Fun Greyhound Facts For Kids

Martha Martins
Jan 04, 2023 By Martha Martins
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Natalie Rayworth
Fact-checked by Abdulqudus Mojeed
Here are greyhound facts that will highlight their personality

Greyhounds are a breed of dog known for their gigantic size and appearance. Taking their place amongst the fastest land mammals, this group of canines are long-limbed with an overall lean yet powerful physique.

Originally bred for their excellent hunting traits, the racing greyhounds have come far from their origins, leaving their prime functions of hunting behind in order to be great racer breeds of the modern world.

Historically, these members of the canidae family were precious comrades only to be owned by aristocratic families. Their charm was so powerful and majestic that these hounds were listed among the most cherished pooches of royal families.

Their hunting traits compel them to run after any prey that they lay their eyes on. Looks are deceptive, because despite their massive size, this dog breed makes for quite docile and calm pooches. In fact, greyhound dogs can be rightly called gentle giants.

Read on to learn some amazing facts about this group of canines. To know more about intelligent breeds of dogs, you may also look at pocket pitbull facts and lab chow mix facts.

Greyhound Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a greyhound?

The Italian greyhound is a large breed of dog belonging to the class mammalia. This is a loyal and protective dog breed with long legs, a lean yet powerful build and a big personality. These members of the canidae family were originally bred for coursing and racing.

What class of animal does a greyhound belong to?

Greyhounds belong to the class mammalia because of their ability to give direct birth to their young ones, and provide nourishment to them through mammary glands.

These are giant-sized canines, and deceptive to their appearance they are playful and friendly in nature. Though super energetic and enthusiastic, largely due to their status as the fastest canine breed, members of this dog breed are usually docile and gentle, and are often called a 40 mph (64 kmph) couch potato.

In fact, it's quite amusing to note that one of the favorite pastimes of these exceptionally swift pooches is napping.

How many greyhounds are there in the world?

There is no accurate number allotted to the total population of this dog breed in the world. In fact, this hound species is far from extinction.

The total population of this hound breed largely depends on factors such as their habitat, environment, climatic conditions, nutrition, and health factors. These members of canidae call for proper care, attention, exercise, and training in order to keep them healthy and fit.

Where does a greyhound live?

Greyhound dog breeds can easily adapt to houses and farms. Besides homes, dog care, and rescue houses, greyhounds can also be located at numerous racing organizations and race training camps.

Also, in contrast to the beliefs that these large groups of canines breeds are not suitable pet options for apartments, the members of greyhound breed adapt quite easily to apartment living.

Availability of space, such as a nearby park or homes with a backyard are more appropriate to keep these canines active. Also, avoiding exposure to extreme weather conditions is recommended, this is because of the short coat and thin layer of skin that greyhounds have.

What is a greyhound's habitat?

Racing greyhounds are groups of canines whose roots can be traced back to North Africa and the Middle East. In fact, carvings of these canines can be located in caves and artifacts of Egypt dating back as many as 8000 years ago.

Greyhound breeds eventually found their way to the terrains of Europe, where greyhound dogs were widely accepted and recognized. A large population of greyhounds were bred in Europe for their coursing and racing prowess. Greyhound dogs even found prestigious settings in royal households of Britain.

Greyhounds sealed their recognition with the American Kennel Club in 1885. Greyhound dogs were recognized by the club as members of the hound family.

Who do greyhounds live with?

Greyhound dogs are not a solitary group of canines. They genuinely prefer and enjoy human company.

Greyhound dogs prove to be fantastic companions for kids as well as senior members of the family. These greyhound dogs are even overly cordial with strangers. Greyhound dogs are very warm and loving, however, this hound might not get along very well with small animals, this is due to their hunting traits.

How long does a greyhound live?

The lifespan of the greyhound dog breed ranges between ten to 13 years, and varies depending on factors such as climate conditions, surroundings, changes in the environment, exposure to diseases, and nutrition. When suffering from any kind of health disorder, the lifespan of this dog breed is affected, leading to shorter longevity.

In order to prevent any health issues, it is important to keep your canine in the proper surroundings and conditions.

How do they reproduce?

The reproductive cycle in these dogs begins when the female dog comes of age, and there is an onset of the heat cycle. During the heat cycle, a swelling in vulva and blood discharge can be noted in females.

This phase is followed by the female becoming receptive to the male which lasts for about three to 11 days. On the other side, male dogs that are ready for breeding should be tall enough to mount the female.

During the female heat cycle, the males are attracted by certain hormones and scents produced by female dogs.

The reproductive cycle then proceeds, leading to fertilization. However, for fertilization to take place, the male dog needs to mount the female from the rear side.

After a firm connection, male and female greyhound dogs stay in the position for five to 30 minutes before disengaging. The gestation period can range between 58 and 68 days, and thereafter, the female gives birth to an average litter size of about five to eight puppies.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of greyhound dogs is Not Listed. However, given their popularity and rearing rates, these canines are far from extinction.

