Nahuatl name meaning “the little one”.

115. Teuicui, a Nahuatl name also meaning “younger sister”.

116. Teyacapan, a Nahuatl name meaning “firstborn daughter”.

117. Tlaco, a Nahuatl name meaning “middle-born daughter”.

118. Tlacoehua, another Nahuatl name that means “middle-born daughter”.

119. Tlalli, a Nahuatl name meaning “earth”.

120. Tlacotl, a Nahuatl name meaning “the osier twig”.

121. Tlazohtzin, a Nahuatl name that means “loved one”.

122. Tonalnan, a Nahuatl name that means “mother of light”.

123. Xiloxoch, a Nahuatl name meaning “caliandra”.

124. Xiuhtonal, a Nahuatl name that means “precious light”.

125. Xochicotzin, a Nahuatl name that means “little flower necklace”.

126. Xochiquetzal, a Nahuatl name that means “flower feather”.

127. Xochitl, a Nahuatl name that means “flower”.

128. Xochiyotl, a Nahuatl name that means “gentle flower’s heart”.

129. Xoco, a Nahuatl name that means “youngest sister”.

130. Xocoyotl, a Nahuatl name that means “youngest child”.

131. Yolihuani, a Nahuatl name that means “life source”.

132. Yoloxochitl, a Nahuatl name that means “heart’s flower”.

133. Yoltzin, a Nahuatl name that means “little heart”.

134. Zeltzin, a Nahuatl name that means “delicate”.

135. Zyanya, a Nahuatl name that means “forever” and “always”.

Unisex Nahuatl Names

Numerous Nahuatl names are unisex, which means that you can choose from these names irrespective of whether you have a baby boy or baby girl at home.

136. Achcauthli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “leader”.

137. Ahuiliztli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “joy”.

138. Amoxtli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “shelter” and “protection”.

139. Atl, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “water”.

140. Chicahua, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “strong”.

141. Chipahua, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “clean”.

142. Citlali, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “star”.

143. Cualli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “good-natured man”.

144. Eleuia, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “wish” and “one who’s everyone’s well-wisher”.

145. Etalpalli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “wing”.

146. Eztli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “blood”.

147. Huemac, who was a famous Toltec king.

148. Icnoyotl, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “friendship”.

149. Ixtli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “face”.

150. Manaiua, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “defend”.

151. Meztli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “moon”.

152. Nahuatl, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “four waters”.

153. Nelli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “truth”.

154. Nochtli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “prickly pear fruit”.

155. Ohtli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “road”.

156. Patli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “medicine”.

157. Teoxihuitl, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “divine”, “precious”, and “turquoise”.

158. Tlachinolli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “fire”.

159. Tlanextli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “brilliance”, “majesty”, “radiance”, and “splendor”.

160. Tlexictli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “fire navel”.

161. Toltecatl, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “artist”.

162. Xihuitl, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “comet” and “year”.

163. Xipil, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “fire noble”.

164. Xiuhcoatl, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “weapon of destruction” and “fire serpent”.

165. Yaotl, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “warrior” and “war”.

166. Yayauhqui, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “black smoking mirror”.

167. Yolotli, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “heart”.

168. Yolyamanitzin, a unisex Nahuatl name that means “considerate, tender, and just person”.

Kidadl has lots of great names articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for Nahuatl names, then why not take a look at Latin boy names, or for something different, take a look at Sumerian names.

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Written by Georgia Stone

Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

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Georgia StoneBachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.

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