The population of these canines breed keeps increasing as the female greyhounds give birth to a litter of new puppies quite frequently. In fact, it can be safely said that the population of the greyhound dog is quite steady and rapidly growing.

Greyhound Fun Facts

What do greyhounds look like?

Ranging in size from medium, large, or giant dimensions, the members of this dog breed are morphologically adorned with long-lean bodies and minimum body fat.

Their physique is particularly adapted for swiftness and contributes to the infamous designation of greyhounds as one of the fastest canines in the world. Standing on long and narrow forelimbs, greyhounds exhibit one of the largest hearts along with a high concentration of rapidly contracting muscle fibers.

With an explicit sense of vision, this dog breed holds the consummate ability to detect an object as far as a mile away.

Precisely proportioned for speed, greyhounds consist of a lean and arched neck, long face with a broad forehead and narrow muzzle, and small ears at the sides of the wide forehead. Greyhound dogs possess strong jaws with the upper fangs overlapping the lower sets of teeth.

The lean and arched neck of greyhounds widens into muscular shoulders, set obliquely to the deep chest of these canines.

Outlining from the deep chest, the rear anatomy of greyhounds is tapered with slightly arched, flexible, broad and sinewy back. The hindquarters of greyhounds are sturdy, long, and broader in comparison to their forelimbs.

The paws of these canines are close, firm and knuckled up with prolonged middle toes in contrast to their other ones. The hide of greyhounds is embellished with short hair, giving them a smooth textured coat.

The skin of these dogs is taut with almost zero fat. By the AKC standards, these pooches possess earnest, dark eyes usually in brown or hazel shades.

Greyhounds are available in a number of tones such as black, blue, white, red, brindle, grey, fawn, or a combination of these tones. Additionally, a variety of patterns and markings are also observed. The tail is slender and long with curved tips.

How cute are they?

Generally, the members of this dog breed are cute with their mesmerizing eyes. Greyhounds are the gentle giants of the family.

Due to their massive appearance, the members of this pet breed are intelligent, docile, loyal, and friendly pooches. Despite their size, greyhound dogs make wonderful and friendly family pets. But their instincts as hunting dogs make them less suitable for owners with smaller pet animals.

How do they communicate?

These members of the canidae family possess a peculiar channel of communication. This dog breed uses olfaction, visual, acoustic, and tactile receptions for communication. Greyhound dogs sniff, bark,  growl, whine and yelp to express themselves.

This dog breed  may also employ various gestures or body language to convey their feelings. Greyhound dogs may try nudging or rubbing their bodies on their human, wagging their tails or licking their owners when happy or seeking attention. Greyhounds are quite good at communicating and understanding human emotions and commands.

How big is a greyhound?

Greyhound dogs range in size from medium to big. These members of the canidae family are categorized as a large breed of dog. With their long, lean and slender yet robust build, greyhound dogs are twice the size of pugs.

Sexual dimorphism is observed in the greyhound dog breed. The males standing at 28-30 in (71-76 cm) are slightly larger than their female counterparts at 27-28 in (68-71 cm). Despite their large, sturdy, and aggressive façade, greyhound dogs are quite gentle and friendly.

How fast can a greyhound run?

Bred particularly for coursing and racing purposes, members of this dog breed are recognized as one of the fastest canines in the world, thanks to their prey drive. According to the evidence, these canines were primarily utilized for coursing animals such as hare and deer because of their remarkable sighting and agility.

During the twenties, these hounds who were genetically adapted to racing, were used as professional racers across many countries.

Owing to their acclaimed position of the fastest runners, the top running speed of greyhounds ranges between 41.8-45 mph (67-72 kmph). Overtaking one of the fastest men on earth, the greyhounds outrun Usain Bolt's world record.

How much does a greyhound weigh?

Greyhounds are a group of athletic canines that range from medium to large sizes. Long-limbed with a  powerful anatomy and almost negligible amounts of body fat, these fleet-footed canines range between 50-70 lb (22-31 kg).

What are the male and female names of the species?

As greyhounds are members of the canidae family, the male members of this hound species are referred to as dogs while the female greyhounds are referred to as bitches.

What would you call a baby greyhound?

The offspring of a greyhound is referred to as a puppy. On average, the litter size of the greyhound breed ranges between one and 12 puppies.

Greyhound puppies, with their beautiful and soulful eyes, are an adorable sight to behold. In order to raise a healthy puppy, a nutritious diet consisting of the right amount of protein and fiber must be provided. The puppy should be looked after and taken care of properly, including training.

What do they eat?

The diet of these canines can differ, and it usually depends on a number of factors such as size, build, metabolism, age, activity level, and weight. A nutritious diet, with particular consideration of proteins, fat, and calories is highly recommended for owners.

Eggs, meat, chicken, bananas, watermelons, apples, green beans, cooked potato, cucumber, carrots, and zucchini can all be included in the diet of greyhounds. In the case of dry food, quality kibble can be used.

Overfeeding should be avoided at all costs, as these canines are quite prone to obesity. Human food should be given after proper research and recommendation from vets as it can affect their coat and skin.

Usually, adult greyhounds are fed twice a day. Regular exercise is necessary for these dogs to manage their weight.

Are they slobbery?

Greyhounds are a dog that rate low in the slobbery department. These members of the canine family are known to be low on drooling habits, therefore if you are looking to avoid any experiences with drool on clothes, couches, and your body while interacting with your pooches, greyhounds are an excellent choice.

Regular training is necessary for these dogs to manage their drooling.

Would they make a good pet?

Yes, greyhounds make wonderful pets. Owing to their loving, placid, loyal, friendly, and intelligent temperament, these canines make great family pets and can be trusted companions.

Due to their high innate ability, greyhound dogs are easy to train. Greyhounds are quite lazy, despite being the fastest runners, and heartily enjoy peaceful surroundings.

Greyhound dogs are excellent with kids and senior members of the family. Also, if training and exercise are provided properly, this dog breed easily adapts to living with other house pets. But if their prey drive takes over, they can hurt smaller pet animals.

Taking care of this pet breed is extremely easy, owners only really need to watch out for extreme weather conditions. With regular exercise and training, their energy levels can be easily managed.

Did you know...

With their thin layer of skin and short coats, greyhound dogs are not really inhabitants of cold climatic conditions. Running at bolting speeds, these members of the canidae family are the fastest dog breed inhabiting the terrain of Earth.

At a specific period in the history of civilization, greyhounds were a companion only to the aristocratic class of the population.

Besides their running capabilities, greyhound dog breeds stand out in comparison to the other members of the canidae family in terms of owning large hearts. This dog breed has the largest sized heart amongst other members of its canidae family.

Greyhound dog breeds possess thin skin with short coats. This characteristic proves to be beneficial, because it reduces the chances of causing an allergic reaction in their humans.

However, it is also disadvantageous as the dog is not suited to withstand extreme cold weather. Although they are canines who usually prefer warm conditions, excessive heat also adversely affects their sensitive skin.

The greyhound dog breed has found a number of mentions in many famous literary works. These members of the canidae family have appeared in 11 of the works written by Shakespeare.

Of all the present day pure bred canines, ancient breeds such as greyhounds have been reported by a number of experts to withhold a commendable health record, owing to their low rates of exhibiting hereditary health issues, especially in the adult greyhound.

Quite interestingly, despite ranking as the fastest breed of dogs, greyhound dogs are not really the epitome of energy and liveliness. In fact, adult greyhound dogs exhibit a personality that is of a gentle, intelligent, calm, and docile nature, with an excellent affinity for napping. Because of this, greyhound dogs are often called a couch potato.

Why do greyhounds cry?

Generally, the adult greyhound whines as a behavioral trait that they adopted for conversing with their humans. In fact, rather than barking greyhound dogs tend to whine.

Your adult pooches may adopt this behavior when reminding you about their scheduled activities such as feeding or walks.

These breeds, when whining in their old age, may want to attract your attention to their discomfort regarding any health issue, pains, nervousness, and anxiety.

Though whining causes no harm, in case of repeated and prolonged whining in your rescue pet, it is recommended to consult a vet. Besides seeking medical help, spending time with your puppy, keeping them in close proximity, and looking after basic requirements of adult greyhounds (such as food, water, exercise, grooming their coat) can prove to be quite beneficial.

Can greyhounds be left alone?

Generally, separation anxiety is commonly observed in almost all domesticated canines, and it can adversely affect them. If trained during their growing years, greyhound dogs can be left alone for a maximum period of about six to eight hours.

Any time longer than that can result in serious anxiety issues and nervous breakdowns.

Succumbing to anxiety and breakdown, the greyhound may tend to adopt a destructive temperament, which may include whining, digging, urinating within living quarters, and chewing things. However, if the canines are trained during their developing stages, being quick learners, greyhound dogs easily adapt to gentle and calm temperaments.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including pitbull chihuahua mix, or cheagle.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one of our greyhound coloring pages.

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Written by Martha Martins

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

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Martha MartinsBachelor of Arts specializing in Linguistics

Martha is a full-time creative writer, content strategist, and aspiring screenwriter who communicates complex thoughts and ideas effectively. She has completed her Bachelor's in Linguistics from Nasarawa State University. As an enthusiast of public relations and communication, Martha is well-prepared to substantially impact your organization as your next content writer and strategist. Her dedication to her craft and commitment to delivering high-quality work enables her to create compelling content that resonates with audiences.

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Fact-checked by Abdulqudus Mojeed

Bachelor of Law

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Abdulqudus MojeedBachelor of Law

A versatile professional with a passion for creative writing and technology. Abdulqudus is currently pursuing his Bachelor of Law from the University of Lagos and has experience as a tutor, intern assistant, and volunteer. He possesses strong organizational skills and is a detail-oriented person.

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